Fars “Attorney Pierre Patlen” in the summary

Attorney Patlen complains to Guillietta, his wife, that no one needs his services anymore. In the old days, there was no time for customers to leave, now he is out of work for weeks on end. Before, they did not deny themselves anything, but now they have to walk in rags and eat dry bread crusts. So you can not live any more, you need to do something. Is there not a lot of simpletons in the world who Patlin is a dodger and cunning – it’s not worth it to circle your finger!

The lawyer goes to the cloth-maker, who is known for his stinginess. Patlin praises the generosity and kindness of his late father, whom he himself did not even see, although the old man was rumored to be as miser as his son. The lawyer casually mentions that the father of the cloth-maker never refused him credit. With flattering speeches Patlen has to himself a sullen and incredulous cloth-maker and conquers his sympathy. In a conversation with him, he casually mentions that he has become very rich and all the cellars are full of gold. He would have liked to buy cloth, but he had not taken any money with him.

The lawyer promises to give the cloth a triple price, but only in the evening, when the clother comes to him to supper.

Patlen returns home with a cloth and tells Guillemette about how cleverly he blew the clother. The wife is unhappy: she is afraid that her husband will not be happy when the fraud is revealed. But the crafty Pat-flen already figured out how to avoid reckoning. When a miser comes to his house in the evening, anticipating a free refreshment and rejoicing that he sold his goods so dearly, the lawyer’s wife assures the clerk that the husband is on death and has not been out of the house for several weeks already. It can be seen that someone else came to the cloth and named her husband’s name. However, the cloth-maker does not believe in her and requires money. Finally, Guillemetta, sobbing, leads a stubborn merchant to Patlen’s room, who dexterously plays before him the role of the dying man. There is nothing left for him to do, how to leave unsaidly.

Returning home, the draper meets a negligent and crooked servant who grazes his sheep, and on it breaks his anger. Now let the servant answer before the court, where the sheep are disappearing: they are all too often ill with sheep smallpox.

The servant is alarmed, for in fact it was he who stole the master sheep. He comes for help to Patlin and asks to be his protector in court. The lawyer agrees, but for a high fee. The sly fellow chastises the servant, that he to all his questions in a sheep bleat, without saying a single word.

The clerk, his servant and lawyer are in court. Seeing Patlen, alive and healthy, a miser imagines that he deceived him, and demands the return of cloth or money. Completely losing his head from anger, he immediately pounces on a servant who steals his sheep. The cloth-maker is so furious that the judge does not understand who and what he is accusing. The lawyer tells the judge that, probably, the trader is out of his mind. But as the clother requires a trial, the lawyer proceeds to his duties. He begins to ask questions to the servant, but he only bleeds like a sheep. The judge is all clear: before him are two madmen and there can be no question of any trial.

Satisfied with this outcome, the servant, in response to Patlen’s demand to pay him the promised amount, bleeds like a sheep. The disgruntled lawyer is forced to admit that this time he himself was fools.



