Between the husband and wife a quarrel breaks out because of the fact that she suspects him of treason. The angry husband leaves, and the wife complains to the neigbour. She promises her friend to find out whether her fears are justified. They have a ripened plan: when the husband returns home, the wife will pretend to be alarmed and, in response to his questions, will tell him that he suffers from an incurable disease. Then she will bring a maid with her, disguised as a priest, who will try to find out the truth from him in confession.
A husband comes and demands dinner, and the wife at the sight of him begins to sob and be killed. She so cleverly manages to play her role, that the husband himself begins to believe that he is dangerously ill. A woman runs after the priest.
The dressmaker turns to confession. Frightened by the proximity of death, the husband repents of his sins and admits that he really cheated on his wife. It turns out that his mistress is the daughter of a neighbor. Angry women decide once and for all to teach a lesson of shame. The imaginary priest imposes penance on the sinner: he must undress naked and begging for forgiveness on his knees. When he fulfills this requirement, the wife and neighbor squirt him with rods. The ashamed husband swears to his wife in eternal love and faithfulness and promises never to change her again.