The action takes place in a provincial town. Victor Alexandrovich Zilov wakes up a phone call. With difficulty waking up, he picks up the phone, but there is silence. He slowly gets up, touching his jaw, opens the window, it’s raining outside. Zilov drinks beer and with a bottle in his hands begins fizzaryadku. Again the phone rings and silence again. Now Zilov calls himself. He talks with the waiter Dima, with whom they together were going on a hunt, and is extremely surprised that Dima asks him if he will go. Zilov is interested in the details of yesterday’s scandal, which he made in a cafe, but he himself remembers very vaguely. Especially he cares who went to him yesterday on the face.
Едва он кладет трубку, как в дверь раздается стук. Входит мальчик с большим траурным венком, на котором написано: “Незабвенному безвременно сгоревшему на работе Зилову Виктору Александровичу от безутешных друзей”. Зилов раздосадован столь мрачной шуткой. Он садится на тахту и начинает представлять себе, как бы все могло быть, если бы он действительно умер. Потом перед его глазами проходит жизнь последних дней.
Воспоминание первое. В кафе “Незабудка”, излюбленном месте времяпрепровождения Зилова, он с приятелем Саяпиным встречается во время обеденного перерыва с начальником по работе Кушаком, чтобы отметить большое событие – он получил новую квартиру. Неожиданно появляется его любовница Вера. Зилов просит Веру не афишировать их отношения, усаживает всех за стол, и официант Дима приносит заказанное вино и шашлыки. Зилов напоминает Кушаку, что на вечер назначено празднование новоселья, и тот, несколько кокетничая, соглашается. Вынужден Зилов пригласить и Веру, которой этого очень хочется. Начальнику, только что проводившему законную супругу на юг, он представляет ее как одноклассницу, и Вера своим весьма раскованным поведением внушает Кушаку определенные надежды.
In the evening, Zilov’s friends gather for him to a housewarming party. Waiting for the guests Galina, Zilova’s wife, dreams that everything between her and her husband should begin at the very beginning, when they loved each other. Among the gifts brought are hunting equipment: a knife, a bandolier and several wooden birds used on a duck hunt for replanting. Duck hunting is Zilov’s greatest passion (except for women), although he has not yet managed to kill a single duck. As Galina says, the main thing for him is the meetings and conversations. But Zilov does not pay attention to ridicule.
Воспоминание второе. На работе Зилов с Саяпиным должны срочно подготовить информацию о модернизации производства, поточном методе и т. п. Зилов предлагает представить как уже осуществленный проект модернизации на фарфоровом заводе. Они долго бросают монету, делать – не делать. И хотя Саяпин опасается разоблачения, тем не менее они готовят эту “липу”. Здесь же Зилов читает письмо от старика отца, живущего в другом городе, с которым он не виделся четыре года. Тот пишет, что болен, и зовет повидаться, но Зилов относится к этому равнодушно. Он не верит отцу, да и времени у него все равно нет, так как в отпуск он собирается на утиную охоту. Пропустить ее он не может и не хочет. Неожиданно в их комнате появляется незнакомая девушка Ирина, спутавшая их контору с редакцией газеты. Зилов разыгрывает ее, представляясь сотрудником газеты, пока его шутку не разоблачает вошедший начальник. У Зилова завязывается с Ириной роман.
Remembering the third. Zilov returns home in the morning. Galina does not sleep. He complains about the abundance of work, the fact that he was so unexpectedly sent on a business trip. But the wife says directly that she does not believe him, because last night her neighbor saw him in the city. Zilov tries to protest, accusing his wife of excessive suspicion, but it does not work for her. She suffered for a long time and does not want to endure Zilovsky’s lies. She informs him that she was with a doctor and had an abortion. Zilov portrays the outrage: why she did not consult him. He tries to somehow soften it, remembering one of the evenings six years ago, when they first became close. Galina first protests, but then the memory of the memory gradually evolves – until the moment when Zilov can not remember some very important words for her. Eventually she sinks to a chair and cries. Memories are as follows. At the end of the day, an angry Kushak appears in the room of Zilov and Sayapin and demands an explanation from them about the brochure with information on the reconstruction at the porcelain factory. Cloaking Sayapin, who is about to get an apartment, Zilov takes full responsibility. Only the sudden appearance of Sayapin’s wife manages to extinguish the storm, leading the simple-minded Kushak to football. At this moment Zilov comes a telegram about the death of his father. He decides to fly urgently to catch a funeral. Galina wants to go with him, but he refuses. Before leaving, he goes to Nezabudku to drink. In addition, here he is scheduled to meet with Irina. The witness of their meeting accidentally becomes Galina, who brought Zilov a cloak and a briefcase for the trip. Zilov is forced to confess to Irina that he is married.
Memories are as follows. Galina is going to relatives in another city. As soon as she leaves, he calls Irina and calls her to her. Galina returns unexpectedly and reports that she is leaving for good. Zilov is discouraged, he tries to detain her, but Galina locks him on the key. Once in a trap, Zilov uses all his eloquence, trying to convince his wife that she is still dear to him, and even promising to take on a hunt. But his explanation is not heard by Galina at all, but by Irina who appeared, who perceives everything Zilov said as relating specifically to her.
Recollection is the last. Waiting for friends invited on the occasion of the upcoming vacation and duck hunting, Zilov drinks in “Forget-me-not.” By the time when friends gather, he is already pretty drunk and begins to tell them mucks. With every minute he diverges more and more, he carries it, and in the end everything, including Irina, which he also undeservedly offends, leaves. Left alone, Zilov calls the waiter Dima a footman, and he hits him in the face. Zilov falls under the table and “turns off”. After a while, Kuzakov and Sayapin return, pick up Zilov and take him home.
Recalling everything, Zilov, in fact, suddenly lights up the thought of committing suicide. He does not play anymore. He writes a note, charges a gun, takes off his shoes and taps the trigger with his big toe. At this moment, a phone call rings. Then, inconspicuously, Sayapin and Kuzakov, who see Zilov’s preparations, attack him and take away his gun. Zilov drives them. He screams that he does not believe anyone, but they refuse to leave him alone. In the end, Zilov manages to get rid of them, he walks with a gun around the room, then rushes to the bed and either laughs or cries. Two minutes later he gets up and dials Dima’s phone number. He is ready to go hunting.