Summary of the “Republic of Shkid” Panteleeva

Shkid or Shkida – so “detective” pupils have reduced the name of their educational institution – School of Social and Labor Education named after Dostoevsky. Shkida originated in 1920 in Petrograd. Its founders were Viktor Nikolayevich Sorokin-Viknikorsor and his wife Ella Andreevna Lumberg, a teacher of the German language, later known as Elanlyum.

The pupils were homeless children who came to school from prisons or distribution points. So, one of the first Shkidtsev Kolka Thunder-bearers, nicknamed Gypsy, came from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where the most imprisoned juvenile thieves and criminals were kept. He immediately became the leader of a small team, with a grin perceiving the innovations of the school manager: Vikniksor dreams of turning the Shkid into a small republic with his anthem and a coat of arms – a sunflower reaching for light. Soon Grishka Chernykh, an intelligent and well-read boy, came to school, abandoned books for the sake of books, and eventually got into a children’s labor colony, and from there to Shkidu, where he crossed him to Yankel. After a week of staying in the Shkid, Grishka demonstrates his remarkable abilities, along with Gypsy, taking tobacco from the economist, but for the first time ViknikSor forgives the guilty. Gradually new pupils come, among them one-eyed Mommy and Japanese – a connoisseur of the German language, intelligent and developed buzila. Soon, he acquires an undeniable authority, writing together with Yankel and Viknikissorn Shkid hymn.

Wikniksor distributes all students to four classes – departments, but the staff of teachers – in Shkid chaldeans – for a long time can not be formed: some applicants can not cope with violent students, others, without pedagogical experience, try at least somehow to settle down in hungry Petrograd. Fighting for one such “teacher,” Yankel, Japashka, Gypsy and Sparrow raise the masses to fight the Chaldeans, and soon two teachers come to be loved by Shkida, Alnikopop and Kostalmed.

Alarmed by the riots, ViknikSor decides to introduce self-government: the officers and elders are elected by class, by kitchen and by wardrobe for a period of two weeks to a month. The headman in the kitchen is Yankel; an insulator is introduced for the incorrigible.

Soon after these innovations comes Slaenov – “great usurer” Shkid: he begins to speculate in bread, feeding the elders, creates a powerful guard, and soon the whole school, with the exception of Yankel, gets addicted to it. Every day, receiving almost the whole bread ration, Slaenov starts slaves, fulfilling all his whims. Meanwhile, discontent is maturing – in the kitchen Yankel Mamochka and Goga discuss the plan for the struggle. However, Slaenov preempts them, – the defeat of the opposition begins with Yankel, whom Slanenov manages to beat in a point to a two-thousand-toned supply of bread. Mamochka and Yankel begin to manipulate the scales and slowly, charging Slaenov, return the debt to him, but Viknicsor replaces Yankel, who worked in the kitchen for a month and a half, with Savushka, who, under the pressure of Slaenov, is forced to make notes in the bread issue magazine. Upon learning of this, ViknikSer puts Savushka into an isolator, but the rising wave of “popular anger” sweeps Slaenov, and he escapes from the Shkid. Slavery is canceled, and debts are liquidated.

In the spring, the sponsor of the Gubono Shkido organizes a trip to the dacha. The fourth branch, along with his teacher, Count Kosetsky, steals potatoes in the kitchen, and this in his eyes diminishes his dignity as a teacher. Angry Kosetsky begins to apply repressive measures against the inmates, which leads to persecution of the teacher: he is showered with acorns, the linen is stolen during bathing, a special issue of the Buzovik wall newspaper is being devoted to the teacher and, after all, the chaldean is brought to hysteria. Alanlum says nothing to Viknicsor, but Buzovik gets into the hands of it, and, summoning editors – Yankel and Yapashka, the manager suggests that they start producing the school newspaper Zerkalo. Yankel, Japanese, Gypsy and others with pleasure get down to business. Shortly there are interruptions in the delivery of food, and the starving Shkida repeatedly raids the local vegetable gardens, digging potatoes there. Enraged ViknikSor promises those who are caught stealing to be transferred to the laurels, and soon this fate almost reaches the representatives of the press – Yankel and Yapashka, but the guarantee of the whole school saves them from deserved punishment. Nevertheless, upon returning to the city, the head announces the creation of a school “Chronicle” to fix all the sins of the pupils, starting with Yankel’s attempt to sneak paint. Introduced ranks of behavior from the first to the fifth, designed for thieves and hooligans. However, the guarantee of the whole school saves them from deserved punishment. Nevertheless, upon returning to the city, the head announces the creation of a school “Chronicle” to fix all the sins of the pupils, starting with Yankel’s attempt to sneak paint. Introduced ranks of behavior from the first to the fifth, designed for thieves and hooligans. However, the guarantee of the whole school saves them from deserved punishment. Nevertheless, upon returning to the city, the head announces the creation of a school “Chronicle” to fix all the sins of the pupils, starting with Yankel’s attempt to sneak paint. Introduced ranks of behavior from the first to the fifth, designed for thieves and hooligans.

In the fall, the fourth department arranges a banquet on the occasion of the release of the twenty-fifth issue of the Mirror. Before leaving the class, Yankel inspects the cast iron and does not attach importance to the tiny bit of coal that fell from the stove, and at night a terrible fire begins that destroys two classrooms and burns the Mirror file. Soon after the fire Shkidu comes Lenka Panteleyev, met initially at bayonets, but then became a full member of the friendly family of Shkid. Meanwhile, in Shkid, a newspaper fever begins that engulfs Yankel and Gypsy, Yaposhka and Mamochka, Kuptsa and Vorobya, and many others, including students of junior departments. Three months later, the excitement subsides and only six of the sixty editions remain. However, the Chaldeans do not have to be bored: in the Shkid, a new state of Ulygania is created with the capital Ulygan-Stadt; the main street of the capital bears the proud name of Kleptomanievsky Prospekt, it houses the residences of the dictator – the merchant and the people’s commissars: the People’s Commissar for War and the book publisher Yankel, the People’s Commissar Pylnikov and the People’s Commissar of the Yapashka. Younger branches are declared colonies, a hymn, a coat of arms and a constitution are created, where the Chaldeans are declared enemies of the Empire. In the end, one of the colonies goes over to the side of the Chaldeans, arrests the dictator and makes a coup, proclaiming in Soviet power the Ulegan. And soon the Shkidis begin to pester Viknicksor with questions about why they do not have a Komsomol. In the end, one of the colonies goes over to the side of the Chaldeans, arrests the dictator and makes a coup, proclaiming in Soviet power the Ulegan. And soon the Shkidis begin to pester Viknicksor with questions about why they do not have a Komsomol. In the end, one of the colonies goes over to the side of the Chaldeans, arrests the dictator and makes a coup, proclaiming in Soviet power the Ulegan. And soon the Shkidis begin to pester Viknicksor with questions about why they do not have a Komsomol.

On January 1, in Shkid, the account is taken – a test of knowledge, to which the head of the Gubon Lilina comes.

And in the spring Ulyganiyu embraces a love fever, which is replaced by a passion for football. Fearful of idleness, Sasha Pilnikov and Panteleyev knock out the laundry windows with stones, and Viknicorsor expels them from the Shkid, giving, however, the opportunity to return if they insert glasses.

Depriving their teacher of political teaching, the guys begin to engage in self-education: at night, Yankel, Japanese and Panteleyev gather for secret meetings of their circle. Викниксор offers them to be legalized. This is how Yunkom appears and the eponymous organ of the same name, whose editorial board includes the aforementioned trinity. At first, a negative attitude towards the circle is formed in Shkid, and then Sasha suggests that you arrange a juvenile reading room. Soon Viknikor goes to Moscow on business and begins a bouza, which can not withstand either Yunkom or Elanlyum. The tone is set by Gypsy and Gyuzhban, who steal with might and main, and on the proceeds they arrange drinking bouts, one of which is attended by the unconscious Junk people Yankel and Panteleyev. Returning Vikniksor, trying to save the situation, resorts to ostracism, as a result of which the Gypsy, Guzhban and a few others are transferred to an agricultural technical school. Soon after the wires there is a split in Tseka: Yankel and Panteleyev, absorbed in the dream of becoming artists, completely throw their junky duties, which causes discontent of the Japanese. The conflict is inflaming because of the question of admission to the organization of new members and a ban on smoking in the Unkom premises. The enraged Yankel and Panteleev, who have recently become swindlers (which in the Shkid dialect means “faithful and loyal friends”), are splitting up and starting the production of their own newspaper. This causes retaliatory measures on the part of Yaponchik: at an emergency plenum, Yankel and Panteleev are expelled from Junkoma, but the cases with the newspaper go well with the strikebreakers, and on completion of the rout they take their books from the reading room, and Yunkom saves only what is written, that soon the slumbers are getting cold towards the struggle with Japan and return to thoughts about the cinematographic career, and finally Yankel and Panteleyev are re-accepted in Yunky. Soon both leave Shkidu; After them go Sparrow, Merchant, Sasha Pylnikov and Japanese. Meanwhile, a letter from Gypsy comes to Shkidu. He writes that he is happy and loved the country life, he finally found his calling.

… Three years after leaving Shkidy, in 1926-m. Yankel and Panteleev, who became journalists, accidentally meet the Japanese, who ends the Institute of Performing Arts. From him the slumbers learn that Sasha Pylnikov, once hated Chaldeans, is studying at the Pedagogical Institute. The merchant and the sparrow Yankel and Panteleyev are met on the street; The merchant, after Shkidy entered the military high school, became a red officer, Sparrow works with Mamochka in the printing house. All of them became Komsomol members and activists, since, as the Gypsy, who came from the state farm for agronomist affairs, remarked, “Shkid will change whom at least.”

Summary of the “Republic of Shkid” Panteleeva