A summary of the work of M. A. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita”

Chapter 1 Never Talk to Unknown People
“Once in the spring, at an hour of an unusually hot sunset, two citizens appeared in Moscow, at the Patriarch’s Ponds.” “The first was none other than Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of the board of one of the largest Moscow literary associations, abbreviated as MAC-CO LIT, and editor of the thick magazine, and his young companion was the poet Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, writing under a pseudonym Homeless”. They sat down in the park on a bench under the lindens and started a writer’s conversation. Berlioz, an educated and well-read man, explained to the young poet why his new thing about Jesus Christ is completely redesigned. The author of the atheistic poem was not at all familiar with the question and listened attentively. Berlioz said that you do not need to write about Christ as a bad person, but a real person, because Christ was not at all, and stories about him – it’s just a myth. And then a strange man appeared on the desert alley. Afterwards, various descriptions of his appearance are visible, but in that evening] he looked like this: “He did not describe his leg in an expensive gray suit, in foreign clothes, in the color of a suit, with shoes. ear, under the arm, carrying a cane with a black knob in the shape of a poodle’s head. Similarly, about forty years old, the mouth of a curve is shaved smoothly, the brunette, the right eye is black, the left is somehow green, the eyebrows are black, but one above the other In a word – a foreign country “. He heard the learned speech of Berlioz and, introducing himself as a traveler, sat down with the writers and asked: “Forgive my obsession, but I understand that you do not believe in God, among other things?” The clever editor explained to him with a polite smile: in our country the majority of the population are atheists. Intourist was in the world. Between him and a conversation ensued about Kant, refuting all five of the evidence of the existence of God, and then unintentionally put forward his own, the sixth proof. Berlioz effortlessly dealt with the sixth proof of Kant, then the stranger asked: “If there is no God, then who manages both the life of man and all the order on earth?” “The man himself!” – inserted the word angry Ivan Bezdomny, to whom a corrosive foreigner made a disgusting impression. The low voice of the visitor sounded very soft. As a child, he began to explain to Ivan that one can not be governed without a plan, but a person is not able to vouch even for his own tomorrow. “Yes, a man is mortal, but it’s not so bad.” It’s bad that he sometimes suddenly mortal! He does not know what will happen to him in the evening! Berlioz objected that tonight he personally knew, if, of course, the brick did not fall on his head. But the unknown resolutely interrupted him: “The brick for no reason will ever fall on anyone’s head, like you. You will die another death… “They will cut your head off! .. – And who exactly? The enemy? The interventionists?” “No,” the interlocutor answered, “a Russian woman, a Komsomolka.” And he added that the meeting in MASSOLIT, where Berlioz was going to be in the evening, will not take place, because Annushka already bought sunflower oil and poured it. From such nonsense Berlioz was confused, and Ivan warily asked: did not the peydzhashshu come to visit the hospital for the mentally ill? He was not offended at all. “I’ve been, I have been, and more than once!” He cried, laughing, but not his unblinking eye from the poet, “where I have never been!” It’s a pity, that I did not bother to ask the professor what schizophrenia is. So you yourself learn it from him… “Then the poet became clear.” He took Berlioz aside and whispered warmly that the travelers: this is a crazy spy! We must pass it where it should be. “The foreigner, apparently, , heard Ivan’s words and hurried to present his documents. “Ivan managed to read on the business card the word” pro-fessor “and the initial letter of the surname: double foreign” B. “Berlioz, apologizing, inquired about the professorship. black magic, “he replied,” I was invited to help sort out one ancient th manuscript BBC… Then the alien beckoned them both and whispered: – Keep in mind that Jesus existed – whether, Professor See – a forced smile, GTR-Berlioz was called…. “There must be some kind of proof…” “And no proof is required,” the professor answered and spoke in a low voice, and for some reason his accent dropped. “It’s simple: in a white cloak…” One spring, at an hour of an unusually hot sunset, in Moscow, at the Patriarch’s Ponds, two citizens appeared. ” “The first was none other than Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of the board of one of the largest Moscow literary associations, abbreviated as MAC-CO LIT, and editor of the thick magazine, and his young companion was the poet Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, writing under a pseudonym Homeless”. They sat down in the park on a bench under the lindens and started a writer’s conversation. Berlioz, an educated and well-read man, explained to the young poet why his new thing about Jesus Christ is completely redesigned. The author of the atheistic poem was not at all familiar with the question and listened attentively. Berlioz said that you do not need to write about Christ as a bad person, but a real person, because there was no Christ at all, and stories about him are just a myth. And then a strange man appeared on the desert alley. Afterwards, various descriptions of his appearance are visible, but in that evening] he looked like this: “He did not describe his leg in an expensive gray suit, in foreign clothes, in the color of a suit, with shoes. ear, under the arm, carrying a cane with a black knob in the shape of a poodle’s head. Similarly, about forty years old, the mouth of a curve is shaved smoothly, the brunette, the right eye is black, the left is somehow green, the eyebrows are black, but one above the other In a word – a foreign country “. He heard the learned speech of Berlioz and, introducing himself as a traveler, sat down to the writers and asked: “Forgive me my obsession, but I understand that you, among other things, still do not believe in God? The clever editor explained to him, smiling politely: in our country the majority of the population are atheists. Intourist was in the world. Between him and a conversation ensued about Kant, refuting all five of the evidence of the existence of God, and then unintentionally put forward his own, the sixth proof. Berlioz effortlessly dealt with the sixth proof of Kant, then the stranger asked: “If there is no God, then who manages both the life of man and all the order on earth?” “The man himself!” – inserted the word angry Ivan Bezdomny, to whom a corrosive foreigner made a disgusting impression. The low voice of the visitor sounded very soft. As a child, he began to explain to Ivan that it was impossible to manage without a plan, but a person is not able to vouch even for his own tomorrow: – Yes, a man is mortal, but it’s not so bad. It’s bad that he sometimes suddenly mortal! He does not know what will happen to him in the evening! Berlioz objected that tonight he personally knew, if, of course, the brick did not fall on his head. But the unknown resolutely interrupted him: “The brick for no reason will ever fall on anyone’s head, like you. You will die another death… “They will cut your head off! .. – And who exactly? The enemy? The interventionists?” “No,” the interlocutor answered, “a Russian woman, a Komsomolka.” And he added that the meeting in MASSOLIT, where Berlioz was going to be in the evening, will not take place, because Annushka already bought sunflower oil and poured it. From such nonsense, Berlioz was at a loss, and Ivan warily asked: did not you come to visit the hospital for the mentally ill? He was not offended at all. “I’ve been, I’ve been, and more than once,” he cried, laughing, but not his unblinking eye from the poet, “where I have never been!” It’s a pity that I did not bother to ask the professor what schizophrenia is. you yourself learn it from him… “. Then the poet became clear. He led Berlioz aside and hotly whispered that the travelers: this – a crazy spy! It is necessary to pass it where it should be. The foreigner, apparently, heard Ivan’s words and hurried to present his documents. Ivan managed to read on the business card the word “pro-fessor” and the initial letter of the surname: double foreign “B”. Berlioz, apologizing, inquired about the profession of the Lord, the professor. “A specialist in black magic,” he replied, – I was invited to help understand one ancient manuscript… Then the alien beckoned to both of them and whispered: – Keep in mind that Jesus existed. “You see, Professor,” Berlioz recalled with a forced smile… “some proof is required…” “And no proof is required,” the professor replied and spoke in a low voice, his accent for some reason – Pal: – It’s simple: in a white raincoat…
Chapter 2 Pontius Pilate
“In a white cloak with a bloody scam, shuffling the Cavalry gait, in the early morning of the fourteenth day of the spring of Nisan month, the Procurator of Judea Pont Pili came out into the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.” The prosecutor was again tormented by a hellish headache, but neo-complicated state affairs were waiting for a solution. He was brought to a prisoner from Galilee. The criminal was about twenty-seven years old, he was dressed in a ragged blue tunic, his face was broken, and his hands were tied behind his back. “So you were inciting the people to destroy the church?” “Good man! Believe me…” The procurator interrupted him and demanded to him the censorian Mark Krysoboy. Gigant Mark came, the head of a special canturie, with a face disfigured in battle, took the defendant from the balcony, firmly struck the bound man and explained impressively: – The procurator of Rome is called a hegemon. Do not say any other words. “Then the procurator again began his interrogation: he found out that the criminal was Jeshua Ha-Nozri, he did not remember his parents, he was literate and, besides the local language, Aramaic, he knew Greek. in Greek, explained that he did not want to destroy the building of the temple and nobody incited anyone to do it, just the kind people who did not learn anything mixed up everything and probably the confusion will continue for a very long time, as one person goes for and he writes down, and everything is constantly re-written His name is Levin Matvey: he was a tax collector, but, after listening to Yeshua, threw money into the road dust – so they began to hate him – and since then Levi everywhere follows Yeshua.) Pilate, suffering from a headache and unbearable ruff-bark heat, decided, that Yeshua is an ordinary liar. Who believes that the tax collector threw money? .. “I’m going to poison me!” – flashed in the sick head of Pilate. But what did this rabbi say at the bazaar about the temple? “- Ya Hedemon spoke about the collapse of the temple of the old faith and the temple of truth will be created.” To the caustic question of the Roman, if he does not know the tramp, what is the truth, Yeshua suddenly replied: “The truth is primarily that your head hurts, and it hurts so much that you think faintheartedly of death… and you only dream of your dog coming, the only creature you are attached to, but this time your torment will end, your head will pass away. ” The procurator’s face expressed horror: the pain disappeared. “Well, that’s all over,” said the prisoner, glancing at Pilate with a friendly glance, “and I’m extremely glad about it.” He advised the prosecutor to walk on foot and added that he would gladly accompany him and share his thoughts with him, because Pilate makes the impression of a very intelligent person. All present expected the outburst of anger from the procurator. But he ordered the prisoner to untie his hands, and asked him: “You must be a great doctor?” “No,” answered the defendant, stretching his arms. Pilate nodded and demanded that he swear he did not urge people to destroy the temple. “- What do you want me to swear?” “Well, at least with your life,” replied the procurator, “it’s time for her to swear, because she’s hanging by a thread! .. Do not you think that you hung it, hegemon?” The convict asked, “if it’s so, you are very mistaken. “Pilate shuddered and answered through his teeth:” I can cut this hair. “” And you’re mistaken in this, – lightly smiling and shielding himself with a hand from the sun, the prisoner objected, – agree that the hair can be cut by the one who hung it? “Pilate smiled: it is now clear why the idlers in Yershal-I had followed Yeshua on their heels. He was interested, he asked why he always uses the words “good man” and “good people,” and whether he calls everyone so? “- All, – the prisoner replied, – there are no evil people in the world.” Pilate was pleased: he will save a wonderful physician and fn-ilposopha, declaring him insane, and will put him under arrest, there, gu “of the sea where he is I am his own residence. However, it turned out that in the case of Yeshua there is also a secret denunciation of a certain Judas from Kiriath, a mild agent of the authorities. The prisoner innocently confirmed: he spoke to that “kind and inquisitive person”, ” that all power is violence against people and that there will come a time when there will be no power by either the Caesars or any other authority. “It was all over: Jeshua, insulting the authority of Caesar, signed his own death sentence, shaking from his own powerlessness Pilate rubbed his hands, as if washing them, approved the death sentence and sent the criminal under convoy to await execution. “As a Roman procurator, he could not do otherwise, but he yearned for depression.” He died! “He thought. .. “A faint hope dawned upon him, and he ordered to invite to himself the President of the Sanhedrin and the local high priest who showed up. Pilate officially announced that he had finished the interrogation and the robbers had been sentenced to today’s death penalty: Dismas, Gs-Stas, Var-Rabbi and Yeshua Ga-Nozri. seized by local authorities. According to the law, one of them will have to be released “in honor of the great Easter holiday coming today.” So, the procurator wants to know which of the two criminals is going to release the Sanhedrin? The high priest replied: Var-Rabbi, for him it was a political question, and when Pilate condescended to begging for the poor fellow, a peaceful wandering philosopher, the high priest reiterated: “-. .. The world did not bring us the seducer of the people in Yershalaim, and you, the rider, understand this perfectly. You wanted to release him later, so that he embarrassed the people, outraged over faith and led the people under Roman swords! But I, the High Priest of the Jews, while I am alive, will not give a sword to the faith and protect the people! “Pilate hated, the Roman horseman, this city and this people was the truth, but now it seemed vaguely to him” that he did not finish something with the convict, and maybe, “And then he suddenly thought:” Immortality… immortality has come… “Whose immortality has come? ..” “Well,” said Pilate, “so be it.” In the square in front of the palace a huge, excited but buzzing crowd gathered in. She eagerly waited for the ritual of pardon and execution. The procurator ascended to the platform and announced to the name of Caesar that the pardoned Var-Rabbi. The crowd roared, zabusha-vala, Var-Rabbi was released, and Pilate, avoiding looking at the condemned, descended from the dais and moved to the palace garden. “The soldiers will perform preparations for execution without his participation.” It was about ten o’clock in the morning. ” excited, but a buzzing crowd. She greedily waited for the ritual of pardon and execution. The procurator ascended the platform and in the name of Caesar announced that he had been pardoned – Var-Rabbi. The crowd roared, zabusha-shaft, Var-Rabbi was released, and Pilate, avoiding looking at the condemned, descended from the platform and moved to the palace garden. Preparations for execution of soldiers will be made without his participation. “It was about ten o’clock in the morning.” excited, but a buzzing crowd. She greedily waited for the ritual of pardon and execution. The procurator ascended the platform and in the name of Caesar announced that he had been pardoned – Var-Rabbi. The crowd roared, zabusha-shaft, Var-Rabbi was released, and Pilate, avoiding looking at the condemned, descended from the platform and moved to the palace garden. Preparations for execution of soldiers will be made without his participation. “It was about ten o’clock in the morning.”
Chapter 3 The Seventh Evidence
“- Yes, it was about ten o’clock in the morning, venerable Ivan Ni – Kolayevich, – said the professor.” Both listeners, as if waking up, stared at the story-chika. At the Patriarchal already dusk. Peering into the face of the foreigner, Berlioz said that the story of the esteemed professor, no matter how interesting he was, there is still no one to confirm – like the other well-known evangelical stories. A visitor suddenly whispered that he “personally was present with all this… but only secretly, incognito… Shh!”. “… And then only his friends guessed to look at him as he followed in the eyes and made sure that the left, green, he is absolutely mad, and the right one is empty, black and dead.” Berlioz finally realized that before them really crazy: from here and all this nonsense – about Pilate, about An-nushku with sunflower oil and about the severed head. Scratchily he asked the professor where he intended to live? “- In your apartment,” – answered the madman, cheekily winking. And suddenly asked the poet Bezdomny: – And the devil, too, no? .. – There is no devil! Ivan Nikolayevich cried out, “This is punishment!” The madman burst out laughing. “Well, that’s positively interesting,” the professor said, shaking with laughter, “what have you got, what is it?” you have enough, nothing! “Berlioz realized that it was time to take action: it was necessary to escape and call from the machine to the office of foreigners.” – Well, call, -. .. agreed patient… – But I beg you to parting, believe in the fact that the devil exists! .. This is the seventh proof, and the most reliable! And it will be presented to you now! – Good good, – Bqwuoa said falsely and kindly, and, leaving the poet to watch the insane German, rushed to the phone. At the exit from the park, from the bench, a disgusting citizen in crocheted pied trousers and a cracked tenor came up to meet him and, wriggling, pro-carried out: “… Please come here! Right and go where you want. an indication of a quarter of a liter… get better… a former regent! ” “Berlioz did not listen to the beggar and the regent’s lap.” To get to the pay phone, he needed to cross the tram tracks. There, under the very nose of the tram-tram, Mikhail Alexandrovich slipped on the rails. Some women screamed, “the driver jerked the electric brake… Then, in the brain of Berlioz, someone shouted desperately:” Have not you? .. “The tram covered Berlioz, and under the grille of the Patriarchal alley threw a round dark object onto the cobblestone slope. After rolling off this slope, he jumped on the cobbles of Bron-naya. It was the cut off head of Berlioz. “
Chapter 4 The Chase
The poet ran after Berlioz, barely heard the “first cry, and saw how his head jumped on the pavement.” From this something happened with him like a paralysis: he fell on a bench and could not get up. Anxious people ran past, one woman excitedly told the other: “It’s all because of Annushka!” She poured the oil here, and he, the poor one, slipped on it – and straight to the rails! And then our poet thought: “Why, he said that the meeting will not take place, because Annushka spilled the oil!” And be they kind, it will not take place! It’s not enough: he said bluntly that Berlioz will be cut off by the woman’s head?! Yes, yes, yes, because the leader was a woman?!. He is not crazy! .. Do not you build it all yourself? ” Ivan Nikolayevich got up with difficulty and ran back to where he had just spoken to the professor. Next to the foreigner was a former regent who had put on a pince-nez in which one glass was not at all and the other cracked, which made the checkered citizen even worse than he was when he told Berlioz the way to the rails. ” “- Know who you are?” Ivan asked dumbly at the suspicious professor. ” But he pretended that he did not understand Russian, and he sighed away. The checkered type, leading and twisting, at first prevented Ivan) to run after a stranger, and then – as he fell through the earth. “Ivan gasped, glanced into the distance and saw the hated unknown, who was already at the exit… moreover, not alone.” More than a co-suspicious regent managed to join him, but that’s not all: the third in this company was unknown a cat as huge as a hog, black as soot or rook, and with desperate cavalry mustaches. The troika moved to the Patriarch’s house, and the cat started off on its hind legs. “Ivan rushed off in pursuit, but the gang of bandits threw in all directions.” The checkered regent, screwed on a bus, went off on a tram, the giant cat left, and in the alleys professor. “The poet continued his search: he tried to figure out where the foreigner might be: he broke into house number 13, searched the Moskva River and even in the river itself. While he was examining the river, his clothes were stolen-striped underpants, a torn shirt, a candle, an icon and a box of matches. yt about Ivan-lachilsya in that there was “picked up the icon, a candle and matches and moved off, saying to himself: – By Griboyedov! Beyond any opinion, he is there. ” “A screwed regent was screwed into the bus”, on the tram, a giant cat left, and the professor disappeared in the alleys. The poet continued his search. He tried to figure out: where can there be a foreigner? He broke into the house number 13, he searched on the Moskva River and even in the river itself. While he was examining the river, his clothes were stolen-striped pants, a torn shirt, a candle, an icon and a box of matches were lying on the bank. Documents also disappeared. How to be? Ivan regretted what was there, “took the icon, the candle and matches and started off, saying to himself:” To Griboyedov! Outside any opinion, he’s there. ” “A screwed regent was screwed into the bus”, on the tram, a giant cat left, and the professor disappeared in the alleys. The poet continued his search. He tried to figure out: where can there be a foreigner? He broke into the house number 13, he searched on the Moskva River and even in the river itself. While he was examining the river, his clothes were stolen-striped pants, a torn shirt, a candle, an icon and a box of matches were lying on the bank. Documents also disappeared. How to be? Ivan regretted what was there, “took the icon, the candle and matches and started off, saying to himself:” To Griboyedov! Outside any opinion, he’s there. ” While he was examining the river, his clothes were stolen-striped pants, a torn shirt, a candle, an icon and a box of matches were lying on the bank. Documents also disappeared. How to be? Ivan regretted what was there, “took the icon, the candle and matches and started off, saying to himself:” To Griboyedov! Outside any opinion, he’s there. ” While he was examining the river, his clothes were stolen-striped pants, a torn shirt, a candle, an icon and a box of matches were lying on the bank. Documents also disappeared. How to be? Ivan regretted what was there, “took the icon, the candle and matches and started off, saying to himself:” To Griboyedov! Outside any opinion, he’s there. “
Chapter 5 There was a case in Griboyedov
“An old two-story cream-colored house… was called” Griboyedov’s House “on the grounds that it was once owned by his aunt Alexander Griboydov, who owned or did not own it, we do not know exactly… it is important that at the present time this same house was owned by the same MASSOLIT, headed by the unhappy Mikhail Berlioz before his appearance at the Patriarch’s Ponds.. With the light hand of the members of MASSOL IT, no one called the house “Griboedov’s House,” but everyone said just – “Griboyedov”: “Yesterday I pushed through the Griboyed for two hours “” Well, how? “” I made it to Yalta for a month. “-” Well done! “Or:” Go to Berlio-zoo, he is taking from four to five today in Griboyedov “… Any visitor.. When I got to Griboyedov, I immediately thought, how happy the lucky members of MAQ-SOLIT live, and the black envy began to immediately torment him… The whole lower floor of the aunt’s house was occupied by a restaurant, and what a restaurant! .. Eh-ho-ho… Yes, it was, it was! .. Remember Moscow-old old-timers of the famous Griboedov! What boiled pork-tion pike-sized! The cheap is… And the sterlet, the sterlet in a silver-rusted saucepan, sterlet pieces lined with cancer necks and fresh caviar? And eggs-cocotte with champignon mashed potatoes in cups? .. But enough, you’re distracted, reader! “In the evening, at Griboyedov, members of the writers’ board, not being jealous and irritated, were waiting for their secretary.” By midnight, it became clear that the meeting would not take place, and they descended into the restaurant. “It was full of merriment, jazz and danced poets with screenwriters, poetesses with fiction writers and other deliciously fed brothers. “Suddenly the word” Berlioz!! “suddenly popped up at the table… Suddenly the jazz collapsed and fell silent…” The bustle began, the members of the board headed by the deputy Berlioz hurried upstairs to the cabin, there is no deceased, now to discuss the funereal events. Suddenly, like a ghost, Ivan Nikolaevich Homeless appeared in the restaurant, barefoot, in striped pants, with an icon and a lighted candle. “… Tolstoy moved around Ivanov… ..Then Ivan Nikolayevich picked up a candle and cried:” Brothers in literature! .. Listen to me all! “He appeared,” Catch him immediately, otherwise he will do untold troubles! ” “What?” “Who appeared?” “Consultant,” Ivan answered, “and this counselor harked on the Patriarch Misha Berlioz.” “In a quarter of an hour the extremely stricken public…
Chapter 6 Schizophrenia, as it was said
“When the man entered the reception of the famous psychiatric clinic recently built near Moscow on the bank of the river… a white robe was dressed in a white coat, it was half past one.” The three orderlies kept their eyes on Ivan Nikolaevich sitting on the couch. ” The doctor began to question Ivan and found out that Ivan was twenty-three years old and that in the morning he was still perfectly well, but by the evening he had been crushed by the tram of secrecary MASSOLIT before his eyes, and a certain consultant knew about it beforehand. Telling, Ivan was sometimes distracted, scolding and cursing his abusers who brought him to the clinic. The doctor asked: “But what about the icon?” “Well, yes, the icon…” Ivan blushed, “the icon most of all frightened… but the fact is that he, the consultant… with an inexpressible force, is known.. – Here the fact is irrevocable… He personally talked with Pont-Pilate… ” Then Ivan was eager to call the police, they piled on him, made an injection in his hand, and then put him on the sofa. “He paused, looking around wildly, then suddenly zev-nul, then smiled with anger.” It was sharpened after all, “he said… lay down, muttered in a sleepy voice, without malice:” Well, very well… Sami for all and pay. I warned, and there as you want, I am most interested in Pontius Pilate… “
Chapter 7 Bad apartment
“Stepa Likhodeev, the director of the Variety Theater, woke up in the morning at his apartment, which he occupied halfway with the late Berlioz, in a large six-story house… located on Sadovaya Street… this apartment – No. 50 – long Two years ago, she was the widow of the jeweler de Fougère, owner of Anna Frantsevna de Fougere… a respectable and very business lady, she gave three rooms out of five to tenants… And now two years ago… inexplicable incidents began: from this apartment, people started without a trace to eat. ” The tenants and their frightened spouses disappeared, and the rooms turned out to be sealed. Then Anna Frantsevna herself, who hastily went to the dacha, did not return to Moscow. At night, her elderly servants disappeared without a trace. Shaking with fear, co-shedi whispered, as if in the country of Anna Frantsevna discovered hidden treasures. A week later, the wax seal was removed from the apartment doors-the successful Berlioz and Likhodeev came here. So, Stepa Likhodeev came to himself after a stormy night in a heavy hangover and saw in his room “an unknown man dressed in black and in a black beret…” “Good afternoon, nice Stepan Bogdanovich! …” And exactly one hour, how do I wait for your awakening, for you have appointed me to be at your house at ten. This is also me! … Stiepa was a cunning man and… realized that since he had been caught in this condition, one must confess everything. Frankly, “he began, barely moving his tongue,” yesterday I’m a little bit… “” Not a word more! “The visitor answered. And Stepa, “gawping at his eyes,” found in front of him a serviced table with vodka, caviar and mushrooms. The amiable non-acquaintance, who spoke with an accent, behaved in a businesslike manner and, in the ears of Steppe’s forgetfulness, reported that yesterday Stepa personally signed with him “a contract for seven appearances,” because he is a famous professor of black magic Woland. Stepa did not remember anything of the kind! After asking permission to look at the contract, “Stepa looked at the paper and stiffened.” Everything was in place: first, Stepin’s own hand-for-Likhvat signature! “. There was also “an inscription from the side by the hand of the Finish Director of Rimsky.” Stepa climbed out into the corridor to the phone, glanced along the path to the closed door of Berlioz, “and then, as they say, he was dumbfounded.” On the door handle he could see the huge wax seal on the rope… That is, if anyone wants to say that Berlioz something has done something – she will not believe it, she will not believe it, but the seal, here it is, yes… ” In horror, Stepa tried to remember whether he was talking about anything like this with Misha, and his hand automatically dialed the phone number of the Rimsky Finder. The voice of Rimsky confirmed about the contract with the foreign magician. Promising to be at work soon, Likhodeev hung up. And then it began that, as with the hop, it would not be imagined. First, the unfortunate Stepa saw in the front, in the mirror, the reflection of “some strange subject, long as a pole, and in a pince-nez,” then “a big black cat” passed in the mirror. Deciding that he was going crazy, Li-progressy returned to the bedroom and found the whole trinity there! “I see that you are a little surprised, dear Stepan God – Danovich?” Asked Woland… “Meanwhile there is nothing to be surprised at: it’s my retinue..” / / Then the cat drank vodka… “” And this suite requires a place, Woland continued, – so that some of us here are superfluous in kvartir. And it seems to me that this one is just you! “They, they are!” – a long cage-singing began singing in a goat’s voice… – In general, they have recently been terribly piggy. They get drunk, get in touch with women, using their position… o And then… straight out of the mirror the mirror came out small, but the nod-broadly broad-shouldered, in the kettle and head and with fangs sticking out of his mouth, unprecedentedly filthy physiognomy. And while still fiery red. “I,” said this new one, “do not understand how he got to the director at all,” the redhead nipped the weight more and more, “he is such a director, as I am a bishop!” “You do not look like a bishop, Azazello,” remarked the cat… “I’m saying this,” the redhead said, and turning to Volapd, added respectfully: “Allow me, Messner,
Chapter 8 The Duel between the Professor and the Poet
Ivan Nikolaevich Bezdomny woke up in a sparkling hospital room. A paramedic came, greeted her with a friendly greeting and, pressing the button at the window, “led the curtain up… Behind the bars there was a balcony, behind it there was a bank of a meandering river and on its other shore a cheerful pine forest”. The poet was washed, dressed in clean linen and pajamas, taken to the office, where he was followed, after which he was again taken to the ward and kolor-mile. Ivan “decided to wait… the main thing in this institution.” And: soon a multitude of people in white coats came in. First there was a man of about forty-five, with pleasant but very piercing eyes and polite manners, the whole suite giving him signs of attention… and his entrance turned out… very solemn. “As Pontius Pilate!” – thought Ivan… He sat on a stool, and all remained to stand… “Dr. Stravinsky,” introduced himself sat down… “Ivan soon realized how clever this doctor is: so calmly, he explained consistently and logically to the poet why his actions to catch a dangerous consultant seem insane and why he should stay while in the clinic, “- But it must be caught! -. ..Voskliks’gl Ivan. “Well, sir, but why should I run?” Write on paper all your suspicions and accusations against this man. There’s nothing easier, how to forward your application to where…; ooo o – Got it! “Ivan asked resolutely,” I ask you to give me paper and a pen. “A pencil and a paper were immediately given to him. A few minutes later, in front of the delighted suite, the famous professor plunged the poet into a deep, calm sleep, made orders for his treatment, saying as usual “
Chapter 9 The Koroviev Pieces
“Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, chairman of the housing property of the house N ° 302 bis along Sadovaya Street… was in terrible trouble… At midnight… came to the house of the commission… called Nikanor Ivanovich, informed him of the the death of Berlioz and together with him went to apartment number 50 “. There they sealed the manuscripts and things of the deceased, and Nikanor Ivanovi-chu announced that the living space of the deceased “goes to the location of the housing association.” And “from seven o’clock in the morning… to Bosoma began to call by phone, and then personally to appear with statements that contained claims for living space in a bed-and-breakfast.” “This flour lasted until the first hour of the day, when Nikanor Ivanovich just fled…: went up to the fifth floor, where this filthy apartment No. 50 was.” He had duplicate keys in the house management department. He entered the apartment unhindered, and then, removing the seal from the door, and into Berlioz’s office, “and even shuddered at the table of the deceased… a skinny and long pendant in a checkered… in a word, the same.” “Who are you, citizen?” Nikanor Ivanovich asked in a frightened voice: “Ba Nikanor Ivanovich,” the unexpected citizen shouted, and jumping up, greeted the chairman with a violent and sudden handshake… “But who are you?” “What’s your name?” ” all the sternly asked the chairman “from that obviously unofficial person,” My last name, “replied the citizen, – well, let’s say, Koroviev… I, if you please, I am an interpreter for a foreigner who has a residence in this apartment. ” Further explanations followed – about Likhodeev, inviting a foreign artist to spend a week with him in the apartment, 4 while he himself will go to Yalta, about Likhodeyev’s request to register the foreigner temporarily, stated in the letter, about the capricious millionaire artist-and this wild speech ended with a concrete business proposal: for a week apartment. In the budget zhmltovarchestva “was, alas, preizryadny defi-tsit”, and Nikanor Ivanovich agreed. He signed the contract, having received “five brand new bank bundles”, issued a raspisch-ku and asked two more counter-orders for the performance of the artist. – Only the chairman left the apartment, a low voice came from the bedroom: “I did not like this Nikanor Ivanovich. He burns out and cheats. Could it be done so that he would not come again? “Messire, you should order this!” And right now the damned translator was in the hall, he turned the number on to it and began… to whisper into the phone: “Hello! I consider it my duty to inform you that our chairman… Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy is speculating in currency. At the moment, he has four hundred dollars in the toilet, in the ventilation! Five minutes later, two men appeared to Nikanor Ivanovich, and one of them asked anxiously: “Where is the toilet?” Discovered in the ventilation is not rubles, received from the interpreter and proprietorally tucked into the vent Nikanor Ivanovich, but really dollars. The owner was horrified, and the one who came softly said: “Well, we must give the rest.” And five minutes later the tenants saw the chairman, accompanied by two more persons, proceeding to the gates of the house. ” Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy is speculating in currency. At the moment, he has four hundred dollars in the toilet, in the ventilation! Five minutes later, two men appeared to Nikanor Ivanovich, and one of them asked anxiously: “Where is the toilet?” Discovered in the ventilation is not rubles, received from the interpreter and proprietorally tucked into the vent Nikanor Ivanovich, but really dollars. The owner was horrified, and the one who came softly said: “Well, we must give the rest.” And five minutes later the tenants saw the chairman, accompanied by two more persons, proceeding to the gates of the house. ” Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy is speculating in currency. At the moment, he has four hundred dollars in the toilet, in the ventilation! Five minutes later, two men appeared to Nikanor Ivanovich, and one of them asked anxiously: “Where is the toilet?” Discovered in the ventilation is not rubles, received from the interpreter and proprietorally tucked into the vent Nikanor Ivanovich, but really dollars. The owner was horrified, and the one who came softly said: “Well, we must give the rest.” And after another five minutes, the tenants saw the chairman, accompanied by two more persons, proceeding to the gates of the house. ” received from the interpreter and proprietorally tucked into the vent by Nikanor Ivanovich, but really dollars. The owner was horrified, and the one who came softly said: “Well, we must give the rest.” And after another five minutes, the tenants saw the chairman, accompanied by two more persons, proceeding to the gates of the house. ” received from the interpreter and proprietorally tucked into the vent by Nikanor Ivanovich, but really dollars. The owner was horrified, and the one who came softly said: “Well, we must give the rest.” And five minutes later the tenants saw the chairman, accompanied by two more persons, proceeding to the gates of the house. “
Chapter 10 News from Yalta
In the office of the financial director of the Variety Theater of Rome there were two: Roman himself and the administrator of Varenukha. The fresh posters that proclaimed Prof. Woland, the black magic “with complete disentangling,” had just been brought here. Roman very much did not like this venture with the magician, whom no one, except Likhodeev, did not even see. Likhodeev himself called at eleven, said that he would come in half an hour, but now the beginning of the third was already, but Step did not appear. If Rome was angry and was waiting for trouble, then Varenukha was just hiding in the office at Rimsky from those who wanted to get hold of free-paid counter-orders. Suddenly they brought a telegram from the Yalta threatening station, where it was reported that at about half past eleven there was a “brown-haired man… without boots, a psychic named himself Likhodeyev.” Roman telegraphic, that the director in Moscow. And the nightmare began: from Yalta, one by one, telegrams of “lightnings” sprang up, in which the person named Likhodeev pleaded with him to verify his identity from the photograph of the signature and to establish supervision over Vo-land. “This is his signature,” the financial director finally said firmly, and Varenukha responded like an echo: “It’s him.” Roman telegraphed to Yalta that the signature of yaocroBq’m-et-et, and Varenukha managed to finally contact the apartment director. A cheerful citizen, who introduced himself as Koroviev, said happily: “Likhodeev went to the country for a drive by car.” Roman was furious. For such a “swindling, which has no name,” Likhodeev should be punished. He collected telegrams and sent Varenukha with a package: “Let them dismantle.” The e-spansy administrator jumped out of the office, but on the way he ran to his place to take his cap. And then the phone rang. “Ivan Savylevich?” “He’s not in the theater!” Varenukha shouted… “Do not play the fool, Ivan Savelievich, but listen, do not carry these telegrams anywhere and do not show it to anyone.” “Who’s talking?” Roared Varenukha… “Varenukha,” the same ugly voice answered, “do you understand Russian? Do not carry anywhere a telegram.” The administrator, boiling with rage, rushed from the theater, but on the way two men attacked him. The first is a “fatty man”, and “the second is small, but with athletic shoulders, red like fire, one eye with a thorn, a mouth with a canine.” At the same moment, a thunderstorm began. “All the living was washed away from Sadovaya, and there was no one to save Ivan Savelyevich.” The vile couple beat him, took off the briefcase with telegrams and very quickly brought 302 bis to the house, Likhodeev’s apartment. ” Then both robbers perished, and instead of them appeared in the front a completely naked girl – a redhead, with burning phosphorous eyes. Varenukha realized that this is the worst thing… “Let me kiss you,” the girl said tenderly… Then Varenukha lost his senses and did not feel the kiss. “
Chapter 11 and 12.
“The poet’s attempts to compose a statement about the terrible consultant did not lead to anything.” The statement turned out to be stupid. The inner voice whispered: “Important, in fact, pro-incursion – editor of the journal crushed! What of it? ..” And: “Instead of raising a stupid buzu to the Patriarchs, is it not clever to ask politely about what happened next with Pilate and these arrested Ga-Noctri? ” “The house of sorrow fell asleep.”, And Ivan calmed down. Suddenly, “a mysterious figure appeared on the ball horse… and shook Ivan with a finger… Ivan… saw that there was a man on the balcony, and this man, pressing his finger to his lips, whispered:” Tccl “Variety Theater was packed The general joyful excitement before the session of black magic was not shared only by the finidi rector Grigory Danilovich Roman: since the disappearance of the administrator Varenukha was added to the incomprehensible “disappearance of Likhodeev,” and when Rimsky tried to call the relevant institution, it turned out that the telephone did not work in the theater. Meanwhile, the magician and his entourage arrived, and in front of the curtain appeared “a full, cheerful as a child, a man… in a crumpled dress coat and stale linen.” It was… the entertainer Georges Bengalsky. ” After uttering all sorts of nonsense, he introduced Woland to the audience. “The magician’s exit with his long helper and yut, who entered the stage on his hind legs, liked the audience very much.” “The armchair for me,” ordered Woland, and… it’s not known how and where on the scene appeared an armchair in which the magician sat down, “tell me, dear Fagot,” inquired Woland at the checkered haer, who apparently also had a different name than Koroviev, do you think that the Moscow population has changed significantly? .. “Exactly, messenger,” Fagot-Koroviev answered quietly. – You’re right. The townspeople changed a lot, outwardly, I speak like the city itself… there were these… trams, cars… “The entertainer, taking advantage of the pause, inserted:” The foreign artist expresses his admiration for Moscow, who grew up in technically, as well as Muscovites… – Did I express admiration? asked the magician from Fagot. – And he just lied! – loudly, the checkered assistant told the whole theater and, turning to Bengalsky, added: “I congratulate you, sir, a shame, you shame!” From the gallery splashed a chuckle… – But I, of course, are not so much interested in buses, tele-backgrounds and other… how much more important question: have these citizens changed internally? “And the show began: tricks with cards, which as if by magic turned into money. A bassoon shot up from the gun, and on top of the audience showered money rain, “and the audience began to catch paper… First the fun, and then the amazement swept the whole theater… Someone already creeped in the pro-de, fumbling under the seats” , followed by unpleasant collisions. The entertainer, trying to take control of himself, urged Maestro Woland to “expose this experience”: “Now, citizens, you will see how these allegedly paper money will disappear…” “Papers, q ^ T ^ ane, real! .. By the way, this – here Fagot pointed to Bengalsky, – I’m sick of… What would we do with it? – I’ll tear my head off! – someone said severely… “” This is an idea! ” answered Fagot. “Behemoth,” he shouted to the cat, “do it!” And the eerie kotyara jumped on poor Georges and ” in two turns, “ripped off his head.” All the people in the theater “cried out like one. The blood hit the fountains… up… The headless body… sat on the floor… The cat passed the head to Fagot… – For God’s sake, do not torture him! – suddenly, covering the din, a woman’s voice sounded from the box, and the magician turned his face toward this voice… – Well, – thoughtfully replied that – they are people like people. They love money, but it’s always been… Well, they are light-minded… well, well… and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts… in general, they remind the old ones… the housing issue was only destroyed them… – and loudly ordered: – Put on your head. The cat, aiming more attentively, slapped his head around his neck, and she just sat down in her place… “The unfortunate entertainer was taken off the stage,” he was made ill with him. “Roman, pale as a chalk, sending the poor fellow in a quilt” ambulance, “rushed backstage and saw that the wizard had disappeared, and Fagot” announced to the public this: “Tapericha, when this boredom was melted, let’s open the ladies ‘store!” A ladies’ dress and shoes shop appeared on the scene. Luxurious overseas things were so seductive that the ladies, one after another, rushed to the stage, immediately after the screen, they disguised themselves, throwing their old clothes, and returned to the hall transformed. Bassoon announced that the store would close in a minute, a crush began. yanul shot and shop “fell through the air.” A session of black magic has ended very nasty scandal in the hall, and “blew Bassoon, as well as arrogant Kotya Mr. Hippo… disappeared.” announced to the public: “- Tapericha, when this boredom was pounded, let’s open a ladies ‘store!” A ladies’ dress and shoes shop was set up on the stage. All the waiters were invited to update the wardrobe for free. “The luxurious foreign things were so seductive that the ladies, one after another, they rushed to the stage, and then, behind the screen, they changed their clothes, throwing their old clothes, and returned to the hall with transfigured ones, and when Fagot announced that the store would close in a minute, a crush started. the store “fell through the air.” The session of black magic is over Xia already quite nasty scandal in the hall, and “blew Bassoon, as well as arrogant Kotya Mr. Hippo… disappeared.” announced to the public: “- Tapericha, when this boredom was pounded, let’s open a ladies ‘store!” A ladies’ dress and shoes shop was set up on the stage. All the waiters were invited to update the wardrobe for free. “The luxurious foreign things were so seductive that the ladies, one after another, they rushed to the stage, and then, behind the screen, they changed their clothes, throwing their old clothes, and returned to the hall with transfigured ones, and when Fagot announced that the store would close in a minute, a crush started. the store “fell through the air.” The session of black magic is over Xia already quite nasty scandal in the hall, and “blew Bassoon, as well as arrogant Kotya Mr. Hippo… disappeared.” Everyone was invited to refresh the wardrobe for free. Luxury foreign things were so seductive that the ladies, one after another, rushed to the stage. Immediately, behind the screen, they disguised themselves, throwing their junk, and returned to the hall transformed. And when Fagot announced that the store would close in a minute, a crush broke out. A shot rang out, and the store “fell through the air.” The session of black magic ended with a very scandalous scandal in the hall, and “Fagot, as well as the insolent kitten, Behemoth, disappeared…” disappeared. ” Everyone was invited to refresh the wardrobe for free. Luxury foreign things were so seductive that the ladies, one after another, rushed to the stage. Immediately, behind the screen, they disguised themselves, throwing their junk, and returned to the hall transformed. And when Fagot announced that the store would close in a minute, a crush broke out. A shot rang out, and the store “fell through the air.” The session of black magic ended with a very scandalous scandal in the hall, and “Fagot, as well as the insolent kitten, Behemoth, disappeared…” disappeared. ” and the store “fell through the air.” The session of black magic ended with a very scandalous scandal in the hall, and “Fagot, as well as the insolent kitten, Behemoth, disappeared…” disappeared. ” and the store “fell through the air.” The session of black magic ended with a very scandalous scandal in the hall, and “Fagot, as well as the insolent kitten, Behemoth, disappeared…” disappeared. “
Chapter 13 The phenomenon of the hero
“So, the unknown man shook his finger at Ivan and whispered:” Shh! “” Making sure that Ivan was alone… a mysterious visitor entered the room… Then Ivan saw that the one who had come… was a shaven, dark-haired, with a sharp nose, worried eyes… a man about thirty-eight… dressed in a hospital room. “” How did you get here? ” – asked Ivan in a whisper… – I stole a bunch of… keys and… got the opportunity to go out on – a general balkop… and sometimes to visit a neighbor. “If you can go out on the balcony, then you can escape.” Or high? – Ivan became interested. “No,” the guest said firmly. The guest asked Ivan about his profession and, after hearing the “poet”, was very upset: “- Are your poems good, tell yourself?” “Monstrous,” Ivan said suddenly, clearly and frankly. – Do not peep any more! – pleaded pleading imploringly. “I promise and swear!” Ivan said solemnly. The oath was shaken handshake… – So because of what you got here? “Because of Pontius Pilate…” “How?!” An amazing coincidence! I beg, I beg you, tell me! “For some reason he felt the trust in the unknown, Ivan raced to him and said sympathetically, the guest put his hand sympathetically on his shoulder:” Wretched poet! But you, my dear fellow, are to blame for everything! You could not keep yourself so cheeky with him… “” But who is he? “” Well, “answered the guest, and said weightily and separately:” Yesterday you met Satan at the Patriarch’s Ponds… “” So he… really could have been with Pontius Pilate? .. -. ..And in Pilate, and… in Kant, and now he visited Moscow… But what’s so annoying to me that you met him, and not me! .. – And why do you need it? The guest was sad for a long time and kept up, but at last he spoke: -. .. The point is that… I wrote a novel about Pilate. “Are you a writer?” asked the poet with interest… “I’m a master.” He got stern and took out a black hat from his pocket… a black hat with a yellow silk embroidered with the letter “M”. He put on this hat and showed Ivan… – She sewed it to me with her own hands. “And, yielding to the poet’s requests, the guest told about himself,” The historian by training, he… worked in one of the Moscow museums, and he also worked on translations from English, French, German, Latin and Greek. “Once upon a time, the loner lived alone” until he once won a large sum on the bond. “He bought books… I rented… two rooms in the basement of a small house in the kindergarten… He dropped the service in the museum and began to compose a novel about Pontius Pilate. “Ah, it was a golden age,” his eyes sparkled, whispered the storyteller, – a completely separate apartment… Pilate flew to an end… and I already knew that the last words of the novel would be: “… The fifth procurator of Judea, the rider of Pontius Pilate.” Well, naturally, I went out for walks… She carried in her hands disgusting, anxious yellow flowers. The devil only knows what their names are… She turned from Tverskaya to the alley and turned around… And I was struck not so much by her beauty, as by the extraordinary… loneliness in her eyes! .. And, suddenly, suddenly, she said: – Do you like my flowers? .. I… coming to her, answered: – No She looked at me in surprise, and suddenly… I realized that I had loved this woman all my life! That’s the thing… – You do not like flowers at all? .. I walked with her side by side, and did not feel constrained. – No. I love flowers, but not like… I love roses. Then I regretted what he said, because she smiled a guilt and threw her flowers into the ditch “But” then put her hand in mine. and we went alongside. Love jumped out in front of us, as from the ground a murderer appeared in the alley, and struck us both at once! So it’s time to lightning, so the Finnish knife hits!. We talked like that. as if they had split yesterday, as if they had known each other for many years. And soon, soon this woman became my secret wife. She came to me every day, and I began to wait for her in the morning… Nobody knew about our connection… I did not know her husband… “Ivan heard,” how they conducted day beloved… When the May thunderstorms went by and noisily rolled past the blind windows… water, threatening to flood the last shelter, “they” melted down the stove and baked potatoes in it… There was laughter in the cellar, “he worked above the novel, and she ” re-read the written “no” and “sewed this very cap… She promised glory, she urged him and then here began to call the master… and I said that in this novel her life. It was completed in August… the hour came when it was necessary to leave the secret shelter and come to life. “And I came to life, holding it in my hands, and then my life ended.” Then the story became incoherent, Ivan realized only that there had been a catastrophe with his guest. “In the journal, the novel was refused to print under an absurd pretext, Ivan, well-known literary world, remembered even the scandal and collective harassment of a writer after one of the newspapers ventured to publish an excerpt from the novel on the prohibition in the society of atheists: the author was called the “militant Old Believer,” the “enemy” , sounded the branding word ” pi-latchina. “The author became more and more depressed, his fear strangled, and in the meantime he had a new friend named Aloi-zin Mogarych, who called himself a journalist, very intelligent and attentive, who, however, strongly disliked his beloved “My lover… I saw that something was amiss with me… she lost weight and turned pale, stopped laughing and all asked me to forgive her for advising me that I should type in a passage…” It was at dusk, in October. “She left, I lay down on the couch and fell asleep… I got up a man who already owns the sobo th… I had enough strength to get to the stove and kindle firewood in it… The fire roared in the stove, rain was falling in the windows. Then happened later. I took out… the heavy lists of the novel and the draft notebooks and began to burn them. “And then, in the middle of the night, she appeared,” the whole of the mrk-d, ah…. trembling. “” Quietly screaming, she barehanded throwing the force from the stove to the floor the last thing that was left… I kicked. Tortured the fire, and she… cried uncontrollably and convulsively. When it subsided, I said: “I hated it. this novel, and I’m afraid. I’m sick… She carefully folded the burnt sheets, wrapped them in paper, tied them with a ribbon… “That’s how you have to pay for a lie,” she said, “and I do not want to lie any more… I’ll talk to him, that I love each other and will always come back to you… In the morning I will be with you. And now, the last thing I remember in my life… her eyes are full of rehistability… and a white bundle… A quarter of an hour after she left me, a knock came to my windows. “Ivan realized, that the poor fellow was arrested, that something terrible had happened to him there, and a few months later, completely insane, released. Winter night, the unfortunate himself, on a passing truck, got to the clinic. “But you could have let her know,” said Ivan… “Before her,” the guest looked reverently into the darkness of the night, “there would have been a letter from a madhouse…” “But you can recover…” Ivan said timidly, “I’m incurable,” the guest said calmly. “
Chapter 14 Glory to the rooster!
“The mind of the financial director went for reason.” Sitting effortlessly in his office, Rimsky felt that a nightmarish session of black magic would continue. And so, from the street, where the audience came out of the Variety building, there was a hooting and whistling. The ladies, deceived by “the company of the filthy Fagot”, came out of the theater, one after another found themselves in their underwear. Roman knew that he would have to “drink a bitter cup of responsibility… it was necessary to call, inform about the incident, ask for help, turn around, shoot everything on Likhodeev, shield himself.” The theater was silent, he realized that he was alone. “And here it seemed to him that suddenly from the door of the office he was drawn with rotten dampness.” A shudder passed along the back of the financial director, and then the clock struck and beat midnight. ” The door opened, “and Varenukha came quietly into the office. Roman stood and sat down in the armchair because his legs were bent… “My God, how did you frighten me!” Fear at first disappeared Grigory Danilovich was even delighted and began to ask Vare-noah what he said, as was the case, incomprehensible telegrams “there”, and there they quickly sorted out that all this was a stupid drawing of the drunk Likhodeev, who is now in the sobering-up station. “Then Varenukha described in detail” Step-pins of paskudstvo. In a word, dark horror. “” And yet, “thought Rimsky,” even for Stepa too much. “” Rimsky’s prickly eyes slammed into the face of the ad-ministrator across the table, “and he” already firmly knew that everything that was told, he is returned to the administrator at midnight, everything is a lie! “The sensitive Roman no longer listened to” what Varenukha wore ” the obvious changes in the appearance of Ivan Savelievich amazed him: “the normally full-fledged administrator was now pale with a pale, unhealthy pallor, and on his neck on a stuffy night for some reason it was made… a muffler.” There was also a new “disgusting manner to suck and smack… Something else more worried the financial director, but what exactly, he could not understand… And then suddenly his eyes were rounded”: on the floor was a kind of a shadow from the back chair, and “over the backrest on the floor was not Varenukha’s shadow head.” He does not cast a shadow! “- mentally cried Roman.” “Varenukha looked thievishly… and realized that he was open.” “He guessed, damned!” He was always clever, “grinned maliciously at the Finidirector’s face, spoke Varenukha, quickly jumped to the door and closed it on the lock.” Roman vsko-chil, retreating to the window, and in the window, flooded with the moon, I saw… the face of a naked girl and her bare hand thrusting herself into the window… “Varenukha, guarding the door, jumping up, long stuck in the air and rocking in it… Rama began to open. Roman weakly screamed, leaned against the wall and put the briefcase forward like a shield… Rama… flung open, but instead… the scent of the cellar rushed into the room. The naked girl stepped onto the windowsill. Roman clearly saw the spots of corruption on her pear. “” And this time the joyful, unexpected cry of the cock flew from the garden… announcing that dawn was coming to Moscow from the east. A wild fury distorted the girl’s face… The rooster shouted again, the girl clicked her teeth, and her red hair rose up. With the third scream of a rooster she turned and flew out. And after her… swam slowly out the window… Varenukha. ” Gray as snow, the old man, who was still Roman, jumped out of the theater, grabbed a taxi and rushed to the station. “Five minutes later, from behind the glass dome of the station disappeared courier and completely disappeared in the darkness.” Rimsky disappeared together with him. “
Chapter 15 Nikanor Ivanovich’s Dream
That night, new patients arrived one by one at the Stravinsky Clinic. First a man was brought from the Variety, who cried and begged to return his head, then Nikanor Ivanovich was placed next to Ivan. He read prayers every minute, repented that, of course, he was guilty, because he took money for registration, but only ours, Soviet, and I never saw currency in my eyes. He also shouted that Koroviev was a devil. People from the authorities went to inspect the sealed apartment and found that it was empty, and all the seals were in place. Nikanor Ivanovich after the medicine calmed down and went to sleep. And he dreamed a dream, as if all citizens had been driven to a place that looked like a huge theater, and they demanded through a loud-lover: “Give up the currency!” And in the room next to Ivan dreamed, as the sun had already melted over the Bald Mountain… “.
Chapter 16 Execution
“The sun was already falling over the Bald Mountain, and this mountain was surrounded by a double cordon.” Here, “under the escort of a secret guard, three convicts with white boards on their necks, each bearing the words” The Robber and the Mizhozhnik “, drove at the scene… Others were moving behind the cart of the convicts, loaded with freshly hewn pillars with crossbeams, rope-mi, shovels… These six wagons were traveling with six executioners. ” At the end of the procession “there were about two thousand curious, not frightened hell heat and wanting to be present at an interesting spectacle.” No one tried to repel the convicts, and since the soldiers-you from the cordon pushed the audience away from the place of execution and there was nothing interesting there, “the crowd returned to the city.” In addition to the participants in the execution on the mountain, no one was noticed, only one person remained. He hid the northern side “and was sitting on a rock from the very beginning… for the fourth hour already.” He was greatly tormented, cursed and scolded himself, and sometimes he wrote down a sharp stick, dipping it in a vial of mascara, on the lying parchment before him: “The minutes are running, and I, Levin Matvey, are on Bald Mountain, and there is no death! .. God! Why are you angry with him? Send him death. ” Levi was angry with himself for that. that he could not fulfill his plan. When the verdict was pronounced, he was in a crowd. When Yeshua was taken to be executed. Levi made his way to the wagon, fled the house, hoping that the innocent condemned man would look at him and at least see that he was not alone. But he did not look. And then Matvei realized: through the leaky convoy system, you can jump onto the wagon and save Jeshua from torment with one knife blow. But he did not have a knife! He rushed back to the city and at the first bread shop he dragged a long, sharp knife. Turning back, he realized that he was late. And now he cursed God: “You are a black God! I curse you, the God of robbers! ..” And then… “The sun disappeared… As it was swallowed up, a stormy and stormy cloud rose across the sky from the west, its edges already boiling white foam, a black smoky abdomen glowed yellow, the cloud grumbled, and fiery threads fell out of it. ” Mark Rat, who directed the execution, called to himself two executioners. One of them took the spear, and the other brought it to the table-bu on which Jeshua hung, a bucket and a sponge. “The first of the Pala-who raised the spear and knocked them first at first, then on the other hand of Yeshua, stretched out and tied… to the crossbar… Yeshua raised his head and the flies hooted and the face swelled from bites, with swollen eyes, unrecognizable-my face… – Ha-Nozri! – said the executioner… – Drink! .. And the sponge soaked in water rose to the lips of Yeshua… From the next column came the voice of Dismas: – Injustice! .. The dust cloud covered the platform… Kenturion to – Silence on the second pillar! .. Jeshua tore himself away from the sponge and… asked the executioner: – Give me a drink. It grew darker… The executioner took the sponge off the spear. – Praise the magnanimous igemon! He solemnly whispered and softly shook Yeshua into his heart. “Then, under the thunder, he also drunk and killed the other two.” Take off the chain! “the centurion shouted, and the soldiers ran off the hill.” The darkness covered Yershalaim. ” In the darkness, under the lightning strikes, Levin rushed to Jeshua, cut the rope with a knife, a naked wet body fell upon him, knocked him to the ground, Levi, slipping, I got up and took off the other two. A couple of minutes “on top of the hill there were only these two bodies and three empty pillars.”
Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 Restless Day
On Friday, “the day after the accursed session,” a lot of people were injured in the Moskva. Someone met with the “checkered” or with the cat Behemoth – and was sent to a psychiatric hospital, others, after visiting the “bad apartment”, met personally with the fanged Azazello, as well as with a shameless girl and blissfully dashed away far away. Someone was arrested. And the money that tricked the Muscovites into the tricky-Fagot-Koroviev turned into simple pieces of paper the next morning… But “it’s time for us to go to the second part of this truthful narrative.” Follow me, reader! ”
Chapter 19 Margarita
“For me, reader, who told you that there is no real, eternal, eternal love in the world? .. Behind me… and I will show you such love!” The beloved master was called Margarita Nikolaevna. “She was beautiful and smart.” She lived with her husband, who adored her, absolutely not needing anything, but not for a single minute was she happy. “Gods, my gods!” What did this woman need, in the eyes of which there was always a strange flame burning? .. She needed a master… She loved him. ” After that terrible October night, Margarita did everything possible to find out about the fate of the master, “and, of course, she did not find out anything, she was tormented, vainly accused herself of not staying with the master that night” … So the winter passed. On the very day when the whole of Moscow was agitated by incredible events, Margarita woke up ” with a premonition that today, at last, something will happen. – I believe! whispered Margarita solemnly. “Something will happen!” And besides, my dream was prophetic “… The dream that dreamed her this night,” was really unusual. “She dreamed of a master. He comes out of some” log building ” “, ragged, unshaven, with sick, inflamed eyes.” And “beckoning with her hand, calling. Margarita… ran to him and at this time woke up. “A dream could only mean one of two things: either the master is dead and, therefore, came for her, or he is alive and wants to say that they will meet again.” Margarita decided to go for a walk Sitting on the bench of the Alexander Garden, the one on which exactly a year ago, “day in day to hour per hour, she was sitting next to the master, Margarita mentally addressed him: “… Why do not you let me know about yourself… You stopped loving me? No, I… do not believe it. So, you were exiled and died… Then I beg you, let me go me, give me the freedom to live, breathe the air… She was completely sad and drowned. ” But then they heard the sounds of mourning music and the funeral procession appeared. The faces of the people looked strangely perplexed. “It’s interesting,” thought Margarita, “who is burying with such amazing faces?” – Berlioz Mikhail Alexandrovich, “a rumor was heard… a man’s voice.” Surprised, Margarita Nikolayevna turned and saw on her bench “an unexpected neighbor-a small, plameno-red, with a canine. “I’ve been sent to you on a business, Margarita Nikolayevna,” he said. “Margarita turned pale and recoiled…” “You want to arrest me?” “Nothing of the kind! .. I was sent to invite you to visit one very distinguished foreigner today.” Enraged by this insolent pandering, Margarita rose to leave, but suddenly heard behind her the voice of a redhead: “The darkness that came from the Mediterranean sea, covered by a city not seen by the procurator… Pobelyv face, Margarita returned to the bench. “Tell me who you are?” “Azazello calls me, but… you still do not steal anything from him.” “But do you know anything about him? .. Is he alive?” “Well, I’m alive, I’m alive,” Azazello responded reluctantly and continued: “I invite you to a foreigner quite safely… You will take advantage of the opportunity…” “What?” – exclaimed Margarita, – are you hinting that I can learn about him there? Azazello nodded silently. “I’m going!” cried Margarita with strength. ” Azazello pro-pulled her a round gold box. “- Tonight, exactly at half-past nine, work-out, stripping naked,” rub this ointment. ” “At ten I’ll call you… You will be delivered where necessary.” Azazello disappeared. Margarita felt her heavy co-robot in her purse and hurried out of the Alexander Garden.
Chapter 20 Azazello Cream
Margarita was sitting in her bedroom “in front of the dressing table in one cup-coat, thrown over her naked body.” She did not take her eyes off the clock face. Finally, the minute hand “fell on the twenty-ninth minute of the tenth”. Margarita opened a golden box, received from Aza-Zello, and lightly moved to rub into the skin a yellow, smelling marsh herb and forest, a cream. She looked in the mirror. “The eyebrows thickened and black, even arcs lay over the green eyes, the skin of his cheeks was filled with an even pink color, his forehead was white and clean… At thirty-year-old Margarita, a woman of about twenty looked out of the mirror.” The body became pink and caught fire, and then… lost weight. “She jumped and hung in the air… then… sank.” “Aye yes cream! ..” Margarita screamed, rushing into the armchair, the rubs changing her not only externally. Now… every joy in the body of the body was full of joy… Margarita felt herself free, free from everything… It happened what the premonition spoke about this morning… she is leaving her former life forever. “There remained” to fulfill only the last duty. “She quickly wrote down a farewell note to her husband asking to forgive her and rather forget her.” A telephone rang behind Margarita’s back… “Azazello said,” the receiver said. “Darling, dear Azazello!” cried Margarita. – It’s time! Take off… you are waiting! “Then a sexual toothbrush flew into the bedroom, bristling upward,” she would kick and burst into the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped on the brush on horseback. “She flew out into the garden.” “Invisible, invisible,” she cried, and flew the collar, flew into the alley. ” Margarita felt herself free, free of everything… It happened what the premonition spoke about… she is leaving her former life forever. “,” It was left to “fulfill only the last duty.” She quickly wrote down a farewell note husband with a request to forgive her and rather forget. “Behind Margarita, a phone rang…” Azazello says, “the receiver said. “Darling, dear Azazello!” cried Margarita. – It’s time! Take off… you are waiting! “Then a sexual toothbrush flew into the bedroom, bristling upward,” she would kick and burst into the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped on the brush on horseback. “She flew out into the garden.” “Invisible, invisible,” she cried, and flew the collar, flew into the alley. ” Margarita felt herself free, free of everything… It happened what the premonition spoke about… she is leaving her former life forever. “,” It was left to “fulfill only the last duty.” She quickly wrote down a farewell note husband with a request to forgive her and rather forget. “Behind Margarita, a phone rang…” Azazello says, “the receiver said. “Darling, dear Azazello!” cried Margarita. – It’s time! Take off… You are waited! “Then a sexual toothbrush flew into the bedroom, bristling up,” she would kick and burst into the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped on the brush on horseback. “She flew out into the garden.” “Invisible, invisible,” she cried, and flew the collar, flew into the alley. ” she is leaving her former life forever. “” She had only to fulfill her last duty. “She quickly wrote down a farewell note to her husband asking him to forgive her and rather forget her.” Behind Margarita, a phone rang… “Azazello says, tube. “Darling, dear Azazello!” cried Margarita. – It’s time! Take off… you are waiting! “Then a sexual toothbrush flew into the bedroom, bristling upward,” she would kick and burst into the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped on the brush on horseback. “She flew out into the garden.” “Invisible, invisible,” she cried, and flew the collar, flew into the alley. ” she is leaving her former life forever. “” She had only to fulfill her last duty. “She quickly wrote down a farewell note to her husband asking him to forgive her and rather forget her.” Behind Margarita, a phone rang… “Azazello says, tube. “Darling, dear Azazello!” cried Margarita. – It’s time! Take off… You are waited! “Then a sexual toothbrush flew into the bedroom, bristling up,” she would kick and burst into the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped on the brush on horseback. “She flew out into the garden.” “Invisible, invisible,” she cried, and flew the collar, flew into the alley. ” “Azazello says,” they said in the receiver. “Darling, dear Azazello!” cried Margarita. – It’s time! Take off… You are waited! “Then a sexual toothbrush flew into the bedroom, bristling up,” she would kick and burst into the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped on the brush on horseback. “She flew out into the garden.” “Invisible, invisible,” she cried, and flew the collar, flew into the alley. ” “Azazello says,” they said in the receiver. “Darling, dear Azazello!” cried Margarita. – It’s time! Take off… You are waiting! “Then a sexual toothbrush flew into the bedroom, bristling upward,” she would kick and burst into the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped on the brush on horseback. “She flew out into the garden.” “Invisible, invisible,” she cried, and flew the collar, flew into the alley. “
Chapter 21 The Flight
“Invisible and free!” Margarita “flew soundlessly and very slowly.” She crossed the Arbat, “swam into a narrow ne-alley with high houses.” On the facade of one of the luxurious eight-story houses, her attention was attracted by the inscription “House of the Dramble”. In this house lived the critic Latunsky, whose articles ruined the master. After a few seconds, Margarita was already entering an open window on the eighth floor into the empty apartment of the critic. Falling into a 6e-armed rage, crushing everything in the apartment, breaking the mirrors and chandeliers, opening the taps in the bathroom and in the kitchen, Margarita got out of the window and rushed through all the floors, splitting the glass… “Yes, the coffin of life must be grateful to the late Berlioz “critic Latunsky” for the fact that the mourning meeting was appointed just this evening. ” It saved him from meeting Margarita, who became a witch this Friday! “Slipping to the third floor, Margarita saw a frightened boy about four years old.” Mamma, I’m afraid, “he called out.” Margarita flew into the room. “” Do not be afraid, little… these are boys glasses beat… And you sleep! Put your hand under your cheek, and I’ll dream of you. “The boy fell asleep, Margarita flew quietly, she swiftly rushed up and forward.” Moonlight whistled around her body. “Soon behind was the city, the forest, the meadows… She stopped by the river and sank in the warm water, Margarita went ashore, under the branches of the willows, the fat-faced frogs played a march in honor of Margarita, the mermaids and naked witches greeted her with reverent reverences. “Someone gave him a glass of champagne and asked, What did she come to? ” on a brush-ke, he ordered immediately to send the car. “An open machine appeared immediately.” Margarita sank into the wide rear seat, the car howled and rose almost to the moon, the river was gone, Margarita rushed to Moscow. “
Chapter 22 With Candlelight
“After all the marvels of this evening, Margarita was already guessing who she was being taken to, but that did not frighten her, and the hope that she would be able to achieve her happiness returned made her fearless.” Margarita was dropped off at some cemetery, where she was met by Lazello. They flew into the air and in a few seconds they landed at Sadovaya. Azazsllo opened the door of Quartet No 50 noiselessly. They walked for a long time in absolute darkness, rising along the wide steps and it seemed that they would not end. It is not clear how “in the hallway of an ordinary Moscow apartment,” this invisible, endless staircase could be re-seen? They were met by a long-faced man, in whom many that hour would have been recognized by Koroviev. After his usual grasping and tres-kotni about nothing, Cowboy finally got down to business. “- You are a very clever woman and, of course, already guessed about who our master is. Margarita’s heart pounded, and she nodded her head. “Every year, sir gives one ball” – a full-lunya spring ball, according to tradition, “the mistress of the ball must necessarily bear the name of Margarita” and be a local native. “Will you not refuse to take on this responsibility? “I will not refuse,” Margarita said firmly. “They again went for a long time, moving from the hall to the hall, until Koroviev” knocked at the door, from under which a narrow strip of light broke through. “In the small room” sat the one whom… the poor Ivan of the Patriarchs argued that the devil does not exist. This non-existent and was sitting on the bed. Volapd was dressed in a long, long night shirt, dirty and patched on his left shoulder. “The naked witch Gella rubbed his knee with some steaming ointment.” Azazelcho stood at the back of the bed. Before the small chess table sat a huge black kitten holding a chess horse in the right paw for a few seconds… “I greet you, Queen, and ask me to excuse my appearance,” said Volaid, smiling. “The leg was hurting, and then this ball…” “Let me,” Margarita asked quietly, Volayid stared at her closely and pushed her to him, hot as lava, burning her hands, but Margarita, without wincing, trying not to cause pain, she rubbed her knee. “Perhaps you have some sorrow, poisoning the soul of longing?” Woland asked. “- There is no messire, there is nothing of that,” answered the clever Margarita, “and now, when I am with you, I feel quite good.” “Messire,” bent down to Azazello’s master, “it’s approaching midnight…” holding a chess horse in the right paw. The silence lasted for a few seconds… “I greet you, Queen, and ask me to excuse my appearance,” Volaid said with a smile, “The leg was ill, but this ball…” “Let me,” he said quietly. asked Margarita. Volaid looked at her intently and pushed her to him. Hot as a lava, the burning burned his hands, but Margarita, not wincing, trying not to cause pain, rubbed her knee. “Perhaps you have some sorrow, poisoning the soul of anguish?” Asked Woland. “There is no Messire, there is nothing of that,” answered the clever Margarita, “and now, when I am with you, I feel itself is very good. “- Messire, – leaned towards the owner Azazello, -” midnight is approaching “… holding a chess horse in the right paw. The silence lasted for a few seconds… “I greet you, Queen, and ask me to excuse my appearance,” Volaid said with a smile, “The leg was ill, but this ball…” “Let me,” he said quietly. asked Margarita. Volaid looked at her intently and pushed her to him. Hot as a lava, the burning burned his hands, but Margarita, not wincing, trying not to cause pain, rubbed her knee. “Perhaps you have some sorrow, poisoning the soul of anguish?” Asked Woland. “There is no Messire, there is nothing of that,” answered the clever Margarita, “and now, when I am with you, I feel itself is very good. “- Messire, – leaned towards the owner Azazello, -” midnight is approaching “… and ask me to excuse my appearance, “Volaid said with a smile,” The leg was hurting, and then this ball… “” Let me, “Margarita asked softly. Volaid looked at her intently and pushed her to him. Hot as a lava, the burning burned his hands, but Margarita, not wincing, trying not to cause pain, rubbed her on the knee. “Perhaps you have some sorrow, poisoning the soul of anguish?” Asked Woland. “There is no Messire, there is nothing of that,” answered the clever Margarita, “and now, when I am with you, I feel itself is very good. “- Messire, – leaned towards the owner Azazello, -” midnight is approaching “… and ask me to excuse my appearance, “Volaid said with a smile,” The leg was hurting, and then this ball… “” Let me, “Margarita asked softly. Volaid looked at her intently and pushed her to him. Hot as a lava, the burning burned his hands, but Margarita, not wincing, trying not to cause pain, rubbed her on the knee. “Perhaps you have some sorrow, poisoning the soul of anguish?” Asked Woland. “There is no Messire, there is nothing of that,” answered the clever Margarita, “and now, when I am with you, I feel itself is very good. “- Messire, – leaned towards the owner Azazello, -” midnight is approaching “… Volaid looked at her intently and pushed her to him. Hot as a lava, the burning burned his hands, but Margarita, not wincing, trying not to cause pain, rubbed her on the knee. “Perhaps you have some sorrow, poisoning the soul of anguish?” Asked Woland. “There is no Messire, there is nothing of that,” answered the clever Margarita, “and now, when I am with you, I feel itself is very good. “- Messire, – leaned towards the owner Azazello, -” midnight is approaching “… Volaid looked at her intently and pushed her to him. Hot as a lava, the burning burned his hands, but Margarita, not wincing, trying not to cause pain, rubbed her on the knee. “Perhaps you have some sorrow, poisoning the soul of anguish?” Asked Woland. “There is no Messire, there is nothing of that,” answered the clever Margarita, “and now, when I am with you, I feel itself is very good. “- Messire, – leaned towards the owner Azazello, -” midnight is approaching “…
Chapter 23 The Great Ball at Satan
Margarita was taken to the pool, where it was first coated with blood and then with clear, fragrant water. On her feet, they put on shoes, sewn from the petals of a pale rose. The crown diamond crown glistened in his hair. A heavy chain with a pendant in the form of a black poodle in an oval frame hung on the neck. With the accompaniment of Koroviev and Behemoth, Margarita stepped into complete darkness. “- Ball!” The cat shrieked shrilly, the ball fell immediately in the form of light… sound and smell. ” Margarita, carried by the arm Koroviev, flew through the halls. The orchestras were playing, the fountains were beating, champagne was bubbling in the pools… Finally they stopped at the platform of a giant ladder covered with a carpet. Margarita was put in place, under the right leg, bent at the knee, a pillow was put. Nearby stood Koroviev and Azazello, at the feet fit Behemoth. “Downstairs she saw the largest Swiss with… an unlimited fireplace. The Swiss and the staircase, until the pain in their eyes filled with light, were empty. “But the first guests began to arrive, all of them appeared from the jaws of the fireplace, who in the form of half-decayed ashes, who were on the gallows, who were in the coffin. They were dressed in tailcoats dressed in tails, and ladies – naked, but in slippers and feathers in hairstyles. The string followed the ladder by the guests on the stairs and Margarita bowed respectfully. Males kissed her hand, women – bent knee. And to each Margarita had to smile, give a friendly fuss poison And say two or three amiable words. Who were not there! Famous murderers, poisoners, warlocks, kings, pimps, sharpers and detectives, hangmen and suicides… Margarita attracted a young woman “with some restless and intrusive eyes “. Ubiquitous Koroviev told that Frieda, that’s the name of a woman, many years every morning she was served a handkerchief, which she once strangled her newborn baby. She spoke at the trial, “that she has nothing to feed her child.” – Do you like champagne? – Margaret turned to her. – “I love,” the woman said in prayer, and suddenly mechanically began to repeat: “Frida, Frida! .. My name is Frida, O Queen…” But Koroviev and Behemoth pushed her away, and she disappeared in the crowd. And the guests all went and went… “All their names were confused in the head, the faces were blinded to one huge cake… Margarita’s legs were bent, she was afraid to cry,” the knee “swelled… She mechanically raised and lowered her hand and monotonously smiled at the guests. ” But the stream began to thin out and soon dried up. Margarita had to fly around the halls, that the most respectable guests should not feel abandoned. “Last exit,” Koroviev whispered to her, “and we are free.” They were again in the big hall. “With the last stroke of the clock, silence fell upon the crowds of guests.” Then Margarita saw Woland again. “Azazello appeared before him with a dish in his hands. Berlioz’s head rested on a platter. “Mikhail Alexandrovich,” Woland said softly to his head, and… the eyelids of the dead rose… “It all happened, is not it?” You have always been a preacher of the theory that the life in a person stops because of the cutting off of the head… goes into oblivion… However, all theories stand one another… There is… and that, according to which everyone will be given by his faith. Yes, it will come true! “Margarita became dizzy… Crowds of guests began to lose their appearance. .. The columns disintegrated, the lights faded… and there were no fountains. “
Chapter 24 Extracting the Wizard
“In Woland’s bedroom everything turned out, as it was before the ball.” Woland sat on the bed in a shirt. ” Gella set the table. Koroviev, Azazello and, of course, Behemoth sat at the table. “The night of the full moon is a festive night,” said Wohlend. “And I’m having dinner in a close company of my friends and servants… How was this tiring ball gone?” “Terrific!” Cried Koroviev, “everyone is enamored, in love… how many tactes, how much… charm and charm!” Voland silently raised the glass and clinked glasses with Margarita. Margarita obediently drank. Living warmth flowed over her belly… the forces returned. “Time flew imperceptibly. The cat, as always, was fooling around and sat down with his tricks. “The candles were caked in kan-delabra… Apparently, it came to six in the morning.” Margarita looked inquiringly at Woland. He smiled politely and indifferently at her. The black melancholy… came to the heart of Margarita. She felt herself deceived. No reward… no one seemed to be proposing to her… – All the best, sir, – she said… – Maybe you want to say something goodbye, – suddenly… said Woland. “No, nothing, sir,” Margarita answered proudly, “except that if you still need me, I’m ready to willingly do whatever you want…” “We tested you.” Never ask anything! Nothing, and nothing, and especially those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer, and they will give it all themselves! Sit down, proud woman! .. What do you want for being my mistress today? Spirit intercepted Margarita, and she already wanted to pronounce the coveted and cooked in the soul of the words, when suddenly… “Free-yes!” – shouted in her ears someone’s praying voice. – “I’m Zo-Wout Frida! “And Margarita, stumbling in words, said:” So I… can I ask for one thing? “” To demand… “Woland replied,” to demand one thing! “Ah, how wisely and distinctly Woland emphasized… -” one things! “Margarita sighed… and said:” I want Frieda to stop giving that handkerchief to which she strangled her child… “” Are you… a man of exceptional kindness? “A highly moral person? .. – No, – Margarita answered forcefully… – I had the imprudence to give her a firm hope, she is waiting… she believes… And if she remains deceived… I will not have a pok all my life. ” “Well,” Woland said thoughtfully, “you can understand that.” But everyone must do their own thing. “I will not do this, but you’ll do it yourself…” “Frida!” Margarita screamed shrilly. The woman ran into the room with frenzied eyes. – They forgive you. They will no longer serve a handkerchief. “Frida fell to her knees, but Woland waved his hand and she prostrated.” Thank you, goodbye, “Margarita said and podnyalas…” What do you want for yourself? “- asked Woland. “- I want, that now, this very second, they return my-go… master,” Margarita said. A wind burst into the room, from the window-sill to the floor lay a green-new shawl of night light, and in it appeared “master.” Margarita… groaned, clasped her hands and ran to him. She kissed him… and long-held tears… ran down streams over her face. “But the sick man pushed her away from him.” He sat down in a chair and sulkily stared into the ground. “Woland ordered him to give him wine.” After the first glass, the patient became no longer so wild and restless. “After the second” his eyes became alive and meaningful. “” Who are you? Woland asked him. “Where are you from now?” “From the house of sorrow.” I’m insane, “the priests answered.” Do you know who you are talking to now? “” I know, “the master answered.” Tell me, why does Margarita call you a master? ” “She thinks too much of… the novel I wrote… The novel about Pontius Pilate…” “Let me see it,” Woland held out his hand… “I burned it…” “It’s not going to be can. Manuscripts do not burn. “Immediately the cat handed Woland a manuscript, who looked at her and silently, without a smile, stared at the master…” Margarita… you say the same… what do you need? ” “I beg you to bring us back to the basement in the alley on the Arbat, and that the lamp should catch fire, and that everything should be as it was!” After some silence, Woland turned to the master: “So…” In the Arbat cellar? And who will write? A dream, inspiration? “I have no more dreams and no inspiration,” the master replied. “Nothing interests me… except her… they broke me, I’m bored, and I want to go to the basement.” “And your novel, and Pilate?” “He hates me… I’ve experienced too much because of him…” “Your novel will bring you more surprises,” said Woland, smiling. “Well, I wish you happiness.” Margarita and the master, accompanied by Woland’s retinue, into the yard, sat down in a big black car, and its lights “disappeared among other lights on a sleepless and noisy Sadovaya.” An hour later “in the basement of a small house where everything was just like… until the terrible October night of last year, sat Margarita… and next to her stood a stack of untouched notebooks… In the next room… lay in a deep dream master.
Chapter 25 As the Procurator tried to save Judas from Kiriath
“The darkness that came from the Mediterranean Sea covered the city, hated by the procurator… Yershalaim disappeared – a great go-rod, as if carrying a walk in the world… Strange cloud was carried by the sea… the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan… The rain poured unexpectedly, and… the storm went to Ura-gan. ” In the garden on the balcony under the columns “on a couch at a small table lined with food and wine,” the procurator recited. “The man in the hood crossed the garden platform, stepped onto the mosaic floor of the balcony and raised his hand” in greeting, said: “The prosecutor is well and happy! .. I listen to the orders of the Procurator.” It was Afraniy, the head of the secret service of the prosecutor’s office. Pilate invited the newcomer to join his trapeze. Only after the guest had satisfied his hunger, the procurator went on to the matter. He was interested, how was the execution on Bald Mountain. “Was there not a crowd of attempts to express a resentment? .. – None,” the guest replied. ” He personally made sure of the onset of death. When the convict was offered a “drink of oblivion”, the convicted Ha-Noz-ri refused him and said “he thanks and does not blame him for taking his life.” “Who?” Pilate asked in a dull voice: “This, hegemon, did not say… The only thing he said was that, among the human vices, he considered cowardice one of the most important. ” The procurator poured out his own wine and, draining the cup, ordered “without a hitch and without any noise to remove from the face of the earth bodies… executed and buried them in secret.” The last question concerned Judas from Kirnath. According to rumors, he must get money for giving out to the authorities “this hopeless philosopher”. Is the sum big? ” “No one can know this, ungemon,” replied Afraniy calmly, “he will receive this money tonight… He… is summoned to the palace of the high priest.” The prosecutor was still wondering what this Judas was about? a man works in a lavatory shop, is very handsome, has only one passion – a passion for money. “” I received information today, “the procurator said quietly,” … that they will slaughter him this night… Some of Ga – Nozri, outraged by the monstrous betrayal of this me-nyala, “decided to” kill him… and the money received for the traitor, Throw the high priest, with a note: “I return the cursed money.” Therefore, I ask you… to take all measures to protect Judah from Kiriath. “Is it possible? To track a person, to find out how much he got for his betrayal, to slaughter him, and even manage to get money back? And all in one night? Afranius allowed himself to doubt it. “- And yet he will be killed today…” Afraniy looked closely at the procurator, then said goodbye and left. “Only then the procurator saw that… twilight came.”
Chapter 26 Burial
“Maybe it was the twilight that caused the procurator’s suddenness to change dramatically, he looked old… worried… ran around the balcony, rubbing his hands, then… stopping and starting to look meaningless in the mosaic of sex… For today, the second time he felt sad for him… It was clear to him that this afternoon he had something irretrievably lost… He stopped abruptly and whistled… From the garden jumped out at the ball-con gigantic witty dog ​​… The Procurator sat down in the armchair, Wang-ha… lay down at the master’s feet… the joy in the dog’s eyes meant that. there was a thunderstorm, the only thing in the world that the fearless dog was afraid of… that he was here again, next to the man he loved. “But, lying down at his feet, the dog immediately realized that the owner had suffered trouble, so he… got up, came to the side and front paws and put his head on his knees to the procurator… Bangui’s actions should mean that he comforts the host and the misfortune is ready to meet with him. So both of them, a dog and a man who loved each other, met a festive night on the balcony. “” At this time, the prosecutor’s guest was in big sweat. “Leaving the palace of Pilate, he went to the city, in the hit-and-roost of the streets he found the right one house and “was at the stone terrace, covered with ivy.” At his call “the door creaked and… a young woman appeared.” She Lpfrnny stayed with everything for a long time. “He left the house and” lost himself in the flow of prohozhih. .. A woman… like a shadow, slipped out of the house. “On the road leading to the palace of the high priest, there was a young man. into the gates of the palace, but soon left and went back to town, and in the middle of the road he was overtaken by a woman in a dark veil thrown over her head. The silhouette of the shapely figure seemed familiar to the young man. He ki-nulsya after the woman and called her: – Nisa! The woman turned and replied rather dryly: “Oh, it’s you, Judas?” There is a sign that the one who is not recognized will become rich… “Judah began to ask Nizza where she was going. After all, they agreed to meet her tonight. Nisa answered equally equally that she was bored, and she decided to go out of town to listen to nightingales in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas, panting with excitement, asked to be allowed to accompany her. “Will not I be bored with you?” – Coquettishly threw Niz. And, as if reluctantly, agreed, telling him, however, first wait a while, and only then go to the grotto in the Gethsemane garden. And then they can see together, what good will gossip… She disappeared. Judas a little stood alone, and then “feet themselves, without his will they carried him out of the city, a few minutes later he was already running under the shadow of the olive trees. “There was not a soul in the garden.” Soon he heard the sound of falling water in the grotto. “Judas slowed his pace and called quietly:” Nisa! But instead of Nizza, the road was blocked by two dark figures, and one of them said: “How much did you get now? ..” “Thirty tetradrachms! .. Here’s the money! Take it, but give your life! “Judas screamed desperately, and his tongue was snatched from his hands as though lightning, struck the knife and pierced the heart of Judah… Then a third figure appeared on the road and gave a note to the first two. quickly packed a purse and a note, one of them thrust the parcel in his bosom, “and the darkness ate them between the olives… The body was lying with the arms spread out.” In his palace the procurator forgot himself to sleep. He dreamed of a moonlit road. “He even laughed in a dream of happiness” and moved along this road directly to the moon. And next to him was a wandering fi-losof. They argued about something very difficult and important, and none of them could defeat the other… Today’s execution was the purest misunderstanding… There was no execution! “And” the brutal procurator of Judea wept and laughed with joy… ” “But Pilate’s dream was interrupted by the appearance of Afranius, and the chief of the secret service pulled out a bloody purse from under his cloak:” You were right, a hegemon. “Judas of Kiriafle was slaughtered.” This money bag was thrown by the murderers in the house of the first priest “On it is the blood of Judas.” According to Afranius, it will be very difficult to find murderers. the high priest categorically deny that they owed money to someone. “Even in the half-darkness, how the eyes of Pilate sparkle. “The procurator casually dropped:” And did he commit suicide with himself? “” It may be the Procurator, “Afra-i said calmly, and then Afranius told how, when he came to the top of the hill, the funeral team did not find one corpse, he was tried to hide in a cave by a man named Levi Matvey, who first “fell into despair and anger”, but “he managed to calm down, explaining that the body will be buried.” The procurator thanked Afraniya “for all that is done on this matter, “and asked to deliver to him Levi Matvey.” Moonlight night… retreated the garden as if Afranius took her behind him. The balcony was joined by… a small and skinny man in a torn chiton. “” Levy approached the table… and, gazing with burning eyes at the procurator, whispered to him: “You, hegemon, that I will slaughter one person in Yershalaim… Judas of Kiriath, I will dedicate this to the rest of my life. Then the pleasure was expressed in the eyes of the procurator… and he said: “Judas was already killed this night…” “Who did this?” – I did it. An hour has passed. Levi was not in the palace. “The procurator” slept and breathed soundlessly. So the fifth public prosecutor of Judea Pontius Pilate met the dawn of the fifteenth Nisan. “
Chapter 27 End of apartment No. 50
“The morning came, Margarita’s soul was in full order… She was not worried about the memory that she was at a ball at Satan, that by some miracle the master was returned to her, that a romance arose from the ashes… All it was as if it had to be so… A minute later she was sleeping..-. ” Meanwhile, in one of the Moscow institutions, located on a large square, at the dawn of Saturday, the whole floor was occupied with the investigation in the Woland case. Continually came there new and new news about the devilry that took place in the city. In a bad apartment number 50, of course, visited and neo-dnno times, “examined it very carefully… high-tukivali walls… looking for caches. However, all these events did not produce any result,” in the apartment no one found It was not possible, although the sounds clearly indicated that there was someone there. Official officials unanimously repeated: “There is no black magician Woland in Moscow and can not be.” Something really incredible happened – thousands of people saw this magician “as well as his damned assistants, and… there was no way to find him anywhere.” In the end, the investigation concluded that the leadership of the Variety Theater, and the poet Ivan Bezdomny, and many other people were victims of the same gang of hypnotists and swindlers, led by this same magician. By the morning it was reported that the cursed apartment “again showed signs of life.” From it came the sounds of a piano, on the windowsill sat an unnatural size of a suit of black suit. “A large company of men dressed in civilian clothes”, several groups drove up to the house on Sadovaya. Trying to keep quietly, people divided into groups and began to climb up the front staircase and on the back door to the fifth floor. At this time, the inhabitants of a bad apartment sat in a dining-room, finishing breakfast. “- And what are those steps on the stairs?” – asked Korovyev – “And it’s arresting us to go,” Azazello drank a pile of cognac. ” The door of apartment number 50, skillfully opened with a master key, was opened-up. Simultaneously, through the back door, the second capture group burst. “People scattered all over the rooms, and nowhere else were they found, but… in the living room on the mantelpiece… sat a huge black cat.” All attempts to catch the insolent kotyaru were unsuccessful. The cat rushed around the room, flying from stone to curtains, from there – to the chandelier, firing at the snatched pistol that had come from from nowhere. Those, in turn, also opened fire. But it did not last long, and by itself it calmed down, not causing anyone the slightest harm. Even a few bullets in a row, released directly into the head of the cursed cat, did not act. This mess was interrupted by an incomprehensible source of a deep, low voice: “What’s going on in the apartment?” They interfere with my work. “Another, unpleasant and nasal voice answered:” Well, of course, Behemoth! .. “The third rattling voice said:” Messire! ” Saturday, the sun is bending, it’s time for us. ” After these words, the cheeky kitten “leaped to the sub-horseman and disappeared behind him.” And in the apartment fire was firing. Everything was filled with smoke. “The flames swept into the front… People in the courtyard saw how, together with the smoke from the window of the fifth floor, flew three dark silhouettes and one silhouette of a woman-woman”. Even a few bullets in a row, released directly into the head of the cursed cat, did not act. This mess was interrupted by an incomprehensible source of a deep, low voice: “What’s going on in the apartment?” They interfere with my work. “Another, unpleasant and nasal voice answered:” Well, of course, Behemoth! .. “The third rattling voice said:” Messire! ” Saturday, the sun is bending, it’s time for us. ” After these words, the cheeky kitten “leaped to the sub-horseman and disappeared behind him.” And in the apartment fire was firing. Everything was filled with smoke. “The flames swept into the front… People in the courtyard saw how, together with the smoke from the window of the fifth floor, flew three dark silhouettes and one silhouette of a woman-woman”. Even a few bullets in a row, released directly into the head of the cursed cat, did not act. This mess was interrupted by an incomprehensible source of a deep, low voice: “What’s going on in the apartment?” They interfere with my work. “Another, unpleasant and nasal voice answered:” Well, of course, Behemoth! .. “The third rattling voice said:” Messire! ” Saturday, the sun is bending, it’s time for us. ” After these words, the cheeky kitten “leaped to the sub-horseman and disappeared behind him.” And in the apartment fire was firing. Everything was filled with smoke. “The flames swept into the front… People in the courtyard saw how, together with the smoke from the window of the fifth floor, flew three dark silhouettes and one silhouette of a woman-woman”. This mess was interrupted by an incomprehensible source of a deep, low voice: “What’s going on in the apartment?” They interfere with my work. “Another, unpleasant and nasal voice answered:” Well, of course, Behemoth! .. “The third rattling voice said:” Messire! ” Saturday, the sun is bending, it’s time for us. ” After these words, the cheeky kitten “leaped to the sub-horseman and disappeared behind him.” And in the apartment fire was firing. Everything was filled with smoke. “The flames swept into the front… People in the courtyard saw how, together with the smoke from the window of the fifth floor, flew three dark silhouettes and one silhouette of a woman-woman”. This mess was interrupted by an incomprehensible source of a deep, low voice: “What’s going on in the apartment?” They interfere with my work. “Another, unpleasant and nasal voice answered:” Well, of course, Behemoth! .. “The third rattling voice said:” Messire! ” Saturday, the sun is bending, it’s time for us. ” After these words, the cheeky kitten “leaped to the sub-horseman and disappeared behind him.” And in the apartment fire was firing. Everything was filled with smoke. “The flames swept into the front… People in the courtyard saw how, together with the smoke from the window of the fifth floor, flew three dark silhouettes and one silhouette of a woman-woman”. After these words, the cheeky kitten “leaped to the sub-horseman and disappeared behind him.” And the apartment was flaming. Everything was filled with smoke. “The flames swept into the front… People in the courtyard saw how, together with the smoke from the window of the fifth floor, flew three dark silhouettes and one silhouette of a woman-woman”. After these words, the cheeky kitten “leaped to the sub-horseman and disappeared behind him.” And the apartment was flaming. Everything was filled with smoke. “The flames swept into the front… People in the courtyard saw how, together with the smoke from the window of the fifth floor, flew three dark silhouettes and one silhouette of a woman-woman”.
Chapter 28 Recent adventures of Koroviev and Behemoth
“About a quarter of an hour after the start of the fire at the mirror doors Torgsin,” a store selling exceptionally scarce food and goods and only for foreign currency, “a long citizen appeared in a checkered suit and with him a black big cat.” Entering the store, a strange couple went straight to the confectionery department, where they brazenly razed the pyramids of mandarins and chocolate, having treated, as they say, “for free”. When militiamen ran to the whistle of the doorman, the mag-zine itself flared up in a blue flame, and “both scoundrels… disappeared somewhere, and where – it was impossible to understand…”. Exactly a minute after the incident, they both stood at the writer’s house, “at Griboyedov,” where, according to Behemoth, “like pineapples in greenhouses,” the color of Russian literature ripened. The couple walked straight to the veranda of the restaurant’s “not-sensing misfortune.” But the way to the coveted goal was blocked by a citizen sitting in the doorway with a barn book, where it was supposed to record everyone entering the restaurant. The citizen categorically demanded to present their certificates. Koroviev did not have time to recognize the situation as sad and difficult, “as a soft but powerful voice sounded over the head of a strict citizen:” Let him pass. “It was the restaurant’s director, Archibald Lrcibaldovich, who personally watched the way in which the dubious visitors were seated, made sure that everything was done on the first “honor by honor,” and disappeared somewhere in the depths of the restaurant. Oh, Archibald Archibaldovich was clever! Knowledge of the latest events, and most importantly – the phenomenal intuition prompted the director, that with these visitors it is impossible to quarrel and it is not necessary to expect good from them. And indeed, while Korovsv and Behemoth clinked glasses with a second glass of vodka, two men with revolvers burst into the hall and opened fire on our heroes. But both men fired in the air, and a pillar of fire struck directly at the ceiling. After a few seconds, the underreached writers flew away in panic. And only “in advance left through a lateral move… Archibald Archibaldovich” stood on the sidelines, on-watching for what was happening.
Chapter 29 The fate of the master and Margarita is defined
“At sunset, high above the city on a stone terrace… there were two: Woland and Azazello.” They looked down at the city in front of them. Suddenly, a tattered, gloomy man in a tunic-Levi Matvey appeared on the terrace. “Why are you here?” Woland asked him irritably, “He sent me… He read the master’s composition… and asks you to take with you a master and reward him with peace… He asks that the one who loved and suffered because of him, you would take too… “” Tell me what will be done, “Woland replied…” Leave me immediately. “Levi Matvey disappeared, and Woland called Azazello to him and ordered:” Fly to him and everything. “Azazello left the terrace.” A few minutes later appeared Koroviev with Behemoth. After telling about their adventures, the couple asked what the orders would be. ” – Orders will not be any… Now there will be a thunderstorm, the last thunderstorm, it will finish everything that needs to be completed, and we will start on the road. “Very good, sir,” both heroes answered and disappeared… The storm… was already gathering on the horizon. The black cloud… cut off the sun… Then she covered it whole. It became dark. This darkness covered a huge city. Bridges and palaces disappeared. Everything was gone, as if it had never been in the world. “
Chapter 30 It’s time! It’s time!
“Having slept until Saturday’s sunset, both the master and his girlfriend felt themselves completely strengthened.” At the round table, it is not known who was serving the dinner. “- fu you, hell,” the master exclaimed suddenly… “No, listen, you’re an intelligent person and you were not crazy, are you seriously sure that we were at Satan’s yesterday? .. No, it’s the devil knows that “Margarita burst out laughing, but then she said seriously:” The devil only knows… and hell, believe me, everything will work out! “” Well, well, “said the master,” I was kidnapped from the Chembnica! … But… how and how will we live? .. I’m not afraid of anything… because I’ve already experienced everything. I was scared and scared nothing else, but I’m sorry for you… What for? you have to break your life with sickness and beggar? ” Marguerite stroked his graying hair and whispered that he loved him, that ” everything will be dazzlingly good, “the main thing is that they are together, so they sat embracing and tears ran down their cheeks… Behind the basement, footsteps were heard, and a familiar nasal voice said:” Peace be with you. “It was, of course, Azazello. Margarita joyfully greeted the guest, and everyone drained a cognac for a meeting, but in Azazello’s eyes the master imagined “something forced. “He was not just on a visit, but he appeared with some kind of assignment,” thought the master. “Azazello conveyed greetings from sir Woland and the invitation to” take a short stroll with him. “And another present is a bottle of wine, the same one, Falern, “which was drunk by the Procurator of Judea.” Immediately a ruby ​​wine was poured out of the completely moldy jug-on glasses, everyone drank. “The light began to fade in the eyes of the master… he felt, that comes to an end. He still saw Margarita, who was deadly pale… drops her head on the table, and then slides to the floor… The poisoned ones died down. “Azazello opened Margarita’s lips and” poured a few drops of the same wine into his mouth. “Margarita sighed slightly and sat down. Azazello did the same with the master, who “rose up, looked around at the living and bright, and asked:” What does it mean: “What is new?” “It means,” Azazello replied, “that it’s time for you…” “Ah, I understand… you killed us, we are dead…” “Ah, pardon… do I hear you? .. After all, you think like But can you be dead? Is it necessary to sit in the basement in order to consider yourself alive? .. – I understand! .. – cried the master. “You are right a thousand times.” “Then fire! .. The fire from which everything began and by which we all end.” The room was flickering in the crimson pillars of the flame. They are you-ran into the courtyard. “Three black horses snorted by the shed, shuddered, blew up the earth with fountains.” Margarita, behind her Azazello and the last master jumped on their horses and rushed over the city.
Chapter 31 On the Sparrow Hills
“The storm was carried away without a trace… On the hill… there were three dark silhouettes: Woland, Koroviev and Hippo sat on black horses… looking at the city stretching across the river… The air rustled,” and Azazello along with Margarita and the master sank “near the group waiting.” “It’s time for us,” Woland said to the master. “Say goodbye to the city.” The master looked at the city. “In the first instants, a sad sadness was added to my heart, but… it was replaced… by a wandering gypsy excitement.” “Forever! This must be understood,” whispered the master… “Well,” Woland asked him, ” “The farewell was completed?” “Yes, it’s done,” the master… looked at Woland’s face in a straightforward and bold manner, and then Woland’s terrible voice rolled over the mountains: “It’s time!” The horses jerked and the riders rose and rode… the city…
Chapter 32 Forgiveness and the eternal shelter
“Gods, my gods, how sad the evening earth is, how mysterious are the fogs over the swamps, who wandered in these fogs, who suffered much before death, who flew over this earth… he knows this… The magical black horses they carried their horsemen slowly, and the inevitable night began to catch up with them… The night was thickening, flying alongside, grabbing the jumpers for their raincoats, and pulling them off their shoulders, exposing the deceptions… Margarita… saw the shape of all… ” . On the spot of the “self-appointed interpreter,” Koroviev-Fagot, a “dark purple knight with a grim, never smiling face” jumped… “o The night was torn off by the fluffy tail of Behemoth… the one who was a cat, amused prince of darkness.. turned out to be a young man, a demon-page… Lazello flew to the side, shining with steel of armor… The absurd, ugly fang and krynoglazie disappeared… Lazello flew in its present form, like a demon of an arid desert, a demon-killer… The master has changed. His hair… from behind gathered in a scythe… On the boots, the spurs of sparks flickered and went out. Master flew, his eyes on the moon, he smiled at her, and he whispered something to himself. “And, finally, Woland flew, too, in his present guise.” His spear seemed to be a lump of darkness, his mane was a cloud, and the curtains of a rider were stars. “Woland laid siege to his steed on the stony, gloomy, flat top… Margarita… saw a chair in the desert area and a white figure of a seated person in it.” Nearby lay a dark huge dog. “The riders stopped their horses.” “Your novel has been read,” Voland began, turning to the master, “and they said… that he is not finished… I wanted to show you our hero. For about two thousand years he sits on that platform and is sleeping, but when the full moon comes, he suffers from insomnia. She tortures not only him, but his faithful stork, the dog. If it is true that cowardice is the heaviest in terms of rock, then… the dog is not to blame for it. The only thing that the brave dog feared was thunderstorms. Well, the one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves. – What he says? “Margarita asked, and… her face twitched with a haze of compassion. “He says that he does not rest when the moon… And when he sleeps, he sees the same thing – the moonlit path, and wants to go over it and talk with the convict Ga-Nozri, because… he’s something I did not finish it then… on the fourteenth day of the spring month I wrote… “Let him go,” Margarita suddenly shrieked… “You do not have to ask for him… because he was already asked for by him, with whom he so eager to talk. “Here, Vaulander…” turned to the master and said: “Well, now you can finish a novel with a single phrase.” The master, as if waiting for this already… folded his arms with a flee-rum and shouted so that the echo jumped over the deserted… mountains: – Free! Free! He is waiting for you! The mountains turned the master’s voice into a thunder, and this thunder broke them… Above the black abyss burned immense city, “with a garden that has grown over many thousands of moons.” The moonlight was drawn to this garden… and the first on it the witty dog ​​rushed to run… A man in a white cloak with a bloody rebuke… following his faithful guardian, “ran swiftly along the lunar road.” – Me there, behind him? “asked the restless master…” No, Woland replied, “why should you chase after the things that have already ended? who is so eager to see a hero invented by you… read your novel… Leave them alone, “he pointed out to the departing procurator,” … and maybe they’ll agree before something. “” Are you, “” convincingly and gently, Woland continued. .. do not want to walk with his girlfriend under the cherry? .. No, you will not be pleased to write with candles a goose feather? .. There, there. There is already waiting for you home… On this road, the master… Farewell! .. “And the master and his girlfriend went along the sandy road” to their eternal home… Someone let the master free, like himself he just released to them the created hero… “the son of the star-king, the fifth procurator of Judea, the rider Pontius Pilate.
Moscow was still buzzing with incredible rumors. And she-stream: “Unclean force!” was heard everywhere – in lines, in trams, in shops and apartments… The investigation into the gang of hypnotists and ventriloquists lasted a long time, but it did not give any result. A few years later, citizens began to forget and Volan-da, and Koroviev, and others… And the events described in this book were truthfully described, and died out in memory. all… Every year, just before the spring full moon comes, in the evening appears… at the Patriarch’s Ponds… an employee of the Institute of History and Philosophy, Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, “who was once known as the poet Ivan Bezdomnogo. “Having come under the limes, he always sits down on the same bench on which he sat that evening, when… Berlioz for the last time in his life saw… the moon… An hour or two spends so Ivan Ni – kolaevich… And returns home… quite sick… In the light of the ravine Ivan Nikolaevich wakes up with a painful cry, – to cry and rush… Brings him to a miserable cry on the night of the full moon the same thing. He sees… an executioner who… a tunic in the heart of a “convicted person tied to a pillar.” Then, everything changes before a sleeper… A broad moonlit road stretches out, and a man in a white cloak with a bloody rebound rises to this road and begins go to the moon. Next to him is… a young man in a torn chiton… Going about something they argue, they want to agree… “A woman appears in the stream of moonlight and shows the hand of the person in whom Ivan Nikolaevich immediately recognizes the master. Ivan in the dream holds out his hands to him and greedily asks: “So, this and it’s over? “That’s the end, my student,” the master replies, and the woman approaches Ivan and says: “It’s all over, and it all ends… And I’ll kiss you on the forehead, and everything will be right for you.” She kisses him… retreats and leaves with her companion to the moon… And Ivan Nikolayevich sleeps with a happy face. Next morning he wakes up… completely calm * and healthy… And until the next full moon, no one will disturb the professor. “Neither the executioner, nor the” fifth procurator of Judea, the rider Pontius Pilate. “

A summary of the work of M. A. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita”