What is chronology

1. How do historians determine the time of an event and what is chronology?

Exploring the past, historian scholars answer time and again: When did this or that event occur? Determine the exact time of a particular event, that is, its date, helps Chronology is a science that studies ways of calculating time.

Not always the time was determined as it is now. The oldest units of time are the day, week, month, year. People began to apply them, observing the phenomena of nature, the movement of the Sun, the Moon, the stars. But it was difficult to comprehend and correctly understand the complex phenomena of nature. Therefore, in ancient times, for different peoples, a year could last from 300 to 400 days and start at any time of the year or even reckon from an event.

The time counting from a particular event is called the Summer Count. 300 – 400 years ago in Ukraine the chronology from the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of one of the world’s largest religions – Christianity, was gradually established.

The time from the first year to the present days is called Our Era, Or from the Nativity of Christ. Every hundred years is called the Centenary, or the Century. A thousand years is the Millennium.

The first century of our era begins in the 1st year and ends in the 100th year. Accordingly, the second century begins in the 101st year, and ends in the 200th year. Consequently, the early years of the centuries are 101, 201, 301 … 1901, and years with zeros are the last years of the centuries.

2. How to solve chronological problems?

At the lessons of history in the 5th grade you will learn to solve chronological problems. To properly perform such tasks, follow a certain sequence, namely:

A. Draw a time line – a straight line, separated by dashes to equal segments, indicating a certain number of years.

B. At the beginning of the line, put a large and sharper dash – the origin, and at the end, an arrow that symbolizes the flow of time.

B. Set the current year for the time orientation.

D. If you do not need to mark the intervals, break the line with the dotted line.

D. Write down the condition of the task on the time line.

E. Perform the calculation and write down the compressed response.



