Friedrich Dürrenmatt was born on January 5, 1921 in Konolfingen, a village in the Swiss canton of Berne. His grandfather Ulrich Dürrenmatt was a conservative politician, Father Reinhold Dürrenmatt – a Protestant priest in the village. After 3 years Sister Vroni was born. In 1935, the family moved to Berne because of economic considerations. The world economic crisis by this time was also quite felt in Switzerland, the middle class of the bourgeoisie became poorer. Friedrich Dürrenmatt first attended the Berne Free Gymnasium, then Humboldtianum, where in 1941 he passed his final exams. He was not a particularly good student (average score: “3 with a minus”) and he himself described the school years as “the worst time” of his life. He changed schools, because then he did not like the method of teaching, then bad grades,
Even in Konolfingen, he began to paint with a brush and pencil – the inclination that he felt throughout his life. Later he illustriated some of his own works, sketched, sometimes even sketches of scenery and costumes for the play. His paintings were exhibited in 1976 and 1985 in Neuburg, in 1978 in Zurich. Despite his talent for painting, Durenmatt in 1941 began to study philosophy, natural sciences and German studies; first in Zurich, but after the first semester already in Bern. There he lived in his parents’ house on Laubeggstraße in the attic, which was decorated with large panels, which were later painted over, and only in the early 1990s were they discovered and restored. With studies he did not hurry and already in 1943 he preferred a career in the university as a writer.
Summary Dürrenmatt F