Summary The Taming of the Shrew

William Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew
Mednyk Christopher Sly falls asleep drunken sleep at the threshold of the inn. The lord rejoins with the huntsmen and servants and, finding the sleeper, decides to play a joke with him. His servants include Sli in a luxurious bed, washed in fragrant water, dress in an expensive dress. When Sly wakes up, he is told that he is a noble lord who was engulfed in insanity and slept for fifteen years, and he dreamed that he was a coppersmith. First, Sly insists that he is a “pedlar by origin, a cardholder by education, a bear-bearer by the vicissitudes of fate, and by the present craft – by a coppersmith”, but gradually allows to convince himself that he is really an important person and married to a charming lady (in fact it’s disguised the page of the lord). The Lord cordially invites a wandering actors’ troupe to his castle, dedicates its members to the drawing plan,
Lucentzio, the son of the rich pisan Vincenzio, comes to Padua, where he is going to devote himself to practicing philosophy. His trusted servant, Tranio, believes that with all his devotion to Aristotle, “Ovid can not be neglected.” A rich Padua nobleman of the Baptist appears in the square accompanied by daughters – the eldest, absurd and impudent Catharina, and the youngest – the quiet and meek Bianchi. Here are also two of Bianchi’s fiances: Hortensio and the young old Gremio (both are residents of Padua). The Baptist announces to them that he will not betray Bianca until he finds a husband for his eldest daughter. He asks to help find teachers of music and poetry for Bianca, so that the poor woman does not get bored in forced retreat. Hortensio and Gremio decide to temporarily forget about their rivalry in order to find a husband for Katarina. This task is not easy, because “the devil himself does not cooperate with her,
Another nobleman comes to Padua from Verona. This Petruccio is an old friend of Hortensio. He confesses blithely that he came to Padua, “to succeed and marry favorably.” Gortenzio jokingly offers him Katarina – because she is beautiful and a dowry for her will give the rich. Petruccio immediately decides to go in for a match. Warnings of a troubled friend about the bride’s bad temper, her quarrelsome stubbornness, do not touch the young Veronica: “Is not my hearing heard of the noise? Did not I hear the lions of the growls?” Hortensio and Gremio agree to pay Petruccio’s expenses related to matchmaking. All go to the Baptist house. Hortensio asks a friend to introduce him as a music teacher. Gremio is going to recommend as a teacher of poetry disguised as Lucentio, who hypocritically promises to support the matchmaker’s recommendation.
In the Baptist house Katarina finds fault with her whiny sister and even beats her. Appeared in the company of Hortensio and all the others, Petruccio immediately declares that he yearns to see Catharina, who is “clever, modest, friendly, beautiful and famous for her kind hospitality.” He represents Hortensio as a music teacher for Lycio, and Gremio recommends Lucenzio as a young scientist named Cambio. Petruccio assures the Baptist that he will win Katarina’s love, because “she is obstinate, but he is also obstinate.” He is not intimidated even by the fact that Katarina broke the lute on the head of the imaginary teacher in response to an innocent remark. At the first meeting with Catharina Petruccio, all her antics are harshly and mockingly… And she gets a slap, which she must endure: a nobleman can not hit a woman. Yet he says: “I was born, to tame you And make a cat out of a wild cat. “Petruccio goes to Venice for wedding gifts, saying goodbye to Katarina:” Kiss, Ket, without fear of me! “Gremio and the depicting Lucentio Tranio join the battle for Bianchi’s hand. Baptista decides to give her daughter to someone who will assign her a greater inheritance after her death (” widow’s part. “) Tranio wins, but Baptista wants promises to be made personally confirmed by Vincenzio, the father of Lucentio, who is the true master of capital. who will assign her a greater inheritance after her death (“widow’s part”). Tranio wins, but Baptista wants the promises to be personally confirmed by Vincenzio, the father of Lucentio, who is the true master of capital. who will assign her a greater inheritance after her death (“widow’s part”). Tranio wins, but Baptista wants the promises to be personally confirmed by Vincenzio, the father of Lucentio, who is the true master of capital.
Under the jealous gaze of Hortense Lucentio in the image of the scientist Cambio is explained to Bianca in love, allegedly pursuing a lesson in Latin. The girl does not remain indifferent to the lesson. Hortensio tries to explain himself with the help of scales, but his courtship is rejected. On Sunday, Petruccio, with an abusive delay, comes to his wedding. He sits on a worn-out nag, which has more pain than hair in the tail. He is dressed in unimaginable rags, which he never wants to change for decent clothes. During the wedding, he behaves like a savage: he gives a kick to the priest, splashes the wine in the face of the sexton, grabs Katarina by the neck and smacks his lips on the lips. After the ceremony, despite the requests of his father-in-law, Petruccio does not stay at the wedding feast and immediately takes Katarina away, despite her protests, with the words: “Now she is my property: My house, barn, household utensils, My horse,
Гремио, слуга Петруччо, является в загородный дом своего хозяина и сообщает остальным слугам, что сейчас приедут молодые. Он рассказывает о множестве неприятных приключений по пути из Падуи: лошадь Катарины оступилась, бедняжка свалилась в грязь, а муж, вместо того чтобы помочь ей, бросился лупить слугу – самого рассказчика. Причем так усердствовал, что Катарине пришлось шлепать по грязи, чтобы его оттащить. Тем временем лошади сбежали. Появившись в доме, Петруччо продолжает безобразничать: он придирается к слугам, сбрасывает на пол якобы подгоревшее мясо и всю посуду, разоряет приготовленную постель, так что измученная путешествием Катарина остается без ужина и без сна. В безумном поведении Петруччо есть, однако, своя логика: он уподобляет себя сокольничему, который лишает птицу сна и пищи, чтобы быстрей приручить ее. “Вот способ укротить строптивый нрав. Кто знает лучший, пусть расскажет смело – /И сделает для всех благое дело”.
In Padua, Hortensio witnesses a tender scene between Bianca and Lucentio. He decides to leave Bianca and marry a rich widow who has long loved him. “From now on, in women, I will begin to appreciate Not beauty, but a devoted heart.” Servants of Lucentio meet on the street an old teacher from Mantua, who, with the approval of the host, is decided to present Baptista as Vincenzio. They fool the gullible old man, informing him of the war that has begun and the order of the Duke of Padua to execute all the captured Mantuanians. Tranio, pretending to be Lucentio, agrees to “save” the frightened teacher by extraditing him for his father, who must just come to confirm the marriage contract.
In the meantime poor Katarina is still not allowed to eat or sleep, and even tease while doing so. Petruccio, with curses, expels the tailor from the house, who brought the dress that Katarina liked extraordinarily. The same happens with a haberdasher who brought a fashionable hat. Slowly Petruccio tells the artisans that they will be paid for everything. Finally the young, accompanied by their guest Hortensio, go to Padua to visit the Baptiste. On the way, Petruccio continues to pick and choose: he announces the sun with the moon and makes his wife confirm his words, threatening otherwise to return home at once, then says that the elder met with them on the road is a pretty girl, and invites Katharine to kiss this “girl”. The poor man no longer has the strength to resist. The old man is none other than Vincenzio, who is going to Padua to see his son. Petruchcho hugs him,
Petruccio, Katarina, Vincenzio and the servants drive up to the house of Lucentio. The old man offers his brother-in-law to go into the house to drink together, and knocks on the door. From the window a teacher appears, already entered into the taste of the role, and with an aplomb drives the “impostor”. It raises incredible commotion. Servants lie the most believable and amusing way. Learning that Tranio pretends to be his son, Vincentio is horrified: he suspects the servant of killing the master and demands that he be imprisoned with his accomplices. Instead, Baptists drag him to prison on demand, as a deceiver. The turmoil ends when the real Lucientio and Bianca appear on the square, who just married secretly. Lucencio arranges a feast, during which Petruccio beats about a hundred crowns with Lucentio and Hortensio, already married to a widow, that his wife is the most obedient of the three. He is laughed at, but the once meek Bianca and the enamored widow refuse to come at the request of their husbands. Only Katarina comes on the first order of Petruccio. The shocked Baptista increases the dowry of Katharina by twenty thousand crowns – “the other daughter is a dowry another!”. At the behest of her husband Katarina leads obstinate wives and reads them the instruction: “As a citizen is obliged to the sovereign, So the woman is her husband. Now I see That we do not spear a straw, And we are strong only with our weakness.”



