Summary “Cosmos Nervous System and Shmat Sala” Shukshin

Once a month, old Naum Evstigneevich gets drunk, after which he lies for three days on the stove, is ill and “fights in God.” Now he moans and complains to his lodger, eighth-year-old Yurka.

Yurka teaches lessons, and responds to the complaints of the old man: “It was not necessary to get drunk”. From conversation Naum Yevstigneevich become a little easier, but Yurka needs to learn the lessons. He offers the old man a hangover, but he is sorry for the money.

In the village the old man is known as the “miser”. He has a full house: a farm, a cellar full of supplies, a good pension, and the children help. On children – sons and daughter – Naum Evstigneevich is offended because they left for the city.

Often goes down to the cellar, sits on the attack and pensively sits for a long time. “Devils are devil, do not you live here,” he thinks and the white man comes out into the light.

Yuri’s position is difficult. In the native village of the guy there is no ten-year old, and he moved to the village to finish the 10th grade and enter the medical institute. Yurka does not have a father, and his mother is struggling to fulfill the dream of the eldest son and raise three younger boys.

The old man is aware of Yurka’s poverty, but he takes five rubles a month from him and is crouched separately. Sometimes at the end of the month Yurke has nothing to eat, and the old man weighs him a couple of kilograms of millet.

In the mornings Yuri goes to school and talks with the old man. Togo is interested in what this is Yurka so medical pulls, because a chauffeur in the state farm gets more than a doctor. Naum Evstigneevich does not approve of the youth’s desire for learning and believes that earlier it was better.

You were bewildered by this drill-that’s how you walk around in the white light. Lived before without any training, nothing, God forbid: without a loaf they did not sit.

Then the old man and Yurka begin to argue that it is better – the “hieroplan” or the cart. The old man remains alone all day, and he needs to talk. Yurka is irritated by the grumbling of the old man, but he is proud that he defends the New – the doctrine, books, airplanes.

In God, the old man, strangely enough, does not believe. He believes that a person should work, but not on the collective farm, but on himself. He himself does not work on the collective farm for a long time. Once Yurka in his heart called the old man his fist. Naum Yevstigneevich remained silent for a long time, and then ordered not to vyakat: they would come and cut off extra hundred from the garden.

The old man moans again on the stove and calls Yurka to talk – he asks what he is teaching now. Yurka teaches astronomy. He tells the old man about the space and cosmonauts, but it is not clear to him – why fly into that space. Yurka lights up, begins to talk about the Moon and Venus, about the planet where intelligent beings can live, with whom people will establish knowledge exchange. Alien technologies will develop earthly technology, medicine. People will live up to 120 years and fly to each other for personal helicopters.

The old man does not agree – to 120 years of living is boring, and aliens can fight to climb. Better to use a medicine for a hangover. Yurka enrages the old man’s denseness, and he returns to the textbooks.

Naum Yevstigneevich does not quit, says that in books “lies are one”, and doctors cure a person are incapable. An angry Yurka says that doctors have overcome the plague and tuberculosis, but the old man objects: the grandmother is not a doctor, but whispers – and everything passes.

Then Yurka talks about Academician Pavlov.

And you know that when Academician Pavlov died, he called the students and began to dictate how he died.

Pavlov told everyone until the last minute, because it was necessary for science.

This narrative impresses Naum Yevstigneyevich. Some time later he asks Yuri to show him a portrait of Pavlov. Yurka reproaches the old man with a reproach that the academician was vigorous to old age, because he did not get drunk and did not deafen his nervous system. Naum Evstigneevich, too, could overcome his reflex and, having received a pension, did not turn to the store.

The old man groaned down from the stove, went out into the passage, came back with a solid shred of fat and gave it to Yurka.

On, eat, and then zagneshsya ahead of time with their academics… until they learn all.

Yuri writes down bacon and listens to the old man’s lecture on how to properly feed the pigs.

Then Naum Evstigneevich asks if Academician Pavlov had any relatives: “If there were no relatives, then you will not dictate a lot, it’s one bad thing.” Yurka decides not to remind about the students, agrees – of course, one is bad.

Summary “Cosmos Nervous System and Shmat Sala” Shukshin