The myth tells of the Athenian architect, sculptor, artist and inventor Daedalus and his son Icarus, who forever remained an example for many dreamers.
According to legend, Daedalus built the famous Labyrinth on the island of Crete for the Minotaur. He also gave Ariadne, daughter of the Cretan king, a ball of thread, with which the hero of Theus, after killing the Minotaur, got out of the Labyrinth. For this, King Minos imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus in prison. But the brilliant master Daedalus made himself and his son wings of bird feathers waxed, on which they flew from the island. When they flew over the sea, Icarus, in spite of his father’s prohibition, rose too close to the sun, the rays of which melted the wax and the wings fell apart, and Icarus drowned in the sea, later called the Icaria Sea. His body, nailed to the shore, was buried by Hercules on a small island named after him Icaria.
This myth indicates the desire of man to rise above the ordinary. Having mastered the movement on land and water, people began to think about conquering the sky. Therefore, the greatest achievement of the mythical master Daedalus was not his unique statues, magnificent buildings, but his wings. Many ancient gods were winged and, making skilful wings, Daedalus was likened to the gods.
Images and symbols of the myth
As a father, the symbolic image of Daedalus is the embodiment of a higher authority (god-father), super-I, whom Icarus disobeyed, daring to rise above the earth above his father, under the very sun.
The sea beneath it was a viscous routine, and the sun is the personification of high desires, the unquenchable light, the true “I” of man. The rising sun, to which Icarus rose on the way to dreams, is a symbol of the growing power that he felt, gaining a new opportunity – wings. elevating it above the human world. It is the dream world of the time, made by Daedalus. Wings can also mean that Daedalus, thanks to his laudable deeds, managed to climb skyward. Young Icarus, boldly yielding to the impulse, neglected the warnings. He ventured to fly on artificial wings too high, which caused anger of higher forces. The fall is a payment for insolence, and a reminder that any dream should be realized with reasonable accuracy.
In this beautiful myth, the event acts as a means of creating images and symbols. Thanks to an unusual death, Icarus became known in mythology. His name is the legend of the name of the sea and the island. Icarus is an image and a symbol. So the expression “the flight of Icarus”, symbolizes bold (often vain) risky daring. And the name itself became a household name, embodying the image of a person boldly moving towards success, rising above the ordinary life. And at the same time turned into a symbol and a warning for people intoxicated by success, underestimating the real state of things.
Communication tools for creating images and symbols
Bronze sculpture Icarus in the fountain of Krasnoyarsk Established in 2008
The myth of Icarus is presented, including the reliefs of Villa Albani in Rome and one of the paintings on the walls in Pompeii.
A reminder of Ikara today is the island and the sea, named after him, as well as his bronze image on one of the city’s fountains of the city of Krasnoyarsk, on the banks of the Yenisei.
The social meaning of myth
The ancients thought that in the form of the myth of Icarus, the memory of the invention of skewed sails remained (according to one version, Daedalus and Icarus escaped from Crete simply on the ship, before this invention only straight sails were used).
Myth became a warning for people who were intoxicated by success, underestimating the real state of things. And at the same time he presented the image of a man boldly moving towards success.
And although this myth is interpreted in different ways, it has always seen the symbolism of lofty human aspirations. And if we look at this in modern reading and imagine that Ikar did not break, then this story will re-open before us in questions: How to regain confidence after dreams are broken? How to gather strength to find a new dream and a new meaning of life? Such a story can happen anywhere. People dream, seek, rise, are disappointed, fall and break… Here it is, “the flight of Icarus.”