Celestial clouds are called eternal pilgrims, who constantly travel across the sky. “Steppe azure” and “chain of pearly” space they rush from north to south. The same fate is prepared for the lyrical hero. Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers! Steppe azure, a chain of pearls You rush, as if I, exiles, From the lovely north to the south. And here the lyrical hero wonders who or what causes this escape through the beautiful sky. Maybe this is the dictates of fate. Or maybe the cause of escape was secret envy or open anger. Sounds doubtful lyric hero in the assumption that the basis for the travel of the cloud-wanderers was a perfect crime.
Although it is possible that the reason was the poisonous slander of friends who used to help on the path of life. And the lyrical hero himself finds the answer to this question. The barren field was bored by the wandering travelers. It is possible that there is something else, since the poet puts an ellipsis in this line. They are too cold, so they are strangers to passion and suffering. They are forever free, so they do not and probably will not have a homeland or a shelter in exile. No, you are bored with barren fields… Strangers are alien to you and alien to suffering; Always cold, forever free. You do not have a homeland, there is no exile for you.
In this poem by M. Yu. Lermontov, the motives of loneliness and melancholy, characteristic of many of his works, are clearly manifested. Also, the poem is filled with the love of a wanderer and an exile to the homeland that is set aside to him. A poem appeared in 1840, when the poet was preparing to go into exile to the Caucasus. And during the farewell party he saw the clouds outside the window, which became the object of his work. He felt in them a kindred spirit. After all, like him, they will never find a shelter anywhere that warms the heart in hard times. And on this farewell evening the poet realized this most acutely. Both the chosen image and the melody of the poem lead to longing and there is a bitter taste of disappointment that there is a new hard way ahead, which may pose new dangers on the way.
And the most important thing is that there will not be a single friend that could share difficult stages with you. The basis of the poem is the reception of a comparison, which consists in the fact that the poet compares himself with the clouds of heaven. Comparison is a word or expression that contains the likening of one thing to another, one situation to another. The poet uses this comparison to show that his destiny, like that of the clouds, consists in eternal wanderings. He, too, will always travel on this earth, finding no shelter anywhere.