“Berlin – Alexanderplatz” Deblin in summary

Franz Bieberkopf, a former cementer and loader, had just been released from a Berlin prison in Tegel, where he stayed for four years for killing his girlfriend. Franz stands on a busy street, amidst a noisy crowd and sparkling shop windows. This strong and broad-shouldered man, just over thirty years old, feels lonely and defenseless, … Read more

“Leyli and Majnun” Nizami in summary

In Arabia lives a successful, hospitable, generous to the poor ruler of the tribe Amir. He is “glorious, like a caliph”, but he is like a “candle without light,” for he is devoid of offspring. Finally Allah heeded his prayers and bestowed upon him a beautiful son. The baby is entrusted to the wet nurse, … Read more

Summary “The Sleeping Princess”

Tsar Matvey and the queen had no children. They bitterly worried about this. Once the queen went to the brook and wept bitterly. Suddenly, he crawled out and said that the princess would soon have a daughter. And it happened. The daughter was born a beauty, the tsar convened a feast in joys and invited … Read more

“Dream – Life” Grilparzera in brief summary

In ancient times in Persia, in the picturesque mountainous terrain, among the rocks and trees is the family of the rich villager Masud. Every summer evening, Mirza, the daughter of Masud, awaits with fear and trepidation the return from the hunting of Rustan. This is the nephew of Masud, who also at night looks for … Read more

Short summary Zoykina apartment

MA Bulgakov apartment Zoykina May evening. Zoya Denisovna Pelts, a thirty-five-year-old widow, dressed in front of a mirror. To her on business comes the chairman of the house committee of Hallelujah. He warns Zoya that she was decided to tighten up – she has six rooms. After long conversations Zoya shows Allilue permission to open … Read more

“Pushkin House” Bitova in brief summary

The life of Lyova Odoevtsev, the descendant of the Odoyevtsev princes, proceeds without any particular upheavals. The thread of his life is flowing out of someone’s divine hands. He feels more like a surname than a descendant of his glorious ancestors. Grandfather Lyova was arrested and spent his life in camps and exile. In infancy, … Read more

“The novel about Fox” in the summary

The beast king Noble Lion arranges a reception on the occasion of the Ascension Day. All animals are invited. Only a scoundrel Fox dared not to appear at the royal feast. Wolf Isengrin gives a lion a complaint about Fox, his longtime enemy: the swindler raped the wife of the wolf Gryzent. Noble is satisfied … Read more

“Captain Fracassus” Gautier in brief summary

XVII century, the time of the reign of Louis XIII. In Gascony, in a dilapidated castle, Baron de Sigonyak drags on a miserable existence, the last descendant of a once noble and powerful race, a young man of about twenty-five, “who would easily be known as handsome if he did not at all give up … Read more

“Head of Professor Dowell” Belyaev in brief summary

Marie Laurent, a young doctor, receives an offer to go to work in the laboratory of Professor Kern. The office in which Kern takes it, produces a very gloomy impression. But much more gloomy is the visit to the laboratory: where Marie sees a human head separated from the trunk. The head is fixed on … Read more

Summary “Trainees” of Strugatsky

The story is made up of several novellas strung on a rod plot – the journey of a young vacuum welder Yura Borodin on Takhmasib from the Earth to Saturn in the company of the ship’s crew and inspector Yurkovsky. The famous captain of the spacecraft “Takhmasib” Bykov and the planetologist Yurkovsky leave for a … Read more

Summary The Moscow novel

V. V. Ivanov Moscow novel You probably remember this year: the Church of Christ the Savior was broken. For the layman it was more terrible than the October coup. Then, before the beginning of the novel, the author conceived to write comments, but at that time he had a big boy named Vyacheslav… Excuse me, … Read more

Summary House Fedor Abramov

F. A. Abramov. The house of Mikhail Pryaslin came from Moscow, he visited Tatiana’s sister there. As in communism I visited. The dacha is two-story, the apartment has five rooms, a car… Arrived – and he began to wait for guests from the city, the brothers Peter and Gregory. I showed them my new house: … Read more

Summary The gift of Vladimir Nabokov

V. V. Nabokov Gift The hero of the novel is Fedor Konstantinovich Godunov-Cherdyntsev, a Russian emigre, the son of a famous entomologist, the scion of an aristocratic family. He is poor in Berlin in the second half of the 1920s, earning private lessons and publishing nostalgic twelve books about childhood in Russia in Russian newspapers. … Read more

“Cenci” Shelley in brief summary

The action takes place in Italy in the 16th century, when Pope Clement VIII is sitting on the papal throne. Count Cenci, a wealthy Roman nobleman, head of a large family, was famous for his disingenuousness and heinous atrocities, which he does not even consider it necessary to hide. He is sure of his impunity, … Read more

“Doll” Prus in brief summary

1878. Krakowskie suburb of Warsaw. The hosiery shop “Ya. Mintsel and son” is run by the clerk Ignacy Zhetsky – a lonely, grumpy, crystal-honest old man who has worked for forty years at the firm; he is an ardent Bonapartist, in 1848-1849. fought for the freedom of Hungary and is still loyal to the heroic … Read more

Executive Summary Centaur

JH Updike Centaur Action takes place during several January days in 1947 in the town of Olinger, Pennsylvania The first chapter The novel begins with the words “Caldwell turned away, and at the same moment an ankle was pierced by an arrow.” The class laughs, and Caldwell-centaur, meanwhile, is not up to laughter, he feels … Read more

The summary of the work of Anton Chekhov “Ionich”

In the provincial town of S. lives the educated and talented, according to local residents, the Turkin family. The head of the family, Ivan Petrovich Turkin, “a full, handsome brunette with beacons, arranged amateur theatricals for a charitable purpose, played the old generals himself and at the same time he coughed very funny.” He knew … Read more

Chekhov’s “About Love” in Brief Content

Ivan Ivanych and Burkin spend the night in Alekhin’s mansion, In the morning at breakfast Alekhin tells the guests the story of his love. He settled in Sofia after graduating from university. The estate had big debts, since Alekhine’s father spent a lot of money to educate his son. Alyokhin decided that he would not … Read more

Summary of “Robinson Crusoe”

About the work Daniel Defoe’s novel “Robinson Crusoe” was first published in April 1719. The work gave rise to the development of the classic English novel, made the pseudo-documentary direction of artistic prose popular. The plot of “Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” is based on the real story of the boatswain Alexander Selkir, who lived on … Read more

Summary “Byron’s Prisoner of Hebrews”

The plot unfolds near the Lake Geneva in the Chillon Castle, which served as a prison. The story is conducted on behalf of the prisoner, the eldest of six brothers. Five of his close relatives have already died, two of whom could not stand the conclusion in the underground chamber, which was in the castle … Read more

Summary of the Curse of Love

André Maurois. The vicissitudes of love The first part of the novel – Odile – is written on behalf of Philippe Marsen and is addressed to Isabel de Chaverni. Philip wants to truthfully and humbly tell her his whole life, for their friendship “has outgrown the time of flatter recognition alone.” Philip was born in … Read more

“Mtsyri” Lermontov in the summary

Mtskheta is the ancient capital of Georgia, founded there, “where, merging, rustling, / Embracing like two sisters, / Arahwa and Kury Strui.” Immediately, in Mtskheta, and Svetitskhoveli Cathedral with the tombs of the last kings of independent Georgia, “handed over” their own people “to the one-faith Russia. Since then, and blessed by the grace of … Read more

Summary “The Summer of the Lord” Shmeleva

Pure Monday. Vanya wakes up in his native Zamoskvoretsky house. The Great Lent begins, and everything is ready for him. The boy hears how his father scolds the elder steward, Vasil Vasilich: yesterday his people escorted Shrovetide, drunk, drove the people off the slides and “almost mutilated the public.” Vanya’s father, Sergey Ivanych, is well … Read more

Summary Zakhary Petrovich Paliashvili

ZAKHARIY PETROVICH PALIASHVILI 1871-1933 One of the most important stages of the musical history of Georgia is associated with the name of Paliashvili. His creative and social activities unfolded in the early 1900s, during the rise of national art. Paliashvili was the first classic of Georgian music. Based on folk traditions, using the achievements of … Read more

Summary King Lear William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare King Lear Location – Britain. The time of action is the 11th century. The powerful King Lear, feeling the approach of old age, decides to shift the burden of power on the shoulders of three daughters: Goneril, Regan and Cordelia, sharing their kingdom between them. The king wants to hear from his daughters … Read more

“Pretty Pictures” by S. de Beauvoir in Brief Contents

Laurence, a beautiful young woman, at first glance has everything you need for happiness: a loving husband, two daughters, an interesting job, wealth, parents, friends. But Lorana, not looking at all this well-being, does not feel happy. She notices emptiness, worthlessness of secular conversations about everything and about anything, sees all the falsity of the … Read more

“Horace” J. Sand in the summary

The action takes place immediately after the establishment of the July Monarchy. Nineteen-year-old Opac Dumont, the son of a small provincial official, after receiving the title of bachelor, arrives in Paris. Parents deny themselves everything in order to provide the son with decent content and give him the opportunity to get into people. Opac goes … Read more

“Transformation” Kafka in brief

The incident that happened with Gregor Zamzoi is described, perhaps, in one phrase of the story. One morning, waking up after a restless sleep, the hero suddenly discovered that he had turned into a huge terrible insect… Actually, after this incredible transformation, nothing special is happening anymore. Behavior of actors is prosaic, everyday and extremely … Read more

White Bim Black Ear

Sentimental story of a dog devoted to the owner, suddenly in trouble. Scottish Setter Bim, endowed with a white color, does not meet the standard of the breed, lives in an apartment with his owner, a single pensioner Ivan Ivanych. Ivan Ivanovich, a former journalist and now a philosophical hunter, loves his dog, and systematically … Read more

Russian folk fairy tales in brief

Frosty My stepmother has a daughter and stepdaughter. The old woman decides to drive the stepdaughter out of the yard and orders her husband to take the girl “in a clear field to the crackling frost.” He obeys. In the clear field Frost Red nose greets the girl. She responds gently. Frost becomes a pity … Read more

Summary Travel of amateurs

B. Sh. Okudzhava Travel of amateurs The novel, which takes place in 1845-1855, begins with the return of Prince Sergei Myatlev and narrator Amiran Amilahvari after a duel (which ended in nothing) in the spacious St. Petersburg house of the prince, filled with copies of antique masterpieces. The living room was turned into a fencing … Read more

Summary Snake Snake François Moriak

François Mauriac Snake Club In the rich estate of Kalez, his sixty-eight-year-old master, a successful lawyer, is slowly dying from the angina toad. His family is looking forward to its end. He himself writes about this in a letter-diary, which he addresses to his wife and in which he sums up his life. As a … Read more

Summary: Harivansha

“The Hari clan” is an ancient Indian epic poem in 3 books, considered an attachment to the “Mahabharata”. The first and third books of the poem set forth the most important Hindu myths about the creation, origin of the gods and demons, the legendary kings of the Sun and Moon dynasties, earth incarnations for the … Read more

“The story of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Abraham Adams” Fielding in brief

Coming to a narration about the adventures of his hero, the author discusses two types of depiction of reality. “Historians,” or “topographers,” are satisfied that they are engaged in “cheating from nature.” The author considers himself to be a “biographer” and his task is to describe “not people, but mores, not an individual, but a … Read more

Summary of Ivanhoe Scott

Almost one hundred and thirty years have passed since the Norman Duke William the Conqueror defeated the Anglo-Saxon armies and captured England at the Battle of Hastings (1066). The English people are going through hard times. King Richard the Lionheart did not return from the last crusade, taken prisoner by the treacherous Duke of Austria. … Read more

A brief tale of M. Gorky’s fairy tale “Vorobyishko”

Sparrows are just like people’s: adult sparrows and sparrows are boring boring and talk about everything as it is written in books, and young people live by their own mind. Once upon a time there was a yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper … Read more

Summary The village

William Faulkner The village of the French Balka was called part of the fertile river valley twenty miles southeast of Jefferson, Joknapatofa County, Mississippi. Once it was a colossal plantation, the remains of which – the box of a huge house, the ruined stables and barracks for slaves, overgrown gardens – were now called the … Read more

Summary of Pompadour and Pompadour

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Pompadours and Pompadours In a brief introduction, the author says that this book was written with the aim of shedding light on a very peculiar sphere of life activity, in which everything is so dark and vague that every novice pompadour needs explications and interpretations. Well, for example, a boss coming to … Read more

Summary “Night in Lisbon” Remarque

I stared at the ship motionless. Brightly lit, it rested on the surface of the Tajo. not far from the embankment. Although I had been in Lisbon for a week, I still could not get used to the carefree lights of this city. In the countries where I came from, the cities lay black at … Read more

Summary of the Kjodzhinsky skirmishes

Carlo Goldoni Kjodzhinsky skirmishes On the Kyogin Street, there were women – very young and older – and for knitting they spent time before the fishermen returned. At Donna Pasqua and Donna Libera in the sea husbands left, at Luchetta and Orsetta – suitors. The boatman of Toffolo passed by, and he wanted to chat … Read more

Summary: Kalevala

The poem was based on the Karelo-Finnish folk epic songs (runes), which in the 18th century. collected and processed by Elias Lennrot. Ilmatar, the daughter of the air, lived in the air. But soon she became bored in the sky, and she went down to the sea. From the waters of the sea the daughter … Read more

“Joseph and his brothers” Manna in brief summary

The work is based on biblical tales of the kind of Israel. Isaac and Rebekah had two twin sons – Esau and Jacob. The first to appear was the hairy Esau, Jacob did not have hair on his body, he was considered the youngest and had a favorite with his mother. When Isaak, who was … Read more

Summary “Student” Chekhov

At the beginning of the story, nature is described. Good weather by the evening is significantly deteriorating. From the cold forest freezes and is emptied. The main character – a student of the theological academy and the son of the deacon Ivan Ivanovich Wielkopolska, was on the eve of changes in his worldview. He lived … Read more

Lewis’s “babbitt” in brief

The novel takes place in a fairly large American city under the loud name Zenith. The protagonist of the novel, George Babbitt, a forty-five-year-old owner of the agency that sells and leases real estate, lives on the outskirts of the city, in the prestigious, rapidly developing area of ​​Blooming Hills. He has a family consisting … Read more

Summary “The History of a City” by Saltykov-Shchedrin

The story describes the life of the city of Glupov for a hundred years before 1825. The chronicle of the city during this time was conducted by four archivists. The history of Glupov is directly connected with the period of the rule of the various mayors. In the first prehistoric chapter, the author considers the … Read more

Summary Pietro Mascagni. Rural honor

RURAL HONOR Opera in one act Libretto by G. Tarjoni-Tocetti and G. Menashey Characters: Santuzza, young peasant woman Turiddu, a young peasant Lucia, his mother Alfio Lola, his wife Soprano Tenor Alto Baritone Soprano Peasants and peasant women, children. Location: Sicilian village. Time: Sunday morning of 1880. HISTORY OF CREATION The reason for writing the … Read more

Summary “Five Dips of Orange” by Doyle

To Sherlock Holmes, the young man John Openshaw appeals for help. John’s father invented extra strong tires for bicycles and a well-off person retired to rest. His brother Elias emigrated to America, bought a plantation in Florida, fought during the civil war on the side of the southerners, and then returned with decent capital to … Read more

Summary of “Belogrudok” Astafyev

A small village in three houses, Zuyaty, stands between two lakes. Behind the village – a steep slope, overgrown with a thick forest of spruce and fir, mixed with elder and raspberry. Here, without fear of people, live different animals and birds. She dwells in dense forest and marten with a white breast. A few … Read more

“The name of the Rose” Eco in brief

In the hands of the future translator and publisher of “Notes of Father Adson from Melk” fall in Prague in 1968. The title page of the French book of the middle of the last century means that it is a translation from the Latin text of the XVII century, allegedly reproducing, in turn, the manuscript, … Read more