Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov was born in 1814. Relations between his parents were not formed, and the education of a small Misha was engaged in his grandmother – Elizabeth Arsenyev. Lermontov graduated from a noble boarding school at Moscow University and Moscow University himself. From there Lermontov went to the School of Guards sub-lieutenants and cavalry cadets. After his graduation, he became an officer of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment. In 1837 A. Pushkin died in a duel, and M. Yu. Lermontov wrote a poem “On the Death of a Poet”, for which he was deported to the Caucasus. A few years later, in 1840, he was again sent to the Caucasus, where in 1841, near Pyatigorsk he died in a duel with Martynov.
In his work M. Yu. Lermontov raises the question of the moral side of human life, about human rights, about fate and freedom. In the early lyrics, romantic motifs are strong, a contradiction between the heroic nature and the real position of the hero in a society that does not need his deeds. In the mature lyrics, the lyrical hero of the poet embraces the whole universe with feeling and reason, eager to find unity with nature and history. But this is a rational desire, therefore it is still alien to the world. In the mature lyrics, the poet’s emotions are expressed more sparingly, his analysis becomes more accurate and colder.
Creativity M. Yu. Lermontov characterizes spiritual incompetence, the desire for freedom, inner integrity and harmony with the world.