“Delight” by d’Annunzio in short summary

In December 1886 Count Andrea Sperelli waits in her chambers for the beloved. The refined atmosphere evokes memories – these things touched Elena’s hands, Elena’s eyes fell on these pictures and curtains, the smell

Summary Conversations in the realm of the dead

Lucian Conversations in the realm of the dead I. Diogenes and Polydeuces Once again Diogenes returns to the land Polidevka Diogenes gives instructions. He must pass on the cunea of ​​Menippus (ridiculing all idle

“Living corpse” of Tolstoy in a brief summary

Elisaveta Andreevna Protasova decides to part with her husband, Fedor Vasilyevich, whose way of life becomes intolerable for her: Fedya Protasov drinks, squanders his and his wife’s fortune. Lisa’s mother approves of her decision,

Summary of “Lyudochka” Astafyev

V. Astafiev – the story “Lyudochka.” In this story, the author presents us with the tragic story of a village girl. The story is preceded by an epigraph and an introduction. The epigraph is

Summary Wonderful VG Korolenko

VG Korolenko the Wonderful Morozova is the main character, a political prisoner. In the center of the narrative of this early work of the writer is the story of the escort gendarme Gavrilov about

Summary of “Sukhodol” Bunin

“Suhodol” is a family chronicle of Khrushchev’s noblemen. In the center of the work, in addition, – the fate of Natalia, a courtyard, who lived with Khrushchev as a native, being his father’s milk

The summary of the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn “Matrenin yard”

The action takes place “on the one hundred and eighty-fourth kilometer from Moscow along the branch that goes to Murom and Kazan.” The narrative is conducted from the first person, and the narrator himself,

Summary “Anthony and Cleopatra”

In Alexandria party Mark Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra indulge in love. Antonia’s supporters say that she is in the position of a female clown. Antony leaves Egypt after learning that his wife

Summary “My family and other animals” Darella

From England to the Greek island of Corfu moved the family of Darrell, the widow of Mrs. Darrell and her four children: writer Larry twenty-three years old, nineteen-year-old amateur hunting Leslie, eighteen-year-old Margot and

“Farewell in June” Vampilov in brief summary

Step 1 On the street, at the bus stop, waiting for transportation is Tanya, a girl of 19 years, reading posters. Student of the last course Nikolai Kolesov, a young man of 24 years
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