Some American millionaire, whose name no one has remembered and whom the author calls “the gentleman from San Francisco”, is making a trip on a luxurious, steamy boat “Atlantis” to Europe. The companions of the millionaire are his wife and daughter. He took his family on a trip, because he thought he deserved rest: after all, he reached a certain level of material wealth. The millionaire and his wife wanted to see the light, and at the same time to find a suitable party for the daughter – a billionaire or a European prince. The first stop on this trip was the Italian city of Naples, which did not please the gentleman from San Francisco. The weather in Italy was rainy, and the city looked uncomfortable. Dissatisfied, the millionaire hastened to leave Naples and moved to an expensive hotel on the island of Capri. Here the family occupied the best apartments and half with indifference, half with boredom, sought out new entertainment in luxury. His proud conduct amused the servants a lot. Suddenly, during his stay at this hotel, the millionaire passed away. His death might well go unnoticed and not cause a stir among the guests, if not for one observant foreigner who raised a terrible noise. Nevertheless, the hype did not prevent the administration from dramatically changing attitudes toward the millionaire’s widow. Deprived of the previous power, she could no longer dictate her terms to the head waiter. The body of the deceased was forbidden to be transferred to his apartment, and later it was as if secretly immersed in the hold of “Atlantis” to return home. The only person who sincerely cried for the deceased is his daughter.
Summary of the story “Sir of San Francisco” IA Bunina