The events described unfold on the Italian-Austrian front in 1915-1918. Coming from America – Frederick Henry – volunteered for the army, taking the position of lieutenant of the sanitary troops in the Italian regiment. Sanitary units stand in the city on Plavna, awaiting an offensive and shorting time with various entertainments.
At the same time, a young Catherine Barkley arrives in a neighboring English hospital, a nurse who mourns her dead bridegroom and regrets that she did not marry him before, so as not to deprive him of happiness so early.
The Italian troops expect an early offensive in connection with the proximity of the Austrian regiments, so there is an urgent need to create a dressing station for the victims. Henry starts courting Catherine, although she behaves quite unusual: he slaps him when he tries to kiss, and then kisses herself. Henry thinks Catherine is very beautiful, although slightly insane, but certainly the best alternative to spending time in a brothel. On one of the dates Henry was late and was drunk, but Catherine could not come – she was sick. The lieutenant felt a sense of loneliness, he became depressed.
The next day the ambulances went to the headwaters of the river, where an offensive was expected. On the way, Henry went to the hospital to meet with Catherine. Fortunately, she gives him a medallion with Saint Anthony.
Having reached the place, young people show their discontent with the war, suggesting that every soldier – and this and that side – wants to go home, and the war is really needed only to those who receive from it any benefit. Soldiers would have gone long ago, but relatives are punished for such actions.
During the attack in the dugout, where Henry and the drivers were hiding, a bomb hit the lieutenant’s legs, but he nevertheless tries to save the dying driver. Henry is brought to the point of first aid – an objective reflection of the horror of the war, with her blood, groans and injuries. Before moving to the central hospital in Milan, Henry comes to the priest, who pities and expresses his sympathy with Henry. The priest believes that one day a lieutenant can fall in love and find real happiness. The priest also reports that the nurse Kathryn Barkley is also sent to the main hospital.
After a complex operation on Henry’s knee, Katherine waits anxiously, and when she enters his room, he realizes that he loves her unconditionally. From that day on they begin the record of the so-called married life, sincerely presenting themselves as husband and wife. As soon as Henry could move on crutches, lovers began to walk in the park, go to restaurants and spend nights together. The lieutenant dreamed of a real marriage, but Katherine did not care about the formalities, besides, she was afraid that they would follow her and they would have to part. The girl is tormented by a vague premonition of trouble.
Meanwhile, the situation at the front only worsened: both sides were already exhausted. After the treatment, after a few months, Henry was ordered to return to the unit. Saying goodbye to Katherine, he finds out that she is in the third month of pregnancy.
On the front, Henry realizes the senselessness and uselessness of pathos words – “feat”, “glory” – realizing their incomparability with human lives and the names of those killed. The Austrians were all advancing. Once an ambulance hit the road in a traffic jam, and Henry and his assistants were forced to walk. They fall into the hands of the Italian field gendarmerie, which took them for disguised Germans and was about to be shot. Henry fled, sailing down the river. So the lieutenant realizes how tired he is of this war, all he wants is to eat, drink and sleep with Katherine. Henry decided that the war was over for him personally.
Returning to Catherine, he feels at home. Henry is good with her the way she was with no one else. He survived the war, Henry had unpleasant feelings and the thought that the world would break everyone. The lieutenant can not go out in plain clothes – he will be immediately shot. Once the barman from the hotel warned Henry about someone’s denunciation and the upcoming arrest. He also found a pair of boat and pointed the way to Switzerland.
Living all autumn in Montreux in a wooden house among the pines, Henry and Catherine learn about the battles only from the newspapers. They spend all the time together. Soon Katherine should give birth, but she has problems – narrow pelvis. At birth, both die: both the child and Catherine. Henry is left alone, he is completely devastated. He thinks that everything in the world ends in the same – death. And you can not hide from it. As well as from life.