THE STORY ABOUT THE ERUSLAN LAZAREVICH. AP called in manuscripts in different ways ( “Tale about a glorious heroes Uruslane Zalazoreviche,” “The Tale of the glorious full and strong Vityaz Eruslane Lazarevic and his courage and unimaginable beauty princess Anastasia Vahromeevny”, “History of the glorious and strong Vityaz Yeruslan Lazarevich “), is a record of an oral tale. Scientists believe that its plot came to Russia from the East, and find the proximity of its episodes with the Persian poem Shah-Na-me (X century). The names of the characters of P. go back to the Persian source – Urus-lan – Rustam or Arslan, Zalazorevich. – the son of Zal-Zar, the magic horse Arash from the Persians was called Rakhsh. It is possible that the path of the transition of the Persian fairy tale to Russian literature was not direct. GN Potanin believed that she was known in Mongolian folklore, reflected in the tales of Genghis Khan. AS Orlov assumed that the Russian version developed on the Don in the 16th century. in the Cossack environment, which was the transmission link from Eastern literature to Russian.
LN Pushkarev connects the record of the oral work with the appearance in the beginning. XVII century. the literature of the posad democratic circles, which were strongly influenced by oral folk art. The tale of Uruslan so absorbed the features of Russian folklore and Russian life that it can be called an original work with a borrowed plot. In P. there are many episodes common to the Russian epic poems about Ilya Muromets, Ivan the Godinovich, the Sunflower kingdom.
Although the earliest lists of P. date from the 1940s. XVII century. but the complex way of the arch of various plots that have entered it makes it possible to suppose their rather early appearance in Russia: for example, P. V. Vladimirov thinks that the eastern fairy tale could become known in Russia already in the 13th-14th centuries.
P. tells about the hero Yeruslan, expelled from the kingdom by Tsar Kirkous for heroic “jokes”. He goes “to amuse himself in a clean field,” performs a series of exploits, including releasing King Kirkous, his heroes and his father, defeating the captive enemy. Having freed the daughter of the Indian king from the dragon, Eruslan marries her, but leaves her, already waiting for the child, after hearing about an even more beautiful princess. Having come down in a heroic duel with his grown son, Eruslan recognizes him on a stone in the ring and, after listening to the reproaches of his son, returns to the Indian princess.