The beast king Noble Lion arranges a reception on the occasion of the Ascension Day. All animals are invited. Only a scoundrel Fox dared not to appear at the royal feast. Wolf Isengrin gives a lion a complaint about Fox, his longtime enemy: the swindler raped the wife of the wolf Gryzent. Noble is satisfied with the trial. He decides to give Fox a chance to reform and instead of cruel punishment orders Isengrin to conclude a peace treaty with Lis.
At this moment, the animals see a funeral procession: a rooster and chickens are carried on a stretcher torn by a fox chicken. They fall to the feet of Noble, beseeching him to punish the villain. The angry lion orders the bear Biryuk to find the Fox and deliver it to the palace. But the cunning bugger manages to circle him too: he lures a honey lover to a beehive, and the clumsy Biryuk sticks in the hollow of an oak tree. The forester, seeing the bear, summons people. Hardly alive, stuffed with sticks, the poor fellow returns to Noble. The lion is angry. He instructs the cat of Tibur to deliver the villain. Not daring to disobey the order of the Bishop, he goes to the Fox. He decides with cunning and flattering speeches to lure the criminal into the palace. But this time the clever sneak puffs up the royal messenger. He invites him to go hunting together – to the barn to the priest, where there are a lot of mice, and into the chicken coop.
The enraged lion decides to go to war with the criminal. Animals go on a hike. Approaching the fortress, where the Fox has escaped, they understand that it is not so easy to overcome the stone walls. But, seized by a thirst for vengeance, the animals still break camp around the castle. All day they storm the fortress, but all their efforts are vain.
The animals, having lost all hope of taking the fortress, go to bed. The fox, meanwhile, quietly getting out of the castle, decides to take revenge on the enemies. He tied the tails and legs of the sleeping to the trunks of trees and lay down beside the queen. Waking up, the frightened lioness screams. Beasts, when they see Fox, try to get up, but they can not move. Slug Medley, deciding to release everyone, burns down their tails and paws in anger. The Fox is already ready to escape, but at the last moment Medliev manages to grab the scoundrel. Finally, Fox is captivated.
Noble makes a cruel but fair sentence – to execute a liar and a villain. Wife and sons of Fox, learning that he faces imminent death, beg the lord to pardon the offender, offering in return a rich ransom. In the end, the lion agrees to forgive the Fox, but on condition that he abandons his impudent tricks. The delighted Fox is hiding as soon as a rope is removed from his neck. But it turns out that in the crowd and confusion, Fox committed another crime – crushed the mouse. And it already has a trace. Noble orders everyone who sees a criminal, without waiting for a trial, to deal with him on the spot.
Heavy times have come for the Fox, He has to wander, hiding from everyone. It was not so easy to get a living. But cunning and savvy still help him out. Then he manages to lure a piece of cheese from the crow with flattering speeches, then he fools the fishermen, returning home with a rich catch. This time Lis is pretending to be dead, and the simpletons put him in the wagon. In the meantime, the dodger is filling his belly full, and he also grabs a part of the booty with himself. That’s what his family rejoiced!
In the meantime, Isengrin, who is scouring for food, approaches Fox’s house. Having smelled the smell of fried fish, he, forgetting about the mortal enmity with Fox and all his crimes, asks him to feed him. But the cunning man tells the wolf that dinner is meant for monks, and they accept everyone who wants to go to their community. The starved Isengrin wishes to join the Tyrone Order. The Fox assures the wolf that for this it is necessary to cut the tonsure. He tells him to stick his head into the doorway and water it with boiling water. When the wolf, tormented by these tortures, reminds him that he promised to feed him, Lis suggests that Isengrin himself fish himself. He takes him to a frozen pond, ties a bucket to his tail and tells him to drop it into the hole. When the ice freezes and the wolf is no longer able to move, people gather to the pond. After seeing the wolf, they attack him with sticks. Left without a tail, Isengrin hardly carries his feet.
The beast king Noble suddenly falls ill with a serious illness. From around the world flock to him glorified healers, but none of them can not help the lion. Badger Greenber, who is cousin Fox, convinces him that the only way to earn forgiveness and achieve the King’s favor is to heal him. Gathering in the wonderful garden healing herbs and generalizing the sleeping pilgrim, he appears before Noble. The king is angry that the insolent Fox has dared to appear to his eyes; but he explains to Nobel the purpose of his visit. He says that for the healing of the patient it will take a wolf skin, a deer’s horns and a cat’s fur. The king orders the servants to fulfill his request. The Fox rejoices: Isengrin, the deer and the cat Tibur – his longtime enemies and offenders – are now disgraced forever. With the help of potions prepared by Fox, the king recovers. The cunning finally conquers the king’s love.
The Lion goes to war with the Gentiles. He instructs Lisa to guard the palace and appoint him as his deputy. Taking advantage of the absence of Noble, he seduces his wife and lives, not denying himself anything. Soon he has a riddling plan: he persuades the messenger to tell the beasts that the lion was killed on the battlefield. The messenger reads to the beast the will of the king, concocted by the swindler Lis: after the death of the lion, the throne must go to the Fox, and the widow of Noble will become the wife of the newly-made king. Grief for the lost sovereign is replaced by joy: no one wants to quarrel with the new king.
Soon the lion returns home with victory. He storms the castle and takes the traitor into captivity. Rooster Chauntecleer attacks the impostor, but he pretends to be dead, and he is thrown into a ditch. Ravens fly to the corpse, but they can not regale: the Fox tears off one of their paws and runs away. The crows complain to the king, and he sends to the Fox badger Grinber. Wanting to help his cousin, Greenber returns and tells Noble that this time Lis actually died, although he was unharmed. Beasts rejoice, the lion alone is disappointed and saddened by the unexpected demise of the enemy.
“The novel about Fox” in the summary