Summary of the Homer’s Odyssey

Zeus favored the Trojan War, so that the century of people began. Those who survived the war will fall on the way back. The surviving Greeks went home through the Aegean Sea. Half-way Poseidon threw down on them a storm, almost all died, the fleet is defeated. Not all those who survived the storm returned home. Old Nestor got to his native Pylos. Agamemnon died in his Argos at the hands of his wife and her lover. Menelaus and his wife Elena for a long time could not reach Sparta, they were thrown into Egypt. The most difficult and long was the journey of the cunning King Odysseus. He has been hanging around for nine years.

“Odyssey” is a fairy tale about miraculous countries giants and monsters, among whom Odysseus spent his nine-year journey. History develops on the island of Ithaca, in the kingdom of Odysseus, where the son was waiting for the son of Telemachus and Penelope’s wife. His earlier life in short, Odysseus described at a feast, and most of the poem contains a fabulous adventure. In the Trojan War, Odysseus made a significant contribution: he bound Elena’s suitors together to help her chosen one, thus summoning the army, calling Achilles on a campaign, and thereby ensuring victory, he stopped the Greek army intending to leave the siege of Troy, persuaded Achilles to return On the battlefield after a quarrel with Agamemnon. The armor of the deceased Achilles was given to Odysseus as the best warrior, not to Ajax. The adventure with a wooden horse, thanks to which it was possible to take Troy, Odysseus also came up with this. The goddess Athena favored Odysseus and always helped him. Poseidon hated Odysseus and in every possible way prevented his return home.

At the beginning of the poem, Athena asks Zeus for Odysseus, who is captivated by a lover of the wanderer nymph Calypso. The prisoner is torn to his native shores. And at this time, his wife is overpowered with grandees, demanding that Penelope chose a new husband and a king. Over a hundred grooms are in the palace, walking, drinking, having fun with slaves, ruining the economy of Odysseus. Penelope went to the trick, telling everyone that before she had to weave a shroud for Father Odysseus Laertes. During the day she weaved, and at night she secretly dissolved. Maidens revealed the secret of the queen, the son of Telemach comes to the aid of his mother. One day a stranger advised him to bypass all the land on the ship, and if the prince found out that his father was alive, he would tell the grooms to wait another year, if dead, then persuade the mother to marry right after the wake. Despite the resistance of the suitors, Telemach went on a journey. Having met each of the surviving companions of Odysseus, the son heard many fairy tales and from one of them from Menelaus he learned that his father was in captivity on the island of the nymph Calypso. Telemachus is on the way back to the joys.

Here are the misadventures of Odysseus. Zeus, at the request of Athena sends the messenger of Hermes to the nymph with an order to release the captive. Nymph, afraid to disobey, lets Odysseus. He built a raft and set out on his journey. On the eighteenth day, the raft broke the storm by the will of Poseidon. To help him again came Athena and a good sea nymph, taking him to the nearest shore, where Odysseus sleeps with fatigue from fatigue.

He was in the land of King Alkinus, like paradise gardens. Athena came to the daughter of King Nawsikai at night with the words: “Soon you will be married, and your clothes are not washed, gather servants, take a chariot, go to the sea, wash clothes.” Navsikaya listened to Athena, after work the girls played with a ball that flew to the sea. The cry of the girls woke the sleeping Odyssey. He rose to his feet, terrible, full of mud, asking for help. The girls give him clothes. Navsikaya admiring how the hero was washing herself, wished herself to be her husband. Odysseus came to the king, told about his misadventures, and Alkina promised to help him get to his native island. At the feast at Alkinoi, listening to the song of the blind Demodok singer about the Trojan War, Odysseus burst into tears. And he told that he is the hero of this song Odysseus from Ithaki, the son of Laertes, telling about his nine adventures.

During the first adventure on earth, the lotophagi of his companions were treated with lotus fruits, because of which all lost memory. Only they were forced to take them to the ship to go home. In the second adventure, they met one-eyed giant cyclops, led by the son of Poseidon Cyclops Polyphemus. Odysseus and his companions entered the cave, Polyphem drove his flock of sheep into the cave and closed the entrance with a stone. On the Cyclops’ question, the Wanderers replied that their guardian Zeus, and they asked for help. Polyphem was not afraid of Zeus, devoured two pilgrims and fell asleep. In the morning, having cobbled again with a stone cave, the cyclope left the herd. Odysseus and his friends sharpened Polyphemus’s cudgel and when he returned, ate two more, Odysseus watered the giant with wine. The content Cyclops asked who it was, what “Nobody” heard. Promising that “No one” will eat it last, The glutton fell asleep. Friends took advantage of the moment and pierced his one eye with a pointed club. Cyclops ran to the cannibal cry. They asked who offended him and Polyphem answered – “Nobody”. Not understanding the dirty trick, everyone left. Odysseus tied his companions under the belly to the Cyclops’ sheep and thus fled the cannibal. Odysseus finally shouted to the giant, who crippled him. Polyphem turned to his father Poseidon with a request to destroy the offender, and if he gets to Ithaki, it’s only after many years alone on a foreign ship. God heard the prayer of his son. Odysseus tied his companions under the belly to the Cyclops’ sheep and thus fled the cannibal. Odysseus finally shouted to the giant, who crippled him. Polyphem turned to his father Poseidon with a request to kill the offender, and if he gets to Ithaca, it’s only after many years alone on a foreign ship. God heard the prayer of his son. Odysseus tied his companions under the belly to the Cyclops’ sheep and thus fled the cannibal. Odysseus finally shouted to the giant, who crippled him. Polyphem turned to his father Poseidon with a request to destroy the offender, and if he gets to Ithaki, it’s only after many years alone on a foreign ship. God heard the prayer of his son.

The third adventure occurred on the island of the wind god Eola. Aeol decided to help Odysseus by giving him a fair wind, the rest were tied in a leather bag. Upon his arrival at home, he had to open the sack, but fell asleep, and his companions already near Ithaka unfastened the sack, but it was too early and the ship again brought to Aeolus. Aeolus, deciding that the gods were against Odysseus, did not help the pilgrims anymore. In the fourth adventure, they met wild giant cannibals, Lestrigones, who brought rocks to the Odyssey fleet. Odysseus and several of his friends were saved on one surviving of twelve ships. In the next adventure of the sorceress, Kirk sang the envoys of Odysseus, turning them into pigs, drove them into the corral. One of the pilgrims fled and told all Odysseus. Thanks to the help of Hermes, our hero stood before the charms of the sorceress and, having scared her with a sword, returned the human form to friends. Kirk told him how to find his way to Ithaca, that the dead prophet Tiresias would help him and prompted him how to do it.

The sixth most terrible adventure took place in the realm of the dead. He went down there to talk with the Prophet Tiresias. But in order for him to speak, Odysseus sacrificed a black sheep and a black sheep. He waited for Tiresia, driving away the victims’ souls from the dead. When the prophet drank the sacrificial blood, he began to say: “Your troubles are for insulting Poseidon, your salvation – if you do not offend the Sun-Helios, but if you offend – you will return to Ithaca, but alone, on someone else’s ship, and not for a long time. ruining Penelope’s suitors, but you will master them, and you will have a long kingdom and a peaceful old age. ” Odysseus having received the necessary answer, gave sacrificial blood to other souls. He communicated with his mother, who died, yearning for her son, with Agamemnon, who died at the hands of his own wife and with Achilles, who was ready to become a slave on earth than a king of the dead. Offended Ajax did not talk to him. Still there were the hellish judge Minos, the proud Tantalus, the cunning Sisyphus, the impudent Titius. In horror, Odysseus hastened to leave the world of the dead.

The seventh adventure is the Sirens, singing with their singing sailors, who then perished, breaking against the rocks. The cunning Odysseus ordered that he be tied to the mast, and the rest sealed with ears wax. They passed the trap, and Odysseus heard an amazing singing. Eighth adventure. It was necessary to pass the strait between two monsters Scylla – with six heads and Charybdis with a huge larynx, capable of absorbing the ship. Choice in favor of Scylla, Odysseus lost six satellites, swallowed by it, but retained the ship. The ninth adventure occurred on the island of the sun – Helios. Here, seven sacred flocks of red bulls and seven flocks of white rams grazed. Odysseus forbade friends to touch sacred animals, fearing to anger the master – the god. It so happened that there was no fair wind, and his comrades, getting hungry, secretly hammered and ate the best bulls. The sun – Helios, watching the picture of vandalism, asks Zeus to punish the offenders. At sea, a storm rises, and the ship with people absorb the waves, Odysseus, miraculously surviving, on the log reaches the island of Calypso. This concludes the narrative of the traveler. Odysseus on the fairy tale ship of King Alkinus, finally, reached Ithaca. Athena met Odysseus on the shore and, warning of the danger, turned him into an old man, ordering him to wait for his son. Odysseus, in the guise of an old man, lives with the swineherd Evmei. Telemachus returned and Athena sent him to the hog’s hut. There, Odysseus assumed his former appearance, admits that he is the father of Telemachus, hugs his son and cries. This concludes the narrative of the traveler. Odysseus on the fairy tale ship of King Alkinus, finally, reached Ithaca. Athena met Odysseus on the shore and, warning of the danger, turned him into an old man, ordering him to wait for his son. Odysseus, in the guise of an old man, lives with the swineherd Evmei. Telemachus returned and Athena sent him to the hog’s hut. There, Odysseus assumed his former appearance, admits that he is the father of Telemachus, hugs his son and cries. This concludes the narrative of the traveler. Odysseus on the fairy tale ship of King Alkinus, finally, reached Ithaca. Athena met Odysseus on the shore and, warning of the danger, turned him into an old man, ordering him to wait for his son. Odysseus, in the guise of an old man, lives with the swineherd Evmei. Telemachus returned and Athena sent him to the hog’s hut. There, Odysseus assumed his former appearance, admits that he is the father of Telemachus, hugs his son and cries.

Telemachus returned to the palace, and the father and Evmei in the form of beggars are at the palace. The dog Odysseus recognizes the voice of the master and dies at his feet. The hero in the form of a beggar asks for alms, coming to the grooms, but gets only ridicule and beating. They set on him another young beggar, and Odysseus overthrows him. Without thinking, the grooms mock: “Let Zeus send you for this, what do you want!” They do not know that he wants them dead. Penelope, wanting to learn anything about his wife, causes a “beggar” to himself. Odysseus tells her that her husband is not far and will soon return. In her joys, Penelope tells the maid to wash the guest’s feet and calls him to the upcoming feast. Maid, he recognizes his lord by the scar on his leg, but he tells her to keep quiet. At the feast, Penelope gives the bridegroom a chance who will shoot her husband’s bow and hit the target of twelve rings, she will choose her husband. None of the suitors could even pull the string. Odysseus called, he falls into the target and immediately takes on his appearance again. Before that, the son sent Penelope to her room, where she fell asleep and did not see how all the grooms had died at the hands of Odysseus.

The maid informs Penelope that her husband came back, but she did not believe it. Penelope orders the maid to take the king’s bed to the guest. To this Odysseus replied that his bed can not be moved. since he himself nailed it to the shroud stump. So Penelope recognized her husband. The relatives of the suitors tried to take revenge on Odysseus, but Zeus ordered to stop enmity. The poem ended with the words: “A sacrifice and an oath cemented the alliance between the king and the people.” The bright daughter of the thunderer, the goddess Athena Pallada. “



