“Wolves and Sheep” Ostrovsky in brief

In the morning at the house of Meropia Davydovna Murzavetskaya, “a girl of about sixty, who has great strength in the province”, assembled craftsmen – she owed them. Suitable Chugunov, a former member of the district court. Murzavets prudish and slanderous, Chugunov leads her affairs and manages the estate of the rich widow Kupavina, shamelessly cashing in. The landlady comes and goes to the house with the prigivalkami and poor relative Glafira. The butler Peacock tells Chugunov that the nephew of Murzavetska Apollo, whom she wants to marry on Kupavina, a drunkard, “is ashamed in the city, they will take a gun like they are hunting, and they are cool on the Razorich in the tavern.” And the tavern is the most crappy, on the sign “Here it is!” written. “

From there they bring Murzavetsky: “from hand to hand”. He is trying to care for Glafira, begging to drink from Peacock, and after drinking, immediately rude. Aunt does not listen to suggestions, the whole dog is busy Tamerlane, who is called “wolf cutlet” – “for stupidity”. Murzavetskaya drives Apollo to sleep: “we’ll go to the bride in the evening” and send for Chugunov. She spreads rumors in the province that her deceased husband, Kupavina, had left something for the late Murzavetsky’s father: just in case Kupavina was more accommodating. Chugunov is ready to forge a promissory note. She allegedly can not find a letter from Kupavin, where he promises her a thousand “for the poor.” Chugunov heard it, the “letter” is already ready; work, as he boasts, his nephew, Goretsky. Lynyaev arrives, “a rich, obese man of about fifty,

Kupavina brings the very one thousand that her husband promised Murzavetska. Part of this money Meropia Davydovna pays with creditors. And “gives obedience” Glafira: go to visit Kupavina and prevent her rapprochement with Lynyaev.

In the house of Kupavina, the landlady signs Chugunov a blank bill of exchange with such confidence and ignorance that he lets a tear. He is replaced by Lynyaev. He brought a letter from an old friend, Berkutov, who is about to arrive. Having learned about the thousand and “debts”, Lynyaev is indignant: Kupavin “could not stand Murzavets and called her a prude.” Kupavina shows the letter. Lyniaev: “What do you want to do with me, and this is forgery.” Who is working for her these things? ” He tries to excite Kupavina, which means signing a bill of exchange. Comes Murzavetskaya. Lynyaev leaves for the garden.

Murzavetskaya brings her nephew and Glafira. She tries to intimidate Kupavina: Apollo is here “for his own business bloody,” “this thing cries out to God,” but what’s the matter, does not explain. Kupavina enters, and Murzavetskaya leaves her with Apollo. The widow is extremely attentive and wants to listen to all the claims, but all the claims of the drunkard of Apollo fully satisfy the five rubles from Kupavina, who, having got rid of him, hastens “to the ladies.” Murzavets are leaving.

Kupavina remains with Glafira, who has serious views on the rich Lynyaeva, and, as soon as he finds out that he does not care for Kupavin, he immediately changes from a virgin to a “obedience” to an effective person, ready for everything, judging everything.

At the garden fence Kupavina Gorki, extorting money from Chugunov, says: “If they give more, I’ll sell you, you know that.” They are going away.

Kupavina, Glafira, Anfus, Lynyaev go on a walk. Lynyaev is too lazy to go far, he stays. With him Glafira: “My head is spinning from the noise”. And immediately begins courting Lynyaeva, supposedly frank: “you are not taken into any interest”. Lynyaev, now and then sentencing: “I’m afraid, they’ll marry,” but he is hurt; Glafira also says that she is going to the monastery and wants to “leave a good memory.” Lynyaev asks to render “a small favor” – to find a “good scribe”. Glafira understood from a half-word: it was about Goretsky. It turns out that he writes her love letters. And she would immediately bring him to Lynyaev, and let him pretend to be in love with her for the evening. “It’s hard, but there’s nothing to do,” says Lynyaev.

With a walk, escaping from the harassment drunk Murzavetskogo, rush to the house of Anfus and Kupavina. Lyonyaev drives him away. He leaves, threatening to “rob”: “But it’s a pity to Madame Kupavina, she’ll be crying.” Orevoir. “

Go Glafira with Goretsky, and Lynyaev “perepupaet” Garetsky, who admits that he wrote a fake letter.

Glafira reminds Lyniaev about his promise. And she tells how she could make her marry, or rather, play her story with him; Lyniaev clearly is passionate about it.

The next morning Kupavina and Glafira are waiting for the arrival of Lynyaev and Berkutov. Glafira is concerned – Lynyaev is in no hurry to explain, and Murzavetskaya is about to send for her. The footman enters: from her letter and tarantas. Kupavina reads the letter and is lost: “You did not want to accept my nephew yesterday. The collection of a very large amount of money from you, which all your estate is not worth, I will do with all severity and I will not feel sorry for you.” Arrive Lynyaev with Berkutov. And while the ladies disguise, they have a serious conversation. Berkutov asks Lynyaev not to interfere in Kupavina’s affairs and reports that he came to marry her.

Kupavina and Berkutov greet them. Murzavetskaya sent for Glafira; Lyniaev learns about this with a demented indifference and goes for a walk in the garden, or else “sleeps” in “sleep.” Berkutov announced to Kupavina that he had come on business; and having listened to Kupavina’s story, evaluates her position as “unenviable.”

Berkutova asks Goretsky. He has already returned to Lynyaev his fifteen rubles, tomorrow he will receive from Berkutov fifty and will go to Vologda to survey his estate. The conversation with Kupavina Berkutov ends with advice to marry Murzavetsky. Lynyaev enters: “I went and walked around the garden, even worse – and sleeps in a dream.” He is left on the couch and leaves to write a letter to Murzavetskaya. Glafira, coming out from behind the curtain, rushes to him, hugs and plays the scene of passionate love perhaps louder. Lynyaev is simply helpless. In the end, there are Kupavina, Berkutov and the lackey: “Glafira Alekseevna, horses are ready.” But it’s too late. Murzavetsky’s horses are no longer scary. “Ah, and the people here, what have you done to me?” What is Meropia Davydovna now? ” Glafira speaks already after Lynyaev said: “Well, I’m getting married.”

In the house of Murzavetskaya, Chugunov incites in every way to revenge an already angry mistress. The aim of Chugunov is to get Merop Davydovn to give a move to his fakes. Another – allegedly a letter from Kupavin to Apollo with the recognition of “debt” – in the annex to the “bill.” Chugunov also shows the technique of the case-an old book, in which the document fades at once. The whole question is to “frighten” or to move on the whole form?

Comes Berkutov, said courtesy: he brought Meropia Davydovne books “spiritual content,” he wants to run and looks forward to support and advice. She bowes and remembers: there is still a “small request”, “an order from my neighbor, Evlampy Nikolaevna.” The conversation quickly changes the character. “What are they rascals, what are they doing with you!” – “Who is this, who?” – “Your nephew, Apollo, and company.” “Do not forget yourself, my dear sir!” “They do not have anything to lose, they have nothing to lose, and they’ll have nothing to see like that in the dock, they’ll see the prosecutor, the investigation will begin.” The main culprit, Goretsky, does not hide anything. “Wrong promissory notes I suspect your nephew, I do not suspect you, in fact! ” – “No, no, not me, not me!”

And, asking to call Chugunov, Berkutov proceeds to the matter: “They talk about the Siberian railway, and if there are no physical obstacles, mountains, for example…” – “There are no obstacles and mountains, flat province. to deliver to Siberia, what products? ” – “There are products, Vukol Naumych!” “Products” for Siberia – and there is Vukol Naumych and the company. Chugunov thanks for the warning and is going to destroy the evidence. But Berkutov stops him: he should also get some for his labors, and Kupavina – a small lesson. And Chugunov leaves, he is obliged to do everything.

Then Kupavina svavatyvanie is played out without a twig and a hitch, and then Glafira’s celebration, which was on a visit, shows that “Michelle” is completely under her heel. The comedy of the scene does not lend itself to a shortened paraphrase. “Yes, there are wolves and sheep in the world,” says Lynyaev. The future Berkutovs go to Petersburg for the winter, and the Lynyaevs go to Paris. After their departure Chugunov says Meropia Davydovna: “Why did Lynyaev call us wolves? We are chickens, pigeons.” Here they are, wolves, that’s how they swallow a lot. “

Murzavetsky’s cries are heard: “Tamerlane ate wolves!” “That Tamerlane,” Chugunov consoles him, “just then, the wolves ate your” bride with your dowry, “and Lynyaev.” Yes, and my aunt and I stayed a little alive.



