In the epic is told about the military exploits of Elijah. He departs from the house, from the village of Karacharovo, which is near Murom, to the capital city of Kiev to serve to Prince Vladimir. On the way, Ilya makes her first feat. At Chernigov, he smashes the enemy army, besieged the city. Does the city of Chernigov have a black-and-black silk, Black is black, black as a crow. So no one is walking around here, No one is driving through on a good horse, Black crows do not fly through the bird, Gray beast does not spray. And Ilya, a “burly good fellow”, began to trample this great horse with a horse and stab him with a spear. And he broke this great power. For this Chernigov peasants invited him to Chernigov as a voivode, but the hero did not agree, because he was going to serve the entire Russian land. He is warned that the road to Kiev is restless and dangerous: The path was slaughtered, Like that one has Dirt at Chernoy, And at the one near the birch beside the oath… Sits the Nightingale the robber with the cheese of the oak, Sits the Nightingale robber Odikhmantiev1 son.2 Ilya’s opponent is portrayed in the epic as hyperbolized, his menacing force exaggerated. This is a rogue villain. He “whistles in a nightingale,” “he cries to the man of letters.” From this “grass traps are weaved, all the azure flowers are showered, the dark woods are all bowed to the ground, and that there are people – then all the dead are lying.” However, Ilya was not intimidated by the warning of the men of Chernihiv. He chooses the “straight road”. Kind horse of Ilya, having heard the nightingale of the Nightingale, “rests on the pits and stumbles.” But the hero is fearless. He is ready to make his second feat. The duel is described laconically, in the epic tradition. Ilya takes a tight bow “torn”, pulls on the tevotochku silk, puts a “arrow stained” and shoots. The dejected Nightingale he fastens to “stremchku bulatnuyu” and carries to Kiev. This is the first arrival of the hero in Kiev, no one here yet knows. To Ilya the prince turns with questions: “You tell me, you’re a cuckoo, You’re a burly good fellow, You somehow, young man, but they call on their name, They exalt me, with a stroke, by the fatherland?” The prince does not believe the story of Elijah, he doubts that it is possible to pass along the road where a lot of power is overtaken and the Nightingale the robber rules. Then Ilya leads the prince to the Nightingale. But the robber recognizes only the power of Elijah, seeing him as a worthy opponent and a winner, reveres him above the prince. On the order of Vladi – world to demonstrate his art, Nightingale replies: “It is not with you that I today, Prince, have dinner, And not you, I want to and obey. I had dinner with an old Cossack Ilya of Murom, I want to listen to him. “3
Then Ilya Muromets orders him to whistle “in half a twist of a nightingale” and “in a half-shout of an animal.” But the Nightingale disobeyed and whistled at full force. “Poppy trees on the teremahs were crooked, and the sticks in the houses were scattered from him, Solovinogo whistled that there are people, then all the dead are lying.” And Vladimir the prince “hides a kunya shubonka”. Only Ilya stood on his feet. With the words: “You have to whistle and do something like a nightingale, you have to crawl and mothers fathers, you have plenty to add and wives of young people, you have to fully orphan little orphans!” he chopped the Nightingale’s head.
Ilya’s feat was filled with a special meaning for contemporaries who advocated the unification of Russian lands, for the integrity of the ancient Russian state. The epic affirms the idea of the service of Rus, the fulfillment of the people’s feat in the name of it.
Bylina “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber” has signs characteristic of artistic originality epic. This is a plot genre. Events are depicted in the development, the characters in action. There were peculiar expressive and figurative means in the past: threefold repetitions (in the description of the silk under Chernigov, the whistling of the heroic), hyperbole (the depiction of the Nightingale the robber, the hero’s horse of Elijah), comparisons, metaphors, epithets (dark woods, grass traps, blossom blossoms) diminutive and affectionate suffixes, etc. In the epic are intertwined
The Nightingale the Sonitant Sits. However, Ilya Muromets is on a direct road. By the river of the Currant, he sees the Nightingale of the Robber, who wins by hitting an arrow in his right eye with a “cat’s eye”. Ilya ties the enemy to the stirrup. Further the path lies past the house of Nightingale the Robber. At the window his daughters sit, who notice that their father was taken prisoner, and they ask him to rescue him. But they are stopped by the Nightingale the Robber, advises to invite Ilya to visit, treat and give “precious gifts”. Ilya Muromets refuses the invitation. He comes to Kiev to the royal court. Prince Vladimir did not believe Ilya, that he could pass through all obstacles to Kiev. Then Ilya shows the prince of the captive enemy. Vladimir wants to listen to the “whistling” nightingale. From this whistle Makovkov on teremah crooked, And the windows in the towers crumbled. And that there are people, so everyone is dead. Then Ilya takes out Nightingale the Robber “in a clean field” and chop off his head.
Summary “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”