Summary “Skylark”

Larks belong to the family of Lark. These are chunky, small birds with a dense addition. Claw of the back finger – slightly curved, long and sharp.

Strong and straight beak – medium length, with a slightly bent back. The wings are long and wide. Plumage is predominantly dull grayish – brown flowers. In appearance, it is almost impossible to distinguish a female from a male.

Among the larks there are sedentary, nomadic (steppe lark) and migratory (forest and field larks). Birds live in most cases on meadows and fields, preferring to settle in open areas. They feed and nest on the ground.

Simple nests are built in holes on the ground. Masonry consists of 3 to 6 eggs. Birds feed on insects and plant seeds.

Birds are widespread. In Russia there are about fifteen species (steppe, field, horned, forest, crested, etc.). At the end of summer, the birds moult.
Larks are considered wonderful singers. The best recognized are the steppe, forest and field larks. Only males sing.

Larks are often kept in cages, but they are very shy and at the first danger have a habit of soaring up. Therefore, for their maintenance, special cells with wooden twigs without crossbeams, with a soft ceiling made of not tightly stretched fabric and with high bumps, which prevent the scattering of sand, in which the birds are very fond of bathing, are needed.

To avoid unnecessary anxiety in birds, it is desirable to place the cells above human growth. If this option is not available, then the cell is hung with a light cloth so that people rarely fall into the sight of the lark. Drinkers should be placed on the outside of the cage.

At the end of the summer, during the moult, the birds stop singing. At the cellular maintenance of birds they feed grain (crushed wheat, millet, rye, sunflower, barley, seeds of various weeds, greens and carrots). Also in the diet should definitely include animal feed (flour worms, fresh ant eggs, pupae and crunch).

If the cage with the lark from the end of summer and until the autumn colds is kept on the balcony, and then brought into heat, the bird will sing throughout the winter.



