Summary “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt” Gogol

This story is told by Stepan Ivanovich Kurochka, who is from Gadyach. The story is written in a notebook, the notebook lay in the table, some of the sheets from it dragged the little Pasichnikov’s wife into pies. Therefore, there is no end to it, if there is a desire for an end, you can ask Stepan Ivanovich. Here he is. Ivan Fedorovich Shponka, now lives in his farm in Vytyretenka, at school he was a diligent student and not bully. He even drew the attention of a terrible Latin teacher and was appointed to the auditors for them, but because of an unpleasant incident, he got his hands on the same teacher, so he never burned with desire for civil service.

Therefore, two years after receiving news of his father’s death, he joined the infantry regiment in P ***, which stood in the villages, and was not inferior to many cavalry regiments. Several people in the regiment were able to dance the mazurka, and two officers played in the bank. Ivan Fedorovich preferred to stay away from everyone, read the fortune-telling book, cleaned the buttons, and put mousetraps in the corners. Eleven years later, for his service, he was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant. After the death of his mother, the estate was managed by my aunt, and he served all. And so, my aunt sent him a letter with a request to take the household into their own hands, since she herself became old. Ivan Fedorovich resigned in the rank of lieutenant and hiring a tug from Mogilev to Gadyach calmly got home, without significant incidents.

Only in a tavern near Gadyach he met Grigory Grigorievich Storchenko, who called himself a neighbor from the village of Khortysh and invited him to come to visit. After this incident, Ivan Fyodorovich soon got home, and Vasilisa Kashporovna’s aunt got into the embrace. The fortress and great growth of her aunt did not match the complaints, from the letter, she continued to run the farm, and the nephew kept going to the field all the time and so admired the beauty of nature sometimes, that he forgot about his favorite dumplings. Meanwhile, Auntie hints at him that the land behind their village and the village of Khortysh was recorded by former owner Stepan Kuzmich on Ivan Fedorovich (since he often visited his mother before the birth of Ivan Fedorovich), somewhere there is a gift. For this donative, he goes to Hortysha and meets there with his acquaintance Storchenk.

The host welcomes the guest cordially, but when he talks about the gift, he pretends that he does not hear. He tries to assure that no donative exists, presents it to his mother and sisters, carries him to a table where he introduces Ivan Ivanovich, whose head “sits” in a high collar. Guests are assiduously treated to a turkey at dinner. After lunch, the owner goes to sleep, and the whole society, including Stanchenka’s sisters, sisters, is animatedly discussing economic matters concerning harvesting and sowing. Returning home, Ivan Fyodorovich in detail retells his aunt to the aunt.

Auntie is annoyed with the neighbor’s dodgery, but at the mention of young ladies (especially blond) lights up a new idea: and now she mentally nurse her grandchildren, deeply immersed in dreams. They are already together going to a neighbor to visit. Ivan Fedorovich deliberately left with the young lady alone. Both spend time in silence, not finding those for conversation. On the way back, my aunt confuses Ivan Fedorovich, having started a conversation with him about the need for marriage. At night, he sees strange dreams: everything in a dream seems to him to be his wife, his wife is around and not just one, but several. Ivan Fedorovich, who is dejected, turns to the fortune-telling book, but does not find any help in it, and his aunt cherishes a new idea, which we will not know about, since there is no end to the manuscript.

Summary “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt” Gogol