Saltykov-Shchedrin’s “Wisecracker” in brief summary

Once upon a time there was an “enlightened, moderately liberal” pisar. Smart parents, dying, left him to live, looking at both. Piskar realized that he was in danger from everywhere: from large fish, from

“Don Juan, or Love for geometry” Frisch in brief

The action takes place in Seville in the “era of beautiful costumes.” Father Don Juan, Tenorio, complains to his father Diego that his son, a twenty-year-old young man, absolutely not interested in women. His

Summary of the “Kreutzer Sonata” by Tolstoy

Early spring. The end of the century. In Russia there is a train. In the car there is a lively conversation; merchant, clerk, attorney, smoking lady and other passengers argue about the women’s question,

Summary Walden, or Life in the Woods

GD Toro Walden, or Life in the Forest In this book, Thoreau describes his own life, the period when, for two years alone, he lived on the shore of the Walden Pond in Concord,

“What to do?” Chernyshevsky in brief

July 11, 1856 in a room of one of the large St. Petersburg hotels find a note left by a strange lodger. The memo says that its author will soon be heard on the

“Saga of Cuchulainn” in brief summary

Birth of Cuchulainn Once upon a land of uladov birds of an unknown breed flew and began to devour all the fruits, cereals, grass, all the greenery to the very root. Then, in order

“Russian man at rendezvous” Chernyshevsky in brief

“Russian man on rendez-vous” refers to the journalism and has a subtitle “Reflections on reading the story of Mr. Turgenev” Asya “. In this article Chernyshevsky gives a broader picture associated with contemporary Russian

“In the storm” Serafimovich in summary

On the sea, Grandfather Agafon and Andreika are fishing in the boat. They pull the fish caught in the net. The boy unintentionally releases the carp into the water, for which the grandfather painfully

Under the Sun of Satan

George Bernanos Under the Sun of Satan Germain Malorty, nicknamed Mushette, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the Campanian brewer, once entering the dining room with a full bucket of fresh milk, felt unwell; parents immediately

Summary “Venus Ilskaya” Merimee

The narrator, at the request of M. de P., goes to the Catalan town of Ill. He must examine all the ancient monuments in the area, which will indicate the local lover of antiquity,
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