“Comedy about the court morals” P. Aretino in brief

In the prologue the Alien inquires from the Nobleman who composed a comedy that is about to be played: several names are called, and then the Nobleman announces that the play was written by Pietro Aretino. It tells of two tricks committed in Rome – and this city lives in a different manner than Athens, – therefore the comic style of the ancient authors is not fully observed.

On the stage immediately go Messer Mako and his servant. From the first words it becomes clear: the Sienese youth is so stupid that only his lazy person will not deceive him. He immediately tells the artist Andrea about his cherished goal to become a cardinal and to agree with the king of France. Andrea advises to begin to turn into a courtier, after all Messer Mako clearly does honor to his fatherland. Inspired by Mako orders to buy a book about the court from a street peddler and looks at the beauty in the window: otherwise it’s the Duchess of Rome – it should be taken care of when court manners are mastered.

There are servants of Parabolano – this noble signor is languishing in love, and he is destined to become a victim of the second trick. The striving Rosso from the heart honors his master for his stinginess, self-righteousness and hypocrisy. Valerio with flamminio blame the owner for trusting the rogue Rosso. Rosso immediately demonstrates his qualities: having conspired to sell lamprey, he informs the St. Petersburg cat’s attendant that the demon has moved into a fisherman, and having not had time to rejoice at how cleverly cheated the buyer, the poor fellow falls into the clutches of churchmen.

Master Andrea begins to learn Mako. To learn court manners is not easy: one must be able to profane, be envious and depraved, malicious and ungrateful. The first action ends with the yelling of a fisherman, who was almost killed, casting out demons: the unfortunate curse Rome, as well as everyone who lives in it, who loves it and who believes in it.

In the next three acts, intrigue develops in an alternation of scenes from Roman life. Master Andrea explains to Mako that Rome is a real mess, flamminio shares the sore with the old Sempronio: in former times it was a pleasure to serve, for it was worthy of a reward, and now everyone is ready to devour one another. In response, Sempronio remarks that it is better to be in hell now than at court.

Overhearing, as Parabolano repeats the name of Libya in a dream, Rosso hastens to Alvidzha – a pimp, ready to seduce chastity itself. Alvijja is in sorrow: she was sentenced to the burning of her mentor, an innocent old woman who is to blame only for poisoning the feline, drowning in the river of the baby and turning her neck to the stag, but on Christmas Eve she always behaved flawlessly, and in Lent, allowed. Expressing sympathy in this grievous loss, Rosso proposes to do business: Alvijja may well pretend to be the nurse of Libya and assure the owner that the beauty is drying on it. Valerio also wants to help Parabolano and advises to send a gentle message to the subject of passion: the current women admit lovers right at the door, almost with the knowledge of the husband – the mores in Italy fell so much,

Master Andrea has his joys: Messer Mako fell in love with a noble lady – Camilla and screams hilarious poems. The Siena fool is certainly waiting for an unprecedented success at court, for he is not just a dummy, but a dolt for twenty-four carats. Conspired with a friend Dzoppino, the artist assures Mako that Camilla is exhausted from the passion for him, but agrees to accept it only in the clothes of the porter. Mako willingly changes dress with a servant, and dressed Spaniard Dzoppino screams that the city announced the search for a spy Mako, who arrived from Siena without a passport – the governor ordered to scold this scoundrel. To the laughter of the pranksters, Mako runs to all the shoulder blades.

Rosso leads to the master Alvij. The sword easily extorts the necklace from the enamored and describes how Libya is languishing along it – the poor woman is looking forward to the night with impatience, for she has firmly decided either to stop tormenting or to die. The conversation stops the appearance of Mako in the clothes of the porter: after learning about his misadventures, Parabolano swears to take revenge on the idler Andrea. Alvijja is amazed at the credulity of the noble signor, and Rosso explains that this narcissistic donkey sincerely believes that any woman should run after him. Alvija decides to slip him the wife of a baker Arkolano instead of Libya – a tidbit, lick your fingers! Rosso assures that the masters of taste are less than those of the dead – everyone is happy to swallow!

Honest servants of Valerio and Flamminio lead a sad conversation about modern mores. Flamminio declares that he decided to leave Rome – a den of dishonor and debauchery. You need to live in Venice – it’s a holy city, a real earthly paradise, a refuge of reason, nobility and talent. Not without reason, only there, on merit, was the divine Pietro Aretino and the magician Titian.

Rosso tells Parabolano that everything is ready for a meeting, but the shy Libya begs to work with her in the dark – a well-known thing, all women first break down, and then are ready to surrender even in St. Peter’s Square. Alvijja, on the eve of a stormy night, hastens to see the confessor and learns, to his great joy, that the teacher also had time to save her soul: if the old woman was indeed burned, she would be a good intercessor in the next world, as she was on this.

Master Andrea explains that Mako made a fool of himself, at the most inopportune moment, because the lovely Camille was looking forward to him! Fatigued by too long training, Mako asks him to melt it into a courtier as quickly as possible, and Andrea readily leads the ward to Master Mercurio. Fraudsters feed the lenton pills to the syentse and put them in the cauldron.

Rosso asks Alvija about a small favor – to slander Valerio the slanderer. Matchmaker Parabolan complains that bastard brother Valerio warned Libya – desperadoes, who had already managed to kill four dozen guards and five marshals. But for the sake of such a noble lady she is ready for anything – let the brother of Libya finish her off, at least you can forget about poverty! Parabolano immediately gives Alvije a diamond, and Valerio, astonished, drives kicks from home. Alvijja, meanwhile, conspired with Tonya. The bunny is pleased with the opportunity to spite her husband-drunkard, and Arkolano, sensing the wrong, decides to follow his wife zealously.

Waiting for news from the summary Rosso did not waste time: faced with the Jew-junkman, eyeing the satin waistcoat and then fuses the hapless merchant in the hands of the guards. Then the smart servant informs Parabolano that at seven and a quarter he is awaited in the house of the virtuous Madonna Alviji – it was a matter of pleasure.

Messer Mako almost turns inside out of the pills, but he is so pleased with the operation that he wants to smash the cauldron – out of fear, as though the others did not take advantage. When he is brought a concave mirror, he is horrified – and calms down, only looking in an ordinary mirror. Saying he wanted to become not only a cardinal, but dad, Messer Maco begins to break into the house vending him beauty, which, of course, will not dare to deny court ladies.

In the fifth action, all the storylines converge. The inconsolable Valerio curses the metropolitan customs: it cost the master to show disgrace, as the servant showed his true face – everyone vied with each other to insult and humiliate. Tonya, dressed in the clothes of her husband, betrays bitter thoughts about the female share: how much have to endure from useless and jealous husbands! Master Andrea and Dzoppino, wishing to slightly teach Mako, break into the beauty house under the guise of Spanish soldiers – a poor Sienin jumps out of the window in his underwear and once again flies. Arcolano, having lost his pants, curses his wife’s dress and ambushes at the bridge.

Alvija invites Parabolano. to his dove – the poor man is so afraid of his brother that he appeared in men’s clothes. Parabolano rushes to his beloved, and Rosso and Alvicja relish his bones with pleasure. Then Rosso begins to complain about a meager life in Rome – it’s a pity that the Spaniards did not erase this vile city from the face of the earth! Hearing the screams of Parabolano, finally seeing his beloved, the bogeyman and the swindler rush off. The first to grab Alvidzhu, she brings down everything to Rosso, and Tonya insists that she was dragged here by force. Faithful Valerio offers the owner himself to tell about this clever trick – then it will be less laughed at. Healed from love Parablano follows a sound advice and to begin to calm the frenzied Arkolano, who is eager to deal with his unfaithful wife. Following the deceived baker, Messer Mako bursts onto the stage in one linen, and behind him runs the master Andrea with clothes in her hands. The artist swears that he is not a Spaniard, on the contrary, he managed to kill the robbers and take away the stolen goods. Then Rosso appears, followed by a fisherman and a Jew. The servant begs forgiveness from Parabolano, who declares that the beautiful comedy should not have a tragic end: therefore Messer Mako must make peace with Andrea, and the baker – to recognize Tonya as a faithful and virtuous wife. Rosso deserves the favor for an unusual trick, but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. And behind him runs the master Andrea with clothes in his hands. The artist swears that he is not a Spaniard, on the contrary, he managed to kill the robbers and take away the stolen goods. Then Rosso appears, followed by a fisherman and a Jew. The servant begs forgiveness from Parabolano, who declares that the beautiful comedy should not have a tragic end: therefore Messer Mako must make peace with Andrea, and the baker – to recognize Tonya as a faithful and virtuous wife. Rosso deserves the favor for an unusual trick, but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. And behind him runs the master Andrea with clothes in his hands. The artist swears that he is not a Spaniard, on the contrary, he managed to kill the robbers and take away the stolen goods. Then Rosso appears, followed by a fisherman and a Jew. The servant begs forgiveness from Parabolano, who declares that the beautiful comedy should not have a tragic end: therefore Messer Mako must make peace with Andrea, and the baker – to recognize Tonya as a faithful and virtuous wife. Rosso deserves the favor for an unusual trick, but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. that he was not a Spaniard, on the contrary, he managed to kill the robbers and take away the stolen goods. Then Rosso appears, followed by a fisherman and a Jew. The servant begs forgiveness from Parabolano, who declares that the beautiful comedy should not have a tragic end: therefore Messer Mako must make peace with Andrea, and the baker – to recognize Tonya as a faithful and virtuous wife. Rosso deserves the favor for an unusual trick, but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. that he was not a Spaniard, on the contrary, he managed to kill the robbers and take away the stolen goods. Then Rosso appears, followed by a fisherman and a Jew. The servant begs forgiveness from Parabolano, who declares that the beautiful comedy should not have a tragic end: therefore Messer Mako must make peace with Andrea, and the baker – to recognize Tonya as a faithful and virtuous wife. Rosso deserves the favor for an unusual trick, but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. The servant begs forgiveness from Parabolano, who declares that the beautiful comedy should not have a tragic end: therefore Messer Mako must make peace with Andrea, and the baker – to recognize Tonya as a faithful and virtuous wife. Rosso deserves the favor for an unusual trick, but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. The servant begs forgiveness from Parabolano, who declares that the beautiful comedy should not have a tragic end: therefore Messer Mako must make peace with Andrea, and the baker – to recognize Tonya as a faithful and virtuous wife. Rosso deserves the favor for an unusual trick, but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce. but he should pay with the fisherman and the Jew. Restless Alvijja promises to get for a kind signor such a cutie, which Libya does not even fit into. Parabolano laughingly rejects the services of the pimp and invites the whole company for dinner, to enjoy together this unparalleled farce.

“Comedy about the court morals” P. Aretino in brief