“Biography of Ren”

This story I heard from one of its participants, the prince’s grandson Inya, and remembered it almost verbatim.

Ina had a relative, husband. his cousin. His name was Zheng. He was very eager for wine and women.

Somehow friends went on a feast. Zheng suddenly remembered an urgent matter and set off on a donkey in the southern quarter of the capital, promising to catch up with his friend soon. On the way, he met three women, one of whom turned out to be a real beauty. An acquaintance began, and after a while Zheng was already feasting with a new girlfriend at her house. After a stormy night, he looked in the nearest tavern and found out that he had confessed to a fox who was attracting men. However, love was stronger than fear, and Zheng was looking for a new meeting with the beautiful. Finally he achieved that they began to live together. Then Yin became interested in a new partner of a friend. Shocked by her beauty, he molested her love, but she did not give in. Yin helped his friend and his beloved money, provisions, and the beauty often arranged his heartfelt deeds. Using its advice, managed to get rich and Zheng.

Once, Zheng had to go to distant lands for business. He dreamed to take with him Ren. As she did not resist, he still insisted on his own. On the way, she proudly pranced on horseback. When they passed by the river bank, a pack of dogs jumped out of the thickets. Ren fell to the ground, turned fox and started to run. The dogs overtook the fox and tore it to pieces. Zheng and his friend Yin were inconsolable. It is a pity that Zheng, a short-sighted man, was not very interested in the nature of his wife, he would have learned about the laws of reincarnation and miracles!

Yin had a relative named Zheng. This young man was a famous Lovelace and a lover of good wine. Somehow Yin and Zheng went together for a feast, but suddenly Zheng remembered that he had an urgent business in the city. He sat down on the donkey, and Ying said that he would soon return to him. On the way he met three young girls, among them was the one whose beauty from the first moment captivated the heart of the young reveler. Within a couple of hours, Zheng had fun at the Ren house.

The next morning he went to a neighboring tavern, where he got information that his new lover was actually a fox. She finds her new lovers all her life and fascinates them. This news upset Zheng, but his love was stronger. He began to meet with the girl, and then they even began to live together. Then Zheng introduced his chosen one to Inem. He also fell in love with Ren, but he got only her friendship, although the man continued to hope for her reciprocity. He helped a lot of the young couple, lent them provisions and money. However, thanks to the wise advice of his beloved, Zheng soon became rich.

Soon to expand his business, Zheng had to go on a long trip to distant lands. He did not intend to leave Ren so alone for long, and began to persuade her to go with him. The girl refused for a long time, but then she conceded to the persuasion of her lover. They saddled the horses and set out on their journey. Ren was a very clever rider and constantly showed it to Zheng. On the way they met a pack of evil dogs, who rushed to the young rider. From a surprise, Ren fell to the ground, but immediately turned a fox and ran into the thickets. But the dogs quickly overtook it and tore it to shreds. Zheng was inconsolable, he suffered without his lover and was forced to continue his journey alone. But this mental trauma could be avoided.



