“Jane Eyre” Bronte in summary

Jane Eyre lost her parents early and now she lived with her aunt, Mrs. Reed. Her life was not sugar. The fact is that Mrs. Reed was not her own aunt, but only a widow of her mother’s brother. About the parents of the girl, she was of the lowest opinion, and how else, because the mother of Jen, coming from a good family, married a priest who did not have a penny for his soul. On the paternal side, Jen said, she had no relatives, and if they did, they were not gentlemen-poor people and poorly educated, so it was not worth talking about.

Domestic – Mrs. Reed herself, her children John, Eliza and Georgiana and even the servants – all hourly made it clear to the orphan that she was not like everyone else who kept her here only out of great mercy. Unanimously everyone considered Jen an evil, deceitful, spoiled girl that was pure water untrue. On the contrary, the young Reids were evil and deceitful, who loved to plague Jen, start quarreling with her, and then put it all to blame.

One day after one of these quarrels, which ended in a fight with John, Jen was locked up in punishment in the Red Room, the most mysterious and terrible in the Gateshead Hall – Mr. Reed let out his last sigh. From fear of seeing his ghost, the poor girl lost consciousness, and afterwards a fever arose with which she could not recover for a long time.

Not wanting to bother with a sick and such a bad girl, Mrs. Reed decided that it was time to identify Jen to school.

The school, which for many years became a home for Jen, was called Lovud and was an unpleasant place, and on closer examination it turned out to be an orphanage. But Jen did not have a warm hearth in the past, and so she was not too worried, finding herself in this gloomy and cold place. The girls here went in identical dresses and with the same hairstyles, everything was done on a call, the food was perverse and scant, the teachers were rude and soulless, the pupils were hammered, dull and embittered.

Among the teachers, the exception was the directress Miss Temple: there was enough warmth in her soul to dress them for disadvantaged girls. Between the pupils, too, there was one unlike the others, and Jen became very close to her. This girl’s name was Helen Burns. During the months of friendship with Helene, Jen learned a lot and understood, and most importantly, that God is not a formidable overseer for bad children, but a loving Father in heaven.

Jane Eyre spent eight years in Lowood: six as a pupil, two as a teacher.

One day, the eighteen-year-old Jen suddenly realized with her whole being that she could no longer stay in Lowood. She saw the only way to get out of school – to find a governess’s place, Jen advertised in the newspaper and some time later received an attractive invitation to the estate Thornfield.

In Thornfield she was met by a kindly elderly lady, a housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax, who explained to Jen that she would be the apprentice of Miss Adele, the ward of the owner of the manor of Mr. Edward Rochester. Mr. Rochester himself visited Thornfield only with occasional sudden visits, spending most of his time somewhere on the continent.

The atmosphere of Thornfield and in comparison did not go with the one in which Jen spent the previous eight years. Everything here promised her a pleasant, wicked life, despite the fact that there was some mystery hidden in the house: sometimes strange things happened at night, inhuman laughter could be heard… Yet at times the girl was overcome by a feeling of longing and loneliness. Finally, as always, unexpectedly, Mr. Rochester appeared at Thornfield. Strongly beaten, broad-shouldered, swarthy, with stern, irregular features, he was by no means a handsome man, which in the depths of his heart pleased Jen, confident that no handsome man would ever have honored her, a gray mouse, and a little attention. Between Jen and Rochester, a deep mutual sympathy almost immediately arose, which they both carefully concealed. she – for cool respect,

Jen had to experience the torment of jealousy, although she herself did not admit it, when Rochester of all the ladies in Thornfield socialite began to give preference to a certain Miss Blanche, a beauty, unnatural, according to Jen, to the core. Went even talk about an imminent wedding.

Jen was focused on sad thoughts about where to go, when Rochester brings a young wife into the house, and Adele will be sent to school. But then unexpectedly, Edward Rochester opened his feelings and made a proposal, not Blanche, but to her, Jen. Jen joyfully answered with her consent, thanking God, for she had long loved Edward. They decided to play the wedding in a month.

For a pleasant hassle this month flew like one day. And then Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester stand in front of the altar. The priest was about to declare them husband and wife, when suddenly a man appeared in the middle of the church and declared that marriage could not be concluded because Rochester already has a wife. Killed on the spot, he did not argue. Everyone left the church in confusion.

To justify himself Edward revealed the failed Mrs. Rochester so carefully guarded the secret of his life.

In his youth, he was in a very difficult material situation because his father, in order to avoid the fragmentation of the possessions, all bequeathed him to his elder brother. Not wishing, however, to leave his younger son as a beggar, he married Edward, then an inexperienced inexperienced youth, a rich bride from the West Indies. At the same time, Edward concealed that in the family of Bertha there were insane and drunken drunkards. After the wedding, the bad heredity was not slow to affect it; very soon she completely lost her human form, turning into a soulless, angry animal. He had no choice but to hide Berta under reliable supervision in his ancestral nest-and Edward’s father and brother had died by this time-and he himself could live the life of a young, wealthy bachelor. This laughter of his wife was heard at night in Thornfield, it is she, having escaped from the bolt,

Let Jen not be his wife, but Rochester begged her to stay with him, because they loved each other… Jen was adamant: as soon as possible, she should leave Thornfield, so as not to succumb to temptation.

Early in the morning, almost entirely without money and luggage, she took a stagecoach next to the north and went without knowing where. Two days later the driver drove Jen at some crossroads amidst the vast wastelands, for, to go on, she had no money.

The poor thing miraculously did not die of hunger and cold, wandering in unfamiliar wild places. She stayed out of the way, and when they left her, she fell unconscious in the doorway of the house, to which she was not allowed by a cautious servant.

Jen was picked up by a local priest, St. John Rivers, who lived in this house with his two sisters, Diana and Mary. They were kind, beautiful, educated people. They immediately liked Jen, and she – to them, but out of caution, the girl called herself not a real, but a fictitious surname and did not begin to talk about her past.

St. John’s appearance was the exact opposite of Rochester: it was a tall blond with a figure and face of Apollo; in his eyes there shone extraordinary enthusiasm and determination. In St. John was in love with Rosamund, the beautiful daughter of the richest man in the district. He also had a strong feeling for her, which, however, persecuted him in every way, considering it low and unworthy of his high destiny – to bring the light of the gospel to the heathens in the darkness. St. John was going to go to India as a missionary, but before that he needed to get a companion and helper in the life’s feat. Jen, in his opinion, could not be better suited for this role, and St. John asked her to become his wife. About love, which she knew and understood Jen, there was no question, and therefore she resolutely denied the young priest, expressing at the same time the readiness to follow him as a sister and assistant. This option was unacceptable for a clergyman.

Jen with great pleasure gave all her strength to teaching in a rural school, opened with the help of St. John’s money of local wealthy people. One day the priest went to her after school and began to set forth the story… of her own life! Great was Jen’s bewilderment, but the story that followed, put everything in its unexpected places. Accidentally recognizing the real name of Jane, St. John something suspected: still, because it coincided with the name of his late mother. He made inquiries and made sure that Jen’s father was their brother to Mary and Diana’s mother, who had another brother, John Eyre, that got rich on Madeira and several years ago unsuccessfully tried to find a niece, Jane Eyre. Having died, it was she who bequeathed her entire fortune – as much as twenty thousand pounds. So, overnight, Jen became rich and bought two cute cousins ​​and a cousin. By her generosity, she violated the will of her late uncle and insisted that the fabulous inheritance be divided equally among the nephews.

No matter how well she lived with her newfound relatives, however much she loved her school, one man wielded her thoughts, and so, before entering a new era in life, Jen could not help but visit Thornfield. How she was struck when, instead of a majestic house, she saw the burned ruins. Jen made inquiries to the village innkeeper, and he said that the felon of the fire was the mad wife of Rochester, who died in the flames. Rochester tried to save her, but he himself was crushed by a collapsed roof; as a result, he lost the right hand and completely blind. Now the owner of Thornfield lived in his other estate nearby. There, without wasting time, and hurried Jen.

Physically Edward did not pass in the year that passed since the disappearance of Jen, but on his face lay a deep imprint of the suffering suffered. Jen with joy became the eyes and hands of the most dear to her man, with whom from now on was inseparable.

A little time passed, and tender friends decided to become husband and wife. Two years after his marriage to Edward Rochester, vision began to return; this only added to the happiness of an already happy couple. Diana and Mary also happily married, and only St. John was destined in severe solitude to carry out the feat of spiritual education of the Gentiles.



