The publisher devotes his magazine to the “unknown writer of the comedy Comedy” about time “(an anonymous author of the comedy – Catherine II), who creates in an era” when, to the happiness of Russia and to the welfare of the human race, we are ruled by the wise Catherine. “
Arguing aloud, the author himself calls himself the Painter, although he writes with a pen and not with a brush and intends to expose the darkest side. He will try, opening up other people’s vices, not forgetting one’s own, unlike many others. The author can not abandon writing, so he is taking a risky course. He decides to choose a friend and listener of his advice, and never forget about caution. Authors writing weekly sheets become hostages of their work, as every day the reader requires an essay, even on the floor of a sheet. Mind, criticism, skill, reasoning, knowledge of the rules of grammar and the greatness of the Russian language do not enjoy great success.
In the excerpt from the trip to *** and *** *** ***, the traveler’s impressions of the villages and villages were invested, where, in addition to poverty, there is essentially nothing. After visiting the village, ruined and going into the hut, his eyes open such a spectacle, he sees three sobbing babies at one dropped a nipple with milk, another almost choked with a face in the pillow, the third opened and he was bitten by insects.
Calming the kids, the traveler understands how insignificant their requests were, namely one wanted to eat, the second simply to live, and the third just wanted that he was not tortured. Heavy air was in the peasant’s hut, and the traveler lost consciousness.
When he woke up, he wanted to drink, but throughout the village there was not even a drop of clean water. He understands that the landlords are all exactly on the health of their wards. Children, playing in the street only when they saw the stroller, scattered to wherever they were, they were frightened of the arrival of the master. They could not believe that the man who arrived did not intend to beat anyone.
Novikov NI responded to the publication of this essay with the work “The English Walk”. The author narrates about a meeting during a walk of a man who admired the “fragment” and longed for continuation. An unfamiliar person complained that imposing everything foreign leads to the acquisition of other people’s vices. He asked that the continuation and interpretation of the name “The English Walk” come out in print.
In continuation of the “fragment” the traveler described the evening that has come and how the rich spend it, whose day ended with a benefit for them. At the same time, peasants, breadwinners, tortured returned from the fields home, rejoicing at its end.
The complaints of the merchants placed in the “Vedomosti” section about the fact that walking noblemen in the hotel yard interfere with trade. An award is given to someone who will wean this fashion. After some time in the newspaper they print a letter from the merchants, which clearly states that walks do not bother anyone. On the contrary, walking them is beneficial.
On the street Millionnaya there was a change in the sales of books – another news. Once in Russian printed novels and fairy tales, which were in great demand. Now there are a lot of translated books for every taste, but they take it with reluctance.
In the “Epistle to the Painter”, the creator of the comedy “O Time” (Catherine II) thanks him for joining the magazine and, in any way, opens his own real name, promises to send for him further his own works and regrets that in this case, practically no ready-made ones, that the whole 5 months was occupied with writing comedies, which there are 5 pieces… “
An interesting woman makes an order to the author of “The Painter” for collection of fashionable words for the Fashionable Female Dictionary.
Diodati archaeologist from Italy read the Commission’s order to write a draft of a new order, Catherine II. in great delight from the enlightened Russian empress, who ideally provided everything.
The county nobleman writes a letter to his son Falalei, where he complains of the injustice in life. By order of Peter I, the nobles were given free rein. Some of those who received freedom did not understand what it is.
He does not like that “Painter” about them, landlords, responds like a tyrant. They want the peasants to belong to them. It is even more interesting that the landowners should be rich, and the peasants work on them without “sleep and rest”.
After a while, Falaley sends a few more letters from relatives. The father wants him to return to the village, where he was looked after by the bride, who was the governess’s niece. The main purpose of the marriage was to get support from his uncle, which could allow him to infringe upon neighbors without punishment. Mom Falalei, who was at death, asks in the letter to come, so she gave him the money secretly accumulated. Uncle informs him of the death of his mother and urges him to come to the village, as his father is inconsolable in grief.
The husband constantly suffers from a jealous wife and asks for advice from the “Painter”. He explains to the peasant that jealousy is a disease that arises from having to start.
The brutal landowner had a son who lived his whole life for his own pleasure. Over time, he became a drunkard and a card player, for which he was deprived of his inheritance by the father. He begins to earn his living independently. The first works were below his level, but with time he gradually corrected. Enters into military service and is finally corrected. He lives quietly, sympathizing with those who were poorly educated. He writes a letter with instructions. Painter condemns such people and encourages them to engage in the upbringing of children, so that later they do not see you.
A regular reader of the “Painter” wrote a letter condemning those who are guessing at the coffee grounds, through the fault of which not guilty people suffer. The silvery spoon disappears from Skupyagina. She turns to the fortune teller for help. She, saying that the thief has black hair, receives a fee. The mistress calls to her black-haired Ivan and rods him out of recognition, but in reality he did not take anything. He was kind, and after that he became a thief. In revenge robbing his mistress and hiding, he was caught and straight to hard labor.
Koryakin, he also complains Novikov that it was because of the “Painter” that he almost fell to the bride. When he explained that this is a learned man, the landowner came to a terrible fury and put before a choice, whether books, or another bride. For the landowner books are evil, and learning is a terrible vice.
Once a young man turns to the Painter for advice on his early resignation, that is, he is young, but he wants to live all his life in the village in peace and quiet. The painter answers that resignation at an early age does not bring shame, the main thing is that a person to society is useful.