Opera in three acts (four scenes)
Libretto of M. P. Mussorgsky with the participation of A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov
Cherevik Khivrya, Cherevik’s wife Parasya, daughter of Cherevik, step-daughter of Khivri Kum Gritsko, a couple Afanasy Ivanovich, Popovich Gypsy Chernobog | Bass Mezzo soprano Soprano Bass Baritone Tenor Characteristic tenor Bass Bass |
Merchants, merchants, gypsies, Jews, sailors, Cossacks, girls, guests, demons, witches, dwarfs.
Venue: the village of Great Sorochintsy near Poltava.
Time of action: the beginning of the XIX century.
A hot, sunny day. Burly noisy fair. Cherevik came here to sell wheat and mare. With him is his daughter, the beautiful Parasya. Wanting to intimidate merchants and lure the goods from them cheaper, the gypsy tells the crowd, as if nearby, in the old barn the Red roll was settled; it belongs to the devil and causes damage to people. In the meantime, Grytsko gently converses with Parasy, whose beauty has won his heart. Cherevik at first dissatisfied with the courageous courtship of a couple, but when he learned that Gritsko was the son of his old friend, he did not object to the matchmaking. Now you need to go into the tavern. From there Cherevik returns home late at night with Kum. Haglya hubby greets him unhurriedly. But there is no limit to her anger when it turns out that the groom is the same guy who recently mocked her. Gritsko, who heard this conversation, is deeply saddened.
Khivrya, after expelling under the plausible pretext of the spouse from home for the whole night, eagerly awaits his beloved Athanasius Ivanovich. Finally, the popovich appears, generously scattering high-pitched compliments. Khivrya tirelessly treats the guest. But courtship of the priest interrupts a knock at the gate – this is Cherevik and Kum with guests. Shaking with fear of his beloved Khivrya hides on the shelves. Unexpected newcomers to death are scared by the Red Scroll, rumored to have appeared at the fair. Only after drinking a drunk, they gradually calmed down. Kum starts a story about a devil who laid the shirkar his red scroll and now in the guise of a pig looking for it throughout the fair. Suddenly, the pork snout that appeared in the window brings everyone into an indescribable horror. Guests and hosts flee.
The sticks led by Gypsy grab and knit Cherevik with Kum allegedly for stealing the mare. On the cleverly conceived plan of Gypsy, Gritsko plays the role of rescuer. As a reward, the couple needs to immediately play a wedding, which Cherevik gladly agrees with. In dreams of Paras, the happy bridegroom falls asleep. He dreams that Chernobog and his retinue are being catered for by a coven, which ends only with the blows of the church bell.
Parasia yearns for her sweetheart. The more joyful is the meeting of lovers. Taking advantage of the absence of Khivri, Cherevik blesses the young. Having come up inappropriately, Khivrya tries in vain to prevent them. Gypsy with a couple with a general laugh carries Khivri.
Summary Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky. Sorochinsky Fair