Carlo Gozzi
Love for Three Oranges
Silvio, King of Clubs, is extremely excited and extremely dejected by the illness of his only son, Prince Tartaglia. The best doctors determined the ailment of the Crown Prince as the result of the deepest hypochondria and amicably renounced the unfortunate one. There was only one last resort not to give Tartaglia the color of years to descend into a coffin – to make him laugh.
A faithful servant and friend of the king, Pantalone, offers Silvio a plan for rescuing the sick: first, it is necessary to arrange funny games at the court, masquerade and bacchanalia; secondly, to admit to the prince recently appeared in the city of Truffaldino, a man deserved in the art of laughter. Having heeded the advice of Pantalone, the king summons Jack Treff Leandro, his first minister, and entrusts him with the device of the festival. Leandro tried to object in the sense that excessive turmoil would only hurt Tartaglia, but the king insists on his own.
Leandro had an objection to the king. After all, he is in collusion with Princess Clarice, Silvio’s niece. Scoundrels want to ruin the prince, get married and after the death of Silvio to rule the country together. Leandro and Clarice in their designs are patronized by the fairy Morgan, who lost a lot of money, putting on the portrait of the king, and partly recouped, placing a bet on a card depicting Leandro. She promises to be at the celebration and with her spells to prevent the healing of Tartaglia.
The funer of Truffaldino – and he was sent to the palace by the magician Celio, who loved the king and did not tolerate Leandro for the same reason that determined the likes and dislikes of Morgana – no matter how hard he tried, he could not even bring a shadow of a smile to Tartaglia’s face. The festivities begin, but here the prince cries and begs back to the warm bed.
True to her promise, among the masquerade crowd in the image of an ugly old woman appears Fairy Morgan. Truffaldino flies at her and, showering with a hail of insults, knocks down. Ta, hilariously up her legs, flies to the ground, and, oh miracle! – Tartaglia is filled with a loud laugh and at once heals from all ills. As soon as he gets to his feet, Morgan in anger attacks the prince with a terrible curse – inspires him with an unending passionate love for the three oranges.
Obsessed with a frenetic mania, Tartaglia demands that Truffaldino immediately set out on a journey with him to look for three oranges, which, as described in a children’s tale, are located two thousand miles from their city, at the mercy of the gigantic giant Creon. There is nothing to be done, and Truffaldino follows the prince in armor, arms with a sword and puts on iron shoes. King Silvio makes every effort to keep his son from a mad venture, but seeing that everything is in vain, he faints. Tartaglia with Truffaldino leave the palace to the great joy of Clarice, Leandro and their assistant Brighella, who, revering the prince already dead, begin to wind up their palace in the palace.
Brave travelers make extraordinary rapid progress to the creations of Creon, for all two thousand miles they are accompanied by a devil with furs, incessantly puffing wind in the back. The devil with the furs disappears, the wind stops, and Tartaglia with Truffaldino realize that they are at the target.
But here on their way stands the magician Celio. He unsuccessfully tries to dissuade the prince and his squire from a daring design, but in the end explains how they avoid death at the hands of the magical servants of the giantess, and supplies everything necessary for this.
Tartaglia from Truffaldino at the gate of the Creon’s castle. They block the way with the Gate with an iron grate, but they lubricate them with a magical ointment, and the Gate is opened. A terrible dog rushes at them with barking, but they throw him a piece of bread, and he calms down. While Truffaldino, following the instructions of the magician Celio, pulls out the Rope from the well and spreads the Rope in the sun, and then hands Pecarca a heather broom, Tartaglia manages to go to the castle and return from there with three huge oranges.
Suddenly, the light fades and the horrifying voice of the giantess Creon is heard: she orders her servants to kill the kidnappers of oranges. But they refuse to obey the brutal mistress, for whom for many years Pekarka tormented her white breasts, sweeping them with a stove, The rope rotted in the well, The dog feverishly starved, and the Gate mourned ruefully. With what, tell me, why should they now ruin their benefactors?
Tartaglia with Truffaldino safely flee, and the giantess Creon in desperation calls on his head thunder and lightning. Her entreaties are heard: lightning falls from the sky and incinerates the giantess.
The fairy Morgana learns that with the help of the magician Celio Tartaglia of Truffaldino stole oranges and, driven by the devil with furs, come unharmed to the royal castle, but believes that Leandro and Clarice are still not lost – after all, she still has there are intrigues.
Truffaldino, slightly overtaking the prince, sits down to rest and wait for the master, when suddenly he is overcome by inhuman thirst. Not without difficulty, having overcome remorse, he cuts one of the oranges. About a miracle! From the orange a girl comes out, declares that she is dying of thirst, and really falls to the ground. To save the unfortunate, Truffaldino cuts the second orange, from which the second girl appears and does exactly the same as the first. Girls emit a spirit.
The third from the sad fate of the sisters relieves only the appearance of Tartaglia. He also cuts an orange, and from there a girl comes out and asks to give her water. Unlike Truffaldino, the prince notices that the whole thing is happening on the shore of the lake. Disregarding the conventions, he brings water to the girl in his iron shoe, and she, satisfying mortal thirst, informs the prince that her name is Ninetta and that according to the evil will of Creon, she was imprisoned in the orange peel, along with her two sisters, the daughters of the King of Antipodes.
Tartaglia immediately falls in love with Ninetta and wants to lead her to the palace as her bride, but she hesitates to appear at court not dressed, as befits a princess. Then Tartaglia leaves her on the shore of the lake with a promise to return soon with rich clothes and accompanied by a courtyard.
Here, to an unsuspecting Ninetta, Smeraldin’s aura approaches. From Morgan Smeraldina received two hairpins: one she had to stick into Ninetta’s hair and thereby turn her into a bird; then she had to pretend to be an orange girl, to marry Tartaglia, and on the very first night, having stuck a second hairpin in her head, turn him into a wild beast. So the throne would be free for Leandro and Clarice. The first part of Morgana’s plan was a success – Ninetta turned Dove and flew away, and Smeraldina settled herself in her place.
From the palace appears a procession led by Tartaglia and Silvio. The prince is somewhat discouraged by the change that has taken place with the bride, but there is nothing to be done, preparations for the wedding begin.
Truffaldino, who received the pardon of his sins from the prince and the title of the royal cook, is busy preparing a roast for the wedding feast. The roast burns, as Golubka flies into the kitchen and sends a dream to Truffaldino. This is repeated several times, until at last an angry Pantaloon appears. Together they catch Dove, take out the hairpin from her head, and Golubka again becomes Ninetta.
By this time, the cup of patience of the feasting, who had already eaten snacks and soup, is overflowing, and all of them led by the king break into the kitchen. Ninetta tells us that Smeraldina did with her, and the king, without wasting time, sentences the arable to the burning. But that is not all. Appeared from nowhere, the magician Celio unmasks the blame of Clarice, Leandro and Brighella, and the king immediately condemns all three to cruel exile.
And then, as expected, the wedding of Tartaglia and Ninetta is played. Guests entertained with might and main: they poured tobacco into each other’s drinks, shaved rats and let them on the table…
Summary Love for the Three Oranges Carlo Gozzi