Summary “Pierre Menard by Don Quixote”

Pierre Menard is a person who decided to write again “Don Quixote”. Do not rewrite it, reincarnated by deep penetration into the culture of the XVII century. in Cervantes, and write his word for a word anew from the point of view of the Frenchman of the 20th century. By the time of his death, he manages to finish just a couple of chapters. But the mere fact of the existence of such an idea irreversibly transforms Don Quixote in the eyes of the initiates, and the narrator guessed the intonation of the symbolist M. in separate images of those parts of the novel that he did not touch. This somewhat curious (especially considering the time of its creation) the image almost exhausts the plot, and in general the story can be considered a model of the art of detailing. Extremely interesting and significant is the list of M.’s works cited at the beginning of the story. At first glance, its diversity implies the efforts of an erudite amateur,

The possibility of another interpretation of the work of M. opens two philosophical treatises, although, of course, some names, without decoding, speak a little. A sharp and even somewhat unexpected concretization of M.’s creative appearance is achieved at the expense of his literary critical articles and especially the theoretical work devoted to the possibility of creating a poetic vocabulary of concepts that would not only be used exclusively for poetic purposes but would also be “ideal objects” . However, his serious aesthetic and philosophical orientations attach great importance to the concept of M. – Novalis and William James. However, the ambiguity of the story and the image of the protagonist is emphasized by the tone of the narrative: labeling the “right”



