Summary of “Emotional Intelligence”

It is no secret that one can achieve success in work and life not only with a special mindset, diligence and professional skills, but also having a set of specific traits of character, internal superiority and the art of management of other people.

Change life for the better without the possession of secret knowledge, it is enough to show initiative, faith in the best, adaptability and leadership. These qualities will help a person to prove himself as a person and to survive in a modern society. To such a conclusion came the American psychologist, journalist and writer Daniel Goleman in his book “Emotional Intelligence in Business.”

Daniel Goleman was born in 1946, is the author of more than 10 books on education, psychology and art of management. He received awards and world recognition for his research in the field of psychology and achievements in journalistic activities. “Emotional intelligence in business” was released in 1995 and immediately gained popularity in many countries around the world. The reason for writing served two articles, which described the relationship between the intellect of man and emotions.

Daniel Goleman at that time had the experience of a journalist and a doctorate in psychology, which he received at Harvard. The knowledge gained helped him in writing the work of life, on the topic of ways to achieve success in work that has not lost its popularity so far. The book found a huge number of readers and fans, a special popularity it acquired in the business community.

After the publication of the book, Daniel Goleman began receiving feedback from people on the topic of personal achievements. Anyone who has achieved success in the work, not having the proper level of education, shared with him impressions. The book helped to understand the reason for their victories, unlike other equally talented, but not so lucky people.



