A brief analysis of A. A. Blok’s “Nightingale Garden” poem

A. Blok’s poem “Nightingale Garden” is a typically romantic work, therefore its main images are conditional, do not have the features of a specific time and space. Using his favorite method of antithesis, the poet contrasts in the poem two themes, two opposing notions about the meaning of life: the paradise existence in the nightingale garden and the image of labor and life beyond the garden fence. Being in the delightful silence of the nightingale garden, in the arms of the beloved, the hero can not forget his other life:

But, vperyayas in the darkness lonely,
Breathe in a bliss rushing,
Remote noise of the tide
It can not help but hear the soul.

Both worlds are in irreconcilable contradiction. And if the world of the nightingale garden is associated with a longing, “sweet song,” the passion of love, then life behind the wall is filled with “the rumble of the sea,” “the shout of an ass,” the knocking of scrap on the layered rocks. The hero of “The Nightingale Garden” is busy searching for the meaning of life and place of the person in it, he is concerned with the question:

Is punishment waiting, or a reward,
If I’m going astray?

In its artistic features, the poem is deeply symbolic.

A brief analysis of A. A. Blok’s “Nightingale Garden” poem