It is in this part of the narrative that the main circle of the main character’s friends and common interests form. The initial confrontation between the two most respected and respected students in the classroom grows into rapprochement between them, and then into real friendship, despite the ongoing disputes “decisively about everything.” At the same time, Kartashev owns the most contradictory feelings. On the one hand, he can not but respect Kornev’s readability, which Pisarev, Bockle, Belinsky, and the firmness of judgments and assessments in his readership list, but, on the other hand, wanting to preserve his own point of view, Theme tries to limit Kornev’s influence on his mental life. Only after reading all the books necessary for the “progressive young man” in the relations between Kartashev and Kornev “equality has crept in.”
Soon Kartashov will become a frequent guest in the Kornevs’ house and even fall in love with his friend’s younger sister. However, Pisarev’s gymnastic passions, religious doubts that arise in the topic due to communication with Kornev, come into conflict with the values of the Kartashev family. Aglaida Vasilyevna tries to welcome the comrades of her son, especially Kornev, in order to have an immediate opportunity to know about the direction of their thoughts and interests. Her mind, attentive attitude to each of Kartashev’s friends, as well as the hospitality with which the guests are received, proves attractive to the whole company, intending to publish a gymnasium journal in analogy with the periodicals that existed at that time. And each of the participants of the future journal set an individual creative task. For example, Be-rendya undertook “to prove historically,
After the publication of the magazine, they are introduced not only to the gymnasium – pages that were copied in a smooth, neat handwriting, were brought home by Kartashov. However, the mother of the Theme admired the logically developing idea in the article of Kornev, and the opus of his own son only upset Aglaida Vasilyevna, and even in the gymnasium they spoke exclusively about the articles of Kornev, Dolby and Berendi – they were silent about Kartashev. Nevertheless, the wounded self-esteem does not prevent Teme from continuing to take part in general disputes. Through Berendu, the company meets with a drunk technician and teacher. Discussion about the fate of these people grows into a heated debate about earthly happiness, the altruistic ideal of life, “which is inaccessible neither to the dirty hands of the rascal, nor fatal accidents.” But in the face of Aglaida Vasilievna, Theme does not find sympathy for the reasoning about the “truth of the tavern.”
Otherwise, relationships are built in the family of the Kornevs. Unlike the topic, the parental influence on Kornev is limited to observing the external decency – regardless of the religious views of the son, the father requires a visit to the church. In the family of Kartashevs to Kornev are somewhat wary, but with invariable interest. Therefore, they readily acknowledge the invitation made by the theme to Kornev, after the passed examinations, to spend a vacation in their village, where friends can enjoy life “in pleasant nothingness”. However, Theme and Kornev not only rest, but also try to get acquainted with the life of the peasants. To do this, friends communicate a lot with the village priest and the prosperous, at first glance, landowner Neruchev, who will later become the husband of Kreshev’s older sister Zina. Their family life will develop unhappily, and then Zina, already a mother of three children, will leave them in the care of Aglaida Vasilievna, and she herself will be tonsured in Jerusalem as a nun. But then the time spent at the gymnasium turns out to be one of the brightest episodes in the life of each of the young people: Kartashev’s mother and sisters are fascinated by Kornev’s mind and talents.
Return to the city and the beginning of the new school year was also the beginning of subsequent sad events in the fate of some of the heroes of the story. During the summer, Berendya, living as a hermit and meeting only with “drunkards,” was especially addicted to vodka. In addition, the following incident occurred in the gymnasium: according to the denunciation of the Latinist, after a literary evening, the history teacher who was favorite by the gymnasium students and who spoke at the evening about the need for changes in the education system was forced to file a resignation petition. Berendya and Rylsky were the main instigators of obstruction, which the schoolgirls arranged for the informer. There followed their expulsion from the gymnasium, which became fatal for Berendi. Ultimately entangled in monetary and love relationships, unfairly accused of murder, Berendya commits suicide. His death produces in the gymnasium ” shocking impression. “At the funeral, Dolba gives a speech that almost becomes the reason for his expulsion, and only the intercession of Kartashev, who was a relative of the new governor-general appointed to the city, saves him from the sad fate of Berendi and Rylsky. the most beautiful and the groom of Natasha Korneva, sister of Vasya Korneva, is forever abroad. “Drunkards,” whose names along with Berendi’s name appeared in the murder case in the city, were expelled enes outside Odessa. The latter, who was considered the most beautiful in the company and who was the bridegroom of Natasha Korneva, sister of Vasya Kornev, is forever abroad. “Drunkards,” whose names along with Berendi’s name appeared in the murder case that occurred in the city, were expelled from the territory of Odessa. The latter, who was considered the most beautiful in the company and who was the bridegroom of Natasha Korneva, sister of Vasya Kornev, is forever abroad. “Drunkards,” whose names along with Berendi’s name appeared in the murder case that occurred in the city, were expelled from the territory of Odessa.
In addition, the educational reform that was initiated led to changes in the life of each of the students. Classical education was now not limited to seven years – an additional year of study was introduced. But for those who stood the final exams, the gymnasium time was over already this year. The whole company “with fear and trembling” was preparing for the exams, firmly resolved to finish the gymnasium at any price.
Examination tests happily end both for the Theme, and for all his comrades.