Summary Nazib Gayazovich Zhiganov

Nazib Gayazovich Zhiganov

The genus. in 1911

Zhiganov is a talented Soviet composer, the largest representative of the Tatar musical culture. His work is characterized by a close connection with the poetic and musical folklore of the Tatar people, the ideas of modernity, a deep interest in the spiritual order, the moral ideals of the Soviet man. The composer fruitfully combines national traditions with the traditions of Russian music, primarily Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov. Tatar folk song, developed in various ways by modern means, permeates Zhiganov’s music, giving it poetry, romantic pathos. Central to his work is the opera; in this genre he created eight works, consistently embodying a common theme – the theme of the struggle of the people for freedom and happiness.

Nazib Gayazovich Zhiganov was born on January 15 (new) in 1911 in the mountains. Uralsk (the Kazakh SSR). He received his musical education at the Kazan Musical College, then in Moscow, at the Regional Music College and Conservatory, which he graduated in 1939 in the class of G. Litinsky’s composition. The diploma work of the opera “Kachkyn” (“The Fugitive”) was staged at the opening of the Tatar State Opera and Ballet Theater (1939). This opera, as well as the following – Altynchach (The Golden Hair, 1940, 2nd ed., 1944) and Tyulyak (the name of the hero, 1944), is dedicated to the struggle of the Tatars and their ancestors against foreign enslavers and serfdom. About the revolutionary events of 1917 is told in the opera “Irak” (“Freedom”, 1939). “The Poet” (1947), “Namus” (“Honor”, 1950), “Ildar” (the name of the hero, in the 2nd ed., “Gene Yuly,” 1954) tells of the struggle of the Soviet people against fascism in the Great Patriotic War. This same era is dedicated to the best creation of Zhiganov – the opera “Musa Jalil.”



