Summary The Kremlin

VV Ivanov
In the year when Grand Prince Ivan III ordered the erection of the Moscow Kremlin, the prince Nikita, who owned the city Podzol in the upper Volga, planned to build his Kremlin better than the tsarist. And in the last century opposite the Kremlin, on the other side of the hill, there appeared the buildings of the Great Volga Manufactories and dusty houses of the village.
Guriy Lopta, who graduated in the early 1920’s. The Spiritual Academy, returned home to occupy the ancient post of the bishops of the Kremlin. “What are you alive?” he asks his father Ivan Petrovich. The Kremlin is a betrayal. Manufactories – newspapers. In the house of Lopta, the daughter of the last owners of Agafia’s production is brought up, beautiful, like rye, a favorite of the church community. Her brother, Athanas the Prince, is blessed and lives at the cathedral. Guriy believes that they have tolerated enough, it’s time to rebuff the host of Baptists, captivating the souls of the townsfolk, and offers to raise funds for the repair of the temple, to take up the printing of the Bible. The appearance of the first-printed book in the Kremlin during the persecution of the invincible Orthodoxy will not only give spiritual but also material benefits necessary to counteract the influence of the Manufactory.
Another guy, red, sickly Vavilov, who lost his wife, child, work, comes to work on the third shift to a spinning mill. A wet roar squeezed his ears. The only place where workers could rest and smoke was the latrine. Any question brought to the guild meetings was required to be worked out in latrines. Thus, Zinaida was commissioned to campaign for the re-election of the Soviets and the nomination of Vavilov as the head of the cultural and educational work of the Manufactories. Vavilov had two years as a worker of the faculty, but he remembered the stories of the teachers of the Educational House about the Kremlin from childhood, so he took the first excursion there. The Kremlin did not like the workers. Between Vavilov and Agathia begins an invisible struggle: Agafia alone wants to educate the Manufacture. Laughing at the redhead and the “four thinkers”, acquaintances of the craft school rampant people, with whom Vavilov divides the closet in the old barracks. It seems to him that the service in the club is no more, as the workers show pity for him. He decides to hang himself and leave a farewell letter. The pencil was broken, and while Vavilov sharpens him, he looks at the ant pile, fog over Uzhgoi, Manufaktura, and, like a wonderful flower, the Kremlin seems to him. It’s fun for the Kremlin, while the Manufactories are sleeping! .. Having thrown the rope on the bitch, he runs to bathe.
Many workers are enrolled in the “Religious Orthodox Society”, some of curiosity and attraction to Agafia, others, like rafters, artel workers, in a desire to unite the laity. Vavilov makes a proposal to select the Assumption Church and transfer it to the club. Unexpectedly, he is supported in the factory, and only Zinaida, who has already been elected deputy chairman of the commune, is opposed to the offensive against the Kremlin. It is absorbed by the worries about the introduction of needy weavers in the renovated barracks, built before the revolution. She despises the demonstrative venture to instill all in one day: “Wild pain is before us, the wild resistance of the Kremlin…” The young Uzbek Mustafa, who was raised on the pitchfork, is bending, who wished to be baptized because of his love for Agafia. His vengeful father, Izmail, is the dragon Magnat Khai and condemns him for betraying his son. Unable to live,
Vavilov organizes a boxing circle, and for this purpose a carved wooden iconostasis is thrown into the courtyard by the manor. A circle of atheists made a closet, painted frescoes in the style of Vasnetsov. The cherubs on the ceilings were left, but they cut a very expensive shroud.
Vavilov was tired, working in this circle of stupid young people who themselves do not know what to do next, after they denied God. Rumors spread about a possible attempt on Vavilov’s life, especially after a fist fight between the Kremlin and factory workers.
The actor of the former imperial theaters and the officer of the French army Starkov tells the story of the amazing adventures of Donat Tcherepakhin, the son of the professor-restorer. According to the narration, being a brave and independent officer, Donat warned the French soldiers about the beginning of the German revolution, was shot by General P.-J. Don, but was buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris as the savior of France. Vavilov feels himself to be an Unknown soldier of the revolution and is preparing for death. However, Agafia’s plans to destroy the redhead are not to be realized. On the Easter week, an unprecedented flood began, threatening to flood the power station, houses and temples. Speaking at the plenum of the Komsomol, Vavilov delivered a frank and amazing speech, which went beyond the scope of club work. He said that it is necessary to dismantle the church to build dams, to strengthen the ditches, to make manufactories the stronghold of communism. He was applauded, elected to the commission for flood protection.
Father Gury calls on believers to forget all the wrongs that the atheists of the Manufactures caused them, to show an example of Christian humility and to swim to save them from the flooded city. Vavilov screams that the agitation rate is on the mercy of the bat. The workers plunged into the steamer. The news comes that Agafia drowned, Lopta disappeared.
Slowly, but proudly sails off the steamer. Weavers look at Vavilov with enamored eyes: “Yes, this guy will go far!” From the fog, the Kremlin can be seen as it appeared in childhood. Joy takes hold of his heart. Ahead of victory and defeat, but the way he did, they can be proud.

Summary The Kremlin