Summary Boy Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky
Speech from the author.
“It’s hard to tell this little story – it’s so simple.”
On Sundays, the lyrical hero gathered children in spring and summer, and in the morning took them to nature. “As a shepherd, he walked behind the carefree lambs.”
At noon the younger slept, and told the elders stories. “And often, despite all the arrogance of youth and the inherent change of pride in knowledge, I felt like a child among the wise.”
Description of nature: “… the sky seems cold, and it’s strange to see that the clouds are melting in it.”
One day an unfamiliar boy came to meet them: “a Jew, barefoot, in a tattered shirt, black-browed, thin and curly like a lamb, he was somewhat agitated, and, apparently, recently wept, the eyelids of his matte-black eyes swelled and reddened, sharply standing out on a pale to blue, hungry face. ”
The children rushed to the boy: “Hold the louse!”
The boy did not run away, although there was an expression of fear on his face. Suddenly he calmly offered to show the trick.
Children were interested, but some still looked with distrust. They believed that the children from their street are better than others.
“A handsome, thin boy stepped back from the fence, curved back his thin body, touched the ground with his hands and, raising his feet, stood up.” “Through the holes of his shirt and panties the gray skin of a thin body shone through, the bones of the shoulder blades, knees and elbows protruded at sharp angles, and his collarbone was exactly stuck.”
The guys liked it, encouraged it with exclamations, imitated. After ceasing to do the exercises, I asked for something in return. “This request has caused a hostile and disparaging attitude towards the artist from the public.” Out of 7 cents, the hero 2 gave the boy.
When he left, dark spots on his shirt became visible. “This we fell from the trapeze in the booth, the father is all lying, and I’m already healthy…”.
“I lifted the shirt – on the boy’s skin from the left shoulder down and to the side lay a wide dark scratch, it withered with a thick scab, but during the exercises the scab burst in several places and now the scarlet blood bleeds from the cracks.”
He said that it does not hurt, it’s just itching. “Father… we do not have a piece, and our father is so broke! You know, we have to work, and then we are Jews, and everyone is laughing at us…”
This seems to be a simple story, but the author often recalled with gratitude the courage the boy in the most difficult moments. “In him personified the courage of man – not the flexible patience of a slave living with vague hopes, but the courage of a strong man who is confident of victory.”

Summary Boy Maxim Gorky