
A. T. Averchenko
The royal garden was open at this time of the day, and the young writer Ave entered there, wandered along the paths and sat down on a bench on which an elderly gentleman with a friendly face was already sitting. He turned to Ave and affably asked who he was. He explained that he was a writer, that he liked the master. He himself is the king of this country. The writer also approved this, because in this place you can write good laws. The king waved his hand. “In my place… I would plant you for a week, see what will come of you…” Why not? The writer agrees, especially since he has in his head one small, but very cute law. Today it could be made public. “With God!” The king nodded, “let’s go to the palace… What law is this? Is it a secret?” The writer said that he saw how one blind old man almost fell under the wheels of the crew.
For three days, the humble writer Ave reigned. It is necessary to give him justice – he did not use his power and advantage of his position. Anyone else in his place would have planted critics and other writers in jail, and the population would have obliged to buy only their books-and at least one book a day for every soul, instead of the morning rolls.
Ave overcame the temptation to issue such a law. He made his debut, as promised to the king, “the law on seeing blind people by policemen and about protecting these people from the destructive effect of external forces, such as carriages, horses, pits, etc.” …
And then one day he sees from the window of the royal cabinet, as two policemen are dragged by the scruff of a passer-by, and the third kicks him from behind. Ave ran out into the street. “Where are you taking him? What are you striking for? What did this man do?” How many people did he kill? ” “He did not do anything,” answered the policeman. – “Why do you want it and where are you going?” “But he, your ladyship, is blind, we are legally going to the police station and dragging him.” “Is there such a law?” “Three days ago, it was made public and entered into force.” Ave, shocked, grabbed his head and squealed: “My law?!” Behind a solid passer-by muttered a curse and said: “Well, the laws are being published now!” What they are thinking about! ” – “Yes,” supported another voice, “an intelligent speaker:”
After the investigation, a mysterious case with the law “On the Protection of the Blind from the External Forces” was clarified. The situation was as follows. On the first day of his reign, Ave called on the minister and told him in detail about the law. The minister bowed and left. He summoned the chief of the city to him and told him:
“Declare the law: do not allow blind people to walk through the streets without escorts, and if there are not any, then replace them with policemen, whose duties must be borne by the place of destination.
The chief of the city invited the chief of police to his office and ordered:
“There, blind people in the city, they say, go without escorts.” This is not allowed! Let your cops take lone blind men by the hand and lead them where necessary.
The chief of police called the chiefs of the units on the same day and told them:
“Here’s what, gentlemen. We were informed about a new law, according to which every blind man, seen in the reeling on the street without escort, is picked up by the police and delivered where it should be. Do you understand?
“That’s right, Master!”
The chiefs of the units dispersed in their places and, calling the police sergeants, said:
“Gentlemen!” Explain to the cops a new law: “Every blind man who staggers along the street, interfering with the crew and foot movement, – grab and drag where.”
– What does it mean “where should”? Then the sergeants asked each other.
“Probably to the station.” To sit down… Where else…
– Guys! said the sergeants, bypassing the cops. “If you see the blind men roaming the streets, grab those canals by the collar and drag them to the station!”
“And if they do not want to go to the station?”
“How will they not?” A pair of good cuffs, a clout, a strong kick from behind – will probably run away! ..
– Did I say “poor blind men”, having learned for the first time about the law of “guarding the blind”? said the King kindly. – You see! Throughout this story, the poor blind have lost, and I won.
“What did you win?”
– But how? One of my critics is less. Farewell, dear. If you decide to carry out any reform, come.
“Wait!” – thought Ave and, jumping over ten steps of a luxurious royal staircase, fled.



