“The Heart of a Dog” Bulgakov in brief

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924-25. Professor Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky discovered a method of rejuvenating the body by transplanting the glands of internal secretion of animals. In his seven-room apartment in a large house on Prechistenka he conducts patients’ reception. In the house there is a “condensation”: in the apartments … Read more

Summary Decameron J. Boccaccio

J. Boccaccio Decameron The first day of the Decameron, “In the sequel, after the author reports on what occasion they gathered and what they talked about, the persons who would act further spoke, the people gathered on the day of Pampinae’s rule talk about what everyone likes more” In 1348, Florence ” visited the pernicious … Read more

Summary The liberated Prometheus

PS Shelley The Prometheus Released The romantic utopian drama Shelley is written in a white pentameter. The action begins in the Caucasus Mountains, where in the gorge among the ice-covered rocks Tomet Prometheus languishes in chains. At the feet of his oceanides Pantey and Jonah sympathetically listen to his reproaches, addressed to the supreme god, … Read more

Summary “The Alpine Ballad” Bykova

At night there was a bombing, and in the morning five prisoners of war found an unexploded bomb in a dilapidated factory shop. It was a chance. Replacing the damaged fuse, the prisoners cast lots – who will strike at the striker. To die out was the consumptive gaftling (captive), but he no longer had … Read more

Summary of “Mrs. Dalloway” Wolfe

The novel takes place in London, among the English aristocracy, in 1923 and takes only one day. Along with the real events, the reader also gets to know the past of the heroes, thanks to the “stream of consciousness”. Clarissa Dalloway, a fifty-year-old socialite, the wife of Richard Dalloway, a member of parliament, is preparing … Read more

“Pamela, or Richardson’s Remunerated Virtue” in summary

Pamela, barely fifteen children, the daughter of a poor but virtuous married couple Andrews, informs in a letter to her parents that the noble lady, in whose service she spent the last few years of her life, died from a serious illness. Her nobility and kind attitude towards Pamela was expressed not only in the … Read more

Summary Balter B. And

Boris Isaakovich Balter (1919-1974) – Russian Soviet prose writer, author of the story “Good-bye, boys!”. He graduated from school in Evpatoria. In 1936 he was sent to Leningrad, and from 1938 to the Kiev Military School; Officer participated in the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic War; since 1944 – member of the party. In 1945-1946 he … Read more

Summary “House on the Embankment” Trifonova

The action takes place in Moscow and unfolds in several time frames: the mid-1930s, the second half of the 1940s, the early 1970s. The scientist, literary critic Vadim Aleksandrovich Glebov, who has agreed in the furniture store to buy an antique table, comes there and in search of the person he needs comes across his … Read more

“This is me, Eddie” Limonov in brief summary

A young Russian poet, Eduard Limonov, will emigrate with his wife Elena to America. Elena – a beauty and romantic nature, fell in love with Eddie for his, it seems to him, an immortal soul and for his sexual abilities. Edichka and Elena are very fond of having sex, they do it under any circumstances, … Read more

Summary of “Moroz Ivanovich” Odoevsky

In one house there lived two girls – the Handyman yes Lenivitsa, and with them the nurse. The needlewoman was a clever girl: she got up early, she put on clothes herself, without nurse, she was accepted for work: the stove was sinking, she kneaded the bread, she chalked the house, the cock crowed, and … Read more

Summary “Indiana”

The novel takes place in the era of Restoration, a time when everyone still remembers both the events of the revolution and the rule of Napoleon. In the living room of the castle of De la Bree near Paris, three men sit: the master of the house, Colonel Delmar, once a brave military man, now … Read more

Summary “Cliff”

Among the works on wartime, the story “The golden night spent” written by Anatoly Pristavin stands apart: it not only shows the pain and misfortune experienced by the whole country, but also how this misfortune brings people belonging to different nationalities to different cultures. Retelling A. Pristavkin exacerbates the impact on the reader by telling … Read more

Summary of “Vasily Terkin” Tvardovsky

In the infantry company – a new guy, Vasily Terkin. He is fighting for the second time in his lifetime (the first war is Finnish). Vasily does not climb into his pocket for a word, the consumer is good. In general, “the guy though where”. Terkin remembers how he, in a detachment of ten, retreated … Read more

Summary Sukhodol

IA Bunin Dryodol “Suhodol” is a family chronicle of Khrushchev’s noblemen. In the center of the work, in addition, – the fate of Natalia, a courtyard, who lived with Khrushchev as a native, being his father’s milk sister. The narrator repeatedly repeats the idea of ​​the proximity of the Sukhodol’sk masters to his yard. He … Read more

“Ptolemeets” Benn in short summary

The narration is from the first person. The author and the narrator, who owns the Lotus Beauty Institute, paints a few strokes of the picture of Berlin during the occupation, in the cold winter of 1947: the population suffers from hunger, the surviving furniture goes on to kindle, the trade has stopped, no one pays … Read more

Summary Memoirs of the Earl of Gramont

A. Hamilton Memoirs of the Count de Gramon In the romanized biography of his relative, Chevalier de Gramont, the author draws contemporary manners of the French nobility and the English court of the Restoration period. The reader gets acquainted with the hero during the military operations in Piedmont, where he thanks to a lively mind, … Read more

Summary of “Golem”

Prague, the beginning of the century. The narration is from the first person. The hero is not sleeping, or awake. Moonlight falls in the foothold of his bed. The hero feels that his sleeping body lies in bed, and “the feelings are separated from the body and do not depend on him anymore” … Suddenly … Read more

Summary of the “Canterbury Tales” by Chaucer

In spring, in April, when the earth wakes from hibernation, on all sides of England flock of pilgrims to the abbey of Canterbury bow to the relics of St. Thomas Becket. Once in Tabard’s tavern, in Sauerk, a rather diverse company of pilgrims gathered, all of whom were united: they all kept their way to … Read more

Summary Interesting stories

J. T. de Reo Interesting stories The author collected oral testimonies, his own observations and historical works of his time and on their basis recreated the life of the French society of the end of the 16th – the first half of the 17th century, presenting it as a kaleidoscope of short stories, the heroes … Read more

Summary “Iphigenia in Tauris” of Euripides

Tauris, the ancient Greeks called the modern Crimea. There lived Taurians – a Scythian tribe that honored the goddess-virgo and brought her human sacrifices, which in Greece had long since emerged from custom. The Greeks believed that this goddess-maiden – not who else, like their Artemis-hunter. They had a myth, at the outset and at … Read more

“The Night is Tender” by Fitzgerald in Brief Content

1925 Rosemary Hoyt, a young but already famous after the success in the film “Father’s daughter” Hollywood actress, together with her mother comes to the Cote d’Azur. Summer is not a season, only one of the numerous hotels is open. On a deserted beach, two companies of Americans: “white” and “black”, as Rosemary called them … Read more

Summary Heinrich von Ofterdingen

Novalis Heinrich von Ofterdingen The work is based on the legend of the famous Minnesinger of the 13th century. Heinrich von Oterdingingen. The external eventual canvas is only a necessary material shell for the depiction of the deep internal process of the poet’s becoming and Henry’s comprehension of the life ideal, portrayed allegorically by Novalis … Read more

Epos “Kalevala” in the summary

The basis of the poem was the Karelian-Finnish folk epic songs, which in the 18th century. collected and processed by Elias Lennrot. Fleece 1 Ilmatar, the daughter of the air, lived in the air. But soon she became bored in the sky, and she went down to the sea. Waves picked up Ilmatar, and from … Read more

Summary “Wispy minnow” by Saltykov-Shchedrin

Once upon a time there lived an “enlightened, moderately liberal” gudgeon. Smart parents, dying, left him to live, looking at both. The minnow understood that he was in trouble from everywhere: from big fish, from minnows neighbors, from a man (his own father was once nearly cooked in his ear). The minnow built a hole … Read more

“The Prayer of Daniel the Exile” in a brief summary

“Prayer”, like many other works of ancient Russian literature, is devoid of narrative about events. The whole text is the appeal of Daniel the Exile to the prince, asking him for mercy. The main thing that Daniel is supposed to rely on in life is his own mind. “I have scant clothes, but I have … Read more

“RVS.” Gaidar’s summary

Settled and dilapidated sheds, where the Germans brought hay and straw. Ataman Krivolob shot four Muscovites and one Ukrainian here, so the boys are afraid to play here. Not afraid only Dimka: he hides in the shed two cartridge rounds, a ramrod from the rifle and a rusty Austrian bayonet without scabbards and plays in … Read more

Summary: Ramayana

“Acts of Rama” is an ancient Indian epic consisting of 7 books and about 24 thousand couplets-shlok; attributed to the legendary sage Valmiki (Vabmiki) Once the ruler of the kingdom of demons-rahshasas on the island of Lanka was a ten-headed Ravana. He received from Brahma the gift of invulnerability, thanks to which no one but … Read more

“Don Carlos” Schiller in brief

The action takes place in Spain in 1568, the thirteenth year of the reign of King Philip II. The basis of the plot is the history of the relationship between Philip II, his son Don Carlos, heir to the Spanish throne, and his wife – Queen Elizabeth. In Aranjus, the residence of the Spanish king … Read more

Summary “Nightingale” by Andersen

Behind the garden of the Chinese emperor was a forest, and in the woods there lived a nightingale who sang so well that even a poor fisherman forgot about his seine, but then again took up his business and did not think about the nightingale until the next night. Travelers said that the nightingale is … Read more

Summary of “Love Spring” Coach

Act One In the former rich mansion there is a committee. The message is received by the Reds about the fact that White already has the Zheglov Bridge. The commanders are going to the meeting. And at this time the sailor Shvandya spoke to the typist Panova Pavle Petrovna about how he had seen Marx. … Read more

Summary Stefan Geim Agaspher

Stephen Geim Agasfer The novel has three storylines: the first is a narrative that is conducted on behalf of the angel Agasphere, whose name means “Beloved of God”; 2 nd – a story about the life path of Paulus von Eichen, a younger contemporary of Martin Luther; 3rd – correspondence between Professor Siegfried Baifus, Director … Read more

Summary Frigate Nadezhda Bestuzhev

A. A. Bestuzhev Frigate Hope Captain-Lieutenant Ilya Petrovich Pravin was in love for the first time and with all possible passion. In vain are the anxieties and warnings of friends, and more of all comrade in the naval corps, and now the first lieutenant of his frigate Neil Pavlovich Kakorin. In vain are the intricate … Read more

Summary of the “Young Guard” Fadeyev

Under the scorching sun of July 1942, the walking steppes of the Donets steppe with their carts, artillery, tanks were retreating units of the Red Army, children’s homes and gardens, cattle, trucks, refugees were moving… But they did not have time to cross the Donets: they left the river part of the German army. And … Read more

Summary of “Tarkin in the Other World” by Tvardovsky

The battered Turkin is to the next world. It’s clean, it looks like a subway. The commandant orders Terkin to get formalized. Account table, check table, table. At Turkin they demand a certificate, they require a photo card, a certificate from a doctor. Terkin undergoes medical treatment. Everywhere pointers, inscriptions, tables. There are no complaints … Read more

“David Copperfield” Dickens in brief summary

David Copperfield was born half-orphaned – six months after the death of his father. It so happened that when he was born, his father’s aunt, Miss Betsey Trotwood, was present-her marriage was so unfortunate that she became a muzhinenavistnitsey, returned to the girl’s name and settled in the wilderness. Before the nephew’s marriage, she was … Read more

Summary Man without properties

Robert Musil Man without properties Book 1. Part 1. My own Introduction The novel takes place in Vienna in 1913. The main character, the thirty-two-year-old Ulrich, a mathematician and an exalted dreamer, an intellectual and a cynic, already tired of himself and of the world, lives a bright but disorderly life. He does not have … Read more

“King Lear” of Shakespeare in brief

The scene of action is Britain. The time of action is the 11th century. The powerful King Lear, feeling the approach of old age, decides to shift the burden of power on the shoulders of three daughters: Goneril, Regan and Cordelia, sharing their kingdom between them. The king wants to hear from his daughters how … Read more

Summary of the story “Garnet Bracelet” by AI Kuprin

The main heroine of the story – Vera Nikolayevna Sheina, the wife of the nobility leader – had a pleasant time with Anna’s sister’s company at her seaside dacha, waiting for the imminent holiday. On the name day, not many guests gathered, all good friends and relatives. One event knocked Shane out of the rut: … Read more

“Ginseng” Prishvin in brief summary

After the end of the Russo-Japanese war, I chose a three-line better and set off from Manchuria to Russia. Pretty soon crossed the Russian border, crossed a ridge and on the shore of the ocean met with a Chinese, a seeker of zhen-shen. Louvain sheltered me in his hiding place, hidden from typhoons in the … Read more

Summary FA Abramov Brothers and Sisters

FA Abramov Brothers and sisters Pekashinsky muzhik Stepan Andreyevitch Stavrov cut down the house on the mountainside, in the cool twilight of a huge larch. Yes, not a house – a two-story house with a small side shelter in addition. There was a war. In Pekashino there were old people, children and women. Without a … Read more

“Frogs” by Aristophanes in brief

There were three famous writers of tragedies in Athens: the elder – Aeschylus, the middle one – Sophocles and the younger – Euripides. Aeschylus was mighty and majestic, Sophocles clear and harmonious, Euripides tense and paradoxical. Once having looked, the Athenian viewers could not forget how Fedra was tormented by his passion for stepchild for … Read more

“Doctor Pascal” E. Zola in the summary

Doctor Pascal is a sixty-year-old scientist, an innovator, out of his pen are medical works. He is engaged in healing, using his own methods and giving hope to the sick. He is interested in questions of heredity. On the example of his own family, he creates his theory of heredity, based on the data of … Read more

Summary “Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov

On April 15, 1927, in the city of N, the mother-in-law of Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov, the former leader of the nobility, dies. Before her death, she informs him that in one of the chairs of the living room, the headset left in Stargorod, where they fled after the revolution, all the family jewels have been … Read more

“Nightingale” Andersen in brief

Behind the garden of the Chinese emperor was a forest, and in the woods there lived a nightingale who sang so well that even a poor fisherman forgot about his seine, but then again took up his business and did not think about the nightingale until the next night. Travelers said that the nightingale is … Read more

Summary Meshchan Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky Mieschans Vasily Vasilyevich Bessemionov lives in a prosperous house, he is 58, the foreman of the paint shop, who marks a deputy in the city duma from the shop class; Akulina Ivanovna, his wife; son Peter, a former student, expelled for taking part in unlawful student meetings; daughter Tatyana, a schoolteacher who sat … Read more

Summary “Foucault Pendulum”

The plot of this novel by a well-known Italian writer, philologist and historian of literature falls on the beginning of the seventies of the 20th century. a time when youth riots were still raging in Italy. However, the “political choice” of the narrator, a student at the Milan University of Casobone, becomes, in his own … Read more

“Oblava” Bykov in brief summary

The action takes place in the Belarusian village in the mid-thirties. Collectivization has already taken place, a collective farm has been created, so-called kulaks have been dekulakized and deported to immense places, and in fact – strong masters. One of them, Fyodor Rovba, once believed in the revolutionary ideals that the peasant was the true … Read more

Summary of the “Chapaev and Emptiness” of Pelevin

First part Winter of 1918. In the center of the post-revolutionary Moscow Peter came across a former classmate and poet von Ernen. He now served in the Cheka and invited an old friend to his huge, confiscated someone’s apartment. Peter admitted that three days ago in St. Petersburg for an abstract poem he wanted to … Read more

Bylina “Dyuk Stepanovich” in brief summary

From the glorious city of Galich, from the rich land of Volyn, a kind fellow, Dyuk Stepanovich, left to go hunting. But hunting did not work out – for nothing, he shot his expensive arrows. Duke collected all the arrows in the quiver and returned home to Galich, and it was on the Great Saturday. … Read more

Summary Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Sorceress

THE SPARROW Opera in four acts Libretto by IV Shpazhinsky Characters: Prince Nikita Danilych Kurlyatev, Grand duchess in Nizhny Novgorod Novgorod Princess Eupraxia Romanovna, his wife Knyazhich Yuri, their son Mamyrov, the old clerk Nenila, his sister, the princess’s bed-gown Ivan Juran, prince’s hunter Nastasya, nicknamed Kuma, mistress of the visiting The courtyard of the … Read more