Summary of the “Adventures of Cipollino” Rodari

Before reading this entertaining and instructive tale, it would not hurt to learn about the man who became the “father” of Cipollino. This is Italian Gianni Rodari, who was known not only in his native country, but also abroad, as an excellent journalist and author of works for children.

Rodari, in addition to the work “The Adventures of Cipollino,” a brief summary of which we are studying, wrote a lot. At the same time he succeeded both in poetry and in prose. Among the most famous works of the author is “Jelsomino in the land of liars” – a book that is associated with the name of Rodari at least as much as the legendary Cipollino.

Why are the author’s works so convincing?

Perhaps the tale of the difficult fate of poor vegetables turned out to be so truthful, vital and life-affirming precisely because Rodari himself did not live the simplest and easiest life. Let’s start with the fact that the future writer was born in 1920 in Italy, and his father, who was the owner of a small bakery, recovered in a different world when Gianni was only 10 years old. So he and his brothers remained in the care of their mother. In those days, in order to survive, it was necessary in the most direct sense of the word to work hard. So Rodari’s mother had to work as a maid, but this barely allowed to make ends meet. At the same time, the boy had to study at a theological seminary, which the family could afford. True, do not be in this educational institution the richest library in which Gianni replenished the baggage of knowledge and understood that his vocation is writing, we, perhaps,

Much of Gianni’s worldview changed the fact that his brother Cesare was imprisoned in a concentration camp. In addition, the imprint on Rodari’s work was imposed by the fact that he was an active member of the Communist Party. In principle, when reading the “Adventures of Cipollino,” a brief or full version, one can guess what ideals Gianni Rodari wanted to invest in the heads of the younger generation.

How did the story begin?

Those who need from the book Gianni Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino” a summary, in any case, it is necessary to understand how this fairy tale begins. So, let’s get started!

It would seem that the terrible thing is to step on someone’s foot? It turns out that this is a terrible state crime. This is the case with the old Chipollone, the father of Cipollino, who had the misfortune to stamp the royal limb of Prince Lemon.

It is important that the old man did it by his own will, but only because he was pushed. But for whom does this matter? Cipollone quickly “awarded” the status of a state criminal. And in the crowd there are rumors that he was holding in his pocket either a machine gun or a pistol. And, of course, he only dreamed about deciding the prince. So, read the “Adventures of Cipollino” (summary). The main characters become familiar to us from the very beginning, more precisely – the central character of the work. Yes, further actions will unfold just around the boy-onions!

“Adventures of Cipollino”: a summary of the first chapter

We have already understood everything about the history. Actually, the further adventures of the main character will be devoted to changing something in the current order. This is what Cipollino says about visiting his father in prison. This point should definitely be included in the “Adventures of Cipollino” (short content) for the readers diary.

A little running forward, we note that, despite all the difficulties, the hero was able to fulfill his promise. He remained an honest citizen, freed from captivity not only his father, but also many others, and he himself did not end up in prison.

Also, during his meeting with his father, Cipollino received a very useful advice – to go wandering, so that during the journeys to gain a useful life experience.

We continue to study the “Adventures of Cipollino.” A summary of the chapters follows.

And what happened next, or Tears of the Chevalier Tomato

Already in the second chapter we get acquainted with another iconic character – cavalier Tomidor, which invariably causes laughter with his overly pompous and, we admit, in places a rather strange behavior. And in the second chapter, the Pumpkin cousin appears with his house, in which it was possible to live only… sitting. True, to build this house, the Qumu Pumpkin had to deny himself almost everything and live half-starving. The more offensive he was, when a gentleman appeared in the village, dressed all in green. This was the manager of the rich and notable Countess of Vishen. He thought that the Pumpkin’s cousin had built a modest and even a miserable little house, but a real palace. Thus, in the opinion of the cavalier, the property of the Countess was damaged. So it was decided that the house should be taken away from the owner.

But it was not there! There appeared the ubiquitous Cipollino, who informed Tomadore that he was studying fraudsters. And one of them is in front of him. As if the cavalier was not angry, the meeting with the prankster Cipollino ended in the fact that he… burst into tears. And all because I tried to pull the boy by the hair. What happens when you clean a bow, everyone knows. Tomato did not escape the bitter tears! Thus, Cipollino has made himself an irreconcilable enemy. But the house of Pumpkin’s queen remained in place. And the Lukovka boy got a job with the master Vinogradinka, a shoemaker.

Continuation of interesting acquaintances

The adventures of Cipollino (the summary of each chapter, of course, inadvisable) continued with the fact that he had become acquainted with the master of violin playing, the pussy of Grusha, and the family of Tysiachinochek, who would also play their roles in later events.

Then came another acquaintance, much less pleasant. A new friend was a dog who responded to the nickname Mastino. He was brought by the Chevalier Tomato, in order to provide protection for the Pumpkin’s house.

Of course, Cipollino could not react to this in any way. So he watered the dog with water, which dissolved the sleeping pills.

Opposition is gaining new strength

Naturally, the trick with sleeping pills brought a lot of positive emotions to the villagers, but they understood perfectly well that the matter would not end there. Therefore, it was decided to hide the long-suffering house. The optimal place for this was recognized by the forest in which the living creature of the Blueberry lived. True, for him a modest house was almost a palace (before that he lived in a shell from a chestnut tree). And yet the Cossack Cernik feared that he would be robbed. Because he wrote for thieves ad. As a result, all the thieves, who had the idea to profit something in this house, left without a particularly valuable booty, but with a lot of positive emotions.

How does one know?

In the meantime, the relatives of the Countess Vishnyam came to them. Someone is Baron Orange and the Duke of Mandarin. The first of them amazed with unprecedented gluttony, and the second – unprecedentedly nasty character and propensity to blackmail.

Everyone suffered from this: the countesses themselves, their servants, and all their subjects. A lot of money went to the nephew of the noble ladies – young Vishenka, who did not like his relatives very much, but, being cultured and educated, tried not to bother anyone, to please everyone. His only girlfriend was Zemlyanichka, who served the cavalier Tomato.

Another factor, constantly upsetting Cherry, was his tutor, Petrushka. This individual differed in that he wrote strange ads, by which he forbade his student to do absolutely ordinary things.

Development of confrontation with the authorities

When the cavalier Tomato found out that the house of the Pumpkin fumes had disappeared, he did not think much longer. Instead he asked the Prince of Limon for a detachment of policemen who quickly arrested all the villagers.

And then Chipollino and Radiska, a girl from the village, met with Cherry. Only the beginning friendship was interrupted by the knight Tomato. As a result, Cherry fell ill.

Meanwhile, very important events took place in the prison. The detainees, among whom were the defenders of the Pumpkin house, as well as Father Cipollino and many others, got acquainted among themselves and among other things repulsed the attack of the army of mice.

In the prison was Cipollino. True, and then he smiled luck. He met with Mole, who helped him move from his cell to another, and then escape.

In the struggle, and included Cherry, who was very anxious to help Cipollino. He got the keys to the dungeon from the Chevalier Tomato. As a result, there was a massive escape of prisoners.

And then there were many more exciting events like adventure with a seal, the misadventures of the detective Mr. Morkow and his dog Derzhi-Khvatai, trips in an amazing train, cooperation with a spider-mailman. In addition, the lord Tomador again had to cry!

How did it end?

And the truth is, what is the final of Rodari’s book, The Adventures of Cipollino, the brief content of which we read? The result of all the adventures was that the young Cipollino not only freed his father from prison, but was able to overthrow the power of the dishonorable Prince Lemon and his supporters. After that, everything changed! In the state there was a Palace of children, a puppet theater and a new school, in which once a noble Cherry and a simple boy Cipollino could learn.

Instead of concluding

This story is a hymn of dedication, a belief in the best, the ability to be friends!

The adventures of Cipollino, a short summary of the whole story, can be considered complete! But how to know what will happen next? After all, he clearly can not reconcile with injustice, if any of them happens again! And again will come into the fight. In the meantime, the adventures of Cipollino (a brief summary for the readers’ diary is given in the article) are over!



