Once upon a time there was a merchant, he had three daughters. One day my father gathered in the city, asked what gifts to bring to the daughters. The eldest asked to buy a cloth on the dress. And the middle asked for a cloth on her dress. The younger asked to bring the feather Finist clear falcon. My father left for the city. Quickly found gifts to older daughters, but could not find a feather for the youngest daughter. Returned home, pleased the elders. The youngest promised to bring a gift next time.
Again my father was going to the city. Senior daughters were asked to bring handkerchiefs. Younger again asked for a feather. In the city my father found gifts for his older daughters. He could not find the feather. For the third time my father gathered in the city. Older daughters were asked to bring earrings. The younger asked to bring a feather. In the city, my father bought earrings for my daughters, and began looking for a feather. But no one knew where it could be. My father froze and left the city. Suddenly I saw an old man carrying a small box. The merchant asked the old man what was in the box. The old man replied that there Finist’s feather was clear falcon. The old man asked him for a thousand rubles. The merchant gave the money. I arrived home, I pleased my daughters. Most of all, the younger daughter rejoiced.
In the evening, the girl opened the box, a feather flew out, hit the floor. And the beautiful prince appeared. They began to talk. Heard the sisters, began to ask who the younger in the room. The girl opened the door. There was no one there. The prince at that time again turned into a feather. The sisters are gone. The feather turned into a falcon and flew off into the field. The next day Finist the clear falcon again flew to the girl. And they began to talk. The sisters reported to their father that there was someone in the younger room. Father did not believe them. But the next day the sisters came up with a trick. They evening scissors and needles on the window of their younger sister. Finist arrived at night, but could not get into the room. He hurt his wings. And he said to the girl: “Farewell, red maiden! If you want to find me, search for the far end of the earth, in the thirtieth kingdom.
The girl gathered and left the house. She bound herself three pairs of iron shoes, three cast-iron staff, stocked up with three stone puffs and set off on the road. One pair of shoes worn out, one staff broke, one gulp gobbled. I saw the cabin, asked to spend the night. In the house lived an old woman. The girl told her everything. Grandmother sent her to her middle sister, on the road gave a golden spindle, from which stretched a golden thread. The old woman also gave the girl a magic ball that pointed the way.
The girl went on. The second pair of boots worn out, the staff broke, and gnawed the stone povid. I came to another old woman, spent the night with her. The old woman gave the girl a silver dish and a golden egg. The old woman advised her to address her older sister. While the girl came to her, the last pair of iron shoes worn out, the third cast iron arm broke, the third pierced stone gobbled. I came to the old woman, told her that Finist was looking for a falcon. The old woman said that he lives in such and such a city, recently married a daughter of a boulevard. The old woman presented a golden frame and a needle. The girl needed only to hold the hoop, and the needle itself will be embroidered. The old woman told the girl to go to that city and to hire herself to the prosvirne as a worker.
The girl did so. She worked very well, povvirnya was very happy about it.
One day the girl finished business, took a golden spindle and sat spinning. The thread stretched out of pure gold. I saw this daughter pester and wanted to buy a wonderful little thing. The girl did not want to take any money, she only asked permission to drive flies away from her husband’s daughter during the night. She agreed. Finist the clear falcon flew in the afternoon in the sky, returned home in the evening. He saw the girl, but did not recognize her. The wife mixed Finistu clear the falcon of a sleepy potion in food, laid her to sleep. At night, the girl began to drive away the flies and wept bitterly: “Wake up, Finist is a clear falcon! I, the red girl, found you, broke three cast-iron staff, removed three pairs of iron shoes, and gnawed three stone pews when I was looking for you!” But Finist was asleep, did not hear anything. The night has passed. The next morning the girl took a silver saucer and began rolling it with a golden egg. Many golden eggs appeared. I saw this daughter peep, wanted to buy a wonderful thing. The girl asked for it another night to drive away the flies from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again poured him a sleepy potion. At night he slept, did not hear anything. The next morning the girl took the golden hoop, the needle began to embroider the wonderful patterns herself. I saw this daughter, I wanted to buy this little thing. The girl asked the third night to drive away the husband from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again she gave him a sleepy potion. At night the girl drove her husband away and wept bitterly. Finist the clear falcon was fast asleep. But suddenly a tear fell on his cheek. And he woke up. The girl told him everything, then he recognized her and was very happy. The girl asked for it another night to drive away the flies from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again poured him a sleepy potion. At night he slept, did not hear anything. The next morning the girl took the golden hoop, the needle began to embroider the wonderful patterns herself. I saw this daughter, I wanted to buy this little thing. The girl asked the third night to drive away the husband from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again she gave him a sleepy potion. At night the girl drove her husband away and wept bitterly. Finist the clear falcon was fast asleep. But suddenly a tear fell on his cheek. And he woke up. The girl told him everything, then he recognized her and was very happy. The girl asked for it another night to drive away the flies from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again poured him a sleepy potion. At night he slept, did not hear anything. The next morning the girl took the golden hoop, the needle began to embroider the wonderful patterns herself. I saw this daughter, I wanted to buy this little thing. The girl asked the third night to drive away the husband from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again she gave him a sleepy potion. At night the girl drove her husband away and wept bitterly. Finist the clear falcon was fast asleep. But suddenly a tear fell on his cheek. And he woke up. The girl told him everything, then he recognized her and was very happy. wanted to buy this little thing. The girl asked the third night to drive away the husband from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again she gave him a sleepy potion. At night the girl drove her husband away and wept bitterly. Finist the clear falcon was fast asleep. But suddenly a tear fell on his cheek. And he woke up. The girl told him everything, then he recognized her and was very happy. wanted to buy this little thing. The girl asked the third night to drive away the husband from Finist the falcon is clear. His wife agreed, again she gave him a sleepy potion. At night the girl drove her husband away and wept bitterly. Finist the clear falcon was fast asleep. But suddenly a tear fell on his cheek. And he woke up. The girl told him everything, then he recognized her and was very happy.
Finist left a clear falcon with the girl from the peep. His wife complained to her mother, she ordered the horses harnessed, went on a chase. But I could not catch up with him. Finist the clear falcon, along with his wife were already at her house. He again turned into a feather. The girl took a feather and returned home. My father was very happy.
The next day the father of the girl and sister went to church. The girl did not go, she said that she had nothing to wear. The sisters offered their dresses, but she refused. My father and his eldest daughters left. The feather turned into a prince. He whistled, immediately appeared expensive dresses and a gold carriage. The prince and the girl came to the church. Everyone looked at them and admired them. At home, the older sisters told the girl that they had seen the beautiful prince with the princess.
The next day the same thing happened again. On the third day my father looked where the carriage had gone and saw that it was to his house. He began to question his youngest daughter. She told me everything. I took out a feather, which turned into a prince. Soon there was a rich wedding. And they began to live – to live, make good.
In this tale reflected the popular notion of justice. The youngest daughter was faithful, hardworking, modest. And that’s why she could go through all the obstacles. The main heroine of the fairy tale possesses all the qualities that were especially venerated among the people, which is why she was worthy to become the prince’s wife.