In the first year of university A. If Chekhov thought up the story, it is interesting, what would he write about the mood of everyone at that time? If you have already written articles or notes, skinte, please, links to them and a few words about yourself on. In his memoirs, the writer notes that he remembers well how carpenters in the estate of Babkino near Voskresensk stumbled into the water on the burbot during the construction of the bath. It was not necessary to divide the skin of a not killed bear. Three gamblers tell his honor about the burbot. In our new article, we’ll look at the story. the main idea of which is the opposition of human power and power to the unpopular in many people of humility and meekness. Immediately noticeable how hard it is for them. Here it is – a real talent! On the shore appears the shepherd Yefim, who drove the herd. “Burbot” gives readers a lot of fun: the ridiculous, funny details of the plot contribute even more laughter to a cheerful, harmless incident. Usually acquaintance with a new book the kid begins by means of tactile and visual sensations – tries….
Usually acquaintance with a new book the kid begins by means of tactile and visual sensations – tries…. We can read the summary of works of Russian and foreign literature. The product clearly reflects the nature of the subtle Chekhovian humor, based on astonishing observation, love of life, impeccable knowledge of human psychology, the identity of the folk language and love of the Russian word. Chekhov’s subtle humor and his ability to find comical and at the same time instructive in ordinary everyday situations delight me.
“,” grab for the zebra “,” go on the side, on the left come! The fish waved its tail and plopped into the water. And the carpenters are still running under the willow. Later it turns out that they are trying to lure the burbot, who found a shelter under the driftwood. We have many people who will help you here. In addition, my last question was solved in less than 10 minutes: D Anyway, you can just log in and try to add your question. Barin Andrey Andreich reveals himself, lets himself cool down, climbs into the water and after a while clings to the burbot over the gills. In the year of the creation of the story, the writer’s definitive fixation of everyday plot lines of his works, accompanied by the strengthening of comic life circumstances, can be traced. It’s almost noon, and Gerasim and Lyubim are still floundering under the willow.
They pull the fish out to the surface, now you can see its huge head and large body. The four of them cut down a snag under which the burbot hides, and they try to pull it out. One person advises: – You are a finger, not a fist! Dear visitor, you came to the site as an unregistered user. Barin Andrey Andreich reveals himself, lets himself cool down, climbs into the water and after a while clings to the burbot over the gills. Andrei Andreich believes that only he is able to catch burbot, and goes into the water. What will Chekhov tell us next? “Burbot”, a brief summary of which is given here, is a humorous story. The hunters begin to mow down the snag with an ax, under which the burbot tries to save life.
“The sun bakes and bakes, the herd climbs into the garden, the bathhouse is spent two days doing nothing, but nothing is ready!” Anton Chekhov wrote the story “Burbot” in 1885. The hunters begin to cut off the snag with an ax under which burbot tries to save life. , do you have any problems with the homework assignment. The shepherd Efim appears on the shore, who drove the herd in. Before the publication of the story “Burbot”, A. Burbot turns and tries to slip out of the hands of the fishermen.
A hoarse bass and a cold, shrill tenor unswervingly break the silence of a summer day. “Here he is a real talent! Of course, the fish is not the protagonist of this work, but all the narrative lines of the story boil down to how to catch a cunning burbot climbing under the snag. ends, he undresses and also climbs into the pond and soon manages to grab the burbot by the gills. “,” Gerasim, go after the ax! “Four of them are already crowded on the water patch, while they are so absorbed in excitement that they shout and swear at each other, give each other Tips for catching burbot. “Burbot”, a summary of which can be read here, is a reflection of a real comic situation that the author once observed in the village Babkino. It is breaking a little, and Andrei Andreyevich, to his great delight, feeling,