Summary Princess Lindagul

S. Topelius
Princess Lindagul
In Shah Nadir, in addition to vain sons, there was a beloved daughter of Lindagul (she was given the name of a northerly mother). The king of giants Bum-Bam ordered sorcerer Hirma to deliver him the beautiful Lindagul; he turned into a tiger Ahriman and during the best battles stole the girl, biting off the hand of Prince Abderramanu, who alone rushed to help the princess. The prince swore an oath to look for the princess for 15 years – and die, if he does not find it.
The hirmu took the princess to him and tried to force him to marry his lazy son, who, incidentally, did not want to marry a girl from another country who could not manage the farm. Lindagul endured all the tortures invented by the sorcerer (his wife and son, to the best of their ability, helped the poor girl). In the end, he turned it into a heather flower. This is what the prince found him-at the last moment he managed to pick up the cherished words and to disguise it, and the dog tore Chirma, turned into an arctic fox). The family of the sorcerer remained in Lapland, and the prince and the princess returned to Shah. Abderraman defeated rebellious sons and became heir to the throne.



