AP Chekhov
Cherry Orchard (in summary of the actions)
Action first
Manor of the landowner Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevskaya. Spring, the cherry orchard blooms. But this wonderful garden will soon be forced to sell for debts. Five years before the events of the play “The Cherry Orchard” Ranevskaya and her daughter Ania were seventeen years abroad. The family estate was inhabited by Leonid Andreevich Gayev, Ranevskaya’s brother, and Ranevskaya’s adopted daughter, Varya, twenty-four years old. Cases Ranevskaya went bad, the money was spent. Lubov Andreevna always lived on a broad foot. About 6 years ago, her husband died from drunkenness. Ranevskaya fell in love with another man, began to live with him, but soon a misfortune happened – he drowned in the river, her little son Grisha. Lubov Andreevna, fleeing from grief, went abroad. A new boyfriend went after her. However, soon he fell ill, and Ranevskaya had to arrange it at her dacha next to Mentona, where she cared for him for about three years. Over time, the dacha had to be sold for debts and moved to Paris. At that moment, Lubov Andreevna threw off her lover and threw it away.
Gaev and Varvara greet those who came from abroad, Lyubov Andreevna and Anya at the station. In the estate they are waiting for the maid Dunyasha and a longtime acquaintance – a merchant Yermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin. Lopakhin’s father left the serfs (at the Ranevskys), but miraculously made a fortune, although he did not cease to talk about himself, that he was always a “peasant peasant.” Soon after the arrival, Yepikhodov’s clerk appears, a man who everyone calls “thirty-three misfortunes”, because he always finds himself in different situations.
Soon the guests arrive at the carriages. Fill the house, you feel a pleasant excitement. Everyone talks about their own affairs. Lubov Andreevna walks through the rooms and joyfully remembers the past. The maid Dunyasha wants to tell the lady that Yepihodov offered her a hand and a heart. Anya recommends Vary to marry Lopakhin, and Varya cherishes the dream of giving Anya for a wealthy man. Immediately, Charlotte Ivanovna, a very strange and eccentric governess, brags about her unique dog, and Ranevsky’s neighbor, the landlord Simeonov-Pishik, begs for money on loan. Only servant Firs seemingly does not hear anything and mumbles to himself.
Lopakhin hurries to remind Ranevskaya that the estate will be sold from the auction, if you do not break the land into separate plots and do not lease them to the gardeners. Ranevskaya discourages this proposal: how can you destroy her beloved wonderful cherry garden! Lopakhin wants to stay closer to Ranevskaya, whom he loves, as he says: “more than native,” but it’s time for him to go. Gayev addresses the famous speech to the centennial and with his words “dear” cabinet, but after embarrassed and again takes up his favorite billiard words.
Ranevskaya did not recognize Petya Trofimov at first: he had changed a lot, had grown dull, the “sweet student” had turned into a miserable “eternal student.” Lubov Andreevna recalls the drowned little son Grisha, whom the Trofimov once taught.
Gaev, alone with Varya, discusses matters. There is a wealthy aunt in Yaroslavl, but she does not treat them very well, because Lyubov Andreevna did not marry a nobleman, and after allowing herself to behave is not “very virtuous.” Gaev loves his sister, but allows himself to be called “evil.” Anya is unhappy with this. Gaev comes up with saving projects: borrow money from Lopakhin, send Anya to her aunt Yaroslavl – you need to save the estate and Gaev swears that he will save. Soon, Firs finally takes Gayev to bed. Anya rejoices: the uncle will arrange everything and save the estate.
The second action
The next day Lopakhin again convinces Ranevskaya and Gaeva to do it for him. They were at breakfast in the city and on the way back they stopped at the chapel. Not long before this, there were Yepikhodov and Dunyasha. Epihodov tried to explain himself to Dunyasha, but she had already made a choice in favor of the young lackey Yasha. Ranevskaya and Gayev pretend that they do not hear Lopakhin’s words and continue to talk about something else. Lopakhin, amazed by their frivolity, wants to leave. However, Ranevskaya insists that he stay: so “all the same fun”.
This is a summary of Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard” from the site vsekratko. en
They are joined by Anya, Varya and the “eternal student” Trofimov. Ranevskaya begins a conversation about the “proud man.” Trofimov assures us that pride is meaningless: a person needs to work, not admire himself. Petya attacks the intelligentsia, which is incapable of work, but only philosophizes and treats peasants like wild animals. Lopakhin is connected: he is “from morning till night,” he is dealing with a lot of money, but he understands more and more that there are few decent people in the world. Lopakhin interrupts Ranevskaya. It can be seen that no one wants or knows how to hear another. Silence reigns, and the distant sad whistle of a bursting string is heard in it.
Then everyone diverge. Anya and Trofimov remain alone and are happy to talk without Vary. Trofimov assures Anya that it should be “above love”, that in the first place is freedom: “all Russia is our garden,” but in order to live in the present, it is first necessary to redeem the past by work and suffering. After all, happiness is very close: and if not they, then others necessarily see it.
Action third
Finally comes August 22, the day the bidding began. It was in the evening of this day, quite inopportune, a ball is planned in the estate, even a Jewish orchestra is invited. It was at a time when barons and generals danced here at these balls, and now, as Firs observes, you will not entice anyone. Charlotte Ivanovna entertains guests with her tricks. Ranevskaya awaits with anxiety the return of her brother. Yaroslavl aunt has mercy and has given fifteen thousand, but it is not enough of it to redeem an estate with a cherry orchard.
Petya Trofimov “tries to reassure” Ranevskaya: the garden can not be saved, it’s over, but it’s necessary to face the truth, understand… Ranevskaya asks not to judge her, to regret: there is no meaning to her life without a cherry orchard. Every day, Ranevskaya receives telegrams from Paris. At first she tore them at once, after – at once, as soon as she read it, and now does not vomit at all. The her lover, whom she still loves, begs her to come. Trofimov condemns Ranevskaya for her stupid love for such a “petty villain and nonentity”. Ranevskaya, wounded for a living, can not restrain herself, throws herself at Trofimov, cursing him in every possible way: “We must love ourselves… we must fall in love!” Trofimov wants to leave in horror, but remains, and even dances with Ranevskaya, who asks him for forgiveness.
Finally, Lopakhin and Gayev appear, who, without giving a proper explanation, retires to himself. The cherry garden is sold – this Lopakhin bought it. Lopakhin is happy: he managed to negotiate the rich man Deriganov, appointing over ninety thousand more than his debt. Lopakhin easily lifts the keys, which Varya throws to the floor. It’s all over, and Yermolai Lopakhin, the son of the former serf Ranevsky, is about to “have an ax in the cherry orchard”!
You read the summary of Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard”
Anya tries to comfort her mother: the garden is sold, but a whole life awaits them ahead. There will be another garden, more luxurious and better than this, waiting for them to “quiet deep joy” …
Step Four
The house becomes empty. Its inhabitants, leaving wherever. Lopakhin plans to spend the winter in Kharkov, Trofimov goes back to Moscow, to the university. At parting, Lopakhin and Petya exchanged tiny “courtesies.” And although Trofimov also calls Lopakhin a “predatory beast”, necessary for metabolism in nature, but he loves in him a “gentle, subtle soul.” Lopakhin in turn is confused to give Trofimov money for the road. But Trofimov refuses: pride does not allow him.
With Ranevskaya and Gayev, a metamorphosis happens: they are cheerful after the cherry orchard was sold. The excitement and suffering ended. Ranevskaya plans to live in Paris on aunt’s money. Anya in the ephoria: here it is – a new life – she will graduate from high school, will read books, work, it will be “a new wonderful world.” Simeonov-Pischik suddenly appears, he is out of breath. He now does not ask for money, but, on the contrary, gives out debts. It turns out that the British found white clay on his land.
Now everything is different. Gayev calls himself a bank employee. Lopakhin promises to find a new place for Charlotte, Varvara goes to the housekeeper Ragulin, Yepikhodov, who hires Lopakhin, remains on the estate. Poor old Firs should be placed in a hospital. Gaev sadly says: “All of us leave… we suddenly became unnecessary.”
The explanation between Varya and Lopakhin must finally happen. Varya is even teased with the irony of “Madame Lopakhina.” Varya Lopakhin likes it most, but she is waiting for his actions. Lopakhin, in his words, agrees to “finish off right away” with this case. However, when Ranevskaya arranges a meeting for them, Lopakhin, without daring, runs away, taking advantage of the first pretext. There is no explanation between them.
Finally, I leave the estate, locking all the doors. Only the old Firs remains, of which everyone has forgotten and was never sent to the hospital. Firs goes to rest and dies. The sound of a broken string is heard again. And after blows of axes.
We remind you that this is only a brief summary of the play “Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov. Many important quotes are missing here.