“Forest” Ostrovsky in brief

In the estate of Raisa Pavlovna Gurmyzhskaya, “a very wealthy landowner,” Bulanov, “a young man who did not finish school in a gymnasium”, pestered Aksyusha’s pupil. Aksyusha leaves, and lackey Karp hints to Bulanov: do not he pay attention to the lady herself.

At this time, Gurmyzhskaya herself appears and, along with her, “rich neighbors-landowners”: the retired cavalryman Bodayev and Milonov. The hostess says that she wants to do “three good things at once” – to give Aksyusha for Bulanov and take care of the deceased husband’s nephew; she had not seen him for fifteen years, and he was her only relative and legal heir. He sends her small gifts from all over Russia, but where he is, what is with him – is unknown.

The merchant Vosmibratov came to buy wood and wed Peter’s son for Aksyusha. Money for the already bought wood, he, however, “did not capture.” Gurmyzhskaya refuses: “There is already a fiance, he lives in the house.” Perhaps some nonsense in the city, so you know: this is the groom. ” “Only you put your father in fools. the merchant threatens his son. But the forest was bought with profit. This time, as it were, the merchant does not leave a receipt. Father and son go. Carp leads Aksyushu and Ulita. Trying to humiliate Aksyusha, Raisa Pavlovna tells her to play the role of the bride Bulanov: “I need so”. But the disdain shown by Aksyusha Bulanovu, it enrages her. She inquires about them to Ulita, she pleases her: “She is very kind to him, and he seems to be so…. .. I do not want to.”

In the forest there are Peter and Aksyusha. They love each other, but Peter’s father does not want to hear about his daughter-in-law without a dowry. They are going away. Appears from different sides of Happy and Unhappy, two familiar actors: a comedian and a tragedian. They meet accidentally on the way one of Vologda to Kerch, the other from Kerch to Vologda. And now they inform each other that there is no company in Kerch, or in Vologda, there is no place to play. Both go on foot, without money. In the knapsack of Gennady Demyanovich Neschastlivtsev “a pair of good dress,” “a folding hat,” and something else and a broken gun. At Arcady Schastlivtsev all property – a knot on a stick and the “lightest” coat, and in a knot “library”, “plays thirty”, and sham orders. “And did you get all this?” . “And for sin, I do not think: they are holding up their wages.” They dream of their own troupe: ” Now if we find the actress dramatic, young, good The woman rushes into the pool with her head from love – that’s the actress. Yes, that I myself saw, but I do not believe. I’ll get it out of the whirlpool, then I’ll believe it. Well, it seems, to go. “” Where? “Asks Arkady, and reads the inscription:” To the “Penka’s” estate of Mrs. Gurmyzhskaya. “They” slowly leave “.

In the morning in the garden of the estate Gurmyzhskaya, flirting with Bulanov, tells him a dream, as if her nephew “came and killed you from a gun in front of my eyes.” She is preoccupied: “… And suddenly he will appear! He will have to give him some part, and I will have to take away from the one I love.” They decide better and do not talk about their nephew. Karp enters and reports: the samovar is ready, and at night “the master has arrived.” And with the words “Now do not believe in dreams,” Gurmyzhskaya and Bulanov are going to have tea.

The actors enter. Neschastlivtsev, “dressed very decently,” decides Arcadia, who in the “former suit,” to declare here his lackey, and himself – an officer in retirement.

Come Vosmibratov and Peter. Karp does not want to report about them to the lady: “… They are engaged with the colonel.” Their nephew came. ” “Colonel?” “Of course, Colonel.” Merchants are leaving.

Bulanov frank with Neschastlivtsev: “Mama says, my mind is not this, not for training with.” “What is it?” “Practical-with.” “Well, thank the creator that at least some” is. “Or it often happens that there is not any.” “And this is nothing.” It would only be more land, but to understand your interest, the landowner, and even without mind You can live with! ” “Yes you, brother, well done at all!” – exclaims the actor, when Bulanov asks to teach him card “volts” to cheat.

Settled guests in the gazebo. And when Neschastlivtsev goes there with Bulanov, Vosmibratov immediately turns to Gurmyzhskaya and in the simplest way deceives her, taking the receipt, missing a thousand rubles and hinting at an unsuccessful matchmaking. “Dene robbery,” – says Raisa Pavlovna and shares the trouble with the entered Bulanov. With him Neschastlivtsev. He said to Gurmyzhskaya: “Now there is nothing to do” on the remark “with a fervor” exclaims: “How can I do anything? Turn it! What will I do with it, God, what will I do with it!” Arkashka, give my orders! “

Lead Vosmibratov with his son, and the tragedian makes the loudest words in order to portray a formidable master. The hostess is frightened, the merchants are not very. But in the end the actor manages to hurt the merchant’s “honor”, and he gives money.

“Here’s your money, get it,” says Neschastlivtsev Gurmyzhskaya. Gurmyzhskaya thanks and says that he owes “exactly that amount.” The actor replies: “I do not believe,” says the flowery phrases about the delicacy, nobility of Gurmyzhskaya and with tears and the words: “Enough favors! Pretty caress, I will become an idolater, I will pray for you!” – he covers his face with his hands and leaves. Indignant Arkady hides in the bushes and watches as Gurmyzhskaya, chuckling at Neschastlivtsev, gives money to Bulanov.

And at night in another part of the garden Neschastlivtsev boasts: “A clever man will not be lost anywhere.” “Clever? It’s you who are you talking about?” “About myself, sir.” “Well, who told you that you’re clever? You, brother, do not believe, you were deceived.” But Arkady is quite pleased with himself: he dined from the master’s table, “said he was so accustomed to you,” “he got along with the housekeeper and, on that occasion, borrowed money from her, and I have a bottle of liqueur at the corner near the bed, like a wax.” A comrade censures: “You say that you are smart, but the schoolboy is, it seems, smarter: he’s better than your role, then he plays.” “What role, brother? Well, what is he? A boy, nothing more.” “What role? First lover-with.” “Lover, Whose?” “Your aunt’s aunt, he’s playing a lover, and you’re… a simpleton!” The last words Arkady says “from behind the bush”, escaping from seriously already an enraged tragedian. Arkady runs away, but it’s done. “He lied, shamelessly lied,” – begins the monologue of the tragedian. And continues: “But if my pious aunt…”, ending with this: “Laugh at the feeling, over the warm tears of the artist! No, such an insult does not forgive Neschastlivtsev!”

Appear Karp, Ulita, then Arkady. The carp teases us over the ULITA, which evidently appeared on a date; gossip about the ruinous novels of the lady: he himself carried money to the post doctor-Frenchman, topographer, some Italian. Ulita gasps, and left with Arkady, begins to pour out his soul, complaining about a dependent position. Arkady is afraid of Neschastlivtsev, who is wandering around the garden, and shaking with annoyance Ulite, that he is not an officer, he is not a servant to him, both are actors and both drunkards.

Peter and Aksinya come to the garden. Vosmibratov’s father again scolded his son for an hour, but now he agrees to take a dowry of two thousand – but no less. The couple comes to the idea of ​​asking for money “from a brother, from Gennady Demyanovich” – no one else. Aksinya meanwhile begins to despair: “Everything in the water pulls, I’m looking at the lake”. Peter is afraid, she calms him, he leaves, and Aksinya suddenly meets with Neschastlivtsev. He is in some ecstasy and acts in front of himself and Aksinya: “Woman, beautiful woman… Are you a woman or a shadow? .. And I see that you are a woman.” And I would like to have a chat with the afterlife on this beautiful night.. Many mysteries, they carried a lot of suffering with them to the grave, my soul is gloomy, I do not need any living… Off! ” “Brother, and I suffered a lot and suffer.” Live, until the end of the open speech Aksyusha suddenly falls in the tone of affectation Neschastlivtseva – he Aksyusha, apparently, causes complete confidence – and most importantly, both have their own misfortunes. They immediately find out: for a desperate request for two thousand the actor can only answer: “Forgive me, I’m sorry, I’m poorer than you do not have to ask me for money, and you do not deny me a copper pin when I knock on your window and ask I’m a penny, a piglet! That’s who I am. ” Here the pathos of tragedy fully corresponds to reality: Aksinya runs to the lake. Behind her, Neschastlivtsev with a cry: “No, no, sister! You’re too early to die!” With the words: “Well, I ran away somewhere, I do not have to drown myself, that’s good.” He goes there… “Arkady goes to the arbor. They immediately find out: for a desperate request for two thousand the actor can only answer: “Forgive me, I’m sorry, I’m poorer than you do not have to ask me for money, and you do not deny me a copper pin when I knock on your window and ask I’m a penny, a piglet! That’s who I am. ” Here the pathos of tragedy fully corresponds to reality: Aksinya runs to the lake. Behind her, Neschastlivtsev with a cry: “No, no, sister! You’re too early to die!” With the words: “Well, I ran away somewhere, I do not have to drown myself, that’s good.” He goes there… “Arkady goes to the arbor. They immediately find out: for a desperate request for two thousand the actor can only answer: “Forgive me, I’m sorry, I’m poorer than you do not have to ask me for money, and you do not deny me a copper pin when I knock on your window and ask I’m a penny, a piglet! That’s who I am. ” Here the pathos of tragedy fully corresponds to reality: Aksinya runs to the lake. Behind her, Neschastlivtsev with a cry: “No, no, sister! You’re too early to die!” With the words: “Well, I ran away somewhere, I do not have to drown myself, that’s good.” He goes there… “Arkady goes to the arbor. Here the pathos of tragedy fully corresponds to reality: Aksinya runs to the lake. Behind her, Neschastlivtsev with a cry: “No, no, sister! You’re too early to die!” With the words: “Well, I ran away somewhere, I do not have to drown myself, that’s good.” He goes there… “Arkady goes to the arbor. Here the pathos of tragedy fully corresponds to reality: Aksinya runs to the lake. Behind her, Neschastlivtsev with a cry: “No, no, sister! You’re too early to die!” With the words: “Well, I ran away somewhere, I do not have to drown myself, that’s good.” He goes there… “Arkady goes to the arbor.

When he is about to leave, he encounters a friend and a girl he has saved. The tragedian is at the peak of his spiritual ascent: everything seems to follow his tone, words, declamations: a woman, from love, rushed to the water in his eyes. And he urges Aksyusha to go to the actress: literally, now in his troupe. Desperate, half-enchanted, Aksyusha seems to agree: “It will not be worse, as you wish, I’m ready for anything.” “I have several roles, I honor you.” This night, I dedicate you to the actress. “Stop, fugitive, I’m forgiving, I forgive you.” Triumphant, Arkashka! We have an actress, we’ll go all theaters and surprise the whole of Russia “.

The three of them leave for the arbor, they are replaced by Raisa Pavlovna with the ULITA, she sends the news to the lady; the turn of events suits her.

Ulita invites Bulanov and disappears. Raisa Pavlovna flirted with Bulanova, demanding that he guess what she loves. And when, hearing: “You fool, you!”, He muttered: “Yes, it would be a long time since you… That’s better, Raisynka! Long time would you…” climbs up kissing, pushes him away : “What are you, crazy? Go away! You, ignoramus, scoundrel, a boy!” and leaves. Bulanov in horror. “What the fool did I do! Tomorrow me… From here To three necks! It’s to blame, s! I’ve lost, gone, gone!”

But Bulanov did not disappear. The next morning in the hall he barked at Karp: “I will not tolerate riots in the house, I’m not Raisa Pavlovna…” Karp leaves with sarcastically underlined obedience. “Hello, Mr. Neschastlivtsev!” – welcomes the actor Bulanov. “Do you know that I’m Unhappy?” “I know.” “I’m very happy, brother, so you know who you are dealing with, and you will behave carefully and respectfully.” Bulanov clearly afraid of the actor, and he aptly scoffs at him; but all the same now he has to leave, since this is the will of the hostess. Leaving, he notices a money box left on the table.

Included Gurmyzhskaya. Bulanov with her on you, he makes plans. On the dowry Aksyusha sorry. Raisa Pavlovna and Bulanov are in difficulty, and here Aksyusha herself enters. Bulanova is sent off, and Gurmyzhskaya starts talking with Aksyusha about him. They only lead to an exchange of causticism not in favor of the hostess, and in the end she admits that he is jealous of Bulanov to Aksyusha. When Aksyusha says that she herself decided to leave Penkov, Raisa Pavlovna is almost touched. Aksyushu replaces Neschastlivtsev, and very decisively. “They do not listen to reason,” says Karp. The actor sends him: “Do not let anyone.” He is in his traveling costume. He takes the bell from the lady and puts the pistol near the casket. “Do not be afraid, we’ll talk very peacefully, even kindly, you know what? Give it to me as a souvenir.” “Ah, you can not, my friend, there are important papers here, documents on the estate. “” You are mistaken, there is money. “Thus, in a parrot, the actor manages to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give him money from the casket. As a result, Gurmyzhskaya gives a thousand, which she must, and says that she” does not get angry “- or the tragedian is threatened The actor orders the three, looks forward to profitable contracts, benefits Arkady is delighted, Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye: It turns out that his father’s last condition: “If only a thousand for you, you fool were given.” Aksyusha rushes to tragedy: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles you need only one thousand. “” And what about the actress, my child? With your feeling… “” Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home. “And the actor with the words” Give me a good inspiration… “goes to the dining room. You are mistaken, there is money. “Thus, in a parrot, the actor manages to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give him money from the casket, and as a result Gurmyzhskaya gives a thousand that she should and says that she” does not get angry “- or the tragedian threatens to immediately shoot herself. three, anticipates profitable contracts, benefits Arkady is delighted, guests are gathering in the house. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out that his father’s last condition: “If only a thousand for you, you fool were given.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand. ” “And what about the actress, my child? With your feeling… “” Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home. “And the actor with the words” Give me a good inspiration… “goes to the dining room. You are mistaken, there is money. “Thus, in a parrot, the actor manages to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give him money from the casket, and as a result Gurmyzhskaya gives a thousand that she should and says that she” does not get angry “- or the tragedian threatens to immediately shoot herself. three, anticipates profitable contracts, benefits Arkady is delighted, guests are gathering in the house. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out that his father’s last condition: “If only a thousand for you, you fool were given.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand. ” “And what about the actress, my child? With your feeling… “” Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home. “And the actor with the words” Give me a good inspiration… “goes to the dining room. the actor manages to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give him money from the casket. As a result, Gurmyzhskaya gives a thousand, which she must, and says that she “does not get angry” – or the tragedian threatens to immediately shoot herself. The actor orders the three, anticipates profitable contracts, benefices. Arkady is delighted. The house gathers guests. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out, the last condition of his father: “If only a thousand for you, fool, gave.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand.” “And what about the actress, my child, with your feeling…” “Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home.” And the actor with the words “Give me a good inspiration…” goes to the dining room. the actor manages to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give him money from the casket. As a result, Gurmyzhskaya gives a thousand, which she must, and says that she “does not get angry” – or the tragedian threatens to immediately shoot herself. The actor orders the three, anticipates profitable contracts, benefices. Arkady is delighted. The house gathers guests. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out, the last condition of his father: “If only a thousand for you, fool, gave.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand.” “And what about the actress, my child, with your feeling…” “Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home.” And the actor with the words “Give me a good inspiration…” goes to the dining room. that “does not get angry” – or the tragedian threatens to immediately shoot himself. The actor orders the three, anticipates profitable contracts, benefices. Arkady is delighted. The house gathers guests. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out, the last condition of his father: “If only a thousand for you, fool, gave.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand.” “And what about the actress, my child, with your feeling…” “Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home.” And the actor with the words “Give me a good inspiration…” goes to the dining room. that “does not get angry” – or the tragedian threatens to immediately shoot himself. The actor orders the three, anticipates profitable contracts, benefices. Arkady is delighted. The house gathers guests. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out, the last condition of his father: “If only a thousand for you, fool, gave.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand.” “And what about the actress, my child, with your feeling…” “Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home.” And the actor with the words “Give me a good inspiration…” goes to the dining room. the last condition of his father: “If only a thousand for you, fool, gave.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand.” “And what about the actress, my child, with your feeling…” “Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home.” And the actor with the words “Give me a good inspiration…” goes to the dining room. the last condition of his father: “If only a thousand for you, fool, gave.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask your aunt, now only a thousand rubles is needed, only a thousand.” “And what about the actress, my child, with your feeling…” “Brother… a feeling… it needs me at home.” And the actor with the words “Give me a good inspiration…” goes to the dining room.

Enter Milonov, Bodayev, the hostess with Bulanov, and the cause of the triumph is revealed: Gurmyzhskaya goes beyond Bulanov to marry. Appears Neschastlivtsev. In the doorway are Vosmibratov, Aksyusha, Arkady. “Auntie, are you happy?” – asks Neschastlivtsev and convinces her to do a good deed – a small amount for herself to arrange and happiness of the niece: Gurmyzhskaya refuses. Bulanov assents her. And the actor, to the dismay of Arkady, gives money to Aksyusha. They are taken by Vosmibratov and counted. Aksyusha warmly thanks Neschastlivtsev. Milonov wants to “write an act in newspapers,” and Bodayev invites him to stop by, but they refuse to drink to the brotherhood with the actor. “You seem to be going,” Bulanov recalls. “And in fact, Brother Arkady, how did we get into this dense forest-wood?” It’s all right, as it should be in the forest. The old women marry schoolboys, young girls are battling with bitter life from their relatives: the forest, the brother, “says the tragedian.” Comedians, “Raisa Pavlovna shrugs.” Comedians? No, we are actors, and comedians are you. What did you do? whom did they feed? Who was comforted? The girl runs to drown, who pushes her into the water? Aunt. Who saves? Actor Neschastlivtsev. “People, people, the birth of crocodiles!” And the actor reads the monologue of Carl Moore from the “Robbers”, ending with the words: “Oh, if I could fumble against this hellish generation of all the bloodthirsty inhabitants of the forests!” “But allow me, for these words you can be held accountable!” “Yes, just to the police station, we are all witnesses!” – Milonov and Bulanov respond. says the tragedian. “Comedians,” Raisa Pavlovna shrugs. “Comedians? No, we are actors, and the comedians are you.” What did you do? Who fed you? Who was comforted? The girl is running to the fire, who is pushing her into the water? “Aunt: Who saves? The act of Unhappy people.” People, people! “And the actor reads the monologue of Karl Moore from the” Robbers “, ending with the words:” Oh, if I could fester against this hellish generation of all bloodthirsty forest dwellers! “” But allow me, these words can be your answer! ” “Yes, just to the police station. We are all witnesses! “- respond Milonov and Bulanov. says the tragedian. “Comedians,” Raisa Pavlovna shrugs. “Comedians? No, we are actors, and the comedians are you.” What did you do? Who fed you? Who was comforted? The girl is running to the fire, who is pushing her into the water? Auntie. Who saves? The actor of Unhappy people. “People, people! “And the actor reads the monologue of Karl Moore from the” Robbers “, ending with the words:” Oh, if I could fester against this hellish generation of all bloodthirsty forest dwellers! “” But allow me, these words can be your answer! ” “Yes, just to the police station. We are all witnesses! “- respond Milonov and Bulanov. who pushes it into the water? Aunt. Who saves? Actor Neschastlivtsev. “People, people, the birth of crocodiles!” And the actor reads the monologue of Carl Moore from the “Robbers”, ending with the words: “Oh, if I could fumble against this hellish generation of all the bloodthirsty forest dwellers!” “But allow me, for these words you can be held accountable!” “Yes, just to the police station, we are all witnesses!” – Milonov and Bulanov respond. who pushes it into the water? Aunt. Who saves? Actor Neschastlivtsev. “People, people, the birth of crocodiles!” And the actor reads the monologue of Carl Moore from the “Robbers”, ending with the words: “Oh, if I could fumble against this hellish generation of all the bloodthirsty inhabitants of the forests!” “But allow me, for these words you can be held accountable!” “Yes, just to the police station, we are all witnesses!” – Milonov and Bulanov respond.

“Look at me: it’s approved for submission.” Ah, you malignant man, where can you talk to me? I feel and I speak like Shiller, and you’re like a scribe. “Well, enough, on the way, Arkashka “Listen, Karp, if a troika comes, you bring her, brother, into the city, and say that the gentlemen on foot went on hand, comrade!” “

“Forest” Ostrovsky in brief