A brief account of M. Yu. Lermontov’s “The Hero of Our Time”

About the hero: the public took it with annoyance. Some because they are set as an example of such an immoral person, others because the author allegedly drew his not very attractive portrait. The hero of our time is a portrait, but not one person, but a portrait composed of the vices of our time. The task of the writer is to indicate the disease, but God knows how to cure it.
Narration is conducted on behalf of the author. The author goes to the shift from Tiflis. On the way, he meets Captain Maxim Maksimovich. They stop for the night in the village. During the conversation Maxim Maximovich tells the author about Pechorin.
Pechorin came to the fortress behind the Terek to serve. The character is contradictory, mysterious
In the neighborhood of the fortress, the local prince lived. His son, years-fifteen, Azamat, had taken the liberty of going to the fortress. Azamat was very | hot temper, despite the age, and many of his specially sub-I teased. Once the old prince invited Pechorin to his house and | Maxim Maksimych at the wedding: he married the eldest daughter. On the wedding Pechorin saw the younger daughter of the prince – Bela and he liked him. At the wedding was present and Kazbich. Kazbich had a horse named Karagez, of extraordinary beauty. Because of the horse Kazbich many envied and more than once tried to steal.
Maxim Maksimych goes into the air and accidentally hears a conversation between Kazbich and Azamatrm, Azamat praises the horse, Kazbich in response tells how the horse saved his life when he ran away from the Cossacks. Azamat says that he will do everything that Kazbich wants, for his horse. Suggests even stealing his sister Bela for him. Kazbich refuses, although Bela likes him, makes fun of Azamat. Azamat is angry, there is a skirmish. Azmat shouts that Kazbich wanted to kill him. The noise rises, Kazbich jumps on his horse and runs away. Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin return. Maxim Maksimych tells Pechorin about the overheard conversation. Pechorin begins to tease Azamat, during his visits, especially talking about the horse Kazbich, brings the boy to frenzy. Then he agrees that Azamat, in return for his horse, will give him his sister Bela. In the evening Azamat brings his sister. The next day Kazbich arrives in the morning, bringing ten sheep for sale. While he is sitting in the house, Azamat jumps on his horse and disappears. Kazbich, heartbroken, lay on the road for almost a day, then learned the name of the kidnapper and went to the village to take revenge. Maxim Maksimych tries to persuade Pechorin, 4 but in vain. Pechorin every day makes Bela gifts, says that he loves, but in vain. Maxim Maksimych plays a trick on Pechorin, who offers a bet that in a week Bela will have him. I bought new gifts, but it did not help either. Then Pechorin pretends that he is leaving forever. Bela throws herself on his neck, admits that he also loves him. Kazbich, meanwhile, is killing Bela’s father to avenge the stolen horse. Kazbich, heartbroken, lay on the road for almost a day, then learned the name of the kidnapper and went to the village to take revenge. Maxim Maksimych tries to persuade Pechorin, 4 but in vain. Pechorin every day makes Bela gifts, says that he loves, but in vain. Maxim Maksimych plays a trick on Pechorin, who offers a bet that in a week Bela will have him. I bought new gifts, but it did not help either. Then Pechorin pretends that he is leaving forever. Bela throws herself on his neck, admits that he also loves him. Kazbich, meanwhile, is killing Bela’s father to avenge the stolen horse. Kazbich, heartbroken, lay on the road for almost a day, then learned the name of the kidnapper and went to the village to take revenge. Maxim Maksimych tries to persuade Pechorin, 4 but in vain. Pechorin every day makes Bela gifts, says that he loves, but in vain. Maxim Maksimych plays a trick on Pechorin, who offers a bet that in a week Bela will have him. I bought new gifts, but it did not help either. Then Pechorin pretends that he is leaving forever. Bela throws herself on his neck, admits that he also loves him. Kazbich, meanwhile, is killing Bela’s father to avenge the stolen horse. Maxim Maksimych plays a trick on Pechorin, who offers a bet that in a week Bela will have him. I bought new gifts, but it did not help either. Then Pechorin pretends that he is leaving forever. Bela throws herself on his neck, admits that he also loves him. Kazbich, meanwhile, is killing Bela’s father to avenge the stolen horse. Maxim Maksimych plays a trick on Pechorin, who offers a bet that in a week Bela will have him. I bought new gifts, but it did not help either. Then Pechorin pretends that he is leaving forever. Bela throws herself on his neck, admits that he also loves him. Kazbich, meanwhile, is killing Bela’s father to avenge the stolen horse.
The next morning the author and Maxim Maksimych started to move. It should describe the nature of the Caucasus, wild, freestyle, violent. Maxim Maksimych tells the tragic end of history.
Maxim Maksimych got used to Bela, as to his daughter. They for a long time hid her father’s death from her, then they said. She “cried for two days, and then forgot.” Meanwhile, Pechorin increasingly begins to stay away from the fortress for a long time. Bela suffers from this. Walking along the fortress wall, Maxim Maksimych and Bela see Kazbich. When Pechorin returns, Maxim Maksimych tells him about this. Pechorin says that one must be more careful and forbids Bala to leave the fortress. Maksim Maksimych rebukes Pechorin that he has cooled to Bela. Pechorin responds that he has an unhappy character – he is unhappy and brings misfortunes to others. In his youth, he “enjoyed the pleasures that one can get for money,” and they turned him off, got into the upper world, and he also bothered him, “the love of secular beauties was heated by self-love and imagination, but the heart left empty. “Pechorin began to learn, but soon he cooled to the sciences, because he realized that” neither glory nor happiness does not depend on them at all. In order to achieve success, one must be only dexterous. “Then he got bored.” He went to the Caucasus, but to the whistle of bullets a month later he got used. “When he saw Bela, he” seemed to be an angel. “But then he realized that “The love of a savage is little better than the love of a noble lady. The ignorance and simplicity of one are as boring as the coquetry of the other. “
Soon Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych go on a hunt for a wild boar. Coming back, they hear a shot. Kazbich made his way to the fortress and abducted Bela. The pursuit. Kazbich, realizing that he could not leave the wounded horse, wounded Bel with a dagger. After 2 days, Bela died. She was very tormented, she called Pechorin, asked that before he died, he kissed her, regretted that they would not be together in the next world, because they had different faiths. Maxim Maksimych loved her as a daughter, but she never once remembered him before her death. After the death of Bela Maxim Maximich and Pechorin go to the ramparts. Maxim Maksimych tries to comfort Pechorin, who suddenly laughs in response. Bela was buried. Pecherin was ill for a long time, and soon he was transferred to Georgia.
Maxim Maksimych
The author and Maxim Maksimych leave, but then again meet at the inn. They sit together at the samovar. Another stroller arrives. The author and Maxim Maksimych are questioned by the lackey, who says that the carriage belongs to Pechorin and that Pechorin stayed to have dinner with the local colonel. Maxim Maksimych tells the footman that he went to his master and told him that Maxim Maximich is here. The footman leaves. Maxim Maksimych is waiting for Pechorin at the gate, but Pechorin does not appear. The next morning, Maxim Maksimych goes to the commandant, telling the author to send for him if Pechorin comes. Pechorin appears along with the colonel, and the author sends for Maxim Maksimych. Portrait of Pechorin with the eyes of the author: slim, medium height, strong, dazzlingly clean underwear, thin fingers, gait is careless and lazy, but does not wave with his hands, which speaks of the secretiveness of the character. At first sight – no more than twenty three years, then – all thirty. The smile is something childish, the hair is light, and the eyebrows and mustache are dark, which indicates the breed. His eyes do not laugh when he laughs. Look “left an unpleasant impression of a daring question and if it were not indifferent and cold, it might seem impudent.” Pechorin gathers on the road – already laid the horses. Author gov. Orit, that Pechorin waited, since soon Maksim Maksimych must come. Pechorin: “Oh, yes, they told me yesterday.” The breathless Maxim Makrymych resorts. He wants to rush to Pechorin’s neck, but that “cold, though with a pleasant smile” holds out his hand to him. At the request to stay answers that it’s time for him that he is going to Persia. When asked what he was doing all this time, he answers: “I missed”. On a reminder of Bel, he deliberately yawns. Leaves. Maxim Maksimych finally asks what to do with Pechorin’s “papers”, which he had left. “What do you want,” – answers Pechorin. Maxim Maksimych is annoyed with this method. The author asks what Maxim Maksimych is going to do with the papers. Maxim Maksimych: “I’ll do patrons.” Author: “Give it to me”. Maksim Maksimych gives. The author is going on the road, Maksim Maksimych with him dryly says goodbye, saying that he had not yet been to the commandant, that is, before he did not go to the commandant, but, apparently, he was looking for Pechorin. “Give it to me.” Maksim Maksimych gives. The author is going on the road, Maksim Maksimych with him dryly says goodbye, saying that he had not yet been to the commandant, that is, before he did not go to the commandant, but, apparently, he was looking for Pechorin. “Give it to me.” Maksim Maksimych gives. The author is going on the road, Maksim Maksimych with him dryly says goodbye, saying that he had not yet been to the commandant, that is, before he did not go to the commandant, but, apparently, he was looking for Pechorin.
The author reports that Pechorin died on the way from Persia. Therefore, the publication of the journal can not cause moral obstacles. Reasons for the publication: “Reading these notes, I was convinced of the sincerity of someone who so mercilessly exposed his own weaknesses and vices.” The history of the soul of a human, at least the smallest soul, is almost more interesting and useful than the history of a whole people, especially when it is a consequence observations of the mind of the mature on itself and when it is written without a vain desire to stir up participation or surprise. Thus, one desire of benefit made me print passages from a magazine that I got by accident… I put in this book only what I think I went to Pechorin’s stay in the Caucasus… Perhaps some readers will want to know my opinion about the character of Pechorin. “My answer is the title of this book.”
The story is from the first person.
Pechorin arrives in Taman on a bicycle late at night. There is no official apartment, and Pechorin is taken to the hut on the very shore of the sea. In the house there is a blind boy, an orphan. According to the blind, the landlady died, and her daughter “dumped over the sea with the Crimean Tatar, a boatman from Kerch.” Pechorin lies down, an hour later he notices that the blind man, having taken a knot, sneaks to the seashore, Pechorin watches him. On the shore, a girl approaches the blind man and says that “today there is a strong storm” and that Janko will not. But the blind man says that Janko is brave and will definitely sail. Indeed, after some time a boat is loaded, loaded to the point of failure. In it, a man in a Tatar lambskin hat. Pechorin returns home. In the morning, we learn about leaving for Gelendzhik, but the commandant promises only “three days later” because of the absence of ships. When Pechorin comes to the hut, the batman says that the old woman has come, and with her a girl. Pechorin goes into the hut, grabs the blind man by the ear: “Where did I go at night with the knot?” But the blind man does not confess. Then Pechorin hears the song the girl sings. Pechorin describes the girl, her free, cheerful disposition. The girl flirts with him. In the evening Pechorin stops her at the door and tries to ask about who she is, what her name is. The girl responds ironically, without telling anything. Then Pechorin says that he knows about her night trip to the shore. The girl laughs: “You saw a lot, but you do not know much, but what do you know, keep it under lock and key!” Pechorin threatens to inform the commandant, although not seriously. After a while, the girl comes into the room to Pechorin, sits opposite, begins to look at him, then kisses and appoints a night on the beach meeting. In about two hours Pechorin takes a pistol with him, warns the Cossack and goes to the sea. The girl is waiting for Pechorin. She leads him to the boat, to the water. They get into the boat, sail from the shore. The girl hugs Pechorin, says that he loves him, but in the meantime pulls out his pistol and throws it into the water. Tries to drown. Fight. Pechorin throws the girl overboard, rowing to the shore, climbing the cliff. From there he sees the girl get out onto the beach, and soon the boat with Janko sails. They are talking. A few minutes later the blind man comes with a bag. The girl and the Tatar inform him that they are leaving. Blind: “Aya?” “What do I want you for?” Was the answer. The Tatar throws a blind couple of coins “for gingerbread”. Blind does not raise. The boat floats away, the blind man sobs. Pechorin: “And why was it fate to throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers? Like a stone, I was alarmed by their calmness and, like a stone, I hardly went to the bottom. “When he returned, Pechorin discovers that in the sack the blind man carried his things to the shore-a casket, a saber with a silver rim, and a Dagestan dagger-a friend’s gift. “Is it not funny to complain to the authorities that a blind boy robbed me, and the eighteen-year-old girl almost drowned?” In the morning Pechorin leaves for Gelendzhik. “I do not know what happened to the old woman and the poor blind. Yes, and what matters to me before the joys and misfortunes of men, me, the wandering officer, and even with the roadblock for state needs. ” Dagestani dagger is a gift from a friend. “Would not it be funny to complain to the authorities that a blind boy robbed me, and the eighteen-year-old girl almost drowned?” In the morning Pechorin leaves for Gelendzhik. “I do not know what happened to the old woman and the poor blind: Yes, and what matters to me is to the joys and misfortunes of men, to me, the wandering officer, and even to the roadside for official reasons.” Dagestani dagger is a gift from a friend. “Would not it be funny to complain to the authorities that a blind boy robbed me, and the eighteen-year-old girl almost drowned?” In the morning Pechorin leaves for Gelendzhik. “I do not know what happened to the old woman and the poor blind: Yes, and what matters to me is to the joys and misfortunes of men, to me, the wandering officer, and even to the roadside for official reasons.”
Princess Mary
The Tale is written in the form of a diary.
Pechorin arrives in Pyatigorsk. It should describe the bored people who came to the waters. Pechorin goes to the source, meets Grushnitsky, whom he met in the acting detachment. Grushnitsky – a dandy, “speaks quickly and pretentiously,” tries at every opportunity to “make an effect,” does not listen to the interlocutor, is only concerned with himself. “Grushnitsky is known as an excellent brave man… He waves his sword, screams and rushes forward, squinting his eyes,” wearing a simple soldier’s greatcoat. Grushnitsky tells Pechorin about the “water society”, adding that the only interesting people here are Princess Ligovskaya and her daughter Mary, but he does not know them. At this moment Ligovsky pass by. Mary is unusually good and dressed with taste. She has “velvet eyes”, long eyelashes. Pechorin witnesses a curious scene: Grushnitsky drops a glass on the sand, from which he drank mineral water, and can not bend over to pick it up: the wounded leg prevents him. Mary raises a glass and gives it to Grushnitsky “with a gesture full of unspeakable charm.” Grushnitsky interprets this act as a sign of special disposition, but Pechorin skeptically siders him, although in the depths of his soul he is a little envious of Grushnitsky.
To Pechorin comes a Russian doctor named Werner, “a skeptic and a materialist,” but in the soul of a poet. He is ugly. Werner and Pechorin understand each other with a half-word. Werner says that the princess remembers Pechorin in Petersburg, and the princess is interested in Grushnitsky, confident that he is demoted to the soldiers for a duel. A relative came to visit Lithuania, the description of which corresponds to the appearance of Vera, a woman whom Pechorin once loved.
After lunch, Pechorin goes to the boulevard. A crowd of young people surrounds Ligovsky. Pechorin sees familiar officers, begins to tell them anecdotes and gradually entices the whole audience into his circle. Princess remains without a society of adorers, angry with Pechorin. The next days Pechorin continues to behave in the same spirit, even buying up the Persian carpet, which was going to buy Mary. Grushnitsky tries to get acquainted with the princess in every way and likes it, and Pechorin does not at all strive for this and assures Grushnitsky that Mary can not have any serious plans for Grushnitsky: she will be fooled for long, and married for a rich monster, while assuring Grushnitsky, that still only loves him. Grushnitsky is in love without memory and loses the remnants of caution. Pechorin allows Grushnitsky to annoy the princess, knowing, that his behavior sooner or later bores her. Grushnitsky even bought a ring and engraved on it the name Mary.
At the well Pechorin meets Vera. She is married for the second time to a rich, lame old man, a distant relative of the Ligovskys. Faith “respects him as a father, and will deceive him as a husband.” Pechorin decides for a diverted “drag along Mary”, in order to be able to meet with Vera in the house of the Ligovskys. After parting with Vera, Pechorin jumps into the mountains, on the way he finds a noisy cavalcade of horsemen, in front of which Grushnitsky and Mary are traveling. Grushnitsky makes an impression of a romantic hero on the Princess, tragically discussing her future. Pechorin decides to get acquainted with Mary and fall in love with her when Grushnitsky finally bores her.
At a ball at the restaurant, Pechorin waltzes with Mary, asks for her forgiveness for her past behavior. Saves her from pestering a drunken “gentleman in dress coat.” The original dislike of Mary to Pechorin is replaced by favor. As if accidentally Pechorin informs the princess that Grushnitsky is not a “romantic hero” at all, but a simple cadet.
Pechorin is invited to visit Ligovsky. Throughout the evening talking mainly with Vera, gives Mary little attention, does not listen to her singing. She tries to prick his pride, smiling with Grushnitsky, but Pechorin already understands that his plan began to be implemented: very soon the princess will fall in love with him, and he only needed to accurately calculate the details. Grushnitsky is sure that Mary is crazy about him, and behaves very stupidly. In fact, he already fatally tired of the princess. Pechorin is fully aware that he does not need Mary, that he conquers it only to feel his power over her, that he is not capable of sincere feelings, that by “tearing down the” beautiful flower of a young, barely blossoming soul ” breathe it with fragrance and throw it away.
Grushnitsky was promoted to officer. He is happy and expects to impress Mary with new epaulettes, although Dr. Werner assures him that, having replaced the soldier’s overcoat with an officer’s uniform, he will cease to be an exception and get lost in the crowd of the princess’s admirers.
In the evening, on a walk in the Fail, Pechorin makes a lot of strangers at the expense of acquaintances. Mary is frightened of his sarcasm and asks not to be slandered at her address, it’s better to kill her immediately. Pechorin says that from childhood he was credited with inclinations, which he did not have. “I was humble: I was accused of guile: I became secretive: I deeply felt good and evil, no one caressed me, everyone insulted me: I became vindictive, I was sullen, – other children are cheerful and talkative, I felt above them, I was made envious, I was ready to love the whole world, no one understood me: and I learned to hate. ” Princess confesses that she never loved before, after the confession Pechorin accuses himself of being cold towards him. Pechorin is bored: he knows all the stages of women’s love by heart.
Mary believes the Faith her heartfelt secrets, she is tormented by jealousy. Pechorin calms her, promises to leave after Vera and her husband to Kislovodsk.
Grushnitsky dressed in a new uniform. Incredibly razrannchenny, smelling of lipstick and perfume, goes to Mary. Princess rejects him. Against Pechorin is formed a hostile “gang” led by Grushnitsky, who spreads rumors that Pechorin will marry Mary. Pechorin leaves for Kislovodsk, often sees Vera. It follows a romantic description of the surroundings of Kislovodsk and Pechorin’s argument about female logic. Pechorin himself is not afraid of women, because he “has comprehended their small weaknesses”.
Ligovsky also come to Kislovodsk. On horseback rides, when crossing the ford of the mountain river, the princess becomes ill. Supporting her, Pechorin hugs her and kisses her. Mary: “You either despise me or love me very much.” He admits to him in love. Pechorin reacts coldly to this.
Men are annoyed by the fact that Pechorin keeps haughtily, and they decide to teach him a lesson – Grushnitsky will cause Pechorin to duel, and the dragoon captain, who will be the second, undertakes to arrange everything so that the pistols will not be loaded. Pechorin accidentally hears their conversation and decides to take revenge on Grushnitsky. In the morning Princess Mary again confesses to him in love and assures that she will convince relatives not to obstruct them. Pechorin responds that he does not like her. He knows that he is capable of much for the sake of women, except for marriage.
A magician arrives in Kislovodsk, the whole “water society” goes to the show, Pechorin spends evening and night with Vera, who lives in the same house with Ligovsky, a floor above. Leaving, Pechorin peers into the window of Mary, Grushnitsky and the dragoon captain seize him, waiting in ambush beside the fence. Pechorin breaks free and runs home. The next morning, there is a rumor about the night attack of Circassians on the Ligovsky house, and then Grushnitsky publicly accuses Pechorin of being at Mary’s at night. Pechorin summons Grushnitsky to a duel. Werner, a second Pechorin, for good reason suspects that only Grushnitsky’s pistol will be loaded. Pechorin decides to play until the end. The night before the duel reflects on death – he does not feel sorry for dying, he is bored to live. “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? .. And, indeed, it existed, and, truly, it was a great appointment for me, because I feel immense in my soul… My love has not brought happiness to anyone… and maybe I will die tomorrow! .. And there will not be a single creature on earth that would understand me absolutely… Some will say: he was a good fellow, others – a scoundrel. Both in the morning and before the duel, he assures the doctor that he is ready for death: “Thinking about a near and possible death, I think of myself alone… I brought out only a few ideas from the storm of life – and not a single feeling. I have long lived not with my heart, but with my head, in me there are two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges it. ” which would understand me completely… Some will say: he was a good fellow, others – a scoundrel. Both in the morning and before the duel, he assures the doctor that he is ready for death: “Thinking about a near and possible death, I think of myself alone… I brought out only a few ideas from the storm of life – and not a single feeling. I have long lived not with my heart, but with my head, in me there are two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges it. ” which would understand me completely… Some will say: he was a good fellow, others – a scoundrel. Both in the morning and before the duel, he assures the doctor that he is ready for death: “Thinking about a near and possible death, I think of myself alone… I brought out only a few ideas from the storm of life – and not a single feeling. I have long lived not with my heart, but with my head, in me there are two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges it. “
Pechorin suggests Grushnitsky to shoot on a high rock: he who is wounded, falls down, the doctor takes out a bullet, and everyone decides that a person just fell and crashed. Grushnitsky, Pechorin and seconds rise to the top of the mountain. It should describe the magnificent scenery, wild Caucasian nature, whose greatness is contrasted with the vanity and abomination of the world of people. Werner begs Pechorin to tell Grushnitsky and the dragoon captain that he knows about their intentions, but Pechorin refuses and forbids doing it to the doctor, hoping that Grushnitsky can not commit meanness and even come to his senses. The lot to shoot first falls Grushnitsky. Grushnitsky easily injures Pechorin. Pechorin demands that Werner reload his pistol, although the dragoon captain tries to prevent it. When it turns out, that the gun was indeed not charged and Pechorin’s pride was satisfied, he offers Grushnitsky to give up his slander and promises to forgive everything. Grushnitsky hysterically screams: “Shoot! .. I despise myself, and I hate you, if you do not kill me, I’ll kill you at night from around the corner!” There is no place for us on the ground alone! .. “Pechorin s, trills and kills Grushnitsky. Upon returning home, Pechorin receives two notes – from Werner and from Vera, who confessed to her husband that he loves Pechorin, and now he leaves for good. Pechorin gallops after her, pushes the horse to death, but does not overtake the carriage. Returns to Kislovodsk. Werner warns him that in the city they are aware of a duel. They coolly bid farewell to Pechorin, so that in the future, perhaps, no longer meet. Next day Pechorin receives a new appointment, goes to Princess Ligovskaya to say goodbye, she offers him to marry Mary, since she loves him. Pechorin asks permission to talk with Mary in private, says that he laughed at her and asked to take his mother out of error to his account. Mary: “I hate you.” Pechorin thanked her and left. “I am like a sailor born and raised on the deck of a brigand brig: his soul has become accustomed to storms and battles, and, thrown ashore, he misses and languishes, no matter how mani his shady a grove, no matter how shining a peaceful sun. “
In the Cossack village, after a card game, officers talk about the Muslim belief that the fate of a man is written in heaven. Lieutenant Vulich, Serb, offers to test whether a person can know in advance about his death. Pechorin asserts that there is no predetermination. Vulich puts the gun to his temple – a misfire. But with the next shot into the air it turns out that the gun was loaded. On the face of Vulich – the imprint of a quick death. Pechorin: “You are going to die today.” Pechorin returns home. There is a description of nature: “A month full and red, like the glow of a fire, began to show up because of the crenellated horizon of houses, the stars were quietly shining in the dark blue vault, and it became funny when I remembered that there were once wise people, that the stars of heaven take part in our insignificant disputes over a patch of land or for any fictitious rights! .. And what? These lamps, lit, in their opinion, only to illuminate their battles and triumphs, burn with the same brilliance, and their passions and hopes long ago died away with them… “Pechorin sees on the road a pig, cut in half by a drunken Cossack, whom Pechorin was trying to catch: at night, Pechorin was woken up: the Cossack had killed Vulich, whose last words were: “He’s right.” The killer locked himself in an empty hut on the outskirts of the village No one can entice him from there Pechorin decides to take him alive Esaul distracts the Cossack Pechorin jumps in the house through the window, the Cossack shoots, but misses smiling, “I love to doubt in everything. This is the location of the mind does not interfere with the determination of character – on the contrary, that to me is concerned, I have always boldly go forward,

A brief account of M. Yu. Lermontov’s “The Hero of Our Time”