A summary of the work of N. Gogol “Dead Souls”

Chapter 1
At the gates of the hotel in the provincial city of NN, a carriage comes in. It sits “a gentleman, not handsome, but also not of a bad appearance, neither too fat nor too thin, you can not say that he is old, yet not so much that he is too young” – Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Not suffering from a lack of appetite, Chichikov eats a plentiful o) 5e. It should be a description of the provincial city. “Nearly washed rain-washed signboards with pretzels and boots, here and there with painted blue trousers and the signature of some Arshav tailor, where a shop with capes, caps and the inscription” The Alien Basil Fyodorov “… Most often, it was noticeably darkened two-headed state eagles, which have now been replaced by a laconic inscription: “The Pitony House.”
The next day, Chichikov visits city officials: the governor, the vice-governor, the prosecutor, the chairman of the chamber, the police chief and even the inspector of the medical board and the city architect. The visitor skillfully enters into the confidence of all officials, each of them skilfully flatter. Officials invite him to his house, although very little is known about the driver himself. It should describe the ball at the governor, ladies, thick and thin men. At the ball, Chichikov gets acquainted with the landlords Sobakevich and Manilov. Pleasant treatment has them to themselves, learns how many peasants they have and in what state the estate is. Manilov, “a man who is not elderly, who had eyes sweet as sugar,” penetrates Chichikov’s confidence and invites him to his estate. The same is done by Sobakevich. On a visit to the police chief Chichikov acquainted with the landowner Nozdrev, a man of about thirty, a broken little fellow who after three or four words began to say “you.” In the city, everyone has a good opinion about Chichikov. He makes the impression of a man of the world, he can keep up the conversation on any topic and at the same time he says “neither loudly, nor quietly, but absolutely as it should be.”
Chapter 2
Description of the servants Chichikov: coach Selifan and lackey Petrushka. Chichikov goes to the village to Manilov. A long time looking for a mansion. “The lord’s house stood alone in the Jurassic… open to all the winds that it would take to blow… Two or three flower beds with lilac bushes and yellow acacia, five or six birches in small benches lifted their shallow, thin peaks.” Two of them are visible there was a gazebo with a flat green dome, wooden blue columns and the inscription: “Temple of Solitary Reflection” … The day was not that clear, not that gloomy, but of some light gray color. ” The host joyfully meets the guest. It should describe the nature of Manilov: “Neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan… His features were not unpleasant, but this pleasantness seemed to be overly conveyed to the sugar… The first minute of conversation with him can not be said : ” What a nice and kind man! “The next minute you will not say anything, but in the third you will say:” The devil knows what! “- and move away… At home he spoke very little and mostly reflected and thought, but what is he talking about I thought, too, was it known to God that the economy can not be said to be engaged in… the economy was somehow going on its own… Sometimes… he spoke about how good it would be if suddenly from the house an underground passage or through a pond to build a stone bridge on which there were on both sides of the shop, and that in them sat the merchants and sold once small small goods needed for the peasants… However, all these projects ended up in only one word: there was always a book in his office buried in a bookmark on the fourteenth page, which he had been constantly reading for two years… In the living room there was a beautiful furniture, It was covered with a dapper silk cloth, which, indeed, was very expensive; but on two armchairs it was not enough, and the armchairs stood covered with simple matting; However, the owner for several years always warned his guest with the words: “Do not sit on these chairs, they are not ready yet…” In the evening, a very dandy candlestick of dark bronze was served on the table… and next to him, then just a copper invalid… “
Wife is quite suitable for Manilov in nature, for the holidays gives gifts – “some beaded cheholchik on a toothpick.” There is no order in the house, as the owners are not following anything: “All these are low items, and Manilov is well educated, and good upbringing is known to take place in boarding schools.” In boarding houses, as is known, the three main subjects form the basis of human virtues : the French language necessary for the happiness of family life, piano, for the delivery of pleasant moments to the spouse, and, finally, the proper economic part: knitting wallets and other surprises. ” Leaving each other, Chichikov and Manilov show unnatural courtesy, which ends in the fact that they both squeeze into the door at the same time. There should be an exchange of courtesies with his wife Manilov, a discussion of common acquaintances comes down to recognizing each ” “The Manilovs invite the guest to dinner, and the two sons of Manilov are present at dinner: the Themistoclus and Alcides.” The Themistoklus flows from his nose, he bites his brother by the ear, tears cut his legs, smeared his leg with fat, smeared his cheeks with fat. lunch there is a business conversation between Chichikov and Manilov in the owner’s office, followed by a description of the cabinet: “The walls were painted with some kind of blue paint like a serenkoy; .. a few written papers, but most of all there was tobacco. He was in different forms: in capes, and in a tobacconist, and, at last, it was just a heap on the table. On both windows there were also placed slides of ash knocked out of the tube, placed not without effort very beautiful rows. “Chichikov asks Manilov for a detailed register of peasants who died after the last census, wants to buy dead souls. Dazed Manilov “as gaped mouth, and remained with his mouth open for several minutes.” Chichikov convinces the owner that the law will be observed and that the treasury will receive the due taxes. Completely calmed Manilov gives dead souls for free and remains convinced that he rendered Chichikov an invaluable service. Chichikov leaves, and Manilov’s thoughts “were transferred imperceptibly to other subjects and at last they were carried by God knows where.” Imagining his future friendship with Chichikov, Manilov comes to the point that in his dreams the tsar grants both of them to the general’s rank for such a strong friendship. Completely calmed Manilov gives dead souls for free and remains convinced that he rendered Chichikov an invaluable service. Chichikov leaves, and Manilov’s thoughts “were transferred imperceptibly to other subjects and at last they were carried by God knows where.” Imagining his future friendship with Chichikov, Manilov comes to the point that in his dreams the tsar grants both of them to the general’s rank for such a strong friendship. Completely calmed Manilov gives dead souls for free and remains convinced that he rendered Chichikov an invaluable service. Chichikov leaves, and Manilov’s thoughts “were transferred imperceptibly to other subjects and at last they were carried by God knows where.” Imagining his future friendship with Chichikov, Manilov comes to the point that in his dreams the tsar grants both of them to the general’s rank for such a strong friendship.
Chapter 3
On the way to Sobakevich’s estate Chichikov gets under heavy rain, the coachman gets off the road, the cart turns and falls into the mud. Chichikov enters the nearby estate of the landowner Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka. The room in which Chichikov is held is “hung with old striped wallpaper, pictures with some birds, between the windows the old little mirrors with dark frames in the form of curled leaves, behind every mirror there were either a letter or an old deck of cards or stockings.” Wall clocks loud hiss loudly, on the walls between the birds hangs a portrait of Kutuzov. The mistress enters: “One of those mothers, small landlords who are crying for crop failures, losses and keep their heads a little sideways, and meanwhile they collect a little money in piecemeal sacks placed on the drawers of chests of drawers… although in appearance it seems as if chest of drawers there is nothing, except for linen, yes night blouses, and thread hats, and a ripped salop, which then has to appeal to the dress, if the old one somehow burns during the baking of festive cakes or will itself become self-evident. But the dress will not burn and it will not fade itself; the old woman is saved, and the salop is destined to lie long in the open form, and then go to the spiritual testament to the niece of the grandchild sister, along with any other junk. “The box leaves Chichikov to spend the night, and in the morning the guest turns to business negotiations for the purchase of dead souls. In response, Korobochka offers Chichikov buy her sheep or honey from him, can not understand why he needs dead souls, he is afraid of cheating., Chichikov loses his patience when he tells her, compares the box with the dog in the manger, and succeeds in persuading the landlady to make a purchase fortress only after that, as he informs himself of the untruth and promises to subsequently buy from her and honey, and hemp. Korobochka believes him, decides to appease and treat an important official. Chichikov takes out the necessary papers from his box, in which there are many offices and there is even a secret box for money. Muzhiks Boxes have strange surnames. After long trading, the transaction is completed. “Black-footed girl Pelagia” escorts Chichikov to the big road.
Chapter 4
Having an excellent appetite Chichikov stops at the tavern. Nozdryov’s chaise arrives at the entrance soon. “It was a middle-aged man with a full, ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and black whiskers like pitch, fresh as blood and milk, and his health seemed to be poking from his face” . Nozdryov happily informs Chichikov that he played at the fair, lost his money and money to his brother-in-law, Mizhuev, who is present right there. Talking about the fair, Nozdryov is ungodly lying. Nozdryov insistently calls Chichikov to his house, promises a delicious treat, although in the tavern he drinks vodka at the expense of his son-in-law. Such people as Nozdryov, “are called shrewd little ones, they are known in childhood and school for good comrades, and for all that they are very painfully beaten… They are always talked about, kutils, dodgers, people are prominent. Nozdryov was thirty-five at the same time as he was at eighteen and twenty: the hunter took a walk. The children… looked after a cute nanny, he could not stay at home for over a day…. In the cartoons… he played not entirely sinless and pure… And what is more strange, he several times already met again with those friends who tusied him, and met as if nothing had happened, and he, as they say, nothing, and they are nothing. Nozdryov was in some respects a historical man. Not at one meeting where he was, did not do without a story… Or he would be led out of the hall by the gendarmes, or forced to push his own friends… Or cut himself in a buffet in such a way that he only laughs, or wreaks havoc with the most cruel so that, finally, he himself will become ashamed. And he does not need any trouble at all: suddenly he will tell you,
Nozdryov used to even with his closest friends “to begin to smooth, and to end with a gad”. He had a passion for exchanging things and losing not only money but also property. On the estate, Nozdrev shows Chichikov an unprepossessing stallion, assuring him that he cost him ten thousand, a kennel on which he keeps dogs of dubious origin, a pond in which there are fish of “unbelievable size”, and “real” Turkish daggers, master Saveliy Sibiryakov. Lunch is poorly prepared. Despite the fact that Nozdrev curses and calls him “fetyukom”, the son-in-law of Mizhuev goes home to his wife. Chichikov goes on to business negotiations, expounds the essence of his request, explaining that he needs dead souls for a successful marriage. Nozdryov agrees to give Chichikov non-existent peasants, but at the same time trying to sell him the load of a stallion, a mare, a dog, a barrel organ, etc. When Chichikov resolutely refuses, he offers him to play cards. Already repenting that he had contacted Nozdrev, Chichikov rejected this proposal. In retaliation, Nozdrev orders the coachman to feed Chichikov’s horse with oats rather than oats, which offends the guest, but does not feel uncomfortable at the same time. In the morning as if nothing had happened Nozdrev offers Chichikov play checkers. He agrees. Nozdryov cheats during the game. Chichikov accuses him of cheating and stops the game. Nozdrev climbs up, calls servants and orders to beat the guest. At that moment, the captain-police officer appeared and arrested Nozdryov for inflicting on Maximovsky “a personal insult in a drunken state”. In his characteristic manner, Nozdryov renounces everything, swears, that landowner Maximov does not know. Taking advantage of the situation, Chichikov “disappears”.
Chapter 5
Through the fault of Selifan, Chichikov’s carriage collides with a strange chaise, in which two ladies sit – an elderly and a sixteen-year-old beauty. The peasants, who gathered from the village, separate horses and raise the brits. Chichikov is fascinated by a young stranger and after the britzki leave, he thinks about an unexpected meeting for a long time. Chichikov approaches the village of Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich. “A wooden house with a mezzanine, a red roof and dark gray or, better, wild walls, a house like the ones we build for military settlements and German colonists.” It was noticeable that during the construction of his architect constantly struggled with the taste of the owner. .. wanted symmetry, the owner of the comfort and, apparently, because of that he hammered on one side all the responding windows and checked one of the small, probably needed for a dark closet, on the place… The yard was surrounded by a strong and unreasonably thick wooden lattice. The landlord seemed to be busy with a lot about strength. Stables, sheds and kitchens were full-weighted and thick logs, determined for centuries. The village huts of the peasants were also cut down to marvel… everything was densely packed and properly. Even the well was made into such a strong oak, which goes only to mills and ships. In short, everything… was strong, without a stab, in some kind of stiff and awkward order. “The owner himself seems to Chichikov” very similar to the average size of a bear. The fracture on it was absolutely bearish color… He stepped feet, and at random and stepped incessantly on other people’s feet. The complexion was hot and hot, like a copper copeck. “A pleasant conversation does not work out: all officials Sobakevich expresses straightforwardly. bustled a lot about strength. Stables, sheds and kitchens were full-weighted and thick logs, determined for centuries. The village huts of the peasants were also cut down to marvel… everything was densely packed and properly. Even the well was made into such a strong oak, which goes only to mills and ships. In short, everything… was strong, without a stab, in some kind of stiff and awkward order. “The owner himself seems to Chichikov” very similar to the average size of a bear. The fracture on it was absolutely bearish color… He stepped feet, and at random and stepped incessantly on other people’s feet. The complexion was hot and hot, like a copper copeck. “A pleasant conversation does not work out: all officials Sobakevich expresses straightforwardly. bustled a lot about strength. Stables, sheds and kitchens were full-weighted and thick logs, determined for centuries. The village huts of the peasants were also cut down to marvel… everything was densely packed and properly. Even the well was made into such a strong oak, which goes only to mills and ships. In short, everything… was strong, without a stab, in some kind of stiff and awkward order. “The owner himself seems to Chichikov” very similar to the average size of a bear. The fracture on it was absolutely bearish color… He stepped feet, and at random and stepped incessantly on other people’s feet. The complexion was hot and hot, like a copper copeck. “A pleasant conversation does not work out: all officials Sobakevich expresses straightforwardly. defined for a century standing. The village huts of the peasants were also cut down to marvel… everything was densely packed and properly. Even the well was made into such a strong oak, which goes only to mills and ships. In short, everything… was strong, without a stab, in some kind of stiff and awkward order. “The owner himself seems to Chichikov” very similar to the average size of a bear. The fracture on it was absolutely bearish color… He stepped feet, and at random and stepped incessantly on other people’s feet. The complexion was hot and hot, like a copper copeck. “A pleasant conversation does not work out: all officials Sobakevich expresses straightforwardly. defined for a century standing. The village huts of the peasants were also cut down to marvel… everything was densely packed and properly. Even the well was made into such a strong oak, which goes only to mills and ships. In short, everything… was strong, without a stab, in some kind of stiff and awkward order. “The owner himself seems to Chichikov” very similar to the average size of a bear. The fracture on it was absolutely bearish color… He stepped feet, and at random and stepped incessantly on other people’s feet. The complexion was hot and hot, like a copper copeck. “A pleasant conversation does not work out: all officials Sobakevich expresses straightforwardly. which goes only to the mills and ships. In short, everything… was strong, without a stab, in some kind of stiff and awkward order. “The owner himself seems to Chichikov” very similar to the average size of a bear. The fracture on it was absolutely bearish color… He stepped feet, and at random and stepped incessantly on other people’s feet. The complexion was hot and hot, like a copper copeck. “A pleasant conversation does not work out: all officials Sobakevich expresses straightforwardly. which goes only to the mills and ships. In short, everything… was strong, without a stab, in some kind of stiff and awkward order. “The owner himself seems to Chichikov” very similar to the average size of a bear. The fracture on it was absolutely bearish color… He stepped feet, and at random and stepped incessantly on other people’s feet. The complexion was hot and hot, like a copper copeck. “A pleasant conversation does not work out: all officials Sobakevich expresses straightforwardly.
The owner escorts Chichikov to a room in which “everything was solid, clumsy to the highest degree and had some strange resemblance to the owner of the house, in the corner of the living room there was a belly-nuts bureau on the unpleasant four legs: a perfect bear… Each object, each chair seemed to say: “And I, too, are Sobakevich!” or: “And I, too, look very much like Sobakevich!”
They give him a plentiful lunch: Sobakevich himself eats a lot: At dinner Sobakevich talks about his neighbor Plyushkin, who owns eighty peasants, an extremely mean man.
Hearing that Chichikov wants to buy dead souls, Sobakevich is not at all surprised, but immediately begins to bargain. Sobakevich promises to sell dead souls for 100 rubles apiece, arguing that his peasants are real masters. Bargaining lasts a long time. Chichikov calls himself Sobakevich “a fist” in his heart, and says aloud that the qualities of the peasants are not important, since they are dead. Not agreeing with Chichikov in price and knowing full well that the deal is not entirely legal, Sobakevich hints that “this kind of shopping, I say this between us, by friendship, is not always permissible, and tell – I or someone else – such a person will not no power of attorney… “Ultimately, the parties converge on three rubles apiece, make up the document, and everyone is afraid of cheating on the part of the other. Sobakevich offers Chichikov to buy on the cheap “female sex,” but the guest refuses. Chichikov leaves, asks the peasant in the village how to drive to the estate of Plyushkin. The chapter ends with a lyrical digression about the Russian language. “The Russian people express themselves strongly, and if they reward someone with a word, then it will go to him as a kind and progeny… And how then neither cunningly and ennobling his nickname, even make the writing people deduce him for a salary from an ancient prince kind, will help… As a myriad of churches, monasteries with domes, heads, crosses scattered in holy, pious Russia, so a myriad of tribes, generations, peoples throngs, dazzles and rushes over the face of the earth… The word of the Briton will be called the heart and wise knowledge of life lay down they smashed dandy flash and the short-lived French word; intriguingly invented his not every accessible, cleverly worded German; but there is no word that would be so zamashisto, smartly, so it would break out from under the heart, so it would boil and shiver like a well-spoken Russian word. “
Chapter 6 The
chapter opens with a lyrical digression about travel. “Before, long ago, in the summer of my youth, in the summer of my childhood that had irrevocably passed, it was fun to drive up to Hey for the first time… A curious look revealed a curious childish look in it… Now I indifferently drive up to any unfamiliar village and I look indifferently at her vulgar appearance, my cool look is unattractive, I’m not funny, and what would have awakened in the old years a living movement in the face, laughter and incessant speeches, now slips by, and my silent lips keep silent my lips. my youth! Oh my freshness! “
Chichikov goes to Plyushkin’s estate, can not find a manor house for a long time. “Some strange old man looked at him with a decrepit invalid… He was in some places on one floor, sometimes in two… The walls of the house were buffooned in places with a naked plaster lattice and, apparently, suffered a lot from all kinds of weather, rains, whirlwinds and autumn changes… The garden that overlooked the village and then disappeared into the field, overgrown and stale, seemed to be refreshing this vast village and one was quite picturesque in its picturesque desolation. ” In the courtyard Chichikov meets a man who can not even say “a man or a woman” decides that before him a housekeeper, dressed “in an indefinite dress”, has a hat on her head, a robe is sewn unknown from what. Chichikov is unpleasantly surprised to learn that the owner of the house, the rich landowner Stepan Plyushkin, is before him. Next follows the description of Plyushkin’s past, “how he came to such a life.” Once he was a thrifty master, experienced and wise man, his wife was famous for hospitality, Plyushkin had two daughters and a son. But Plyushkin soon became widowed, “a part of the keys, and with them of minor concerns, went over to him.” Plyushkin became more restless and, like all widowers, more suspicious and stingier. ” The eldest daughter fled and married a cavalry regiment officer. Her father cursed her. The son, sent to the city to be identified for service, was determined instead to join the military. The younger daughter died. “Lonely life gave a nourishing food stinginess… human feelings… grinded every minute, and every day something was lost in this worn-out ruin…” Merchants who come to take from Plyushkin’s goods, soon cease to visit him, because because of its incredible avarice, Plyushkin can not bargain with anyone. “Hay and bread rot, luggage and haystacks turned into pure manure, the flour in the cellars turned into stone, it was scary to touch cloths, canvases and house materials: they turned to dust… and he himself turned at last in some kind of a hole in the humanity. ” His state Plyushkin collected on little things, not bent on picking up other people’s things, accidentally forgotten. Plyushkin does not use a large quitrent from serfs. He holds only boots for the whole of the yard, and the peasants walk barefoot along the yard. Saving Plyushkin brought to the point of absurdity. Learning about the purpose of Chichikov’s visit, Plyushkin is filled with joy, as Chichikov suggests that he pay for dead souls. Plyushkin agrees to sell Chichikov not only dead peasants, but also fugitives, while he trades for every penny. Having received money, which he will never use, he hides the bank notes in the box, where they will be destined to lie down to the death of the owner. Chichikov hurries to leave, to the great joy of Plyushkin, refusing tea and refreshments. Plyushkin orders to remove the biscuit from the cake again in the pantry, while making sure that not a crumb is missing. Chichikov returns to the hotel.
Chapter 7
The chapter opens with a lyrical digression about two types of writers. “Happy is a writer who, past characters of boring, opposite, amazing sad reality, comes close to characters showing the high dignity of a person who, from the great whirlpool of daily rotating images, has selected only a few exceptions that did not change the elevated structure of his lyre, did not descend from their peaks to the poor, worthless of their brethren, and, without touching the ground, all plunged into their far removed from it and exalted images… He smoked the delicious smell of human eyes, he was a wonderful person yl them, concealing the sad life, showing them a nice person. All applaud, rushing after him and runs after his ceremonial chariot… But the destiny and fate of another writer who dared to call out all
In accordance with the registered merchant fortress Chichikov is the owner of four hundred dead souls. Chichikov reflects on who these peasants were during their lifetime. Going out, meets Manilov. Together they go to make a purchase. In the office, Chichikov gives an official named Ivan Antonovich Pitcher’s Snout a bribe to speed things up, but giving a bribe goes as if imperceptibly: Ivan Antonovich covers a “piece of paper” with a book, and the bank note disappears. The chief sits Sobakevich. Chichikov agrees on committing a deed for one day, explaining the rush by urging him to leave urgently. Chichikov sends the chairman a letter to Plyushkin, in which he asks him to be an attorney in his case, and the chairman readily agrees. Witnesses come, documents are drawn up, Chichikov pays only half of the fee to the treasury. After the successful completion of the case, everyone goes to dinner to the police chief. During dinner, Sobakevich eats a huge sturgeon. At the table, tipsy and mellow guests ask Chichikov to stay longer, decide to marry him. Chichikov himself tipsy, assures the audience that he buys peasants for the withdrawal to Kherson province, where he already acquired an estate, and he himself believes everything he says. Delivering the drunken master home, Petrushka and Selifan, too, go for a walk in a tavern.
Chapter 8
The inhabitants of the city are discussing Chichikov’s purchases. Each in his own way offers him assistance for the successful delivery of farmers to the place. Description of the city residents. “To the postmaster, whose name was Ivan Andreevich, always added:” Sprechen zee deych, Ivan Andreich? “Many were not without education: the chairman of the chamber knew by heart Lyudmila Zhukovsky and skillfully read many places, especially:” Bor fell asleep, the valley is asleep ” , and the word “Chu!” … For greater similarity, he even at this time screwed up his eyes. The postmaster was a wit, a flowery in words… And he made out the speech with a lot of different particles, somehow “my mir, such You know, you understand, you can imagine, relatively, so to speak, in some way. ” The others were also more or less enlightened people: who read Karamzin,
“The ladies of the city of NN were what are called presentable… As for behaving, keeping the tone, maintaining etiquette, a lot of proprieties of the most subtle, and especially watching the fashion in the latest trifles, then they outstripped even the ladies of St. Petersburg and even Moscow ones… A business card, even if it was written on a club deuce or an ace of diamonds, but the thing was very sacred… The ladies of the city of NN differed… with extraordinary care and propriety in words and expressions, they never said: “I blew my nose, “” I sweated, “” I spit, “and said:” I’m about “I managed with a handkerchief.” To further refine the Russian language, half of the words were almost completely dropped from the conversation, and therefore it was often necessary to resort to French, but there, in French, another thing: there were allowed words that were much more rigidly mentioned. “The ladies of the city are delighted with Chichikov, one of whom even sends him a provincial, sweet-hearted love letter. Chichikov receives an invitation to the ball to the governor. For an hour he considers himself in a mirror, taking various different poses and facial expressions, at the ball, Chichikov is in the spotlight, trying to determine which of the ladies wrote him a letter. The governor introduces Chichikov to his daughter, a sixteen-year-old beauty blonde, Chichikov met almost when the boys collided, but Chichikov almost fell in love, but talking to the girl only made her bored. The rest of the ladies were indignant at the fact that Chichikov was paying attention only to the blonde, and the Nozd-Roar appeared with his usual straightforwardness. , that Chichikov was trying to buy dead souls from him. Ladies pick up the news, as if not believing in it, since everyone knows the scandalous reputation of Nozdrev, but “no matter how silly the words of a fool, and sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.” At night, Korobochka arrives in the city, who is interested in the prices of dead souls, fearing that she was cheating.
Chapter 9
Visit “nice lady” to “lady pleasant in all respects.” Since the first one carries the news that has just been heard, she can not wait to let her know her friend, and the visit takes place before the hour when visits usually begin in the city of NN. The guest says that Chichikov, disguised as a robber, demanded that Korobochka sell him dead peasants. The interlocutor decides that the dead souls are only a cover, an excuse, but in fact Chichikov wants to take away the governor’s daughter. The ladies discuss the girl’s behavior and do not find it attractive: she is too pale, painted, behaving mannerly. Appears husband “ladies pleasant in all respects.” The ladies vied with him about Chichikov’s trade transactions, his intention to take the governor’s daughter away and completely confuse the prosecutor. Then the ladies spread these gossips around the city. The male half of the city dwellers pay attention to the purchase of dead souls, the female one – to kidnap the governor’s daughter. History acquires new details. They decide that Chichikov should have an accomplice, and suspicion falls on Nozdrev. Chichikov’s story is told with new details throughout the city, including houses where Chichikov has never been. Chichikov is credited with organizing the rebellion of the peasants of the village of Borovka, Zadirai l oto-tozh, who killed the assessor Drobyazhkin because of the red tape for women and the oppression of serfs. To top off the general turmoil, the governor receives two notices of a counterfeiter and an escaped robber with a warrant to detain both. The public suspects that someone is one of the wanted – Chichikov. ” They finally put their final thoughts on this subject. and decide at least what and how to do it, and what measures to take, and what exactly he is: is it such a person who needs to be detained and seized as unintentional, or is he such a person who can himself grab and detain them all, as unintentional. “
Chapter 10
All city officials are concerned about the situation with Chichikov, many even lose weight from grief. They are going to the meeting with the police chief. There should be a lyrical digression about the specifics of holding meetings or charitable meetings. “The goal will be beautiful, but for all that nothing will work out… For example, having started some charitable society for the poor and sacrificing significant sums, we immediately commemorate such a laudable deed set the dinner to all first dignitaries of the city, of course, half of all donated The rest is hired for a committee by a magnificent apartment, with heating and watchmen, and then the whole sum for the poor is left for five rubles and a half, and here in the distribution of this amount, not all the members agree yet, and in yaky puts some his godfather. ” The postmaster decides, that Chichikov – disguised captain Kopeikin, the hero of the war of 1812, a disabled person without arms and legs. Returning from the front Kopeikinu father refuses to help, and the captain goes to St. Petersburg to the sovereign to seek the truth. The Tsar does not appear in the capital, and Captain Kopeikin goes to the nobleman, the chief of the commission. He waited a long time in the waiting room. The general promises to help, asks for a visit the other day. At the next audience the grandee assures that nothing can be done for the captain: a special permission of the tsar is needed. The captain of Kopeikin is running out of money. The doorman no longer passes it to the general. Captain Kopeikin is starving, suffering many hardships. Breaks to an appointment with the general, explains that he can not wait any longer. The general roughly ransacked him, and then expelled him from St. Petersburg for a state account.
The rest of the officials still decide that the postmaster went too far and Chichikov is probably not Captain Kopeikin, because he has a hand and a leg. There is a suggestion that Chichikov is a disguised Napoleon, while the obvious difference in the growth of Chichikov and the French emperor is not at all embarrassing. They decide to ask Nozdrev again, despite the fact that he is a well-known liar. Nozdrev claims that he sold Chichikov dead souls for several thousand rubles, that he studied with Chichikov together in school, and even then Chichikov was a spy and counterfeiter, that Chichikov was really going to take the governor’s daughter, and Nozdryov helped him, while giving in such details that and he realizes that he has gone too far.
Having frightened himself with insoluble problems, the prosecutor dies for no reason at all. Chichikov himself does not know anything about what is happening. Coming out of the house three days later, Chichikov discovers that he is not accepted anywhere or taken in some strange way. He comes to Nozdryov and tells that in the city of Chichikov is considered a counterfeiter, who was going to kidnap the governor’s daughter. Nozdryov also informs Chichikov that the prosecutor died because of his fault. After leaving Nozdryov, Chichikov orders him to pack his things.
Chapter 11
In the morning Chichikov can not leave the city. He leaves only in the evening, on the way he meets a funeral procession, all the officials go behind the coffin, and everyone thinks about the new Governor-General and his future relations with him. Bricks leaves the city. A lyrical digression about Russia follows.
“Rus, Russia, I see you, from my wonderful beautiful far away I see you: poor, scattered and uncomfortable in you, you will not be amazed or scared by the impudent diva of nature, crowned with the impudent divas of art… Open-deserted and exactly everything in you; As points, like badges, low your cities are quietly sticking out among the plains, nothing will seduce or enchant the look, but what mysterious power is attracted to you? Why is it heard and heard in your ears dreary, rushing along all the length and breadth of your, from the sea to the sea, a song? What’s in it, in this dog What do you call and weep and grab at your heart? What sounds painfully kiss and strive for the soul, and curl near my heart? Rus, what do you want from me? what incomprehensible connection lies between us? … What prophesies this immense spaciousness? Is it not in you whether an unlimited thought is born, when you are without end? Is not there to be a hero when there is a place to turn around and get through to him? and menacingly threatens me with a mighty space, mirroring in my depth with a terrible force; unnatural power illuminated my eyes: y! what sparkling, wonderful, earth-unfathomable distance! Russia! .. “
The author’s reasoning about the hero of the literary work and the origin of Chichikov follows. Chichikov’s parents were noblemen, the son does not look like them, “life looked at him… sourly uninviting.” The father took Pavlusha to the city to an old female relative to enter the school. His father’s instructions were that the boy should please the teachers and superiors, he would only be with rich comrades, he would not share with anyone himself, but behaved himself so that he would be treated, but most of all he would save a penny. Special abilities for Chichikov never existed, but the boy possessed a “practical mind”, saved his own money, sold the treats offered to him, showed a trained mouse for money, curry favor with the teachers, and as a result received a certificate with gold letters. Toward the end of the school, Father Chichikov dies, The son sells the dilapidated house and goes to the slateba. He betrays the teacher who was expelled from school, to whom all his former comrades helped and who was counting on the support of his beloved disciple Chichikov. Chichikov serves, in all pleasing to the chief, cares for his ugly daughter, hints that he does not mind marrying, seeking promotion and not marrying. It is part of the commission to build a public building, for which a lot of money is allocated, but the building is built “not above the foundation.” The new chief, military, at first sight hated Chichikov, and the latter is forced to start a career from scratch. Chichikov enters the service at customs, since from this place he can have much. Chichikov finds a talent for searches and searches. Chichikov is promoted, and he is presenting a project to catch smugglers. Himself at this time conspiring with smugglers, gets a lot of money. He quarrels with a friend he shared with, and they are put on trial. Shifty Chichikov manages to save part of the money and again begins all over again as an attorney. There he is overshadowed by the idea of ​​buying and reselling dead souls.
Reflecting on how readers will react to his hero, the author gives a parable about Kif Mokievich and Mokii Kifovich, father and son. The existence of the father is turned in the speculative direction, and the son is ruffled. In response to requests to calm down his son, Kifa Mokievich does not want to interfere in anything, “so if he remains a dog, then do not let me know about it, even if I did not give it away.”
At the end of the poem, the britzka rides swiftly along the road, horses are rushing at full speed. “And what kind of Russian does not like fast driving?”
You know, from a smart people you could only have been born, in a land that does not like to joke, but it’s evenly-smoothly spread out to half a light, and go and count the versts until it charges you It’s not tricky, it seems, the road projectile, was not grabbed with a screw by the iron, but the Yaroslavl smart guy equipped and assembled you hastily alive with one ax and chisel. Not in the German jackboots the coachman: the beard and the mittens, and the devil knows where; but stood up and swung, and tightened the song – the horses swirl, the spokes in the wheels blended into one in a smooth circle, only the road fluttered, and the pedestrian stopped crying in fright: she rushed away, rushed, rushed… And now you can see in the distance how something is blowing and drilling air. Is not that so, Rus, that brisk A non-moving triplet rides? Smoke smoke under your road, bridges rumbling, everything lags behind and (remains behind.) The astonished contemplative astonished by God’s miracle stopped: is not this lightning thrown from the sky? What does this horrendous movement mean? And what is the unknown strength in these horses, which are susceptible to vomiting? Eh, horses, horses, horses Vortices sit in your manes? Do you hear a sharp ear in any of your squirrels? You heard a familiar song from the height, you unified and simultaneously pulled the brass breasts and, almost without touching the hoofs of the earth, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and the whole race rushes inspired by God! .. Russia, where are you rushing about? It is not tsaet Answer Wonderful bell ringing filled;.. and rattles sume wind ripped pieces in the air, flying past all the first to eat on the ground, and, squinting, postoranivayutsya and give her the way tsrugie peoples and states. Is not this lightning thrown off the sky? What does this horrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these aevedomye tearing horses? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there vortexes in your manes? Does an eerie light burn in every kind of your squirrel? Heard from the height of a familiar song, amicably and at once harnessed the copper chests and, almost without touching the hoofs of the earth, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and rushing all inspired by God! .. Russia, where are you rushing? Give an answer. There is no answer. A bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The throttled air thunders and thaws by the wind; flies by everything, go to earth, and, squinting, and giving way to other nations and states. Is not this lightning thrown off the sky? What does this horrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these aevedomye tearing horses? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there vortexes in your manes? Does an eerie light burn in every kind of your squirrel? Heard from the height of a familiar song, amicably and at once harnessed the copper chests and, almost without touching the hoofs of the earth, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and rushing all inspired by God! .. Russia, where are you rushing? Give an answer. There is no answer. A bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The throttled air thunders and thaws by the wind; flies by everything, go to earth, and, squinting, and giving way to other nations and states. what kind of horses! Are there vortexes in your manes? Does an eerie light burn in every kind of your squirrel? Heard from the height of a familiar song, amicably and at once harnessed the copper chests and, almost without touching the hoofs of the earth, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and rushing all inspired by God! .. Russia, where are you rushing? Give an answer. There is no answer. A bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The throttled air thunders and thaws by the wind; flies by everything, go to earth, and, squinting, and giving way to other nations and states. what kind of horses! Are there vortexes in your manes? Does an eerie light burn in every kind of your squirrel? Heard from the height of a familiar song, amicably and at once harnessed the copper chests and, almost without touching the hoofs of the earth, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and rushing all inspired by God! .. Russia, where are you rushing? Give an answer. There is no answer. A bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The throttled air thunders and thaws by the wind; flies by everything, go to earth, and, squinting, and giving way to other nations and states. There is no answer. A bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The throttled air thunders and thaws by the wind; flies by everything, go to earth, and, squinting, and giving way to other nations and states. There is no answer. A bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The throttled air thunders and thaws by the wind; flies by everything, go to earth, and, squinting, and giving way to other nations and states.



