“Voltaire’s Orléans virgin” in brief summary

The action of this satirical poem takes place during the Hundred Years War between France and England. Some contemporaries of Voltaire said that the author, ridiculing Joan of Arc, treated her more cruelly than

Summary of the “Citadel” Cronina

The action takes place in 1920-1930-ies. In Great Britain. In a small mining town Blanelli comes a young doctor Andrew Manson – a new assistant doctor, Dr. Page. When he arrives, he learns that

Summary Irkutsk History of Watermelons

A. N. Arbuzov Irkutsk history Two girls, Valya and Larisa, work at a food store in Irkutsk. Valya is a cashier, she is twenty-five years old. This is a cheerful girl who does not

Short summary Bunin’s lungs breathing

IA Bunin Easy breathing Exposition of the story – a description of the grave of the main character. Then follows the presentation of its history. Olya Meshcherskaya is a successful, capable and playful schoolgirl,

Summary “Diamond my vein”

This book is not a novel, not a story, not a lyric diary and no memoirs. Chronological connections are replaced here by associative, and the search for beauty – by searching for authenticity, no

“In the ravine” Chekhov in brief

The village of Ukleevo is famous for the fact that “at the funeral at the factory owner Kostyukov, the old deacon saw among the appetizers a granular caviar and began to eat it greedily,

Summary of the play by IS Turgenev “Breakfast at the Leader”

Canteen. Morning. A set table with a snack. The action takes place in the estate of the leader of the local nobility. Nikolai Ivanovich Balagolayev invited one of his neighbors, a judge and a

Summary The intimate man

AP Platonov The Inmost Man “Foma Pukhov is not gifted with sensitivity: he cut his boiled sausage on the coffin of his wife, starving because of the absence of the hostess.” After the burial

Summary “Post of Spirits”

Spirit Mail, Academic or moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulka with water, air and underground spirits. Assistant Arab magician Malikulmulka, typed correspondence with spirits, proves that a very fascinating book. Such

Summary Characters, or Morals of this century

J. de LaBruyer Characters, or Manners of the present century In the preface to his “Character”, the author acknowledges that the purpose of the book is an attempt to draw attention to the shortcomings
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