The summary of the work of IS Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

“What, Peter? Not to see yet?” – asked May 20, 1859, leaving without a hat on the low porch of the inn… a gentleman of about forty, in a dusty coat and checkered trousers, with his servant, young and cheeky small with whitish down on his chin and small dull eyes.
A servant in whom everything: a turquoise earring in his ear, and pomaded multicolored hair, in short, all exposed the man of the newest, advanced generation, looked condescending along the road and responded: “No, no, I can not see.”
Barin, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, has a good estate of two hundred souls in fifteen versts from an inn. His father was a military general, served all his life and lived permanently in the provinces. Nikolai Petrovich, like his elder brother Pavel, was born in the south of Russia and was brought up to the age of fourteen at home surrounded by cheap tutors, cheeky but obsequious adjutants and other staff and regimental personalities.
The mother of the boys was from those who are called “mother-commander”, the children did not pay much attention and lived for their own pleasure. Nikolai Petrovich, as a general’s son, was destined to go to military service, although he was by no means brave. Fortunately, the very day when the news of his determination came, the boy broke his leg, lay for two months in bed and then limped all his life. There was nothing to do – Nikolai Petrovich, as soon as he was eighteen years old, was appointed to St. Petersburg University. Paul just then left the officer in the Guards regiment, and they began to live together, in the same apartment. In 1835, Nikolai Petrovich graduated from the university as a candidate, and in the same year General Kirsanov himself, who was dismissed for an unsuccessful review, came to live in St. Petersburg. He lived here for a long time, suddenly died of a stroke, and soon after him followed his wife, who could not get used to the deaf capital life. Even during the life of his parents, Nikolai Petrovich fell in love with the daughter of the former owner of his apartment, a pretty and developed girl.
As soon as the date of mourning passed, they married, lived a little in the city and moved to the village for good, where they were happy and they had a son Arkady. But ten years later, in the year 47 the wife of Nikolai Petrovich died, which was a terrible blow to him. He decided to go abroad, thought it would be a little easier, but it was the 48th year and he did not go. From doing nothing, it did not become easier, and he took up farming. In the year 55, Nikolai Petrovich took his son to the university, lived with him there for three winters, and the fourth was forced to spend in his village – and now, quite gray, chubby and slightly hunched up, he is waiting for his son, he was once a candidate. Finally appeared a tarantass, harnessed by a troika of Yam horses. Kirsanov with the cry of “Arkasha!” Rushed to his son and pressed his lips to the cheek of a young candidate.
Arkady introduced his friend to the father, who was so polite that he agreed to stay with them. Of special courtesy, however, in a young man dressed in a long hoodie with brushes, it was difficult to notice – he did not even immediately respond to the joyful handshake of Father Arcadia. He introduced himself as Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. His face, long and thin, with a broad forehead, a flat, downward pointed nose, large green eyes and hanging whiskers, expressed self-confidence and intelligence. A few minutes later, the carriage and tarantas drove home.
Sincere, almost childlike joy of Arkady because he was at home again, with his beloved father, this time seemed to be holding back something. But the joy still broke out – he kissed his father’s cheek on the cheek. Arkady, as it turned out, very much appreciates the friendship with Bazarov, met him recently, he is engaged in natural sciences and is going to hold an exam for the doctor next year. The father tells his son about the death of his old nanny, about the dismissal of the former clerk… There is something else… the father is afraid that Arkady will not convict him. But he is not at all against the fact that Fenechka lives with his father in the house. Arkady looks around: yes, it was impossible to call scenic places. Among the fields here and there were small forests, ravines riddled with rare and low bushes. There were also rivers with dug shores, and tiny ponds with thin dams, and villages with low huts under dark, often half-marked roofs and churches, then brick ones with stucco fallen off in some places, then wooden with bent crosses and ruined cemeteries. Arkady became sad. But the spring took its toll. Everything was golden green around, larks were everywhere… Arkady felt better. A quarter of an hour later, the two crews “stopped in front of the porch of a new wooden house painted in gray paint and covered with an iron red roof.” This was Maryino, Novaya Slobodka identity, or, according to the peasant name, Bobyli Khutor. ” Arkady became lighter. A quarter of an hour later, the two crews “stopped in front of the porch of a new wooden house painted in gray paint and covered with an iron red roof.” This was Maryino, Novaya Slobodka identity, or, according to the peasant name, Bobyli Khutor. ” Arkady became lighter. A quarter of an hour later, the two crews “stopped in front of the porch of a new wooden house painted in gray paint and covered with an iron red roof.” This was Maryino, Novaya Slobodka identity, or, according to the peasant name, Bobyli Khutor. “
Only a girl of about twelve, and a young fellow dressed in a gray livery jacket with white coat-of-arms buttons, servant of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, came out to meet them. It was necessary to have supper. The old house servant suggested that Bazarov go first to his room. He refused – let them just throw in his suitcase and hoodie. Arkady said that he needed to clean up, and went to the door, but at that moment a man of average height entered the drawing room, dressed in dark English, a fashionable short tie and varnished boots, – Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. He looked about forty-five years old: his short-cropped gray hair was cast in a dark gleam like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually right and clean… showed traces of beauty remarkable: especially bright were light, black, oblong eyes. He had grace and youthful harmony. He handed his nephew a hand, and then kissed him three times. Nikolai Petrovich introduced him to Bazarov: Pavel Petrovich slightly bent down and smiled, but he did not give his hand and even put it back in his pocket. Bazarov, leaping from the couch, went with Arkady. Pavel Petrovich asked, “who is this… hairy?”.
Dinner passed in tranquility. Bazarov especially spoke little, but ate a lot. Nikolai Petrovich told various cases from his life, he talked about politics and other things. Arkady felt uncomfortable for some reason and even once replaced his usual word “daddy” with the word “father.” After dinner, everyone dispersed.
Bazarov considers Pavel Petrovich eccentric, in his opinion, panache in the village to anything. Especially it or him mix well-groomed fingernails or nails. And his collars are as amazing as stone, and his chin is so neatly shaved… “Arkady Nikolayevich, it’s funny!” Arkady agrees, but the uncle is a good person. Bazarov gives a characteristic description and father to Arkady – a nice fellow, reads verses in vain, he hardly knows about the economy, but he’s good-natured. In general, elderly romantics do not like Bazarov.
The next morning Bazarov rose first and left the house. He did not like the manor. Bazarov found two courtyard boys and went with them to catch frogs for experiments. Arkady, meanwhile, talks with his father about Fenechka. Fenechka does not go out for tea, is embarrassed. But after all, Arkady does not want to hamper his father, to make him change his life. Arkady goes to Fenechka and sees his younger brother, whose existence he did not suspect. Pavel Petrovich appeared in a graceful morning, in English taste, with a suit, with a fez on his head. He asks about a friend of Arkady. He says: “The main thing is not to pay attention to him: he does not like ceremonies.” “Yes, it’s noticeable,” Pavel Petrovich notices without a poison. It turns out that he knew Bazarov’s father, the divisional healer. Pavel Petrovich is interested in what Mr. Bazarov is himself. ” He is a nihilist, “says Arkady, and they begin to find out what a nihilist is, because the word is formed from the Latin word ny1, that is, it turns out that this is the one that treats everything from a critical point of view, does not bow to any authority, does not accept no principle on faith, no matter how respected this principle is surrounded. “In his opinion, one can not step on without principles.” Let’s see how you will exist in a vacuum, in an airless space, “he says. Fenichka, young The woman of twenty-three, all fair-haired and soft, with dark hair and eyes, red, child puhlyavymi sponges and delicate hands. She is very shy, and at the same time felt that she had a right to come. After all, the word is formed from the Latin word “shil,” that is, nothing. It turns out that this is one that treats everything from a critical point of view, does not lean towards any authority, does not take any principle on faith, no matter how respected this principle is surrounded. Pavel Petrovich is outraged. In his opinion, one can not step on without principles. “Let’s see how you will exist in a vacuum, in an airless space,” he declares. The tea came out to cover Fenechka, a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childish plump lips and gentle hands. She was very shy and at the same time felt that she had the right to come. After all, the word is formed from the Latin word “shil,” that is, nothing. It turns out that this is one that treats everything from a critical point of view, does not lean towards any authority, does not take any principle on faith, no matter how respected this principle is surrounded. Pavel Petrovich is outraged. In his opinion, one can not step on without principles. “Let’s see how you will exist in a vacuum, in an airless space,” he declares. The tea came out to cover Fenechka, a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childish plump lips and gentle hands. She was very shy and at the same time felt that she had the right to come. does not bow to any authority, does not take a single principle on faith, no matter how respected this principle is surrounded. Pavel Petrovich is outraged. In his opinion, one can not step on without principles. “Let’s see how you will exist in a vacuum, in an airless space,” he declares. The tea came out to cover Fenechka, a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childish plump lips and gentle hands. She was very shy and at the same time felt that she had the right to come. does not bow to any authority, does not take a single principle on faith, no matter how respected this principle is surrounded. Pavel Petrovich is outraged. In his opinion, one can not step on without principles. “Let’s see how you will exist in a vacuum, in an airless space,” he declares. The tea came out to cover Fenechka, a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childish plump lips and gentle hands. She was very shy and at the same time felt that she had the right to come. The tea came out to cover Fenechka, a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childish plump lips and gentle hands. She was very shy and at the same time felt that she had the right to come. The tea came out to cover Fenechka, a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childish plump lips and gentle hands. She was very shy and at the same time felt that she had the right to come.
Walking through the flower beds, Bazarov walked around the garden, all in mud, with a small sack in which something was stirring. It turned out there were frogs there. “This he will cut them,” Pavel Petrovich tried to mock, “He does not believe in principles, but believes in frogs.”
Bazarov returned and began to hastily drink tea. The conversation is about physics, about natural sciences, which Bazarov is engaged in. The cheerful behavior of the guest and his careless answers lead Pavel Petrovich out of himself. He asks him about the authorities, which he does not seem to recognize. Bazarov can not even understand why he should recognize them. They will say something sensible to him – he will agree. In his opinion, a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet. He rejects art completely. Science as such does not exist: there are sciences, as there are crafts, ranks. In an aggravated conversation, Nikolai Petrovich interferes, who expresses the hope that Bazarov will give him good advice in the fieldwork. Bazarov actually admits that nothing in this does not understand. Pavel Petrovich leaves the table resentful and irritated. This does not produce the slightest impression on Bazarov. Arkady notes to him that he was too harsh, but Bazarov is not going to spare the pride of the county aristocrats. In Bazarov, meanwhile, great joy – he found a rather rare specimen of a water beetle. He has already forgotten Pavel Petrovich, but Arkady, who loves his uncle, is trying to somehow inspire Bazarov and sympathy for him. It is accepted to tell the very story of Pavel Petrovich that he is ungrateful.
Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, after completing the pages, served in the Guards regiment. He was very handsome and enjoyed great success with women. Pavel Petrovich loved to be in society, he was famous for his courage and dexterity and read only five or six French books. A strange woman came to him on the way – in the afternoon a coquette and a lady of light, at night – exhaling a praying woman. She was not a beauty, but a glance… “Something extraordinary shone in him when her tongue babbled the most empty speech.” Pavel Petrovich, meeting her at the ball, fell passionately in love with her and soon reached his goal. But he could not understand it, and he did not feel happy. Quite soon she cooled to him and, to get rid of his persecution, went abroad. The distraught Pavel Petrovich retired and spent four years abroad, chasing after her, then forcing himself not to do so. In Baden, they seem to have come together again, but she secretly disappeared from there and since then has avoided Kirsanov. He returned to Russia, but could not return to his former way of life. Pavel Petrovich grew old, turned gray, preferred a boring bachelor society to everything. I did not think about marriage. So ten years passed. Once he learns about the death of Princess R., his beloved. She died in Paris in a state close to insanity.
It happened in the beginning of the year 48, when Nikolai Petrovich, having lost his wife, came to Petersburg. He invites Paul to live together in Marino. He replies that he is ready to settle with him forever. He came to the estate in a year and a half. Here in the village, Pavel Petrovich began to read, more and more English, generally arranged his life in English manners, did not communicate with his neighbors, went only to elections, where he kept quiet for the most part, only occasionally teasing and scaring the landowners of the old breed with liberal antics and not coming closer to the representatives of the new generation. Both of them considered him a proud man, but also respected for his aristocratic manners, for rumors of his victories, for dressing well and staying always in the best room of the best hotel; finally, he was respected for his impeccable honesty. He did not know the ladies.
Arkady adds that, among other things, Pavel Petrovich, more than once, helped his father out of trouble and is generally happy to help everyone… To despise such a person is a sin.
All this Bazarov did not change his mind.
A man who is deformed because of a woman is just a male. Moreover, he imagines himself to be a sensible person. As for education, which, according to Arcadia, Pavel Petrovich received, every person should educate himself. An example of this is, of course, he himself, Bazarov. And he does not understand and accept any “mysterious” relations between a man and a woman as a physiologist. It is enough to read the anatomy of the eye: where does the mysterious look come from? It is better to go see the bug. And the friends went to Bazarov’s room.
Nikolai Petrovich is talking to the manager, a man with rogue-scrupulous eyes, about the state of affairs. The economy went badly. We needed money, but they were not enough. Pavel Petrovich, listening to the conversation, thought about the fact that this time he can not give money to his brother, unfortunately he can not – he does not have them now, and so he chose to retire. He saw that Nikolai Petrovich was impractical and deceived. The same was convinced of the practicality of his brother and constantly turned to him for advice. Pavel Petrovich did not disbelieve his brother.
Stopping at the low door, he tugged at his mustache and knocked. It was Fenechka’s room. The appearance of Pavel Petrovich embarrassed Fenechka to the extreme, sitting on a chair with a child in her arms. Pavel Petrovich, having apologized, said that he needs green tea, let them be told to bring him from the city. He looked around the room, found changes and wished to see the child who was taken to another room. Soon Fenechka entered with Mitya in her arms. She managed to dress him up, wearing a red shirt with a bald spot on it. “He looks like his brother,” remarked Pavel Petrovich, “yes, an undeniable resemblance.” At that moment the voice of Nikolai Petrovich came from, who was looking for his brother. He was so glad to see Pavel Petrovich in this room that he could not help but smile at him. “You have a nice little boy,” he said and looked at his watch, “and I wrapped it up here about tea…”
She appeared in this house about three years ago with her mother. Once Nikolay Petrovich had to spend the night in one inn, where he was struck by cleanliness and neatness. It turned out, oddly enough, that the Russian housewife was a woman of about fifty, with a gracious clever face and a powerlike speech. Nikolai Petrovich was looking for a housekeeper just then, and Arina Savishna agreed to work in his house. She arrived in Marino with her daughter Fenechka and settled in the lodge. The house was cleaned up. Presence of the same Fenechka did not feel at all – she was very modest and quiet. But one morning Arina asked Nicholas Petrovich to help her daughter: a spark from the furnace hit her in the eye. Nikolai Petrovich led the girl to the window and took her by both hands behind her head. The eye blushed and swelled. Nikolai Petrovich prescribed a lotion, which he immediately composed, and, tearing his handkerchief, showed what and how to do. He did not let Fenechka kiss his hand, but he kissed her on the bent head, parted. The eye soon healed, and to Nikolai Petrovich everything seemed to be a pure, gentle face of the girl. He began to look at her more often in the church, trying to talk to her. She was at first shy, but gradually became accustomed to it. And then her mother died of cholera. Fenichka stayed with Nikolai Petrovich. What more can I say about this… Fenichka stayed with Nikolai Petrovich. What more can I say about this… Fenichka stayed with Nikolai Petrovich. What more can I say about this…
Pavel Petrovich, returning to his office, rushed to the sofa, put his hands behind his head and remained motionless, almost looking desperately at the ceiling. Then he got up and closed the window curtains.
On the same day Bazarov met Fenechka in the garden in the summer-house, where she was sitting with her son and Dunyasha, a servant. Friends walked around the garden, and Bazarov explained to Arkady that there was something wrong, when he suddenly saw Fenechka. “What a pretty girl!” – he said. Confused Arkady explained to him who she was. Bazarov approved the taste of Nikolai Petrovich, entered the gazebo and introduced himself. Bazarov looked at the child’s teeth, said that everything was in order, and the friends left. Arkady said that, in his opinion, the father should marry Fenechka. Bazarov did not expect Arkady to attach importance to marriage. The friends went on in silence. Bazarov spoke first. In his opinion, the economy of Nikolai Petrovich is upset, the manager is either a rogue or a fool. “And the kind peasants will fool your father without fail.” You know the saying: “The Russian peasant man will dig.” Arcadia has humbled such an attitude towards the Russian people. “Eka is important,” answered Bazarov, “a Russian man is only so good that he himself is of a bad opinion.” It is important that two and two are four, and the rest is nothing. ” “And nature?” “Nature is a trifle in the sense that you understand it.” Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is an employee in it, “Bazarov said. At that moment they heard the sound of music. Someone was playing the cello. Learning that this is the father of Arkady, Bazarov was at first amazed at how this man, in forty-four years, played the cello, then laughed mockingly. Arkady did not even smile. and the rest are all nonsense. “” And nature? “” And the nature of trifles in the sense in which you understand it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is an employee in it, “said Bazarov.” At that moment they heard the sound of music. “Someone played the cello.” When he heard that this was played by Father Arkady, Bazarov was at first amazed, For forty-four years he has been playing the cello, then he laughed mockingly. “Arkady did not even smile. and the rest are all nonsense. “” And nature? “” And the nature of trifles in the sense in which you understand it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is an employee in it, “said Bazarov.” At that moment they heard the sound of music. “Someone played the cello.” When he heard that this was played by Father Arkady, Bazarov was at first amazed, For forty-four years he has been playing the cello, then he laughed mockingly. “Arkady did not even smile. then he laughed mockingly. Arkady did not even smile. then he laughed mockingly. Arkady did not even smile.
About two weeks passed. In Maryin flowed ordinary life: Arkady did nothing, Bazarov worked. Everyone in the house has become accustomed to his careless manners, short and fragmentary answers. Fenechka even called him one night, when Mitya had cramps. He sat at her place for two hours and helped the child. Pavel Petrovich hated Bazarov with all his heart, considering him a proud, impudent, cynical and plebeian. He felt that Bazarov does not respect him, maybe even despises him, Pavel Kirsanov! Nikolai Petrovich was afraid of Bazarov and doubted whether his influence on Arkady was useful. But he listened willingly to Bazarov, was present at his physical and chemical experiments, especially with a microscope. The servants also treated Bazarov well, although he teased them. They considered him their own. Only the old Prokofich did not like him, he called him “a lover” and “
It was June. Bazarov went every morning to gather herbs and insects, and sometimes took Arkady with him. One day they returned later than usual, and Nikolai Petrovich heard them talking to the other side of the gazebo. Arkady defended his father, and Bazarov said that although he was a good fellow, but a retired man, his song was sung. Nikolai Petrovich went home. Bazarov meanwhile argued to Arkady that it’s no use anywhere to read Pushkin, as his father does. We must give him something to read, for example, Buchner.
On the same day after lunch, Nikolai Petrovich complained to his brother that he hoped to closely become friends with his son, but it turned out that he was a retired man, the son had gone ahead and they would not understand each other. Pavel Petrovich categorically disagrees. In what sense did he go ahead and what is so different from the two of them? It’s just that this signor drove him into the head, this nihilist.
“I hate this doctor, I think he’s just a charlatan,” Pavel Petrovich said. His brother, who obviously was touched by the words that his song was sung, said that Arkady had taken Pushkin from him and put in his hand a pamphlet by Buchner. And she seems to him nonsense, or he is stupid. Pavel Petrovich does not at all think that he and his brother are retired people and their song is sung. He decides to give battle to Bazarov, which happened the same evening for evening tea. Pavel Petrovich, irritated and determined, waited only for a reason to attack the enemy. But Bazarov sat down and drank tea, a cup after a cup. At last the preposition was presented. We talked about one of the neighboring landowners. “It’s rubbish, aristocratic,” Bazarov said indifferently, who met him in Petersburg. That’s when Pavel Petrovich got up. “Let me ask you,” he began, – According to your concepts of the word “rubbish” and “aristocrat” mean the same? “Bazarov was calm:” I said “aristocratic”. In response, Pavel Petrovich started a passionate speech in defense of the aristocracy, in particular the English. He believes that “without a sense of dignity, without respect for oneself – and in the aristocrat these feelings are developed – there is no solid foundation… for a public building.” Personality, dear sir, is the main thing, the human person must be as strong as a rock, because everything is built on it. ” without self-respect, without respect for oneself – and in the aristocrat these feelings are developed – there is no solid foundation… a public building. Personality, dear sir, is the main thing; the human person must be as strong as a rock, for everything is built on it. ” without self-respect, without respect for oneself – and in the aristocrat these feelings are developed – there is no solid foundation… a public building. Personality, dear sir, is the main thing; the human person must be as strong as a rock, for everything is built on it. “
Well, Bazarov believes that aristocratism, liberalism, progress, principles – all these foreign words are useless and Russian people do not need a gift. Yes, and without logic, you can do without. Arkady assents to Bazarov that they do not recognize authorities. “We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful,” said Bazarov, “at the present time, negation is most useful – we deny it.” They deny everything as is. Pavel Petrovich is so shocked that he has nothing to say. Arkady blushed with pleasure.
“But allow me,” said Nikolai Petrovich, “you all deny it, or, to put it more precisely, you are destroying everything… But you must build it.” “This is not our business… First, we need to clear the place,” Bazarov replies. Then Pavel Petrovich again entered into the conversation. He is convinced that the Russian people are not what they imagine. He piously honors tradition, he is patriarchal, he can not live without faith… Bazarov agrees that everything is so, but nothing proves anything. “The people believe that when the thunder rumbles, it’s Elijah the prophet in the chariot riding in the sky.” Well, to agree with him? “He’s Russian, but am I not Russian?” But Pavel Petrovich can not recognize Bazarov as a Russian. “My grandfather plowed the land,” answered Bazarov with arrogant pride. “Ask any of your men, in which of us – in you or in me – he soon recognizes his compatriot. You can not even talk to him. “-” And you talk to him and despise him at the same time. “” Well, if he deserves contempt! You blame my direction, but who told you that it is in me by chance, that it is not caused by the same people’s spirit, in the name of which you are so fighting? “-” How! Nihilists are very necessary! snorted Pavel Petrovich. “Do you think that your teaching is news?” The materialism that you preach was already more than once in the process and always proved to be untenable. ” that it is in me by accident, that it is not caused by the same national spirit, in the name of which you are so fighting? “-” How! Nihilists are very necessary! snorted Pavel Petrovich. “Do you think that your teaching is news?” The materialism that you preach was already more than once in the process and always proved to be untenable. ” that it is in me by accident, that it is not caused by the same national spirit, in the name of which you are so fighting? “-” How! Nihilists are very necessary! snorted Pavel Petrovich. “Do you think that your teaching is news?” The materialism that you preach was already more than once in the process and always proved to be untenable. “
Bazarov, who had already begun to get angry, objected that they did not preach anything, it was not in their habits. They guessed that talking… about our ulcers is not worth the trouble; they saw that the so-called advanced people and accusers are worthless, that it’s nonsense to talk about art, about the legal profession, about unconscious creativity, about parliamentarism, and what the hell is when it comes to daily bread, when the gross superstition of us strangles when all our joint-stock companies are bursting solely because there is a shortage of honest people, when the very freedom that the government is bothering about will hardly go for our good because our peasant is happy to steal himself so that he can only get drunk ake. Pavel Petrovich concludes that Bazarov and his ilk decided to take themselves seriously for nothing, but only to swear, which is what is called nihilism. Nihilism should help all grief, and nihilists – rescuers and heroes. But why then do they honor other accusers? Do not they both chatter the same? “What is different, and this sin is not sinful,” Bazarov said through clenched teeth. “So are you acting, are you? Are you going to act?” Bazarov did not answer. “Hmm… Act, break…” continued Pavel Petrovich, “but how can this be broken without even knowing why?” “We are breaking, because we are a force,” Arkady said, “Yes, the force does not give a report.” Pavel Petrovich explodes – the force! so it is in the wild Kalmyk, but what is it for us?! A privateer, who is given five kopecks for an evening, and he is more useful than you, because he represents civilization, and not a rough Mongolian force! “Power! Yes, remember, finally, gentlemen strong, that you are only four men and a half,
Pavel Petrovich sees in Bazarov satanic pride and mockery is necessary to all. To Arkady, he says: “Listen, Arkady… that’s how modern young people should express themselves!” Before young people had to learn, they did not want to be seen as ignoramus, they were so hardworking that they were forced to say: now everything in the world is nonsense! It was a hat, and the young people were happy, and in fact, before they were just dummies, now they suddenly became nihilists. ” Arkady flushed and flashed his eyes. And Bazarov remarks that Pavel Petrovich still has a change of self-esteem.
Well, he will be ready to agree with Pavel Petrovich if he calls at least something of modern life, family or social, which would not cause complete and ruthless denial. He tries to find examples, but without success. Young people are leaving. Nikolai Petrovich is very upset, remembers how he once told his mother that she can not understand him, because they belong to different generations. Pavel Petrovich does not agree with this comparison.
Nikolai Petrovich is very worried because of the change in his relationship with his son. In vain he spent winters in Petersburg, listened to the conversations of young people, sat on all the latest works for days on end. “My brother says that we are right,” he thinks, “but at the same time I feel that there is something behind them, is not this the advantage that there are less traces of gentility in them than in us?” But to reject poetry, art, nature… He remembered his wife, how he met her once a young girl and how they were then happy… He was called Fenichka. He said that he would come. But he began to wander slowly around the garden, immersed in thoughts. Met him Pavel Petrovich was struck by his frustrated air.
At night Bazarov offers Arkady to go to the city to a noble relative of the Kirsanov brothers. And then he will go to his father. The next day they left.
Matvei Ilyich Kolyazin, who invited the Kirsanov brothers, was from the “young,” that is, he had recently passed forty years, but he had already been labeled as a public figure. He was considered a progressist and had a high opinion of himself, even followed, albeit with careless majesty, the development of modern literature. He accepted Arcadia with kindness, which is typical of an enlightened dignitary, let us say more with playfulness. But I was very surprised that the brothers stayed in the village. Kolyazin advised Arkady to pay a visit to the governor. The day after tomorrow he gives a big ball in honor of him, Matvei Ilich Kolyazin.
Finding Bazarov in a tavern, not far from the place where they stopped, Arkady had to persuade his friend to go to the governor for a long time. He accepted the young people affably, but did not plant them, and did not sit down. Both received an invitation to the ball. When they came back, a man of small stature jumped out of the droids passing by, shouting: “Eugene!” It was a familiar Bazarov Sitnikov, who calls himself his disciple. “An alarming and dull expression affected the small, however pleasant features of his sleek face, his small, dented eyes looked intently and restlessly, and he laughed restlessly: with a short, wooden laugh.” Sitnikov proposes to go with him to the local lady Evdoksya Kukshina. This is a wonderful nature, an advanced woman. They agree.
In the anteroom, there was some kind of maid, or a companion in a cap, that met the obvious signs of the progressive strivings of the mistress of Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina. They were led into a room that looked more like a study room: papers, thick numbers of Russian magazines, mostly uncut, lay on dusty tables; Everywhere white cigarette butts stained white. A lady was reclining on a leather sofa, still young, blond, somewhat disheveled, in a silk, not quite neat dress, with large bracelets on short arms and a lacy kerchief on her head. Sitnikov introduced Bazarov and Kirsanov. “I know you,” she said to Bazarov and shook his hand. He winced. The unnatural, deliberate behavior of this woman acted unpleasantly. She began to chat about Liebig, about the women’s question, asked questions and did not wait for answers. Breakfast was brought. Bazarov asked if there were pretty women in the city. Eudoxia answered that she was, but they were all empty. For example, Odintsov is not bad. But there is no freedom of views, no breadth, and even a reputation for her… Breakfast lasted a long time. Drank a lot. Eudoxia chattered, Sitnikov echoed it. It ended with the mistress, all red from the wine drunk, began to sing in a hoarse voice. Here Arkady could not resist, saying that it was like bedlam. Bazarov yawned loudly, got up and, without saying goodbye to the landlady, went out with Arkady. It ended with the mistress, all red from the wine drunk, began to sing in a hoarse voice. Here Arkady could not resist, saying that it was like bedlam. Bazarov yawned loudly, got up and, without saying goodbye to the landlady, went out with Arkady. It ended with the mistress, all red from the wine drunk, began to sing in a hoarse voice. Here Arkady could not resist, saying that it was like bedlam. Bazarov yawned loudly, got up and, without saying goodbye to the landlady, went out with Arkady.
A few days later the governor held a ball. Arkady danced badly, Bazarov did not dance at all, Sitnikov joined them. All three sat in a corner. “Odintsov has arrived,” Sitnikov said. “Arkady looked around and saw a tall woman in a black dress standing in the doorway of the hall, struck him with the dignity of her posture.” The naked hands lay beautifully along the slender camp, the light branches of fuchsia fell beautifully from the shiny hair to the sloping shoulders, calmly and cleverly calmly, and not thoughtfully, glowing eyes from under a little impending white forehead, and lips smiled with a barely perceptible smile. ” Bazarov also drew attention to it. “What kind of figure is this?” He said, “the other women are not like them.” Sitnikov led Arkady to Odintsov, but it turned out that he was not at all familiar with it, As said. However, hearing the name of Arkady, Odintsov behaved with him affably, she knew his father Nikolai Petrovich. Arkady dances with the Odintsovo mazurka. He decides that he has never met such a charming woman. Arkady tells Odintsova about her friend Bazarov, and she invites them to visit her.
Anna Sergeevna Odintsova’s father Sergey Nikolaevich Loktev, a well-known handsome, scam artist and player, acted in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but, having lost himself in the dust, he was forced to settle in the village, where he soon died, leaving a tiny fortune to his daughters – Anna, who was twenty years, and Katerina, twelve years old. The situation was desperate. But Anna did not lose her head. She invited her mother’s sister, Princess Avdotya Stepanovna X……, an evil and vomited old woman, who took the household into her own hands. Anna patiently endured everything, was engaged in the education of her sister and, it seemed, did not expect anything. But then a certain Odintsov, a very rich man of about forty-six, fell in love with her, an eccentric and a hypochondriac, however, not stupid or malicious. Anna married him. Six years later, while dying, her husband left her in full condition. Having traveled abroad, Odintsova settled in her beloved Nikolsky, which was located near the city. In the province they did not like her and talked about her a lot. She did not pay attention to this.
Visiting Odintsovoy Bazarov behaves unusually – he clearly tries to take his companion, which is very surprising to Arkady. Instead of talking, as Arkady expected, about his views, he talked about medicine, homeopathy, botany. Odintsova started talking about music, but noticing that Bazarov does not recognize art, she slowly returned to botany. It was clear that she did not waste time in solitude: she read a lot and knew a lot. At parting, Odintsov thought a little, and with an indecisive but good smile said: “If you, gentlemen, are not afraid of boredom, come to me in Nikolskoe.” Both, of course, agreed, Bazarov even blushed. “Such a rich body,” said Bazarov on the way, “although now it’s anatomical theater.” Indignant Arkady he explains what it means “first grade”. Three days later the friends went to Nikolskoye. Bazarov remembered that today, on June 22, the day of his angel and his father is sure to be waiting for him. But nothing, wait!
Bazarov and Arkady come to Nikolskoe, where they get acquainted with Anna’s younger sister – Katya Odintsova, a girl of eighteen. She was nice, and Arkady noticed that Anna was trying to make him communicate more with Katya. He himself constantly watches and thinks about Anna, who pays more attention to Bazarov. He interested her. For example, he argues that the difference between a stupid and an intelligent person – both between the sick and healthy. Actually, all people are the same. With the proper organization of society, according to Bazarov, it will be completely all the same whether the person is stupid or smart, evil or kind.
The life of Anna Odintsova is pretty empty. Like all women who could not fall in love, she wanted something, she did not know what. She barely endured her husband, she met a young, handsome Swede abroad, who impressed her, but she did not stop to return to Russia. Now she thinks about Bazarov.
Unbeknownst to themselves, Arkady and Bazarov spent fifteen days in Nikolsky. This was greatly facilitated by the fact that life on the estate was very well established by Anna Odintsova, who believed that in the countryside one can not live in disorder, boredom will prevail. With young people, there have been some changes. Bazarov seemed anxious, easily annoyed, could not sit still. Arkady, who finally decided that he was in love with Odintsov, began to indulge in a dejected melancholy, however, not stopping him from getting close to Katya, who loved the same things he did-nature, music… As a result, Bazarov spent time with Odintsov, Arkady – with Katya. Bazarov feels that he loves Anna Odintsov, and desperately struggles with this feeling. But Odintsov is also far from indifferent to Bazarov. When he told her that he intended to leave soon for the village to his father, in her heart it seemed to pound. She tells Bazarov that she will miss him, admits to him that she is unhappy, that she does not want to live, she is very tired and feels old. “You want to fall in love,” Bazarov tells her, “but you can not fall in love: that’s what your misfortune is.”
The next morning over tea Odintsov Bazarov calls to his room – he allegedly promised her some books. Actually, she wants to talk to him. She asks him what he is preparing himself for, what goal he wants to achieve, what is in his soul? In a word, who is he?
Bazarov eludes the answers, says he is going to become a simple district doctor. Odintsov does not believe this. She asks him to say what is happening to him now, what he feels. It seemed to her that they had come together for good, they would be good friends, and restraint, Bazarov’s tension in communication with her would disappear. “And you would like to know the reason for this restraint, would you like to know what is happening in me?” “Yes,” Odintsov said with some fright. Bazarov admits to her that she loves her stupidly, insanely… “Bazarov rested his forehead against the window glass, he gasped, his whole body seemed to tremble, but it was not the trembling of youthful timidity… This passion was fought in him, strong and heavy, – a passion that resembles your malice and, perhaps, is akin to it. “Odintsov was scared and sorry for him.” She called to him, and he rushed to her. “
After dinner Bazarov overtook Odintsov in the garden and apologized to her. He said that he was leaving tomorrow. Bazarov said goodbye and went to the house. Until evening Anna Sergeyevna did not part with Katya. Bazarov returned to tea. An unexpected incident led Odintsov out of trouble: Sitnikov arrived and began to chat. At night Bazarov informs Arkady about his departure home… Arkady decides to go with him, but not to Bazarov, but home. Sitnikov is summoned to take him to his carriage. Saying good-bye to Bazarov, Odintsova held out her hand and said: “We’ll see each other again, will not we?” • “As you wish,” Bazarov replied. “In that case, we’ll see each other.”
Arkady still decided to go with Bazarov to his parents. On the way, Bazarov says: “The devil knows what nonsense!” Everyone on a string hangs, the abyss can open under him every minute, and he himself thinks up all sorts of troubles, spoils his life… It’s better to beat stones on the pavement than to let a woman take at least the tip of your finger. ” They drive up to the house of Bazarov’s parents.
Father Bazarov, Vasily Ivanovich, stood not a porch – a tall, thin man, with disheveled hair and a thin eagle nose, dressed in an old military coat open. When he saw his son, he continued to smoke, although the chibouk jumped between his fingers. He began to hug his son… “The door flew open, and a round, short old woman in a white cap and short motley blouse appeared in the doorway.” She gasped, staggered and probably fell if Bazarov did not support her. neck, the head was thrust against his chest, everything was silent, only her intermittent sobs were heard. “Old Bazarov breathed deeply and squinted more than ever.” Bazarov introduced Arkady. Vasily Ivanovich is embarrassed, considers the guest an aristocrat, he is afraid to blunder. His son did not come for three years, and his parents were completely lost, fussing about, Do not know how best to please. The father tries to show that he does not lag behind the century, he reads scholarly books and magazines. All sit down to dinner. Only young people ate: the hosts had long had their lunch. Arina Vlasyevna did not take her eyes off her son. She was mortally anxious to ask how long he would stay at home, but she was afraid. The dinner lasted a long time. Bazarov began to yawn. Saying goodbye to his mother, he kissed her on the forehead, and she embraced him and behind her, furtively, he was blessed three times.
Vasily Ivanovich spent Arkady in the dressing room, where he was given an excellent bed. Vasily Ivanovich went later to his son, intending to talk with him, but he did not want to talk, said he wanted to sleep, but did not sleep until the morning. With his parents, Bazarov turns a little disdainfully, misses their society. The mother loves her son very much and is afraid of him. She is very suspicious, believes in everything in the world, is always waiting for some great misfortune. Managing the estate she had long ago passed her husband and did not even want to hear about his upcoming transformations and plans. Vasily Ivanovich treats the needy free of charge, although he is poor – his name is tiny.
Getting up from the bed in the morning, Arkady opened the window, and the first thing that caught his eye was that Vasily Ivanovich was diligently digging in the garden. Arkady goes to him. Vasily Ivanovich asks what kind of opinion Arkady about his son. He replies that this is one of the most remarkable people he has ever met, that he has a great future ahead of him. Vasily Ivanovich smiles enthusiastically. He says that Eugene never asked for money from his parents. Arkady confirms that Evgeny is an unselfish, honest man. Bazarov appears, everyone goes to drink tea.
In the hot noon Arkady and Bazarov lie in the shadow of a small haystack and reflect. Bazarov talks about his childhood years, about his parents. He believes that his parents live well in the world – his father is always busy, heals people, and his mother’s day is busy with all sorts of activities, there’s no time to come round. And he’s thinking about eternity, before which the place he occupies in space and time is negligible… “And in this atom, at this mathematical point the blood turns, the brain works, wants something, too.” What a disgrace! What a nonsense! They, my parents that is, are busy and do not worry about their own nothingness, it does not stink them… and I… I feel boredom and anger only. ” There comes a speech about Bazarov’s unhappy love. “But enough about this.” What can not be helped, and that’s it to be ashamed of, “Bazarov stops talking. He calls himself “self-defeated.” “When did you break yourself?” – Asked Arkady. “I’m just proud of it, I have not broken myself, so the woman will not break me.” Amen! It’s over, words will not be heard from me again. ” According to Bazarov, a real person should not care about what others think of him; a real person is one about which there is nothing to think about, but which one must obey or hate. Arkady remarks that he himself does not hate anyone. In Bazarov’s opinion, this is because Arkady is a tender soul, a wench, shy, does not trust himself enough. “Are you hoping for yourself?” Arkady asks. “Do you have a high opinion of yourself?” “When I meet a man who would not have surrendered to me,” he said with a pause, “then I’ll change my mind about myself.” Hating, for example, you said today, passing by the cottage of our elder Philip, – she’s so glorious, white, – you said, then Russia will reach perfection when the last man has the same room, and each of us should contribute to this… And I and hated this last man… for which I have to climb out of my skin and who will not even thank me… yes, and why should I thank him? Well, he will live in a white hut, but from me burdock will grow; well, and then? “Bazarov believes that there are no principles – there are just sensations that all depend on.” For example, I: I adhere to the negative direction – because of the sensation. I am pleased to deny, my brain is so arranged – and that’s it! “” Well? and honesty – a sensation? “- Arkady surprises.” Of course, “answers Bazarov.” Look, “Arkady suddenly said, – the dry maple leaf came off and fell to the ground; its movements are quite similar to the flight of a butterfly. Is not it strange? The most sad and dead is like the most cheerful and alive. “” Do not talk nicely, “Bazarov retorts,” I find that it’s not proper to speak beautifully. “” What’s decent? Bazarov says that Uncle Arkady, an idiot, would be delighted to hear him now, Arkady is offended, at that moment Vasily Ivanovich appears, he says that he admires them – well, just Castor and Pollux! Vasily Ivanovich, as if apologizing, informs that the dinner will be attended by a priest. “Bazarov does not mind. – recalls Bazarov, – I find that it’s not right to speak beautifully. “” What’s decent? Bazarov says that Uncle Arkady, an idiot, would be delighted to hear him now, Arkady is offended, at that moment Vasily Ivanovich appears, he says that he admires them – well, just Castor and Pollux! Vasily Ivanovich, as if apologizing, informs that the dinner will be attended by a priest. “Bazarov does not mind. – recalls Bazarov, – I find that it’s not right to speak beautifully. “” What’s decent? Bazarov says that Uncle Arkady, an idiot, would be delighted to hear him now, Arkady is offended, at that moment Vasily Ivanovich appears, he says that he admires them – well, just Castor and Pollux! Vasily Ivanovich, as if apologizing, informs that the dinner will be attended by a priest. “Bazarov does not mind.
The next day Bazarov tells Arkady that tomorrow he will leave. He wants to go back to the village to Arkady, where he works well. And from father and mother you will not be forbidden. In the evening, Bazarov informs his father that he is leaving with Arkady for a short time, and then will return again. The father was killed by this news.
When they reached the fork, they stopped: the road to the right led to the city, and from there home, the road to the left led to Odintsova. They go to the left. Odintsov takes them not very friendly, says that she has a blackmail and let them come next time.
In Marino all the friends were very happy. The business in Nikolai Petrovich’s household was going badly. Trouble on the farm grew every day. Fuss with hired workers became unbearable. The work was performed carelessly. Brought machines immediately spoiled. Half of the barnyard burned down. The peasants did not pay the rent. The manager was lazy and did not do anything. To top it off, quarrels and quarrels between the peasants began, and they, often with battered faces, drunk, came to the master, demanding that he judge them. There were not enough hands for the harvest, the bread crumbled… Nikolai Petrovich was in despair. Pavel Petrovich remained calm.
Bazarov did not interfere in anything, doing his frogs and infusoria. Arkady pretended that he was ready to help his father, but he was thinking about something else. In his thoughts was constantly present Nikolsky. If someone had told him earlier that he could miss Bazarov’s one roof, he would only shrug his shoulders… When he had talked to his father one day, Arkady learned that Nikolai Petrovich’s letters had preserved the letters of Odintsov’s mother to his late wife. He makes his father find them. Ten days later he was already jumping into the city, and from there to Nikolskoye. In the garden he saw Katya. Anne Sergeyevna, he says that he brought something that she does not expect. “You brought yourself, it’s best,” Odintsova replies.
Mockingly letting Arkady know that he perfectly understands the purpose of his trip, Bazarov retired definitively. They no longer argued with Pavel Petrovich. Sometimes, however, he asked permission to be present at Bazarov’s experiments and even looked in a microscope. Much more often came Nikolai Petrovich, who sat in the corner and watched Bazarov’s work. The hatred of Pavel Petrovich against Bazarov did not weaken, as evidenced by such a case.
Cholera began to appear on the outskirts, even in Maryina itself. At night, Pavel Petrovich suffered a very strong fit. He tormented himself until morning, but Bazarov did not call. When Bazarov asked why he had not called him in the morning, Pavel Petrovich answered: “After all, you remember yourself saying that you do not believe in medicine?” The only person with whom Bazarov willingly talked was Fenechka. She trusted him, treated him like a doctor and a simple person. Bazarov also liked Fenechka. Once he found her in the arbor. Next to him was a bunch of roses on the bench – she was going to make a bouquet on the table for breakfast. Bazarov asked me to give him a rose. It seems to Fenichka that Pavel Petrovich is walking next to the gazebo, whom she is afraid of. Bazarov asks Fenechka with him to smell a rose – and kisses her on the lips. She put both hands on his chest. There was a dry cough. Fenechka quickly moved to the other side of the bench, gathered roses and left the gazebo. “It’s sinful for you, Evgeny Vasilich,” she whispered, leaving, with genuine reproach. Bazarov remembered another recent scene, and he felt ashamed and vexed.
Pavel Petrovich left the garden and, walking slowly, reached the forest. I went back only to breakfast, gloomy and sullen.
Two hours later he knocks on the door to Bazarov and summons him to a duel, without giving a reason. The next morning they meet, and Bazarov hurts Pavel Petrovich in the leg. Bazarov examines the wound, comes to the conclusion that the bone is whole, the wound is not heavy, makes a bandage. Nikolai Petrovich decided to say that they had quarreled because of politics. By night the temperature rose, the doctor was called. In a heat Pavel Petrovich said to his brother: “Is not it true, Nikolai, is there anything in common with Nellie in Fenichka?” – “With what Nellie, Pasha?” “With Princess R… Especially in the upper part of the face.” Nikolai Petrovich did not say anything, but was surprised by the vitality of the old feelings in man.
Bazarov came to see Nikolai Petrovich the next day. He has already managed to meet and release all his frogs, insects and birds. He says he will leave his address just in case. Pavel Petrovich invited Bazarov to join him and shook his hand. Fenechka Bazarov could not say goodbye.
Pavel Petrovich lay in bed for about two weeks. Fenechka served him, but secret terror seized her every time she entered his room. Pavel Petrovich looked at her so strangely… One morning – Pavel Petrovich had already moved to the sofa – he asked Fenechka to linger when she brought him a cup of tea. “I have long wanted to ask you: are you afraid of me? Do not you ever look at me, as if your conscience is unclean, because your conscience is clear?” – Said Pavel Petrovich. Fenechka says that she loves Nikolai Petrovich with all her heart and will not change it for anyone. “Fenichka,” said Pavel Petrovich in a strange whisper, “love me, love my brother, he is such a good, good man, do not change him to anyone in the world, do not listen to anyone’s speeches! Never leave my poor Nikolai!”
The staircase creaked. Nikolai Petrovich and Mitya came with him. Fenechka jumped up and ran out of the room. “Brother,” Pavel Petrovich said solemnly, “give me the floor to fulfill one of my requests, it is very important, it depends on all the happiness of your life… Marry Fenichka… She loves you, she is the mother of your son.” Nikolai Petrovich tells his brother that he has not married until now solely out of respect for him. But what will Arkady say? Pavel Petrovich believes that he will be very happy. Nikolai Petrovich is going to make an offer to Fenechka.
Arkady, meanwhile, sits with Katya on a bench, in the shade of a high ash-tree. They talk about nature, about poetry. Katya notes that Arkady was freed from Bazarov’s influence. She considers Bazarov a stranger, and herself – a stranger to him, and Arkady is also a stranger to him, because he is predatory, and Arkady and Katya are tame. Bazarov had a great influence on Anna Sergeyevna, but no one can gain control over her for long: she is very proud and values ​​her independence. “Who does not value her?” – asked Arkady, and at the very thought flashed: “What is it?” “What is it for?” – Katya flashed by. She notices that her sister is very much located to him. Katya says that she is not rich, it pleases Arcadia. He tells Katya that he is not only her sister, she will not change anyone, then she gets up and leaves quickly. Anna Sergeyevna came up.
The butler informed Arkady that Mr. Bazarov was sitting in his room. He ordered not to inform Anna Sergeyevna of her arrival, but only to him. Bazarov told Arkady about the duel. He goes to his father and turns around. He wanted to look again at what he had parted with, on that ridge where he was sitting. Arkady hopes that Bazarov is not going to part with him. He replies that Arkady has already parted with him. It must be that his business with Anna Sergeyevna is going well. Arkady tries to convince him that he is mistaken.
Anna Sergeyevna wished to see Bazarov and invited him to her room. Bazarov once again apologizes and expresses the hope that she will not remember him with disgust. Anna Sergeyevna answers that they will be friends as before. She reports that Arkady is taking care of Katya.
The next day, on the arrival of Bazarov Katya sat on her favorite bench and next to her – Arkady. Katya looked worried. The fact is that the older sister advised Katya to be more careful with Arkady and especially try not to be alone with him. Arkady proves to Katya that he is no longer what he was before meeting her, his eyes opened recently thanks to a single feeling. “If only I could hope…”
“If I could be sure of what you are saying,” – suddenly sounded Anna Sergeyevna. A path passed past the bushes, and Anna Sergeyevna and Bazarov walked along it. Anna Sergeyevna says that the reason for their quarrels was that they did not need each other and, most importantly, they had too much… homogenous. But Arkady… “I know that I am fit for his aunt, but I do not want to hide from you that I began to think more often about him.” There is some charm in this young and fresh feeling… He and Katya just like a brother. ” Steps were gone… Arkady turned to Katya, who was sitting with her head bowed. “Katerina Sergeyevna,” he said in a trembling voice, “I love you forever and irrevocably and I do not love anyone but you.” I wanted to tell you this… and ask for your hand… “Katya answered him in one word -” yes ” . Arkady wrote a letter to Anna Sergeyevna, in which he asked Katya’s hand. Anna Sergeyevna is surprised, but she does not mind. She asks Bazarov to stay, but no, he leaves. “I’m a poor man, but I have not taken mercy to this day,” he says. “Good-bye, and be well.” Bazarov endorses Arkady’s decision to marry Katya. He leaves home.
Parents were very happy to see his son. He said that he would work six weeks and that they would not interfere with him. But soon Bazarov himself stopped locking himself, he did not want to work any more. He stopped walking alone and began to look for society. Finally, he found a job – participation in the medical practice of his father. But, opening the corpse, he cut himself and got infected with a corpse poison. This meant death, which was immediately understood by his father. Bazarov is getting worse, he asks to send a courier to Odintsov Anna Sergeyevna. She comes and brings with her a doctor who confirms Bazarov’s diagnosis. The patient with irony talks about his hopes for the future. The father will say that here, they say, what kind of person Russia loses… This is nonsense, but let her not disbelieve. And let the mother caress. “I need Russia… No, I see, I do not need… Farewell… Look… because I did not kiss you then… “Anna Sergeyevna pressed her lips to his forehead.” And enough! “he said, and sat down on the pillow. “Now… the darkness…” Anna Sergeevna left quietly, Father Alexy made religious rituals over Bazarov.
It’s been six months. In Mariin two weddings took place: Arkady with Katya and Nikolay Petrovich with Fenechka. The same day, Nikolai Petrovich gave a farewell dinner to his brother, who was on business in Moscow. Anna Sergeevna married some time later, not for love, but for conviction, for one of the future Russian figures, a very clever man. Kirsanovs, father and son, settled in Maryina. Their affairs begin to recover. Arkady became a zealous master, and the farm began to bring a decent income. Nikolai Petrovich got into the world mediators and is working hard. Katerina Sergeyevna’s son Kolya was born. Pavel Petrovich settled in Dresden.
Kukshina studies architecture in Heidelberg. She still communicates with students, especially young Russian physicists and chemists, who, amazed at first by naive German professors with their sober outlook on things, subsequently surprise the same professors with their perfect inaction and absolute laziness. Sitnikov throngs in Petersburg and, according to his assurances, continues the “business” of Bazarov.
“There is a small rural cemetery in one of the remote corners of Russia. As almost all of our cemeteries, it is a sad sight: the ditches surrounding it have been overgrown for a long time, the gray wooden crosses are rotting and nicking under their once painted roofs, the stone slabs are all shifted, as if they were being pushed from below, two or three plucked trees

The summary of the work of IS Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”