Emelyan Pugachev was an ordinary subject of Russia, born in 1742 and (presumably), in the village of Zimoveyska. However, at that time no one suspected that historians would actively study the history of Pugachev’s uprising in the future. Briefly his biography can be described as follows: in 1769 he passed military service, participating in the Seven Years’ War, as well as in the war of Russia against Turkey. There he received the title of Corun. He demanded resignation due to illness, but the military command refused him this, so he deserted, falling into the hands of the authorities only in 1772, after which he was sent to Siberia for hard labor. A year later he fled, heading to the Cossack Yaikits.
Pugachev uprising briefly There he showed his ambitions, calling himself Peter III, and starting an uprising. However, his first rebel detachment was only 80 people. He refused to take a small town on the Yaik River, since he did not have artillery, but on his way to Orenburg his improvised army was replenished by many dissatisfied. By the end of 1773 he had two and a half thousand people and a couple of dozen guns. Orenburg was blocked, riots broke out in the area, and local peasants constantly helped the liberation movement. Pugachev won the first battle with government troops, losing all the guns.
Pugachev’s ambitions were large enough that he intended to raid Moscow in the summer of 1774. Nevertheless, near Kazan he again lost his artillery, and his troops retreated. Nevertheless, the peasants, learning about the arrival of Pugachev, began to massively join the ranks of the army, which became a serious threat to Moscow. At the same time Pugachev published a document according to which the peasants were to be exempt from serfdom.
Further, it remains to describe the defeat of Pugachev uprising briefly. In the same year, he took six cities, but after the failure of the assault of Tsaritsin, the Don Cossacks and Kalmyks betrayed Pugachev, which led to the failure of the uprising. Pugachev fled to the Volga steppes, where he was caught as a result of treachery. Ironically, he was taken to the same town on Yaik. Pugacheva was executed by order of Catherine the second on Bolotnaya Square, which to this day remains a symbol of resistance to criminal power in Russia.